 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Object"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public AuditItem(AuditLevel level, FileSystemTask context, AuditEvent eventId, string message)
   Timestamp = SystemTime.Now();
   Level = level;
   Context = context;
   EventId = eventId;
   Message = message;
        public static void SecureAction(IAuditor auditor, FileSystemTask context, Action action, Func <string> errorMessage)
            //TODO replace wrapper once SecureFunc is properly implemented
            Func <bool> func = () =>

            SecureFunc(auditor, context, () => func, errorMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether a folder resource at a given path exists or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="virtualFolderPath">A path to the requested folder.</param>
        /// <returns>True if a matching folder was found.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceAccessException">In case of invalid or prohibited
        /// resource access.</exception>
        public override bool IsFolderAvailable(string virtualFolderPath)
            string actionUri = Uris.IsFolderAvailableUri;

            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternFolderPath, virtualFolderPath);

            Func <string>        errorMessage = () => String.Format("Could not check whether folder [{0}] is available.", virtualFolderPath);
            const FileSystemTask context      = FileSystemTask.CheckFolderAvailability;

            return(SecureGet <Wrapped <bool> >(context, actionUri, errorMessage).Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a given file from the file system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="virtualFilePath">The qualified path of the file to be created.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="virtualFilePath"/>
        /// is a null reference.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceAccessException">In case of invalid or prohibited
        /// resource access.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="VirtualResourceNotFoundException">If the
        /// file does not exist.</exception>
        public override void DeleteFile(string virtualFilePath)
            string actionUri = Uris.DeleteFileUri;

            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternFilePath, virtualFilePath);

            Func <string>        errorMessage = () => String.Format("Could not delete file [{0}] from file system.", virtualFilePath);
            const FileSystemTask context      = FileSystemTask.FileDeleteRequest;

            SecureDelete(context, actionUri, errorMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a block via a streaming channel, which enables a more resource friendly
        /// data transmission (compared to sending the whole data of the block at once).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transferId">Identifies the transfer and resource.</param>
        /// <param name="blockNumber">The number of the requested block.</param>
        /// <returns>A data block which contains the data as an in-memory buffer
        /// (<see cref="BufferedDataBlock.Data"/>).</returns>
        public StreamedDataBlock ReadBlockStreamed(string transferId, long blockNumber)
            string actionUri = Uris.GetDataBlockStreamedUri;

            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternTransferId, transferId);
            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternBlockNumber, blockNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            Func <string>        errorMessage = () => String.Format("Could not read streamed block [{0}] on transfer [{1}].", blockNumber, transferId);
            const FileSystemTask context      = FileSystemTask.DataBlockDownloadRequest;

            return(SecureFunc(context, () => GetStreamedBlockImpl(actionUri, transferId, blockNumber), errorMessage));
        /// <summary>
        /// Audits a successful file system operation for a given resource.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AuditResourceOperation <T>(IAuditor auditor, FileSystemTask context, AuditEvent eventId, IVirtualResourceItem <T> resource) where T : VirtualResourceInfo
            if (!AuditHelper.IsInfoEnabledFor(auditor, context))

            string msg = String.Format("Successfully performed file system operation '{0}' for resource [{1}].\n\n{2}",
                                       context, resource.ResourceInfo.Name, AuditHelper.CreateResourceInfoString(resource));

            auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Info, context, eventId, msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Audits a successful file system operation that involves a source and a target resource (move / copy).
        /// </summary>
        public static void AuditResourceOperation <T>(IAuditor auditor, FileSystemTask context, AuditEvent eventId, IVirtualResourceItem <T> sourceFolder, IVirtualResourceItem <T> targetFolder) where T : VirtualResourceInfo
            if (!AuditHelper.IsInfoEnabledFor(auditor, context))

            string msg = String.Format("Successfully performed file system operation '{0}'.\n\nSource:\n{1}\n\nTarget:\n{2}",
                                       context, AuditHelper.CreateResourceInfoString(sourceFolder), AuditHelper.CreateResourceInfoString(targetFolder));

            auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Info, context, eventId, msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Requests a download token for a given resource.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="virtualFilePath">Identifies the resource to be downloaded.</param>
        /// <param name="includeFileHash">Whether a file hash for the
        /// requested resource should be calculated and assigned to the
        /// <see cref="DownloadToken.Md5FileHash"/> property of the returned
        /// <see cref="DownloadToken"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>A token that represents a granted resource download, optionally
        /// limited to a given time frame (<see cref="TransferToken.ExpirationTime"/>).</returns>
        /// <exception cref="VirtualResourceNotFoundException">If the submitted <paramref name="virtualFilePath"/>
        /// does not match an existing resource.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceAccessException">If the request was not authorized.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceLockedException">If a lock to access the
        /// resource was not granted.</exception>
        public DownloadToken RequestDownloadToken(string virtualFilePath, bool includeFileHash)
            string actionUri = Uris.GetDownloadTokenUri;

            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternFilePath, virtualFilePath);
            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternIncludeFileHash, Convert.ToString(includeFileHash).ToLowerInvariant());

