        private async Task <string> ProcessFile(string tempFile, string tempDirectory, CancellationToken ct)
                var compressed = await _compressionService.Compress(tempFile, tempDirectory, ct);

                var compressedFilePath = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, compressed);
                var uploadedFilePath   = _uploadService.UploadFile(tempDirectory, compressedFilePath);
            } catch (Exception)
        public ValueDataResponse <SiteInfo> InsertSite(SiteInfo sites)
            ValueDataResponse <SiteInfo> response = new ValueDataResponse <SiteInfo>();

                var siteExists = _appContext.SiteInfos.Where(x => x.SiteReference == sites.SiteReference).FirstOrDefault();
                if (siteExists == null)
                    //    if (sites.Address != null)
                    //    {
                    //        coordinates LatLong = GetLatLngByAddress(sites.Address.ToString());
                    //        if (LatLong != null)
                    //        {
                    //            sites.Latitude = (float)(LatLong.Latitude);
                    //            sites.Longitude = (float)LatLong.Longitude;
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    var result = _appContext.SiteInfos.Add(sites);

                    if (sites.FileName != null)
                        string ModuleName = "Site";
                        var    now        = DateTime.Now;
                        var    yearName   = now.ToString("yyyy");
                        var    monthName  = now.Month.ToString("d2");
                        var    dayName    = now.ToString("dd");

                        FileUploadService repo = new FileUploadService();

                        //string FolderLocation = _config.Value.FileRepositoryFolder;
                        string FolderLocation = "FileRepository";
                        string ServerRootPath = _config.Value.ServerRootPath;

                        string Location = ServerRootPath + @"\" + FolderLocation + @"\" + yearName + @"\" + monthName + @"\" + dayName + @"\" + ModuleName;

                        // string Location = Path.Combine(ServerRootPath, FolderLocation, yearName, monthName, dayName, ModuleName);

                        byte[] FileBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(sites.FileName);

                        sites.FileName = repo.UploadFile(FileBytes, sites.FileExtention, Location);

                        sites.FileLocation = Path.Combine(yearName, monthName, dayName, ModuleName);

                    if (result != null)
                        response.Result          = sites;
                        response.IsSuccess       = true;
                        response.AffectedRecords = 1;
                        response.EndUserMessage  = "Site Added Successfully";
                        response.IsSuccess       = true;
                        response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                        response.EndUserMessage  = "Site Added Failed";
                    response.IsSuccess       = false;
                    response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                    response.EndUserMessage  = "Site Reference Already Exists";
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.IsSuccess       = false;
                response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                response.EndUserMessage  = ex.InnerException == null ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException.Message;
                response.Exception       = ex;

        public ActionResult UploadBarCodeLogImport(HttpPostedFileBase fileBase)
            HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files["files"];

            #region 【参数初始化】
            string uploadFileName    = "";
            string uploadFileAddress = "";
            string failFileName      = "";
            string failFileAddress   = "";
            string ext             = "";
            string noFileName      = "";
            string uploadDomain    = "/TireLog/BarCode";
            string barCodeBatchNum = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

            #region 【导入文件预判断】
            if (file == null || file.ContentLength <= 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件不能为空" }));
            var filesize = file.ContentLength;                                      //获取上传文件的大小单位为字节byte
            ext        = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);                //获取上传文件的扩展名
            noFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName); //获取无扩展名的文件名
            const string fileType = ".xls,.xlsx";                                   //定义上传文件的类型字符串

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ext))
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件扩展名不能为空" }));
            if (!fileType.Contains(ext))
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件类型不对,只能导入xls和xlsx格式的文件" }));

            #region 【源文件上传】
            var stream = file.InputStream;
            var buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
            stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            uploadFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + '_' + noFileName + ext;
            var result = FileUploadService.UploadFile(buffer, ext, uploadFileName, uploadDomain);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
                uploadFileAddress = "https://img1.tuhu.org" + result;
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadSecurityCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

            UploadBarCodeLog barLog = new UploadBarCodeLog
                UploadFileName    = uploadFileName,
                UploadFileAddress = uploadFileAddress,
                Operator          = ThreadIdentity.Operator.Name

            #region 【检查数据缺失】
            stream.Position = 0;
            var excel = new Controls.ExcelHelper(stream, file.FileName);
            var dt    = excel.ExcelToDataTable("sheet1", true);

            if (buffer.Length > 0 && (dt == null || dt.Rows == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1))
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

