        public async Task BehaviorWhenServerIsDown()
            using (var store = NewStore())
                var server          = GetServer();
                var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(server.Configuration.DataDirectory, "Export");
                    var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions {
                        Url = "http://localhost:8078/", DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                    var smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();

                    var e = await AssertAsync.Throws <SmugglerException>(() => smugglerApi.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                        FromFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath(), To = options

                    Assert.Contains("Smuggler encountered a connection problem:", e.Message);

                    e = await AssertAsync.Throws <SmugglerException>(() => smugglerApi.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                        ToFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath(), From = options

                    Assert.Contains("Smuggler encountered a connection problem:", e.Message);
        internal static async Task <FilesStore> CreateStore(FilesConnectionStringOptions options)
            var credentials = options.Credentials as NetworkCredential;

            if (credentials == null)
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
            else if ((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.UserName) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.Password)))
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

            var store = new FilesStore
                Credentials       = credentials,
                ApiKey            = options.ApiKey,
                Url               = options.Url,
                DefaultFileSystem = options.DefaultFileSystem,


            await ValidateThatServerIsUpAndFilesystemExists(options, store);

        internal static FilesStore CreateStore(FilesConnectionStringOptions options)
            var credentials = options.Credentials as NetworkCredential;

            if (credentials == null)
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
            else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.UserName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.Password)))
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

            var store = new FilesStore
                Credentials       = credentials,
                ApiKey            = options.ApiKey,
                Url               = options.Url,
                DefaultFileSystem = options.DefaultFileSystem,


        public async Task ShouldNotThrowIfFileSystemExists()
            using (var store = NewStore(fileSystemName: "DoesExists", requestedStorage: "esent"))
                var server          = GetServer();
                var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(server.Configuration.DataDirectory, "Export");

                    await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Admin.EnsureFileSystemExistsAsync(store.DefaultFileSystem);
                    await InitializeWithRandomFiles(store, 2, 4);

                    var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions {
                        Url = store.Url, DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                    var smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();
                    var export      = await smugglerApi.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                        From = options, ToFile = outputDirectory

                    await smugglerApi.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                        FromFile = export.FilePath, To = options
        internal static async Task<FilesStore> CreateStore(FilesConnectionStringOptions options)
            var credentials = options.Credentials as NetworkCredential;
            if (credentials == null)
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
            else if ((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.UserName) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.Password)))
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

            var store = new FilesStore
                Credentials = credentials,
                ApiKey = options.ApiKey,
                Url = options.Url,
                DefaultFileSystem = options.DefaultFileSystem,


            await ValidateThatServerIsUpAndFilesystemExists(options, store);

            return store;
        public async Task ShouldThrowIfFileSystemDoesNotExist()
            using (var store = NewStore())
                var server = GetServer();
                var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(server.Configuration.DataDirectory, "Export");

                    var smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();

                    var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
                        Url = store.Url,
                        DefaultFileSystem = "DoesNotExist"

                    var message = string.Format("Smuggler does not support file system creation (file system 'DoesNotExist' on server '{0}' must exist before running Smuggler).", store.Url);

                    var e = await AssertAsync.Throws<SmugglerException>(() => smugglerApi.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> { ToFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath(), From = options }));
                    Assert.Equal(message, e.Message);

                    e = await AssertAsync.Throws<SmugglerException>(() => smugglerApi.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> { FromFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath(), To = options }));
                    Assert.Equal(message, e.Message);
        public async Task CanDisableVersioningDuringImport()
            long fileCount;
            string export = Path.Combine(NewDataPath("export_3219"), "Export");

            using (var store = NewStore())
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    await store.AsyncFilesCommands.UploadAsync("test-" + i, StringToStream("hello"));

                var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
                    Url = store.Url,
                    DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                var smuggler = new SmugglerFilesApi();
                await smuggler.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions>
                    From = options,
                    ToFile = export

                fileCount = (await store.AsyncFilesCommands.GetStatisticsAsync()).FileCount;

            using (var store = NewStore(activeBundles: "Versioning", fileSystemName: "Import", index: 1))
                await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Configuration.SetKeyAsync(VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName, new VersioningConfiguration
                    Id = VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName

                var smuggler = new SmugglerFilesApi(new SmugglerFilesOptions()
                    ShouldDisableVersioningBundle = true

                var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions { Url = store.Url, DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem };

                await smuggler.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> { FromFile = export, To = options });

                var fileCountAfterImport = (await store.AsyncFilesCommands.GetStatisticsAsync()).FileCount;