            Func <string>        errorMessage = () => String.Format("Download token request for file [{0}] failed.", virtualFilePath);
            const FileSystemTask context      = FileSystemTask.DownloadTokenRequest;

            return(SecureGet <DownloadToken>(context, actionUri, errorMessage));
        /// <summary>
        /// Audits a denied request for a folder's contents.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AuditDeniedFolderContentsRequest(IAuditor auditor, FileSystemTask context, IVirtualFolderItem parentFolder)
            if (!AuditHelper.IsWarnEnabledFor(auditor, context))

            string msg = "Denied access to contents of folder [{0}]. Folder details:\n\n{1}";

            msg = String.Format(msg, parentFolder.ResourceInfo.Name, AuditHelper.CreateResourceInfoString(parentFolder));

            auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Warning, context, AuditEvent.ListFolderContentsDenied, msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Audits a request for a folder's files and sub folders.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AuditFolderContentsRequest(this IAuditor auditor, FileSystemTask context, IVirtualFolderItem parentFolder)
            if (!auditor.IsInfoEnabledFor(context))

            string msg = "Delivered contents of folder [{0}]. Folder details:\n\n{1}";

            msg = String.Format(msg, parentFolder.ResourceInfo.Name, parentFolder.CreateResourceInfoString());

            auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Info, context, AuditEvent.FolderContentsRequested, msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Audits a successful file system operation that occurred in the context of a given transfer.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AuditTransferOperation <T>(this IAuditor auditor, FileSystemTask context, AuditEvent eventId, string transferId, IVirtualResourceItem <T> resource) where T : VirtualResourceInfo
            if (!auditor.IsInfoEnabledFor(context))

            string msg = "Successfully performed file system operation [{0}] during transfer [{1}] for resource [{2}].\n\n{3}";

            msg = String.Format(msg, context, transferId, resource.ResourceInfo.Name, resource.CreateResourceInfoString());

            auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Info, context, eventId, msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Audits a check for file or folder availability along with the returned result.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AuditResourceAvailabilityCheck(IAuditor auditor, FileSystemTask context, string resourcePath, bool isAvailable)
            if (!AuditHelper.IsInfoEnabledFor(auditor, context))

            string msg = "Checked availability of resource (file or folder) [{0}]. Available: {1}.";

            msg = String.Format(msg, resourcePath, isAvailable);

            auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Info, context, AuditEvent.FileInfoRequested, msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies a given file to a new destination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="virtualFilePath">A qualified name (corresponding to
        /// <see cref="VirtualResourceInfo.FullName"/> that identifies the resource
        /// in the file system.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationPath">The new path of the resource. Can be another name
        /// for the resource itself.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="VirtualFileInfo"/> object that represents the new
        /// file in the file system.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If any of the parameters is a
        /// null reference.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceAccessException">In case of invalid or prohibited
        /// resource access, or if the operation is not possible (e.g. a resource being
        /// moved/copied to itself).</exception>
        /// <exception cref="VirtualResourceNotFoundException">If the resource that
        /// should be moved does not exist in the file system.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceOverwriteException">If a resource that matches the
        /// submitted <paramref name="destinationPath"/> already exists.</exception>
        public override VirtualFileInfo CopyFile(string virtualFilePath, string destinationPath)
            string actionUri = Uris.CopyFileUri;

            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternFilePath, virtualFilePath);
            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternDestinationPath, destinationPath);

            Func <string> errorMessage = () => String.Format("Could not copy file [{0}] to destination [{1}].", virtualFilePath,
            const FileSystemTask context = FileSystemTask.FileCopyRequest;

            return(SecurePost <VirtualFileInfo>(context, actionUri, HttpContent.CreateEmpty(), errorMessage));
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves a given folder and all its contents to a new destination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="virtualFolderPath">A qualified name (corresponding to
        /// <see cref="VirtualResourceInfo.FullName"/> that identifies the resource
        /// in the file system.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationPath">The new path of the resource. Can be another name
        /// for the resource itself.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/> object that represents the new
        /// directory in the file system.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If any of the parameters is a
        /// null reference.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceAccessException">In case of invalid or prohibited
        /// resource access, or if the operation is not possible (e.g. a resource being
        /// moved/copied to itself).</exception>
        /// <exception cref="VirtualResourceNotFoundException">If the resource that
        /// should be moved does not exist in the file system.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceOverwriteException">If a resource that matches the
        /// submitted <paramref name="destinationPath"/> already exists.</exception>
        public override VirtualFolderInfo MoveFolder(string virtualFolderPath, string destinationPath)
            string actionUri = Uris.MoveFolderUri;

            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternFolderPath, virtualFolderPath);
            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternDestinationPath, destinationPath);

            Func <string> errorMessage = () => String.Format("Could not move folder [{0}] to destination [{1}].", virtualFolderPath,
            const FileSystemTask context = FileSystemTask.FolderMoveRequest;

            return(SecurePost <VirtualFolderInfo>(context, actionUri, HttpContent.CreateEmpty(), errorMessage));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new folder in the file system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="virtualFolderPath">The qualified path of the folder to be created.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="VirtualFileInfo"/> instance which represents
        /// the created folder.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="virtualFolderPath"/>
        /// is a null reference.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceAccessException">In case of invalid or prohibited
        /// resource access.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="VirtualResourceNotFoundException">If the designated parent
        /// folder does not exist.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceOverwriteException">If the folder already exists on the file
        /// system.</exception>
        public override VirtualFolderInfo CreateFolder(string virtualFolderPath)
            string actionUri = Uris.CreateFolderUri;