            StringBuilder       failSB     = new StringBuilder();
            List <InputBarCode> congifList = new List <InputBarCode>();
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (null == dt.Rows[i]["条码"] || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dt.Rows[i]["条码"].ToString()) ||
                    null == dt.Rows[i]["防伪码"] || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dt.Rows[i]["防伪码"].ToString()))
                    failSB.AppendLine("第" + (i + 2) + "行:条码或防伪码数据不完整.");
                    congifList.Add(new InputBarCode
                        BarCode         = dt.Rows[i]["条码"].ToString(),
                        SecurityCode    = dt.Rows[i]["防伪码"].ToString(),
                        BarCodeBatchNum = barCodeBatchNum

            if (failSB.Length > 0)
                byte[] arrayFail_Params = Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312").GetBytes(failSB.ToString());
                failFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + '_' + noFileName + "_Error" + ".txt";
                result       = FileUploadService.UploadFile(arrayFail_Params, ".txt", failFileName, uploadDomain);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
                    failFileAddress = "https://img1.tuhu.org" + result;
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

                barLog.FailFileName       = failFileName;
                barLog.FailFileAddress    = failFileAddress;
                barLog.CreateTime         = DateTime.Now;
                barLog.LastUpdateDataTime = DateTime.Now;
                var insertLog_Params = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.InsertUploadBarCodeLog(barLog);
                if (insertLog_Params)
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "数据有缺失,请检查错误日志,整理数据后重新上传." }));
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

            #region 【检查数据重复】
            var checkSCodeDup = congifList
                                .GroupBy(item => item.SecurityCode)
                                .Select(item => item.First())
                                .ToList <InputBarCode>().Count;
            if (checkSCodeDup < congifList.Count)
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "防伪码数据有重复,请Excel排查后重新上传." }));

            var checkBarCodeDup = congifList
                                  .GroupBy(item => item.BarCode)
                                  .Select(item => item.First())
                                  .ToList <InputBarCode>().Count;
            if (checkBarCodeDup < congifList.Count)
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "条码数据有重复,请Excel排查后重新上传." }));

            #region 【批量更新数据】
            congifList = congifList
                         .GroupBy(item => item.SecurityCode)
                         .Select(item => item.First())
                         .ToList <InputBarCode>();
            var updateBarCode = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.InsertBarCodeConfig(congifList);
            List <InputBarCode> errorInputList = new List <InputBarCode>();
            switch (updateBarCode)
            case -2:
                errorInputList = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.QueryInputBarCodeByError("ItemNotExist", congifList);
                foreach (var error in errorInputList)
                    failSB.AppendLine(error.SecurityCode + "," + error.BarCode);

                byte[] arrayFail_ItemNotExist = Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312").GetBytes(failSB.ToString());
                failFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + '_' + noFileName + "_Error" + ".txt";
                result       = FileUploadService.UploadFile(arrayFail_ItemNotExist, ".txt", failFileName, uploadDomain);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
                    failFileAddress = "https://img1.tuhu.org" + result;
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));
                barLog.FailFileName       = failFileName;
                barLog.FailFileAddress    = failFileAddress;
                barLog.CreateTime         = DateTime.Now;
                barLog.LastUpdateDataTime = DateTime.Now;
                var insertLog_ItemNotExist = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.InsertUploadBarCodeLog(barLog);
                if (insertLog_ItemNotExist)
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "数据里有不存在的防伪码,请检查错误日志,整理数据后重新上传." }));
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

            case -3:
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "本次上传数据均存在,不做更新." }));

            case -4:
                errorInputList = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.QueryInputBarCodeByError("Difference", congifList);
                foreach (var error in errorInputList)
                    failSB.AppendLine(error.SecurityCode + "," + error.BarCode);
                byte[] arrayFail_Difference = Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312").GetBytes(failSB.ToString());
                failFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + '_' + noFileName + "_Error" + ".txt";
                result       = FileUploadService.UploadFile(arrayFail_Difference, ".txt", failFileName, uploadDomain);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
                    failFileAddress = "https://img1.tuhu.org" + result;
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));
                barLog.FailFileName       = failFileName;
                barLog.FailFileAddress    = failFileAddress;
                barLog.CreateTime         = DateTime.Now;
                barLog.LastUpdateDataTime = DateTime.Now;
                var insertLog_Difference = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.InsertUploadBarCodeLog(barLog);
                if (insertLog_Difference)
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "部分数据已存在,请检查错误日志,整理数据后重新上传." }));
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

            case -1:
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "上传失败,刷新页面重试." }));

            #region 【记录上传文件日志】
            barLog.FailFileName       = failFileName;
            barLog.FailFileAddress    = failFileAddress;
            barLog.CreateTime         = DateTime.Now;
            barLog.LastUpdateDataTime = DateTime.Now;
            var insertLog = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.InsertUploadBarCodeLog(barLog);
            if (!insertLog)
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

            return(RedirectToAction("UploadBarCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "导入成功" }));
        public ActionResult UploadSecurityCodeLogImport(HttpPostedFileBase fileBase)
            HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files["files"];