                Assert.Equal(fileCount, fileCountAfterImport);

                // after import versioning should be active
                await store.AsyncFilesCommands.UploadAsync("with-rev", StringToStream("rev"));

                using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    var revisions = await session.GetRevisionsForAsync("with-rev", 0, 10);
                    Assert.Equal(1, revisions.Length);
        //private void DefineDatabaseOptionsSet(DatabaseSmugglerOptions databaseOptions)
        //    databaseOptionSet = new OptionSet();
        //	databaseOptionSet.OnWarning += s => ConsoleHelper.WriteLineWithColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, s);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("operate-on-types:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Specify the types to operate on. Specify the types to operate on. You can specify more than one type by combining items with a comma." + Environment.NewLine +
        //                                               "Default is all items." + Environment.NewLine +
        //                                               "Usage example: Indexes,Documents,Attachments,RemoveAnalyzers", value =>
        //                                               {
        //	                                               try
        //	                                               {
        //		                                               if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) == false)
        //		                                               {
        //			                                               databaseOptions.OperateOnTypes = (ItemType) Enum.Parse(typeof (ItemType), value, ignoreCase: true);
        //		                                               }
        //	                                               }
        //	                                               catch (Exception e)
        //	                                               {
        //		                                               PrintUsageAndExit(e);
        //	                                               }
        //                                               });

        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("metadata-filter:{=}", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Filter documents by a metadata property." + Environment.NewLine +
        //                                                 "Usage example: Raven-Entity-Name=Posts, or Raven-Entity-Name=Posts,Persons for multiple document types", (key, val) => databaseOptions.Filters.Add(new FilterSetting
        //                                                                                                                                                                                                     {
        //	                                                                                                                                                                                                     Path = "@metadata." + key,
        //	                                                                                                                                                                                                     ShouldMatch = true,
        //	                                                                                                                                                                                                     Values = FilterSetting.ParseValues(val)
        //                                                                                                                                                                                                     }));

        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("negative-metadata-filter:{=}", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Filter documents NOT matching a metadata property." + Environment.NewLine +
        //                                                          "Usage example: Raven-Entity-Name=Posts", (key, val) => databaseOptions.Filters.Add(
        //	                                                          new FilterSetting
        //	                                                          {
        //		                                                          Path = "@metadata." + key,
        //		                                                          ShouldMatch = false,
        //		                                                          Values = FilterSetting.ParseValues(val)
        //	                                                          }));

        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("filter:{=}", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Filter documents by a document property" + Environment.NewLine +
        //                                        "Usage example: Property-Name=Value", (key, val) => databaseOptions.Filters.Add(
        //	                                        new FilterSetting
        //	                                        {
        //		                                        Path = key,
        //		                                        ShouldMatch = true,
        //		                                        Values = FilterSetting.ParseValues(val)
        //	                                        }));

        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("negative-filter:{=}", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Filter documents NOT matching a document property" + Environment.NewLine +
        //                                                 "Usage example: Property-Name=Value", (key, val) => databaseOptions.Filters.Add(
        //	                                                 new FilterSetting
        //	                                                 {
        //		                                                 Path = key,
        //		                                                 ShouldMatch = false,
        //		                                                 Values = FilterSetting.ParseValues(val)
        //	                                                 }));