            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternFolderPath, virtualFolderPath);

            Func <string>        errorMessage = () => String.Format("Could not create folder [{0}] on file system.", virtualFolderPath);
            const FileSystemTask context      = FileSystemTask.FolderCreateRequest;

            HttpContent content = HttpContent.CreateEmpty();

            return(SecurePost <VirtualFolderInfo>(context, actionUri, content, errorMessage));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a qualified name that can be used as an identifier
        /// for a given folder of the file system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentFolder">The qualified name of the parent
        /// folder.</param>
        /// <param name="folderName">The name of the child folder.</param>
        /// <returns>An qualified path name for the submitted
        /// <paramref name="folderName"/>.</returns>
        public override string CreateFolderPath(string parentFolder, string folderName)
            string actionUri = Uris.CreateFolderPathUri;

            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternParentFolderPath, parentFolder);
            actionUri = actionUri.ConstructUri(Uris.PatternFolderName, folderName);

            Func <string> errorMessage = () => String.Format("Could not get a folder path for parent folder [{0}] and folder name [{1}].",
                                                             parentFolder, folderName);
            const FileSystemTask context = FileSystemTask.CreateFolderPathRequest;

            return(SecureGet <Wrapped <string> >(context, actionUri, errorMessage).Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Audits that a folder was created on the file system.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AuditFolderCreation(IAuditor auditor, IVirtualFolderItem folder)
            const FileSystemTask context = FileSystemTask.FolderCreateRequest;

            if (!AuditHelper.IsInfoEnabledFor(auditor, context))

            string msg = "Created folder [{0}] on the file system.\n\n{1}";

            msg = String.Format(msg, folder.ResourceInfo.Name, AuditHelper.CreateResourceInfoString(folder));

            auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Info, context, AuditEvent.FolderCreated, msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to indicate a folder was created
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePath">The relative path to the newly created folder</param>
        /// <param name="sparseFoldersUpdated">
        /// true when the folder is successfully added to the sparse list because it is in the projection but currently excluded.
        /// false when the folder was not excluded or there was a failure adding to the sparse list.
        /// </param>
        public void OnFolderCreated(string relativePath, out bool sparseFoldersUpdated)
            sparseFoldersUpdated = false;
            GitIndexProjection.PathSparseState pathProjectionState = this.GitIndexProjection.GetFolderPathSparseState(relativePath);
            if (pathProjectionState == GitIndexProjection.PathSparseState.Excluded)
                if (this.GitIndexProjection.TryAddSparseFolder(relativePath))
                    sparseFoldersUpdated = true;

            this.AddToNewlyCreatedList(relativePath, isFolder: true);
        private UploadToken GetTransferForResourceImpl(string virtualFilePath)
            const FileSystemTask context = FileSystemTask.UploadTransferByResourceQuery;
            const AuditEvent     eventId = AuditEvent.ResourceUploadQuery;

            var token = TransferStore.GetRunningTransfersForResource(virtualFilePath)
                        .Select(t => t.Token)

            string msg = "Queried upload transfer for resource [{0}]. Token found: [{1}].";

            msg = String.Format(msg, virtualFilePath, token != null);

            Auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Info, context, eventId, msg);
        private void InvalidateState(bool invalidateProjection, bool invalidateModifiedPaths)
            if (invalidateProjection)

            if (invalidateModifiedPaths)

        /// <summary>
        /// Audits a successful file system operation for a given resource.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AuditResourceOperation <T>(this IAuditor auditor, FileSystemTask context, AuditEvent eventId, IVirtualResourceItem <T> resource, string message) where T : VirtualResourceInfo
            if (!auditor.IsInfoEnabledFor(context))

            string msg = String.Format("Successfully performed file system operation '{0}' for resource [{1}].\n\n{2}",
                                       context, resource.ResourceInfo.Name, resource.CreateResourceInfoString());

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                msg = String.Format("{0}\n{1}", msg, message);

            auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Info, context, eventId, msg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Audits a file system operation that was blocked as a warning.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AuditDeniedOperation <T>(IAuditor auditor, FileSystemTask context, AuditEvent eventId, IVirtualResourceItem <T> resource, string message) where T : VirtualResourceInfo
            if (!AuditHelper.IsWarnEnabledFor(auditor, context))

            string msg = String.Format("Blocked operation '{0}' due to event '{1}'.", context, eventId);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                msg = String.Format("{0}\n{1}", msg, message);