            #region 【参数初始化】
            string uploadFileName     = "";
            string uploadFileAddress  = "";
            string successFileName    = "";
            string successFileAddress = "";
            string failFileName       = "";
            string failFileAddress    = "";
            string ext          = "";
            string noFileName   = "";
            string uploadDomain = "/TireLog/SecurityCode";
            string batchNum     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

            #region 【导入文件预判断】
            if (file == null || file.ContentLength <= 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadSecurityCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件不能为空" }));

            var filesize = file.ContentLength;                                      //获取上传文件的大小单位为字节byte
            ext        = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);                //获取上传文件的扩展名
            noFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName); //获取无扩展名的文件名
            const string fileType = ".txt";                                         //定义上传文件的类型字符串

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ext))
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadSecurityCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件扩展名不能为空" }));
            if (!fileType.Contains(ext))
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadSecurityCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件类型不对,只能导入txt格式的文件" }));

            #region 【源文件上传】
            var stream = file.InputStream;
            var buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
            stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            uploadFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + '_' + noFileName + ext;
            var result = FileUploadService.UploadFile(buffer, ext, uploadFileName, uploadDomain);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
                uploadFileAddress = "https://img1.tuhu.org" + result;
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadSecurityCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

            #region 【拆分异常数据、去重】
            stream.Position = 0;
            StreamReader  sr        = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"));
            StringBuilder successSB = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder failSB    = new StringBuilder();
            string        line;
            List <TireSecurityCodeConfig> congifList = new List <TireSecurityCodeConfig>();
            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (line.Contains("二") && line.Contains("维"))
                    string uCode        = "";
                    string fCode        = "";
                    string securityCode = "";
                        uCode        = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("?u=") + 3, line.IndexOf("&f") - line.IndexOf("?u=") - 3);
                        fCode        = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("&f=") + 3, line.LastIndexOf(",") - line.IndexOf("&f=") - 3);
                        securityCode = line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(",") + 1, line.Length - line.LastIndexOf(",") - 1).Trim();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        failSB.AppendLine(line + ":参数错误");

                    if (uCode == "" || !IsNumeric(uCode) ||
                        fCode == "" || !IsNumeric(fCode) ||
                        securityCode == "" || !IsNumeric(securityCode))
                        failSB.AppendLine(line + ":参数错误");
                        TireSecurityCodeConfig config = new TireSecurityCodeConfig
                            CodeID             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            CreateTime         = DateTime.Now,
                            LastUpdateDataTime = DateTime.Now,
                            UCode         = uCode,
                            FCode         = fCode,
                            SecurityCode  = securityCode,
                            DataIntegrity = false,
                            BatchNum      = batchNum

            congifList = congifList
                         .GroupBy(item => item.SecurityCode)
                         .Select(item => item.First())
                         .ToList <TireSecurityCodeConfig>();

            #region 【批量插入数据】
            var insertResult = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.InsertTireSecurityCodeConfig(congifList);
            if (insertResult)
                var insertList = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.QuerySecurityCodeConfigModelByBatchNum(batchNum);
                if (insertList == null || insertList.Count == 0)
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadSecurityCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "本次上传数据均存在,不做更新." }));
                foreach (var insert in insertList)
                    string lineSuccees = "https://wx.tuhu.cn/vue/antifake/pages/home/select?guid=" + insert.CodeID.ToString("D") + "," + insert.SecurityCode;

            #region 【生成成功\失败文件地址】
            if (successSB.Length > 0)
                byte[] arraySuccess = Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312").GetBytes(successSB.ToString());
                successFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + '_' + noFileName + "_二维码" + ext;
                result          = FileUploadService.UploadFile(arraySuccess, ext, successFileName, uploadDomain);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
                    successFileAddress = "https://img1.tuhu.org" + result;
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadSecurityCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

            if (failSB.Length > 0)
                byte[] arrayFail = Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312").GetBytes(failSB.ToString());
                failFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + '_' + noFileName + "_Error" + ext;
                result       = FileUploadService.UploadFile(arrayFail, ext, failFileName, uploadDomain);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
                    failFileAddress = "https://img1.tuhu.org" + result;
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadSecurityCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "文件上传失败" }));