        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("ignore-errors-and-continue", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "If this option is enabled, smuggler will not halt its operation on errors. Errors still will be displayed to the user.", value =>
        //	{
        //		databaseOptions.IgnoreErrorsAndContinue = true;
        //	});
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("transform:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Transform documents using a given script (import only)", script => databaseOptions.TransformScript = script);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("transform-file:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Transform documents using a given script file (import only)", script => databaseOptions.TransformScript = File.ReadAllText(script));
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("max-steps-for-transform-script:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Maximum number of steps that transform script can have (import only)", s => databaseOptions.MaxStepsForTransformScript = int.Parse(s));
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("batch-size:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The batch size for requests", s => databaseOptions.BatchSize = int.Parse(s));
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("chunk-size:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The number of documents to import before new connection will be opened", s => databaseOptions.ChunkSize = int.Parse(s));
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("d|database:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The database to operate on. If no specified, the operations will be on the default database.", value => databaseOptions.Source.DefaultDatabase = value);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("d2|database2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The database to export to. If no specified, the operations will be on the default database. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => databaseOptions.Destination.DefaultDatabase = value);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("wait-for-indexing", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Wait until all indexing activity has been completed (import only)", _ => databaseOptions.WaitForIndexing = true);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("excludeexpired", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Excludes expired documents created by the expiration bundle", _ => databaseOptions.ShouldExcludeExpired = true);
        //          databaseOptionSet.Add("disable-versioning-during-import", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Disables versioning for the duration of the import", _ => databaseOptions.ShouldDisableVersioningBundle = true);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("limit:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Reads at most VALUE documents.", s => databaseOptions.Limit = int.Parse(s));
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("timeout:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The timeout to use for requests", s => databaseOptions.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(int.Parse(s)));
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("incremental", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "States usage of incremental operations", _ => databaseOptions.Incremental = true);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("u|user|username:"******"The username to use when the database requires the client to authenticate.", value => GetCredentials(databaseOptions.Source).UserName = value);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("u2|user2|username2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The username to use when the database requires the client to authenticate. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => GetCredentials(databaseOptions.Destination).UserName = value);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("p|pass|password:"******"The password to use when the database requires the client to authenticate.", value => GetCredentials(databaseOptions.Source).Password = value);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("p2|pass2|password2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The password to use when the database requires the client to authenticate. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => GetCredentials(databaseOptions.Destination).Password = value);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("domain:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The domain to use when the database requires the client to authenticate.", value => GetCredentials(databaseOptions.Source).Domain = value);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("domain2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The domain to use when the database requires the client to authenticate. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => GetCredentials(databaseOptions.Destination).Domain = value);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("key|api-key|apikey:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The API-key to use, when using OAuth.", value => databaseOptions.Source.ApiKey = value);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("key2|api-key2|apikey2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The API-key to use, when using OAuth. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => databaseOptions.Destination.ApiKey = value);
        //          databaseOptionSet.Add("strip-replication-information", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Remove all replication information from metadata (import only)", _ => databaseOptions.StripReplicationInformation = true);
        //	databaseOptionSet.Add("continuation-token:", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "Activates the usage of a continuation token in case of unreliable connections or huge imports", s => databaseOptions.ContinuationToken = s);
        //          databaseOptionSet.Add("skip-conflicted", OptionCategory.SmugglerDatabase, "The database will issue and error when conflicted documents are put. The default is to alert the user, this allows to skip them to continue.", _ => databaseOptions.SkipConflicted = true);

        private NetworkCredential GetCredentials(FilesConnectionStringOptions connectionStringOptions)
            var cred = connectionStringOptions.Credentials as NetworkCredential;

            if (cred != null)
            cred = new NetworkCredential();
            connectionStringOptions.Credentials = cred;
        public async Task enableVersioningDuringImportFs()
            var export = Path.Combine(NewDataPath("src"), "Export");

            using (var store = NewStore(activeBundles: "Versioning"))
                await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Configuration.SetKeyAsync(VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName, new VersioningConfiguration
                    Id = VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    await store.AsyncFilesCommands.UploadAsync("test-" + i, StringToStream("hello"));

                var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
                    Url = store.Url,
                    DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                var smuggler = new SmugglerFilesApi();
                await smuggler.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions>
                    From   = options,
                    ToFile = export
            using (var store = NewStore(activeBundles: "Versioning", fileSystemName: "Import", index: 1))
                await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Configuration.SetKeyAsync(VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName, new VersioningConfiguration
                    Id = VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName

                var smuggler = new SmugglerFilesApi(new SmugglerFilesOptions()
                    ShouldDisableVersioningBundle = false

                var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions {
                    Url = store.Url, DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                var e = await AssertAsync.Throws <ErrorResponseException>(async() => await smuggler.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                    FromFile = export, To = options

                Assert.Contains("PUT vetoed on file /test-0/revisions/1 by Raven.Database.FileSystem.Bundles.Versioning.Plugins.VersioningPutTrigger because: Creating a historical revision is not allowed", e.Message);
        public async Task disableVersioningDuringImportFs()
            var export = Path.Combine(NewDataPath("src"), "Export");

            using (var store = NewStore(activeBundles: "Versioning"))
                await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Configuration.SetKeyAsync(VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName, new VersioningConfiguration
                    Id = VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    await store.AsyncFilesCommands.UploadAsync("test-" + i, StringToStream("hello"));