            msg = String.Format("{0}\n\n{1}", msg, AuditHelper.CreateResourceInfoString(resource));
            auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Warning, context, eventId, msg);
    /// <summary>
    /// Internally resolves a given file resource by invoking <see cref="ResolveFileResourcePath"/>,
    /// and performs basic exception handling, auditing, access and availability checks.<br/>
    /// This method may be overridden in case additional work needs to be done in order to resolve
    /// the resource based on the submitted path.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="virtualFilePath">The submitted file path that needs to be resolved.</param>
    /// <param name="mustExist">Whether the file must exist on the file system. If this parameter is true
    /// and the received <typeparamref name="TFile"/>'s <see cref="IVirtualFileItem.Exists"/> is
    /// false, and <see cref="VirtualResourceNotFoundException"/> is being thrown.</param>
    /// <param name="context">The file system operation that is being performed during the invocation of
    /// this method. Used for internal auditing.</param>
    /// <returns>A wrapper item that includes the a <see cref="VirtualFileInfo"/> that corresponds
    /// to the submitted <paramref name="virtualFilePath"/>.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="virtualFilePath"/>
    /// is a null reference.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="VirtualResourceNotFoundException">If <paramref name="mustExist"/> is true, and
    /// the folder's <see cref="IVirtualFileItem.Exists"/> property is false.</exception>
        protected IVirtualFileItem ResolveFileResourcePathInternal(string virtualFilePath, bool mustExist, FileSystemTask context)
      //TODO allow null (also for folders), but write test first
      Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(virtualFilePath, "virtualFilePath");

      IVirtualFileItem fileItem;
        fileItem = ResolveFileResourcePath(virtualFilePath, context);
      catch (InvalidResourcePathException e)
        AuditHelper.AuditException(Auditor,e, context, AuditEvent.InvalidFilePathFormat);
      catch (VfsException e)
        //audit exception
        AuditHelper.AuditException(Auditor,e, context, AuditEvent.FileResolveFailed);
      catch (Exception e)
        //wrap exception and audit
        string msg = String.Format("Unexpected exception while resolving file path [{0}]", virtualFilePath);
        var rae = new ResourceAccessException(msg, e);

        AuditHelper.AuditException(Auditor,rae, context, AuditEvent.FileResolveFailed);
        throw rae;

      if (mustExist && !fileItem.Exists)
        //audit and throw exception
        AuditHelper.AuditRequestedFileNotFound(Auditor,fileItem, context);

        string msg = String.Format("File [{0}] not found on file system.", fileItem.ResourceInfo.FullName);
        throw new VirtualResourceNotFoundException(msg) { Resource = fileItem.ResourceInfo, IsAudited = true };

      return fileItem;
 /// <summary>
 /// Provides exception handling and auditing for a given function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="task">The context, used for auditing exceptions that may occur.</param>
 /// <param name="action">The action to be invoked.</param>
 /// <param name="errorMessage">Returns an error message in case of an unhandled exception
 /// that is not derived from <see cref="VfsException"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="auditor">The auditor that receives the exceptions.</param>
 /// <returns>The result of the submitted <paramref name="action"/> function.</returns>
 public static void SecureAction(FileSystemTask task, Action action, Func <string> errorMessage, IAuditor auditor)
     catch (VfsException e)
         //just audit and rethrow VFS exceptions
         auditor.AuditException(e, task);
     catch (Exception e)
         //wrap unhandled exception into VFS exception
         var exception = new ResourceAccessException(errorMessage(), e);
         auditor.AuditException(exception, task);
         throw exception;
 /// <summary>
 /// Provides exception handling and auditing for a given function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="task">The context, used for auditing exceptions that may occur.</param>
 /// <param name="func">The function to be invoked.</param>
 /// <param name="errorMessage">Returns an error message in case of an unhandled exception
 /// that is not derived from <see cref="VfsException"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="auditor">The auditor that receives the exceptions.</param>
 /// <returns>The result of the submitted <paramref name="func"/> function.</returns>
 public static T SecureFunc <T>(FileSystemTask task, Func <T> func, Func <string> errorMessage, IAuditor auditor)
     catch (VfsException e)
         //just audit and rethrow VFS exceptions
         AuditHelper.AuditException(auditor, e, task);
     catch (Exception e)
         //wrap unhandled exception into VFS exception
         var exception = new ResourceAccessException(errorMessage(), e);
         AuditHelper.AuditException(auditor, exception, task);
         throw exception;
        private Stream DownloadFileImpl(string transferId)
            const FileSystemTask context = FileSystemTask.StreamedFileDownloadRequest;

            //get the cached transfer
            TTransfer transfer = GetCachedTransfer(transferId, true, context);

            if (transfer.Token.TotalBlockCount == 0)
                //if we don't have any blocks, return a null stream
                Auditor.AuditTransferOperation(context, AuditEvent.FileDataDownloaded, transfer.TransferId, transfer.FileItem);

            //we don't expose the underlying stream directly, but rather use blocks again,
            //which disconnects the exposed stream from the underlying resource and allows for simple
            long resourceLength = transfer.FileItem.ResourceInfo.Length;

            // ReSharper disable UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            var stream = new StreamedBlockInputStream(blockNumber => ReadBlockStreamed(transferId, blockNumber),

            // ReSharper restore UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer

            //assign the stream the transfer object in order so it can query the status during reading
            stream.Transfer = transfer;

            //reading the last block closes the transfer automatically..
            transfer.AutoCloseAfterLastBlockDelivery = true;

            //...and so does disposing the stream at any time
            var closingStream = new ClosingActionStream(stream, () => CompleteTransfer(transferId));

