        private async Task <T> GetKeyObjectFromFile <T>(string name, IKeyJsonOps <T> keyOp)
            string keyPath = GetFunctionSecretsFilePath(name);
            string key     = null;

            if (!FileSystemHelpers.FileExists(keyPath) || FileSystemHelpers.FileInfoFromFileName(keyPath).Length == 0)
                    using (var fileStream = FileSystemHelpers.OpenFile(keyPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                    // getting the lock early (instead of acquire the lock at "new StreamWriter(fileStream)")
                    // so no redundant work is being done (generate secrets)
                        string jsonContent = keyOp.GenerateKeyJson(SecurityUtility.GenerateSecretStringsKeyPair(keyOp.NumberOfKeysInDefaultFormat), FunctionSiteExtensionVersion, out key);
                        using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                            using (var sr = new System.IO.StringReader(jsonContent))
                                // write json to memory
                                // since JsonConvert has no method to format a json string
                                new JsonTextWriter(sw)
                                    Formatting = Formatting.Indented
                                }.WriteToken(new JsonTextReader(sr));
                                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream))
                                    await streamWriter.WriteAsync(sw.ToString());

                                    await streamWriter.FlushAsync();
                    return(keyOp.GenerateKeyObject(key, name));
                catch (IOException)
                    // failed to open file => function runtime has the handler
                    // fallback to read key files

            string jsonStr = null;
            int    timeOut = 5;

            while (true)
                    jsonStr = await FileSystemHelpers.ReadAllTextFromFileAsync(keyPath);

                catch (Exception)
                    if (timeOut == 0)
                        throw new TimeoutException($"Fail to read {keyPath}, the file is being held by another process");
                    await Task.Delay(250);

            bool isEncrypted;

            key = keyOp.GetKeyValueFromJson(jsonStr, out isEncrypted);
            if (isEncrypted)
                key = SecurityUtility.DecryptSecretString(key);
            return(keyOp.GenerateKeyObject(key, name));
        private async Task OneDeployFetch(IRepository repository, DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo, string targetBranch,
                                          ILogger logger, ITracer tracer)
            var artifactDeploymentInfo = (ArtifactDeploymentInfo)deploymentInfo;

            // For this kind of deployment, RepositoryUrl is a local path.
            var sourceZipFile = artifactDeploymentInfo.RepositoryUrl;

            // This is the path where the artifact being deployed is staged, before it is copied to the final target location
            var artifactDirectoryStagingPath = repository.RepositoryPath;

            var info     = FileSystemHelpers.FileInfoFromFileName(sourceZipFile);
            var sizeInMb = (info.Length / (1024f * 1024f)).ToString("0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var message = String.Format(
                "Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file {0} ({1} MB) to {2}",

            using (tracer.Step(message))
                var targetInfo = FileSystemHelpers.DirectoryInfoFromDirectoryName(artifactDirectoryStagingPath);
                if (targetInfo.Exists)
                    // If the staging path already exists, rename it so we can delete it later
                    var moveTarget = Path.Combine(targetInfo.Parent.FullName, Path.GetRandomFileName());
                    using (tracer.Step(string.Format("Renaming ({0}) to ({1})", targetInfo.FullName, moveTarget)))

                // We want to create a directory structure under 'extractTargetDirectory'
                // such that it exactly matches the directory structure specified
                // by deploymentInfo.TargetSubDirectoryRelativePath
                string stagingSubDirPath = artifactDirectoryStagingPath;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artifactDeploymentInfo.TargetSubDirectoryRelativePath))
                    stagingSubDirPath = Path.Combine(artifactDirectoryStagingPath, artifactDeploymentInfo.TargetSubDirectoryRelativePath);

                // Create artifact staging directory hierarchy before later use

                var artifactFileStagingPath = Path.Combine(stagingSubDirPath, deploymentInfo.TargetFileName);

                var srcInfo = FileSystemHelpers.DirectoryInfoFromDirectoryName(deploymentInfo.RepositoryUrl);
                using (tracer.Step(string.Format("Moving {0} to {1}", targetInfo.FullName, artifactFileStagingPath)))

                // Deletes all files and directories except for artifactFileStagingPath and artifactDirectoryStagingPath
                DeleteFilesAndDirsExcept(artifactFileStagingPath, artifactDirectoryStagingPath, tracer);

                // The deployment flow expects at least 1 commit in the IRepository commit, refer to CommitRepo() for more info
                CommitRepo(repository, artifactDeploymentInfo);
        private async Task LocalZipFetch(IRepository repository, DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo, string targetBranch, ILogger logger, ITracer tracer)
            var zipDeploymentInfo = (ArtifactDeploymentInfo)deploymentInfo;