                var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
                    Url = store.Url,
                    DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                var smuggler = new SmugglerFilesApi();
                await smuggler.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions>
                    From   = options,
                    ToFile = export
            using (var store = NewStore(activeBundles: "Versioning", fileSystemName: "Import", index: 1))
                await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Configuration.SetKeyAsync(VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName, new VersioningConfiguration
                    Id = VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName

                var smuggler = new SmugglerFilesApi(new SmugglerFilesOptions()
                    ShouldDisableVersioningBundle = true

                var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions {
                    Url = store.Url, DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                var e = await AssertAsync.DoesNotThrow(async() => await smuggler.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                    FromFile = export, To = options

        internal static async Task ValidateThatServerIsUpAndFileSystemExists(FilesConnectionStringOptions server, FilesStore s)
            var shouldDispose = false;

                var commands = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.DefaultFileSystem)
                                   ? s.AsyncFilesCommands.ForFileSystem(server.DefaultFileSystem)
                                   : s.AsyncFilesCommands;

                await commands.GetStatisticsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // check if file system exist
            catch (Exception e)
                shouldDispose = true;

                var responseException = e as ErrorResponseException;
                if (responseException != null && responseException.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable && responseException.Message.StartsWith("Could not find a resource named:"))
                    throw new SmugglerException(
                                  "Smuggler does not support file system creation (file system '{0}' on server '{1}' must exist before running Smuggler).",
                                  s.Url), e);

                if (e.InnerException != null)
                    var webException = e.InnerException as WebException;
                    if (webException != null)
                        throw new SmugglerException(string.Format("Smuggler encountered a connection problem: '{0}'.", webException.Message), webException);
                throw new SmugglerException(string.Format("Smuggler encountered a connection problem: '{0}'.", e.Message), e);
                if (shouldDispose)
        public async Task ShouldNotThrowIfFileSystemExistsUsingDefaultConfiguration()
            using (var store = NewStore())
                var server          = GetServer();
                var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(server.Configuration.DataDirectory, "Export");

                    await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Admin.EnsureFileSystemExistsAsync(store.DefaultFileSystem);
                    await InitializeWithRandomFiles(store, 1, 100);

                    var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions {
                        Url = store.Url, DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                    var smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();
                    var export      = await smugglerApi.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                        From = options, ToFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath()

                    await smugglerApi.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                        FromFile = export.FilePath, To = options

                    await VerifyDump(store, export.FilePath, s =>
                        using (var session = s.OpenAsyncSession())
                            var files = s.AsyncFilesCommands.BrowseAsync().Result;
                            Assert.Equal(1, files.Count());
        public async Task ShouldThrowIfFileSystemDoesNotExist()
            using (var store = NewStore())
                var server          = GetServer();
                var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(server.Configuration.DataDirectory, "Export");

                    var smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();

                    var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
                        Url = store.Url,
                        DefaultFileSystem = "DoesNotExist"

                    var message = string.Format("Smuggler does not support file system creation (file system 'DoesNotExist' on server '{0}' must exist before running Smuggler).", store.Url);

                    var e = await AssertAsync.Throws <SmugglerException>(() => smugglerApi.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                        ToFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath(), From = options

                    Assert.Equal(message, e.Message);

                    e = await AssertAsync.Throws <SmugglerException>(() => smugglerApi.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                        FromFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath(), To = options

                    Assert.Equal(message, e.Message);
        public async Task ShouldNotThrowIfFileSystemExists()
            using (var store = NewStore(fileSystemName: "DoesExists", requestedStorage: "esent"))
                var server = GetServer();
                var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(server.Configuration.DataDirectory, "Export");                

                    await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Admin.EnsureFileSystemExistsAsync(store.DefaultFileSystem);
                    await InitializeWithRandomFiles(store, 2, 4);

                    var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions { Url = store.Url, DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem };

                    var smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();
                    var export = await smugglerApi.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> { From = options, ToFile = outputDirectory });
                    await smugglerApi.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> { FromFile = export.FilePath, To = options });
 public virtual async Task <IAsyncEnumerator <FileHeader> > GetFiles(FilesConnectionStringOptions src, Etag lastEtag, int take)
     ShowProgress("Streaming documents from {0}, batch size {1}", lastEtag, take);
     return(await PrimaryStore.AsyncFilesCommands.StreamFilesAsync(lastEtag, pageSize : take));
 public virtual async Task<string> GetVersion(FilesConnectionStringOptions server)
     var buildNumber = await DocumentStore.AsyncDatabaseCommands.GlobalAdmin.GetBuildNumberAsync();
     return buildNumber.ProductVersion;
 public Task <string> GetVersion(FilesConnectionStringOptions server)
     return(new CompletedTask <string>(DocumentDatabase.ProductVersion));
        public virtual async Task <string> GetVersion(FilesConnectionStringOptions server)
            var buildNumber = await DocumentStore.AsyncDatabaseCommands.GlobalAdmin.GetBuildNumberAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