            Auditor.AuditTransferOperation(context, AuditEvent.FileDataDownloaded, transfer.TransferId, transfer.FileItem);
        public virtual void OnIndexFileChange()
            string lockedGitCommand         = this.context.Repository.GVFSLock.GetLockedGitCommand();
            GitCommandLineParser gitCommand = new GitCommandLineParser(lockedGitCommand);

            if (!gitCommand.IsValidGitCommand)
                // Something wrote to the index without holding the GVFS lock, so we invalidate the projection

                // But this isn't something we expect to see, so log a warning
                EventMetadata metadata = new EventMetadata
                    { "Area", EtwArea },
                    { TracingConstants.MessageKey.WarningMessage, "Index modified without git holding GVFS lock" },

                this.context.Tracer.RelatedEvent(EventLevel.Warning, $"{nameof(this.OnIndexFileChange)}_NoLock", metadata);
            else if (this.GitCommandLeavesProjectionUnchanged(gitCommand))
                if (this.GitCommandRequiresModifiedPathValidationAfterIndexChange(gitCommand))


        /// <summary>
        /// Closes a given transfer, and frees resources that were associated with the
        /// transfer (by invoking the <see cref="TransferHandlerBase{TFile,TToken,TTransfer}.FinalizeTransfer"/> method).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The status depending on the result of the hash verification, which is delegated to the
        /// abstract <see cref="VerifyTransfer"/> method.</returns>
        protected virtual TransferStatus CompleteTransferInternal(string transferId, string md5FileHash)
            const FileSystemTask context = FileSystemTask.UploadTransferCompletion;

            //get the transfer
            TTransfer transfer = GetCachedTransfer(transferId, true, context);

            lock (transfer.ResourceLock) {
                bool status = VerifyTransfer(transfer, md5FileHash);

                if (status)
                    //complete transfer
                    return(CloseTransferInternal(transfer.TransferId, TransferStatus.Completed, null, context,

                //cancel transfer if verification failed
                return(CloseTransferInternal(transfer.TransferId, TransferStatus.Aborted, AbortReason.VerificationFailure, context,
        public FolderItem ResolveFolderResourcePath2(string submittedFolderPath, FileSystemTask context)
            //make sure we operate on absolute paths
            string absolutePath = PathUtil.GetAbsolutePath(submittedFolderPath ?? "", RootDirectory);

            if (IsRootPath(absolutePath))
                return(GetFileSystemRootImplementation() as FolderItem);

            var di = new DirectoryInfo(absolutePath);
            VirtualFolderInfo folderInfo = di.CreateFolderResourceInfo();

            var item = new FolderItem(di, folderInfo);

            //convert to relative paths if required (also prevents qualified paths in validation exceptions)
            if (UseRelativePaths)

            ValidateFolderRequestAccess(item, submittedFolderPath, context);
 /// <summary>
 /// A method that is invoked on pretty much every folder request in order
 /// to resolve a submitted folder path into a <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/>
 /// object.<br/>
 /// The <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/> is being returned as part of a
 /// <see cref="IVirtualFolderItem"/>, which should also provide some additionally
 /// required meta data which is used for further validation and auditing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="submittedFolderPath">The path that was received as a part of a folder-related
 /// request.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The currently performed file system operation.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="IVirtualFolderItem"/> which encapsulates a <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/>
 /// that represents the requested folder on the file system.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidResourcePathException">In case the format of the submitted path
 /// is invalid, meaning it cannot be interpreted as a valid resource identifier.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="VfsException">Exceptions will be handled by this base class and audited to
 /// the <see cref="FileSystemProviderBase.Auditor"/>. If auditing was already performed or should
 /// be suppressed, implementors can set the <see cref="VfsException.IsAudited"/> and
 /// <see cref="VfsException.SuppressAuditing"/> properties.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Exception">Any exceptions that are not derived from
 /// <see cref="VfsException"/> will be wrapped and audited.</exception>
     public abstract IVirtualFolderItem ResolveFolderResourcePath(string submittedFolderPath, FileSystemTask context);
        public  FolderItem ResolveFolderResourcePath2(string submittedFolderPath, FileSystemTask context) {
            //make sure we operate on absolute paths
            string absolutePath = PathUtil.GetAbsolutePath(submittedFolderPath ?? "", RootDirectory);

            if (IsRootPath(absolutePath)) {
                return GetFileSystemRootImplementation() as FolderItem;

            var di = new DirectoryInfo(absolutePath);
            VirtualFolderInfo folderInfo = di.CreateFolderResourceInfo();

            var item = new FolderItem(di, folderInfo);

            //convert to relative paths if required (also prevents qualified paths in validation exceptions)
            if (UseRelativePaths) item.MakePathsRelativeTo(RootDirectory);

            ValidateFolderRequestAccess(item, submittedFolderPath, context);
            return item;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether a  <see cref="LocalFileSystemProvider"/> was configured
        /// with access restricted to a given <see cref="LocalFileSystemProvider.RootDirectory"/>,
        /// and makes sure that the requested <paramref name="file"/> is indeed contained
        /// within that folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The requested file resource.</param>
        /// <param name="submittedFilePath">The path that was submitted in the original request.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The currently performed file system operation.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceAccessException">If the requested resource is not
        /// a descendant of a configured <see cref="LocalFileSystemProvider.RootDirectory"/>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="file"/>
        /// is a null reference.</exception>
        private void ValidateFileRequestAccess(FileItem file, string submittedFilePath, FileSystemTask context) {
            if (file == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("file");