            #region 【记录上传文件日志】
            UploadSecurityCodeLog scLog = new UploadSecurityCodeLog
                UploadFileName     = uploadFileName,
                UploadFileAddress  = uploadFileAddress,
                SuccessFileName    = successFileName,
                SuccessFileAddress = successFileAddress,
                FailFileName       = failFileName,
                FailFileAddress    = failFileAddress,
                CreateTime         = DateTime.Now,
                LastUpdateDataTime = DateTime.Now,
                Operator           = ThreadIdentity.Operator.Name,

            var insertLog = TireSecurityCodeConfigManager.InsertUploadSecurityCodeLog(scLog);

            return(RedirectToAction("UploadSecurityCodeLog", "TireSecurityCode", new { msg = "导入成功" }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Register([FromBody] UserFileViewModel user)
            if (!(await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(this.User, (user.Roles, new string[] { }), Authorization.Policies.AssignAllowedRolesPolicy)).Succeeded)
                return(new ChallengeResult());

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (user == null)
                    return(BadRequest($"{nameof(user)} cannot be null"));

                ApplicationUser appUser = _mapper.Map <ApplicationUser>(user);

                var result = await _accountManager.CreateUserAsync(appUser, user.Roles, user.NewPassword);

                foreach (var up in user.ProjectIds)
                    _appcontext.UserProjectXrefs.Add(new UserProjectXref
                        UserId    = appUser.Id,
                        ProjectId = up,
                if (result.Succeeded)
                    foreach (var req in user.FileRepositories)
                        if (req.FileName != null)
                            string ModuleName = "Users";
                            var    now        = DateTime.Now;
                            var    yearName   = now.ToString("yyyy");
                            var    monthName  = now.Month.ToString("d2");
                            var    dayName    = now.ToString("dd");

                            FileUploadService repo = new FileUploadService();

                            string FolderLocation = _config.Value.FileRepositoryFolder;

                            string ServerRootPath = _config.Value.ServerRootPath;

                            string Location = ServerRootPath + @"\" + FolderLocation + @"\" + yearName + @"\" + monthName + @"\" + dayName + @"\" + ModuleName;

                            byte[] FileBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(req.FileName);

                            req.FileName = repo.UploadFile(FileBytes, req.FileExtention, Location);

                            req.FileLocation = Path.Combine(yearName, monthName, dayName, ModuleName);

                            FileRepository file = new FileRepository();
                                file.UserId        = appUser.Id;
                                file.FileName      = req.FileName;
                                file.FileLocation  = req.FileLocation;
                                file.FileExtention = req.FileExtention;
                                file.DocumentType  = req.DocumentTypeId;
                                file.CreatedBy     = req.CreatedBy;
                                file.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                                file.UpdatedBy     = req.UpdatedBy;
                                file.UpdatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    await SendVerificationEmail(appUser);

                    UserViewModel userVM = await GetUserViewModelHelper(appUser.Id);

                    return(CreatedAtAction(GetUserByIdActionName, new { id = userVM.Id }, userVM));


        public ValueDataResponse <Project> UpdateProject(UpsertProject project)
            ValueDataResponse <Project> response = new ValueDataResponse <Project>();

                var projectsExists = _appContext.Projects.Where(x => x.Id != project.Id && x.ProjectReference == project.ProjectReference).FirstOrDefault();

                if (projectsExists == null)
                    Project pro         = _mapper.Map <Project>(project);
                    var     result      = _appContext.Projects.Where(x => x.Id == project.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    var     projectList = _appContext.LookUpProjectXrefs.Where(x => x.ProjectId == project.Id).ToList();
                    foreach (var sId in project.StoreIds)
                        _appContext.LookUpProjectXrefs.Add(new LookUpProjectXref {
                            StoreId = sId, ProjectId = pro.Id

                    if (result != null)
                        result.SiteId           = project.SiteId;
                        result.ProjectReference = project.ProjectReference;
                        result.Name1            = project.Name1;
                        result.Name2            = project.Name2;
                        result.ProjectDetails   = project.ProjectDetails;
                        result.IsActive         = project.IsActive;
                        result.CreatedBy        = project.CreatedBy;
                        result.CreatedDate      = project.CreatedDate;
                        result.UpdatedBy        = project.UpdatedBy;
                        result.UpdatedDate      = project.UpdatedDate;

                        foreach (var req in project.ProjectRepositories)
                            if (req.FileName != null)
                                string ModuleName = "Project";
                                var    now        = DateTime.Now;
                                var    yearName   = now.ToString("yyyy");
                                var    monthName  = now.Month.ToString("d2");
                                var    dayName    = now.ToString("dd");

                                FileUploadService repo = new FileUploadService();

                                string FolderLocation = "FileRepository";
                                string ServerRootPath = _config.Value.ServerRootPath;