 private NetworkCredential GetCredentials(FilesConnectionStringOptions connectionStringOptions)
     var cred = connectionStringOptions.Credentials as NetworkCredential;
     if (cred != null)
         return cred;
     cred = new NetworkCredential();
     connectionStringOptions.Credentials = cred;
     return cred;
        public async Task BehaviorWhenServerIsDown()
            using (var store = NewStore())
                var server = GetServer();
                var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(server.Configuration.DataDirectory, "Export");

                    var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions { Url = "http://localhost:8078/", DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem };

                    var smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();

                    var e = await AssertAsync.Throws<SmugglerException>(() => smugglerApi.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> { FromFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath(), To = options }));
                    Assert.Contains("Smuggler encountered a connection problem:", e.Message);

                    e = await AssertAsync.Throws<SmugglerException>(() => smugglerApi.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> { ToFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath(), From = options }));
                    Assert.Contains("Smuggler encountered a connection problem:", e.Message);

 public RemoteSmugglingSource(FilesConnectionStringOptions connectionOptions)
     this.connectionOptions = connectionOptions;
 public virtual async Task<IAsyncEnumerator<FileHeader>> GetFiles(FilesConnectionStringOptions src, Etag lastEtag, int take)
     ShowProgress("Streaming documents from {0}, batch size {1}", lastEtag, take);
     return await PrimaryStore.AsyncFilesCommands.StreamFilesAsync(lastEtag, pageSize: take);
 public virtual Task <BuildNumber> GetVersion(FilesConnectionStringOptions server)
        internal static DocumentStore CreateDocumentStore(FilesConnectionStringOptions options)
            var credentials = options.Credentials as NetworkCredential;
            if (credentials == null)
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
            else if ((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.UserName) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentials.Password)))
                credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

            var store = new DocumentStore
                Credentials = credentials,
                ApiKey = options.ApiKey,
                Url = options.Url,


            return store;
        internal static async Task ValidateThatServerIsUpAndFilesystemExists(FilesConnectionStringOptions server, FilesStore s)
            var shouldDispose = false;

                var commands = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.DefaultFileSystem)
                                   ? s.AsyncFilesCommands.ForFileSystem(server.DefaultFileSystem)
                                   : s.AsyncFilesCommands;

                await commands.GetStatisticsAsync(); // check if file system exist
            catch (Exception e)
                shouldDispose = true;

                var responseException = e as ErrorResponseException;
                if (responseException != null && responseException.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable && responseException.Message.StartsWith("Could not find a file system named"))
                    throw new SmugglerException(
                            "Smuggler does not support file system creation (file system '{0}' on server '{1}' must exist before running Smuggler).",
                            s.Url), e);