            //if there isn't a restricted custom root, every file resource can be accessed
            //(if the path is invalid, this will fail otherwise, depending on the action)
            if (RootDirectory == null) return;

            try {
                //if we have a custom root, make sure the resource is indeed a descendant of the root
                if (RootDirectory.IsParentOf(file.LocalFile.FullName)) return;
            catch (ResourceAccessException e) {
                //just bubble a resource access exception
                if (e.Resource == null) e.Resource = file.ResourceInfo;
            catch (Exception e) {
                //exceptions can happen in case of invalid file paths

                //log detailed info
                string error = "Resource request for file [{0}] caused exception when validating against root directory [{1}].";
                error = String.Format(error, submittedFilePath, RootDirectory.FullName);
                AuditHelper.AuditException(Auditor, e, AuditLevel.Warning, context, AuditEvent.InvalidFilePathFormat, error);

                //do not expose too much path information (e.g. absolute paths if disabled)
                error = String.Format("Invalid file path: [{0}].", submittedFilePath);
                throw new ResourceAccessException(error, e) { Resource = file.ResourceInfo, IsAudited = true };

            //if none of the above is true, the request is invalid

            //log detailed info
            string msg = "Resource request for file [{0}] was blocked. The resource is outside the root directory [{1}].";
            msg = String.Format(msg, file.ResourceInfo.FullName, RootDirectory.FullName);
            Auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Warning, context, AuditEvent.InvalidResourceLocationRequested, msg);

            //do not expose too much path information (e.g. absolute paths if disabled)
            msg = String.Format("Invalid file path: [{0}].", submittedFilePath);
            throw new ResourceAccessException(msg) { Resource = file.ResourceInfo, IsAudited = true };
 /// <summary>
 /// Audits a given incident.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">Indicates the severity of an audited incident.</param>
 /// <param name="context">Defines the context of the audited operation on the file system.</param>
 /// <param name="eventId">An identifier that indicates the incident.</param>
 /// <param name="message">An optional message that provides background information.</param>
 public void Audit(AuditLevel level, FileSystemTask context, AuditEvent eventId, string message)
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Object"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public AuditItem(AuditLevel level,  FileSystemTask context, AuditEvent eventId)
   : this(level, context, eventId, String.Empty)
 Vfs.LocalFileSystem.FolderItem ResolveFolderResourcePathInternal2(string virtualFolderPath, bool mustExist, FileSystemTask context)
     return(ResolveFolderResourcePathInternal(virtualFolderPath, mustExist, context) as Vfs.LocalFileSystem.FolderItem);
 /// <summary>
 /// Whether auditing is being performed for incidents of
 /// a given <see cref="AuditLevel"/> and context.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">The severity of the audited incident.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The currently performed file system operation
 /// that delivers the context of the audited incident.</param>
 /// <returns>True if messages for the level and area are being actively
 /// audited. If this method returns false, <see cref="IAuditor.Audit"/> is
 /// not supposed to be invoked with an <see cref="AuditItem"/>
 /// that matches this level and area.</returns>
 public bool IsAuditEnabled(AuditLevel level, FileSystemTask context)
   return true;
        public  FileItem ResolveFileResourcePath2(string submittedFilePath, FileSystemTask context) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(submittedFilePath)) {
                throw new InvalidResourcePathException("An empty or null string is not a valid file path");

            //make sure we operate on absolute paths
            var absolutePath = PathUtil.GetAbsolutePath(submittedFilePath, RootDirectory);

            if (IsRootPath(absolutePath)) {
                throw new InvalidResourcePathException("Invalid path submitted: " + submittedFilePath);

            var localFile = new FileInfo(absolutePath);
            VirtualFileInfo virtualFile = localFile.CreateFileResourceInfo();

            var item = new FileItem(localFile, virtualFile);

            //convert to relative paths if required (also prevents qualified paths in validation exceptions)
            if (UseRelativePaths) item.MakePathsRelativeTo(RootDirectory);

            ValidateFileRequestAccess(item, submittedFilePath, context);
            return item;
 /// <summary>
 /// Audits a given incident.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">Indicates the severity of an audited incident.</param>
 /// <param name="context">Defines the context of the audited operation on the file system.</param>
 /// <param name="eventId">An identifier that indicates the incident.</param>
 /// <param name="message">An optional message that provides background information.</param>
 public void Audit(AuditLevel level, FileSystemTask context, AuditEvent eventId, string message)
   Audit(new AuditItem(level, context, eventId, message));
 Vfs.Zip.ZipFolderItem ResolveFolderResourcePathInternal2(string virtualFolderPath, bool mustExist, FileSystemTask context) {
     return ResolveFolderResourcePathInternal(virtualFolderPath, mustExist, context) as Vfs.Zip.ZipFolderItem;
        public ZipFolderItem ResolveFolderResourcePath2(string submittedFolderPath, FileSystemTask context) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(submittedFolderPath) || submittedFolderPath == ZipNodeRepository.RootFolderPath) {
                return GetFileSystemRootImplementation() as ZipFolderItem;