                                string Location = ServerRootPath + @"\" + FolderLocation + @"\" + yearName + @"\" + monthName + @"\" + dayName + @"\" + ModuleName;

                                byte[] FileBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(req.FileName);

                                req.FileName = repo.UploadFile(FileBytes, req.FileExtention, Location);

                                req.FileLocation = Path.Combine(yearName, monthName, dayName, ModuleName);

                                ProjectRepository pros = new ProjectRepository();
                                    pros.ProjectId     = pro.Id;
                                    pros.FileName      = req.FileName;
                                    pros.FileLocation  = req.FileLocation;
                                    pros.FileExtention = req.FileExtention;
                                    pros.DocumentType  = req.DocumentTypeId;
                                    pros.CreatedBy     = req.CreatedBy;
                                    pros.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                                    pros.UpdatedBy     = req.UpdatedBy;
                                    pros.UpdatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        if (pro != null)
                            response.Result          = pro;
                            response.IsSuccess       = true;
                            response.AffectedRecords = 1;
                            response.EndUserMessage  = "Project Updated Successfully";
                            response.IsSuccess       = true;
                            response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                            response.EndUserMessage  = "Project Update Failed";
                    response.IsSuccess       = false;
                    response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                    response.EndUserMessage  = "Project Reference is Already Exists";
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.IsSuccess       = false;
                response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                response.EndUserMessage  = ex.InnerException == null ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException.Message;
                response.Exception       = ex;
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateUsers(string id, [FromBody] UserFileViewModel user)
            ApplicationUser appUser = await _accountManager.GetUserByIdAsync(id);

            string[] currentRoles = appUser != null ? (await _accountManager.GetUserRolesAsync(appUser)).ToArray() : null;

            var manageUsersPolicy = _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(this.User, id, AccountManagementOperations.Update);
            var assignRolePolicy  = _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(this.User, (user.Roles, currentRoles), Authorization.Policies.AssignAllowedRolesPolicy);

            if ((await Task.WhenAll(manageUsersPolicy, assignRolePolicy)).Any(r => !r.Succeeded))
                return(new ChallengeResult());

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (user == null)
                    return(BadRequest($"{nameof(user)} cannot be null"));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Id) && id != user.Id)
                    return(BadRequest("Conflicting user id in parameter and model data"));

                if (appUser == null)

                bool isPasswordChanged       = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.NewPassword);
                bool isUserNameChanged       = !appUser.UserName.Equals(user.UserName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                bool isConfirmedEmailChanged = !appUser.Email.Equals(user.Email, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && appUser.EmailConfirmed;

                if (Utilities.GetUserId(this.User) == id)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.CurrentPassword))
                        if (isPasswordChanged)
                            AddError("Current password is required when changing your own password", "Password");

                        if (isUserNameChanged)
                            AddError("Current password is required when changing your own username", "Username");

                        if (isConfirmedEmailChanged)
                            AddError("Current password is required when changing your own email address", "Email");
                    else if (isPasswordChanged || isUserNameChanged || isConfirmedEmailChanged)
                        if (!await _accountManager.CheckPasswordAsync(appUser, user.CurrentPassword))
                            AddError("The username/password couple is invalid.");

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    _mapper.Map <UserFileViewModel, ApplicationUser>(user, appUser);
                    appUser.EmailConfirmed = isConfirmedEmailChanged ? false : appUser.EmailConfirmed;

                    var result = await _accountManager.UpdateUserAsync(appUser, user.Roles);

                    var projectList = _appcontext.UserProjectXrefs.Where(x => x.UserId == appUser.Id).ToList();
                    foreach (var up in user.ProjectIds)
                        _appcontext.UserProjectXrefs.Add(new UserProjectXref
                            UserId    = appUser.Id,
                            ProjectId = up,
                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        foreach (var req in user.FileRepositories)
                            if (req.FileName != null)
                                string ModuleName = "Users";
                                var    now        = DateTime.Now;
                                var    yearName   = now.ToString("yyyy");
                                var    monthName  = now.Month.ToString("d2");
                                var    dayName    = now.ToString("dd");

                                FileUploadService repo = new FileUploadService();

                                // string FolderLocation = _config.Value.FileRepositoryFolder;
                                string FolderLocation = "FileRepository";
                                string ServerRootPath = _config.Value.ServerRootPath;

                                string Location = ServerRootPath + @"\" + FolderLocation + @"\" + yearName + @"\" + monthName + @"\" + dayName + @"\" + ModuleName;

                                byte[] FileBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(req.FileName);

                                req.FileName = repo.UploadFile(FileBytes, req.FileExtention, Location);