            // If this was a request with a Zip URL in the JSON, we need to deploy the zip locally and get the path
            // Otherwise, for this kind of deployment, RepositoryUrl is a local path.
            var sourceZipFile = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipDeploymentInfo.RemoteURL)
                ? await DeployZipLocally(zipDeploymentInfo, tracer)
                : zipDeploymentInfo.RepositoryUrl;

            var artifactFileStagingDirectory = repository.RepositoryPath;

            var info     = FileSystemHelpers.FileInfoFromFileName(sourceZipFile);
            var sizeInMb = (info.Length / (1024f * 1024f)).ToString("0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var message = String.Format(
                "Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file {0} ({1} MB) to {2}",


            using (tracer.Step(message))
                // If extractTargetDirectory already exists, rename it so we can delete it concurrently with
                // the unzip (along with any other junk in the folder)
                var targetInfo = FileSystemHelpers.DirectoryInfoFromDirectoryName(artifactFileStagingDirectory);
                if (targetInfo.Exists)
                    var moveTarget = Path.Combine(targetInfo.Parent.FullName, Path.GetRandomFileName());
                    using (tracer.Step(string.Format("Renaming extractTargetDirectory({0}) to tempDirectory({1})", targetInfo.FullName, moveTarget)))

                var cleanTask   = Task.Run(() => DeleteFilesAndDirsExcept(sourceZipFile, artifactFileStagingDirectory, tracer));
                var extractTask = Task.Run(() =>
                    // We want to create a directory structure under 'artifactFileStagingDirectory'
                    // such that it exactly matches the directory structure specified
                    // by deploymentInfo.TargetSubDirectoryRelativePath
                    string extractSubDirectoryPath = artifactFileStagingDirectory;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deploymentInfo.TargetSubDirectoryRelativePath) && deploymentInfo.Deployer == Constants.OneDeploy)
                        extractSubDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(artifactFileStagingDirectory, deploymentInfo.TargetSubDirectoryRelativePath);


                    using (var file = info.OpenRead())
                        using (var zip = new ZipArchive(file, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                            zip.Extract(extractSubDirectoryPath, tracer, _settings.GetZipDeployDoNotPreserveFileTime());

                await Task.WhenAll(cleanTask, extractTask);
            CommitRepo(repository, zipDeploymentInfo);
        private Task LocalZipFetch(IRepository repository, DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo, string targetBranch,
                                   ILogger logger, ITracer tracer)
            var zipDeploymentInfo = (ArtifactDeploymentInfo)deploymentInfo;

            // For this kind of deployment, RepositoryUrl is a local path.
            var sourceZipFile          = zipDeploymentInfo.RepositoryUrl;
            var extractTargetDirectory = repository.RepositoryPath;

            var info     = FileSystemHelpers.FileInfoFromFileName(sourceZipFile);
            var sizeInMb = (info.Length / (1024f * 1024f)).ToString("0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var message = String.Format(
                "Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file {0} ({1} MB) to {2}",


            using (tracer.Step(message))
                // If extractTargetDirectory already exists, rename it so we can delete it concurrently with
                // the unzip (along with any other junk in the folder)
                var targetInfo = FileSystemHelpers.DirectoryInfoFromDirectoryName(extractTargetDirectory);
                if (targetInfo.Exists)
                    var moveTarget = Path.Combine(targetInfo.Parent.FullName, Path.GetRandomFileName());

                DeleteFilesAndDirsExcept(sourceZipFile, extractTargetDirectory, tracer);

                // We want to create a directory structure under 'extractTargetDirectory'
                // such that it exactly matches the directory structure specified
                // by deploymentInfo.TargetSubDirectoryRelativePath
                string extractSubDirectoryPath = extractTargetDirectory;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deploymentInfo.TargetSubDirectoryRelativePath) && deploymentInfo.Deployer == Constants.OneDeploy)
                    extractSubDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(extractTargetDirectory, deploymentInfo.TargetSubDirectoryRelativePath);


                using (var file = info.OpenRead())

                    using (var zip = new ZipArchive(file, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                        deploymentInfo.repositorySymlinks = zip.Extract(extractSubDirectoryPath, preserveSymlinks: ShouldPreserveSymlinks());

                        CreateZipSymlinks(deploymentInfo.repositorySymlinks, extractSubDirectoryPath);

                        PermissionHelper.ChmodRecursive("777", extractSubDirectoryPath, tracer, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

            CommitRepo(repository, zipDeploymentInfo);