                if (e.InnerException != null)
                    var webException = e.InnerException as WebException;
                    if (webException != null)
                        throw new SmugglerException(string.Format("Smuggler encountered a connection problem: '{0}'.", webException.Message), webException);
                throw new SmugglerException(string.Format("Smuggler encountered a connection problem: '{0}'.", e.Message), e);
                if (shouldDispose)
 public Task<string> GetVersion(FilesConnectionStringOptions server)
     return new CompletedTask<string>(DocumentDatabase.ProductVersion);
 public Task <BuildNumber> GetVersion(FilesConnectionStringOptions server)
     return(new CompletedTask <BuildNumber>(new BuildNumber {
         BuildVersion = DocumentDatabase.BuildVersion.ToString(), ProductVersion = DocumentDatabase.ProductVersion
 private void DefineFilesystemOptionSet(OptionSet optionSet, FileSystemSmugglerOptions options, FilesConnectionStringOptions source, FilesConnectionStringOptions destination)
     optionSet.OnWarning += s => ConsoleHelper.WriteLineWithColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow, s);
     // TODO arek
     //optionSet.Add("timeout:", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "The timeout to use for requests", s => options.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(int.Parse(s)));
     //optionSet.Add("incremental", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "States usage of incremental operations", _ => options.Incremental = true);
     databaseOptionSet.Add("disable-versioning-during-import", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "Disables versioning for the duration of the import", _ => options.ShouldDisableVersioningBundle = true);
     optionSet.Add("u|user|username:"******"The username to use when the filesystem requires the client to authenticate.", value => GetCredentials(source).UserName = value);
     optionSet.Add("u2|user2|username2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "The username to use when the filesystem requires the client to authenticate. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => GetCredentials(destination).UserName = value);
     optionSet.Add("p|pass|password:"******"The password to use when the filesystem requires the client to authenticate.", value => GetCredentials(source).Password = value);
     optionSet.Add("p2|pass2|password2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "The password to use when the filesystem requires the client to authenticate. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => GetCredentials(destination).Password = value);
     optionSet.Add("domain:", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "The domain to use when the filesystem requires the client to authenticate.", value => GetCredentials(source).Domain = value);
     optionSet.Add("domain2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "The domain to use when the filesystem requires the client to authenticate. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => GetCredentials(destination).Domain = value);
     optionSet.Add("key|api-key|apikey:", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "The API-key to use, when using OAuth.", value => source.ApiKey = value);
     optionSet.Add("key2|api-key2|apikey2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "The API-key to use, when using OAuth. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => destination.ApiKey   = value);
     optionSet.Add("f|filesystem:", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "The filesystem to operate on. If no specified, the operations will be on the default filesystem.", value => source.DefaultFileSystem = value);
     optionSet.Add("f2|filesystem2:", OptionCategory.SmugglerFileSystem, "The filesystem to export to. If no specified, the operations will be on the default filesystem. This parameter is used only in the between operation.", value => destination.DefaultFileSystem = value);
 public RemoteSmugglingDestination(FilesConnectionStringOptions connectionOptions)
     this.connectionOptions = connectionOptions;
        public async Task ShouldNotThrowIfFileSystemExistsUsingDefaultConfiguration()
            using (var store = NewStore())
                var server = GetServer();
                var outputDirectory = Path.Combine(server.Configuration.DataDirectory, "Export");

                    await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Admin.EnsureFileSystemExistsAsync(store.DefaultFileSystem);
                    await InitializeWithRandomFiles(store, 1, 100);

                    var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions {Url = store.Url, DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem};

                    var smugglerApi = new SmugglerFilesApi();
                    var export = await smugglerApi.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> { From = options, ToFile = outputDirectory.ToFullPath() });
                    await smugglerApi.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions<FilesConnectionStringOptions> { FromFile = export.FilePath, To = options });

                    await VerifyDump(store, export.FilePath, s =>
                        using (var session = s.OpenAsyncSession())
                            var files = s.AsyncFilesCommands.BrowseAsync().Result;
                            Assert.Equal(1, files.Count());
        public async Task CanDisableVersioningDuringImport()
            long   fileCount;
            string export = Path.Combine(NewDataPath("export_3219"), "Export");

            using (var store = NewStore())
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    await store.AsyncFilesCommands.UploadAsync("test-" + i, StringToStream("hello"));

                var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions
                    Url = store.Url,
                    DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                var smuggler = new SmugglerFilesApi();
                await smuggler.ExportData(new SmugglerExportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions>
                    From   = options,
                    ToFile = export

                fileCount = (await store.AsyncFilesCommands.GetStatisticsAsync()).FileCount;

            using (var store = NewStore(activeBundles: "Versioning", fileSystemName: "Import", index: 1))
                await store.AsyncFilesCommands.Configuration.SetKeyAsync(VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName, new VersioningConfiguration
                    Id = VersioningUtil.DefaultConfigurationName

                var smuggler = new SmugglerFilesApi(new SmugglerFilesOptions()
                    ShouldDisableVersioningBundle = true

                var options = new FilesConnectionStringOptions {
                    Url = store.Url, DefaultFileSystem = store.DefaultFileSystem

                await smuggler.ImportData(new SmugglerImportOptions <FilesConnectionStringOptions> {
                    FromFile = export, To = options

                var fileCountAfterImport = (await store.AsyncFilesCommands.GetStatisticsAsync()).FileCount;

                Assert.Equal(fileCount, fileCountAfterImport);

                // after import versioning should be active
                await store.AsyncFilesCommands.UploadAsync("with-rev", StringToStream("rev"));

                using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    var revisions = await session.GetRevisionsForAsync("with-rev", 0, 10);

                    Assert.Equal(1, revisions.Length);