                                req.FileLocation = Path.Combine(yearName, monthName, dayName, ModuleName);

                                FileRepository file = new FileRepository();
                                    file.UserId        = appUser.Id;
                                    file.FileName      = req.FileName;
                                    file.FileLocation  = req.FileLocation;
                                    file.FileExtention = req.FileExtention;
                                    file.DocumentType  = req.DocumentTypeId;
                                    file.CreatedBy     = req.CreatedBy;
                                    file.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                                    file.UpdatedBy     = req.UpdatedBy;
                                    file.UpdatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        if (isConfirmedEmailChanged)
                            await SendVerificationEmail(appUser);

                        if (isPasswordChanged)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.CurrentPassword))
                                result = await _accountManager.UpdatePasswordAsync(appUser, user.CurrentPassword, user.NewPassword);
                                result = await _accountManager.ResetPasswordAsync(appUser, user.NewPassword);

                        if (result.Succeeded)


        public ValueDataResponse <AssetLocation> UpdateAssetLocation(UpsertAssetLocation asset)
            ValueDataResponse <AssetLocation> response = new ValueDataResponse <AssetLocation>();

                AssetLocation assetInfo   = _mapper.Map <AssetLocation>(asset);
                var           assetExists = _appContext.AssetLocations.Where(x => x.Id != asset.Id && x.AssetRef == asset.AssetRef).FirstOrDefault();
                if (assetExists == null)
                    var result = _appContext.AssetLocations.Where(x => x.Id == asset.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (result != null)
                        //result.SiteId = asset.SiteId;
                        //result.ProjectId = asset.ProjectId;
                        result.LocationId     = asset.LocationId;
                        result.AstGroupId     = asset.AstGroupId;
                        result.AstTradeId     = asset.AstTradeId;
                        result.Name1          = asset.Name1;
                        result.Name2          = asset.Name2;
                        result.AssetRef       = asset.AssetRef;
                        result.AstCounter     = asset.AstCounter;
                        result.AstFixedDate   = asset.AstFixedDate;
                        result.AssetSize      = asset.AssetSize;
                        result.AssetMake      = asset.AssetMake;
                        result.AssetModel     = asset.AssetModel;
                        result.AssetType      = asset.AssetType;
                        result.AssetCapacity  = asset.AssetCapacity;
                        result.IsActive       = asset.IsActive;
                        result.CreatedBy      = asset.CreatedBy;
                        result.CreatedDate    = asset.CreatedDate;
                        result.UpdatedBy      = asset.UpdatedBy;
                        result.UpdatedDate    = asset.UpdatedDate;
                        result.DaysApplicable = asset.DaysApplicable;
                        foreach (var req in asset.AssetRepositories)
                            if (req.FileName != null)
                                string ModuleName = "Assets";
                                var    now        = DateTime.Now;
                                var    yearName   = now.ToString("yyyy");
                                var    monthName  = now.Month.ToString("d2");
                                var    dayName    = now.ToString("dd");

                                FileUploadService repo = new FileUploadService();

                                string FolderLocation = "FileRepository";
                                string ServerRootPath = _config.Value.ServerRootPath;

                                string Location = ServerRootPath + @"\" + FolderLocation + @"\" + yearName + @"\" + monthName + @"\" + dayName + @"\" + ModuleName;

                                byte[] FileBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(req.FileName);

                                req.FileName = repo.UploadFile(FileBytes, req.FileExtention, Location);

                                req.FileLocation = Path.Combine(yearName, monthName, dayName, ModuleName);

                                AssetFileRepository pros = new AssetFileRepository();
                                    pros.AssetId       = assetInfo.Id;
                                    pros.FileName      = req.FileName;
                                    pros.FileLocation  = req.FileLocation;
                                    pros.FileExtention = req.FileExtention;
                                    pros.DocumentType  = req.DocumentTypeId;
                                    pros.CreatedBy     = req.CreatedBy;
                                    pros.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                                    pros.UpdatedBy     = req.UpdatedBy;
                                    pros.UpdatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        response.Result          = result;
                        response.IsSuccess       = true;
                        response.AffectedRecords = 1;
                        response.EndUserMessage  = "Asset Updated Successfully";
                        response.IsSuccess       = true;
                        response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                        response.EndUserMessage  = "Asset Updation Failed";
                    response.IsSuccess       = false;
                    response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                    response.EndUserMessage  = "Asset Reference Already Exists";
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.IsSuccess       = false;
                response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                response.EndUserMessage  = ex.InnerException == null ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException.Message;
                response.Exception       = ex;
        public ValueDataResponse <string> InsertPurchaseOrder(UpsertPurchaseOrder purchages)
            ValueDataResponse <string> response = new ValueDataResponse <string>();