            return NodeRepository.GetFolderItem(submittedFolderPath);
 /// <summary>
 /// A method that is invoked on pretty much every folder request in order
 /// to resolve a submitted folder path into a <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/>
 /// object.<br/>
 /// The <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/> is being returned as part of a
 /// <see cref="IVirtualFolderItem"/>, which should also provide some additionally
 /// required meta data which is used for further validation and auditing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="submittedFolderPath">The path that was received as a part of a folder-related
 /// request.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The currently performed file system operation.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="IVirtualFolderItem"/> which encapsulates a <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/>
 /// that represents the requested folder on the file system.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidResourcePathException">In case the format of the submitted path
 /// is invalid, meaning it cannot be interpreted as a valid resource identifier.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="VfsException">Exceptions will be handled by this base class and audited to
 /// the <see cref="FileSystemProviderBase.Auditor"/>. If auditing was already performed or should
 /// be suppressed, implementors can set the <see cref="VfsException.IsAudited"/> and
 /// <see cref="VfsException.SuppressAuditing"/> properties.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Exception">Any exceptions that are not derived from
 /// <see cref="VfsException"/> will be wrapped and audited.</exception>
 public override IVirtualFolderItem ResolveFolderResourcePath(string submittedFolderPath, FileSystemTask context) {
     return ResolveFolderResourcePath2(submittedFolderPath, context);
 public ZipFileItem ResolveFileResourcePath2(string submittedFilePath, FileSystemTask context) {
     return NodeRepository.GetFileItem(submittedFilePath);
 /// <summary>
 /// A method that is invoked on pretty much every folder request in order
 /// to resolve a submitted folder path into a <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/>
 /// object.<br/>
 /// The <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/> is being returned as part of a
 /// <see cref="IVirtualFolderItem"/>, which should also provide some additionally
 /// required meta data which is used for further validation and auditing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="submittedFolderPath">The path that was received as a part of a folder-related
 /// request.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The currently performed file system operation.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="IVirtualFolderItem"/> which encapsulates a <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/>
 /// that represents the requested folder on the file system.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidResourcePathException">In case the format of the submitted path
 /// is invalid, meaning it cannot be interpreted as a valid resource identifier.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="VfsException">Exceptions will be handled by this base class and audited to
 /// the <see cref="FileSystemProviderBase.Auditor"/>. If auditing was already performed or should
 /// be suppressed, implementors can set the <see cref="VfsException.IsAudited"/> and
 /// <see cref="VfsException.SuppressAuditing"/> properties.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Exception">Any exceptions that are not derived from
 /// <see cref="VfsException"/> will be wrapped and audited.</exception>
 public override IVirtualFolderItem ResolveFolderResourcePath(string submittedFolderPath, FileSystemTask context)
     return(ResolveFolderResourcePath2(submittedFolderPath, context));
    /// <summary>
    /// Internally resolves a given folder resource by invoking <see cref="ResolveFolderResourcePath"/>,
    /// and performs basic exception handling, auditing, access and availability checks.<br/>
    /// This method may be overridden in case additional work needs to be done in order to resolve
    /// the resource based on the submitted path.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="virtualFolderPath">The submitted folder path that needs to be resolved.</param>
    /// <param name="mustExist">Whether the folder must exist on the file system. If this parameter is true
    /// and the received <typeparamref name="TFolder"/>'s <see cref="IVirtualFolderItem.Exists"/> is
    /// false, and <see cref="VirtualResourceNotFoundException"/> is being thrown.</param>
    /// <param name="context">The file system operation that is being performed during the invocation of
    /// this method. Used for internal auditing.</param>
    /// <returns>A wrapper item that includes the a <see cref="VirtualFolderInfo"/> that corresponds
    /// to the submitted <paramref name="virtualFolderPath"/>.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="virtualFolderPath"/>
    /// is a null reference.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="VirtualResourceNotFoundException">If <paramref name="mustExist"/> is true, and
    /// the folder's <see cref="IVirtualFolderItem.Exists"/> property is false.</exception>
        protected virtual IVirtualFolderItem ResolveFolderResourcePathInternal(string virtualFolderPath, bool mustExist, FileSystemTask context)
        IVirtualFolderItem folderItem;
        folderItem = ResolveFolderResourcePath(virtualFolderPath, context);
      catch(InvalidResourcePathException e)
        AuditHelper.AuditException(Auditor,e, context, AuditEvent.InvalidFolderPathFormat);
      catch (VfsException e)
        //audit exception
        AuditHelper.AuditException(Auditor,e, context, AuditEvent.FolderResolveFailed);
      catch (Exception e)
        //wrap exception and audit
        string msg = String.Format("Unexpected exception while resolving folder path [{0}]", virtualFolderPath);
        var rae = new ResourceAccessException(msg, e);