            byte[] byteArray       = null;
            var    FileRepoBaseUrl = _config.Value.FileRepositoryUrl;

                var purchaseExists = _appContext.PurchageOrders.Where(x => x.PurchaseReference == purchages.PurchaseReference).FirstOrDefault();
                if (purchaseExists == null)
                    PurchageOrder pro    = _mapper.Map <PurchageOrder>(purchages);
                    var           result = _appContext.PurchageOrders.Add(pro);
                    foreach (var it in purchages.PurchaseItems)
                        _appContext.PurchageItemXrefs.Add(new PurchageItemXref
                            ItemId      = it.ItemId,
                            PurchageId  = pro.Id,
                            Quantity    = it.Quantity,
                            ExpectdCost = it.ExpectdCost,
                            Comments    = it.Comments
                    var supplier = _appContext.Suppliers.Where(x => x.Id == pro.SupplierId).FirstOrDefault();
                    var project  = _appContext.Projects.Where(x => x.Id == pro.ProjectId).FirstOrDefault();
                    var store    = _appContext.LookUps.Where(x => x.Id == pro.StoreId).FirstOrDefault();

                    var items = (from pi in _appContext.PurchageItemXrefs
                                 join i in _appContext.Items on pi.ItemId equals i.Id
                                 join p in _appContext.PurchageOrders on pi.PurchageId equals p.Id
                                 select new GetItemsResponse
                        Id = pi.Id,
                        PurchaseId = pi.PurchageId,
                        PurchaseReference = p.PurchaseReference,
                        ItemReference = i.ItemReference,
                        ItemId = pi.ItemId,
                        ItemName = i.Name1,
                        Quantity = pi.Quantity,
                        Comments = pi.Comments,
                        ExpectedCost = pi.ExpectdCost,
                    }).Where(x => x.PurchaseId == pro.Id).ToList();
                    DateTime Date = pro.ArrivingDate;
                    // string message = EmailTemplates.GetPurchaseOrder(pro.PurchaseReference, pro.ArrivingDate, project.Name1, supplier.Name1, supplier.Address, store.Name1, pro.BillingAddress, pro.ShippingAddress, items, null);

                    // string message = EmailTemplates.GetPurchaseOrder(pro.PurchaseReference, pro.ArrivingDate, project.Name1, supplier.Name1, supplier.Address, store.Name1, pro.BillingAddress, pro.ShippingAddress, items.ItemName, items.Quantity, items.ExpectedCost, items.Comments, null);
                    byteArray = GeneratePurchaseOrderPdf(pro, supplier, items, project, store);
                    if (byteArray != null)
                        string ModuleName = "PurchaseOrder";
                        var    now        = DateTime.Now;
                        var    yearName   = now.ToString("yyyy");
                        var    monthName  = now.Month.ToString("d2");
                        var    dayName    = now.ToString("dd");

                        FileUploadService repo = new FileUploadService();

                        string FolderLocation = "FileRepository";
                        string ServerRootPath = _config.Value.ServerRootPath;

                        string Location = ServerRootPath + @"\" + FolderLocation + @"\" + yearName + @"\" + monthName + @"\" + dayName + @"\" + ModuleName;

                        pro.FileName = repo.UploadFile(byteArray, pro.FileExtention, Location);

                        pro.FileLocation = Path.Combine(yearName, monthName, dayName, ModuleName);


                        //var converter = new HtmlConverter();
                        //var html = message;

                        //Byte[] bytes = converter.FromHtmlString(html);

                        //string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                        //string ImageUrl = "data:image/png;base64," + base64String;

                        //byte[] FileBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);

                        //pro.FileName = repo.UploadFile(FileBytes, pro.FileExtention, Location);

                        //pro.FileLocation = Path.Combine(yearName, monthName, dayName, ModuleName);


                    if (pro != null)
                        response.Result          = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}{3}", FileRepoBaseUrl, pro.FileLocation, pro.FileName, pro.FileExtention);
                        response.IsSuccess       = true;
                        response.AffectedRecords = 1;
                        response.EndUserMessage  = "Purchage Order Added Successfully";
                        response.IsSuccess       = true;
                        response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                        response.EndUserMessage  = "Purchage Order Added Failed";
                    response.IsSuccess       = false;
                    response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                    response.EndUserMessage  = "Purchage Order Reference Already Exists";
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.IsSuccess       = false;
                response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                response.EndUserMessage  = ex.InnerException == null ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException.Message;
                response.Exception       = ex;
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            if (context.Session["FileRequests"] != null && context.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == HttpMethods.GET)
                context.Session["FileRequests"] = null;

            if (context.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == HttpMethods.POST && context.Session["FileRequests"] == null && context.Request.Files != null && context.Request.Files.Count > 0)
                var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                List <FileUploadInformation> lstFiles = serializer.Deserialize <List <FileUploadInformation> >(Convert.ToString(context.Request.Form["FileLists"]));

                foreach (var f in lstFiles)
                    f.LoopCounter      = getLoopCounter(f.FileSize);
                    f.CurrentLoopCount = f.LoopCounter;
                    f.FileId           = Guid.NewGuid();
                    f.IsUploaded       = false;

                context.Session["FileRequests"] = lstFiles;

            if (context.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == HttpMethods.GET)
                List <FileResponse> FileResponseList = new List <FileResponse>();

                string[] FileNames = null;

                //In this POC we have not used GET requests

                if (FileNames != null)
                    foreach (string FileName in FileNames)
                        FileResponseList.Add(CreateFileResponse(FileName, new FileInfo(FileName).Length, String.Empty, context));

                SerializeUploaderResponse(FileResponseList, context);
            else if (context.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == HttpMethods.POST)
                List <FileResponse> FileResponseList = new List <FileResponse>();

                for (int FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < context.Request.Files.Count; FileIndex++)
                    HttpPostedFile File       = context.Request.Files[FileIndex];
                    long           fileLength = 0;
                    string         tt         = string.Empty;

                    string ErrorMessage = String.Empty;

                    for (int Attempts = 0; Attempts < ATTEMPTS_TO_WRITE; Attempts++)
                        ErrorMessage = String.Empty;
                            List <FileUploadInformation> lstFiles = (List <FileUploadInformation>)context.Session["FileRequests"];

                            for (int i = 0; i < lstFiles.Count; i++)
                                if (lstFiles[i].FileName.Equals(File.FileName))
                                    lstFiles[i] = FileUploadService.UploadFile(lstFiles[i], File);
                                    fileLength  = lstFiles[i].FileSize;
                            context.Session["FileRequests"] = lstFiles;
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            ErrorMessage = exception.Message;


                    FileResponseList.Add(CreateFileResponse(File.FileName, fileLength, ErrorMessage, context));

                SerializeUploaderResponse(FileResponseList, context);
            else if (context.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == HttpMethods.DELETE)
                bool SuccessfullyDeleted = true;

                    //In this POC DELETE call has not been implemented and not used anywhere
                    SuccessfullyDeleted = false;

                context.Response.Write(String.Format("{{\"{0}\":{1}}}", "file", SuccessfullyDeleted.ToString().ToLower()));
                context.Response.StatusCode        = 405;
                context.Response.StatusDescription = "Method not allowed";
        public ValueDataResponse <Supplier> AddSupplierDetials(Supplier suppliers)
            ValueDataResponse <Supplier> response = new ValueDataResponse <Supplier>();

                var suppliersExists = _appContext.Suppliers.Where(x => x.SupplierReference == suppliers.SupplierReference).FirstOrDefault();

                if (suppliersExists == null)
                    var result = _appContext.Suppliers.Add(suppliers);

                    if (suppliers.FileName != null)
                        string ModuleName = "Supplier";
                        var    now        = DateTime.Now;
                        var    yearName   = now.ToString("yyyy");
                        var    monthName  = now.Month.ToString("d2");
                        var    dayName    = now.ToString("dd");

                        FileUploadService repo = new FileUploadService();

                        //string FolderLocation = _config.Value.FileRepositoryFolder;
                        string FolderLocation = "FileRepository";
                        string ServerRootPath = _config.Value.ServerRootPath;

                        string Location = ServerRootPath + @"\" + FolderLocation + @"\" + yearName + @"\" + monthName + @"\" + dayName + @"\" + ModuleName;

                        byte[] FileBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(suppliers.FileName);

                        suppliers.FileName = repo.UploadFile(FileBytes, suppliers.FileExtention, Location);

                        suppliers.FileLocation = Path.Combine(yearName, monthName, dayName, ModuleName);

                    if (result != null)
                        response.Result          = suppliers;
                        response.IsSuccess       = true;
                        response.AffectedRecords = 1;
                        response.EndUserMessage  = "Supplier Added Successfully";
                        response.IsSuccess       = true;
                        response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                        response.EndUserMessage  = "Supplier Added Failed";
                    response.IsSuccess       = false;
                    response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                    response.EndUserMessage  = "Supplier Reference Already Exists";
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.IsSuccess       = false;
                response.AffectedRecords = 0;
                response.EndUserMessage  = ex.InnerException == null ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException.Message;
                response.Exception       = ex;