        AuditHelper.AuditException(Auditor,rae, context, AuditEvent.FolderResolveFailed);
        throw rae;

      if (mustExist && !folderItem.Exists)
        //audit and throw exception
        AuditHelper.AuditRequestedFolderNotFound(Auditor,folderItem, context);

        string msg = String.Format("Folder [{0}] not found on file system.", folderItem.ResourceInfo.FullName);
        throw new VirtualResourceNotFoundException(msg) { Resource = folderItem.ResourceInfo, IsAudited = true};

      return folderItem;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether a  <see cref="LocalFileSystemProvider"/> was configured
        /// with access restricted to a given <see cref="LocalFileSystemProvider.RootDirectory"/>,
        /// and makes sure that the requested <paramref name="file"/> is indeed contained
        /// within that folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The requested file resource.</param>
        /// <param name="submittedFilePath">The path that was submitted in the original request.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The currently performed file system operation.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ResourceAccessException">If the requested resource is not
        /// a descendant of a configured <see cref="LocalFileSystemProvider.RootDirectory"/>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="file"/>
        /// is a null reference.</exception>
        private void ValidateFileRequestAccess(FileItem file, string submittedFilePath, FileSystemTask context)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");

            //if there isn't a restricted custom root, every file resource can be accessed
            //(if the path is invalid, this will fail otherwise, depending on the action)
            if (RootDirectory == null)

            try {
                //if we have a custom root, make sure the resource is indeed a descendant of the root
                if (RootDirectory.IsParentOf(file.LocalFile.FullName))
            catch (ResourceAccessException e) {
                //just bubble a resource access exception
                if (e.Resource == null)
                    e.Resource = file.ResourceInfo;
            catch (Exception e) {
                //exceptions can happen in case of invalid file paths

                //log detailed info
                string error = "Resource request for file [{0}] caused exception when validating against root directory [{1}].";
                error = String.Format(error, submittedFilePath, RootDirectory.FullName);
                AuditHelper.AuditException(Auditor, e, AuditLevel.Warning, context, AuditEvent.InvalidFilePathFormat, error);

                //do not expose too much path information (e.g. absolute paths if disabled)
                error = String.Format("Invalid file path: [{0}].", submittedFilePath);
                throw new ResourceAccessException(error, e)
                          Resource = file.ResourceInfo, IsAudited = true

            //if none of the above is true, the request is invalid

            //log detailed info
            string msg = "Resource request for file [{0}] was blocked. The resource is outside the root directory [{1}].";

            msg = String.Format(msg, file.ResourceInfo.FullName, RootDirectory.FullName);
            Auditor.Audit(AuditLevel.Warning, context, AuditEvent.InvalidResourceLocationRequested, msg);

            //do not expose too much path information (e.g. absolute paths if disabled)
            msg = String.Format("Invalid file path: [{0}].", submittedFilePath);
            throw new ResourceAccessException(msg)
                      Resource = file.ResourceInfo, IsAudited = true
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to acquire a lock for a given folder and its parent folders,
 /// and executes the submitted <paramref name="action"/> if the lock
 /// was granted. Otherwise audits a warning.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="folder">The folder to be locked.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The currently performed file system operation.</param>
 /// <param name="lockType">Whether a read or a write lock is required for the
 /// <paramref name="folder"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="action">An action that is being executed if the locking
 /// succeeded.</param>
 /// <returns>True if locking succeeded and the <paramref name="action"/> was invoked. False
 /// if the lock was not granted.</returns>
 protected virtual bool LockResourceAndExecute(IVirtualFolderItem folder, FileSystemTask context, ResourceLockType lockType, Action action)
   using (var guard = RequestChainedLockGuard(folder, lockType))
     if (!guard.IsLockEnabled)
       AuditEvent ae = lockType == ResourceLockType.Read
                         ? AuditEvent.FolderReadLockDenied
                         : AuditEvent.FolderWriteLockDenied;
       AuditHelper.AuditDeniedOperation(Auditor,context, ae, folder);
       return false;
     return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// A method that is invoked on pretty much every file request in order
 /// to resolve a submitted file path into a <see cref="VirtualFileInfo"/>
 /// object.<br/>
 /// The <see cref="VirtualFileInfo"/> is being returned as part of a
 /// <see cref="IVirtualFileItem"/>, which should also provide some additionally
 /// required meta data which is used for further validation and auditing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="submittedFilePath">The path that was received as a part of a file-related
 /// request.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The currently performed file system operation.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="IVirtualFileItem"/> which encapsulates a <see cref="VirtualFileInfo"/>
 /// that represents the requested file on the file system.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidResourcePathException">In case the format of the submitted path
 /// is invalid, meaning it cannot be interpreted as a valid resource identifier.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="VfsException">Exceptions will be handled by this base class and audited to
 /// the <see cref="FileSystemProviderBase.Auditor"/>. If auditing was already performed or should
 /// be suppressed, implementors can set the <see cref="VfsException.IsAudited"/> and
 /// <see cref="VfsException.SuppressAuditing"/> properties.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Exception">Any exceptions that are not derived from
 /// <see cref="VfsException"/> will be wrapped and audited.</exception>
     public abstract IVirtualFileItem ResolveFileResourcePath(string submittedFilePath, FileSystemTask context);
 Vfs.LocalFileSystem.FileItem ResolveFileResourcePathInternal2(string virtualFilePath, bool mustExist, FileSystemTask context) {
     return ResolveFileResourcePathInternal(virtualFilePath, mustExist, context) as Vfs.LocalFileSystem.FileItem;