public NoPreviousBookmark()
                        var bookmarkProvider = Substitute.For <IBookmarkProvider>();

                        .When(x => x.UpdateBookmark(Arg.Any <FileSetPosition>()))
                        .Do(x => _sut = x.ArgAt <FileSetPosition>(0));
                        bookmarkProvider.GetCurrentBookmarkPosition().Returns(null as FileSetPosition);

                        IFileSystemAdapter fsAdapter = CreateFileSystemAdapter();

                        var provider = new FileBufferDataProvider(

                public RetentionLimitLessThenNumberOfBufferFilesAndBookMarkOnSecondFile()
                    var bookmarkProvider = Substitute.For <IBookmarkProvider>();

                    .When(x => x.UpdateBookmark(Arg.Any <FileSetPosition>()))
                    .Do(x => _sut = x.ArgAt <FileSetPosition>(0));

                    IFileSystemAdapter fsAdapter = CreateFileSystemAdapter();

                    var provider = new FileBufferDataProviderThatAllowscurrentBookmarkToBeSet(

                    //force the current Bookmark to be second file:
                    provider.DefineCurrentBookmark(123, @"c:\a\file002.json");

 bool IsValidBookmark(FileSetPosition bookmark)
     return(bookmark?.File != null &&
        public void MoveBookmarkForward()
            //curren Batch is empty, so we should clear it out so that the enxt read cycle will refresh it correctly
            _currentBatchOfEventsToProcess = null;

            // Only advance the bookmark if no other process has the
            // current file locked, and its length is as we found it.
            // NOTE: we will typically enter this method after any buffer file is finished
            // (no events read from previous file). This is the oportunity to clear out files
            // especially the prevously read file

            var fileSet = GetEventBufferFileSet();

                //if we only have two files, move to the next one imediately, unless a locking situation
                // impeads us from doing so
                if (fileSet.Length == 2 &&
                    fileSet.First() == _currentBookmark.File &&
                    IsUnlockedAtLength(_currentBookmark.File, _currentBookmark.NextLineStart))
                    //move to next file
                    _currentBookmark = new FileSetPosition(0, fileSet[1]);
                    //we can also delete the previously read file since we no longer need it

                if (fileSet.Length > 2)
                    //when we have more files, we want to delete older ones, but this depends on the
                    // limit retention policy. If no limit retention policy is in place, the intent is to
                    // send all messages, no matter how old. In this case, we should only delete the current
                    // file (since we are finished with it) and start at the next one. If we do have some
                    // retention policy in place, then delete anything older then the limit and the next
                    // message read should be at the start of the policy limit
                    if (_retainedFileCountLimit.HasValue)
                        //move to first file within retention limite
                        _currentBookmark = _retainedFileCountLimit.Value >= fileSet.Length
                            ? new FileSetPosition(0, fileSet[1])
                            : new FileSetPosition(0, fileSet[fileSet.Length - _retainedFileCountLimit.Value]);

                        //delete all the old files
                        foreach (var oldFile in fileSet.Take(fileSet.Length - _retainedFileCountLimit.Value))
                        //move to the next file and delete the current one
                        _currentBookmark = new FileSetPosition(0, fileSet[1]);
                        _bookmarkProvider.UpdateBookmark(_currentBookmark); //set the file bookmark to avoid
            catch (Exception ex)
                SelfLog.WriteLine("An error occured while deleteing the files...{0}", ex.Message);
                //even if reading / deleteing files fails, we can / should update the bookmark file
                //it is important that the file have the reset position, otherwise we risk failing to
                // move forward in the next read cycle
                //it's possible that no bookmark exists, especially if no valid messages have forced a
                // durable log file to be created. In this case, the bookmark file will be empty and
                // on disk
                if (_currentBookmark != null)
        public void CanCreateBookmarkInstance()
            var marker = new FileSetPosition(0, @"C:\test");

        public void MoveBookmarkForward()
            //curren Batch is empty, so we should clear it out so that the enxt read cycle will refresh it correctly
            _currentBatchOfEventsToProcess = null;

            // Only advance the bookmark if no other process has the
            // current file locked, and its length is as we found it.
            // NOTE: we will typically enter this method after any buffer file is finished
            // (no events read from previous file). This is the oportunity to clear out files
            // especially the prevously read file

            var fileSet = GetEventBufferFileSet();

                //if we only have two files, move to the next one imediately, unless a locking situation
                // impeads us from doing so
                if (fileSet.Length == 2 &&
                    fileSet.First() == CurrentBookmark.File &&
                    IsUnlockedAtLength(CurrentBookmark.File, CurrentBookmark.NextLineStart))
                    //move to next file
                    CurrentBookmark = new FileSetPosition(0, fileSet[1]);
                    //we can also delete the previously read file since we no longer need it

                if (fileSet.Length > 2)
                    //determine where in the fileset on disk is the current bookmark (if any)
                    //there is no garantee the the current one is the first, so we need to make
                    //sure we start reading the next one based on the current one
                    var currentBookMarkedFileInFileSet = CurrentBookmark != null
                        ? Array.FindIndex(fileSet, f => f == CurrentBookmark.File)
                        : -1;

                    //when we have more files, we want to delete older ones, but this depends on the
                    // limit retention policy. If no limit retention policy is in place, the intent is to
                    // send all messages, no matter how old. In this case, we should only delete the current
                    // file (since we are finished with it) and start the bookmark at the next one. If we do have some
                    // retention policy in place, then delete anything older then the limit and the next
                    // message read should be at the start of the policy limit
                    if (_retainedFileCountLimit.HasValue)
                        if (fileSet.Length <= _retainedFileCountLimit.Value)
                            var fileIndexToStartAt = Math.Max(0, currentBookMarkedFileInFileSet + 1);

                            //if index of current is not the last , use next; otherwise preserve current
                            CurrentBookmark = fileIndexToStartAt <= fileSet.Length - 1
                                ? new FileSetPosition(0, fileSet[fileIndexToStartAt])
                                : CurrentBookmark;

                            //delete all the old files
                            DeleteFilesInFileSetUpToIndex(fileSet, fileIndexToStartAt);
                            //start at next or first in retention count
                            var fileIndexToStartAt = Math.Max(fileSet.Length - _retainedFileCountLimit.Value, currentBookMarkedFileInFileSet + 1);

                            CurrentBookmark = new FileSetPosition(0, fileSet[fileIndexToStartAt]);

                            //delete all the old files
                            DeleteFilesInFileSetUpToIndex(fileSet, fileIndexToStartAt);
                        // not sure this can occur, but if for some reason the file is no longer in the list
                        // we should start from the beginning, maybe; being a bit defensive here due to
                        if (currentBookMarkedFileInFileSet == -1)
                            //if not in file set, use first in set (or none)
                            CurrentBookmark = fileSet.Length > 0
                                ? new FileSetPosition(0, fileSet[0])
                                : null;
                            //if index of current is not the last , use next; otherwise preserve current
                            CurrentBookmark = currentBookMarkedFileInFileSet <= fileSet.Length - 2
                                ? new FileSetPosition(0, fileSet[currentBookMarkedFileInFileSet + 1])
                                : CurrentBookmark;

                        //also clear all the previous files in the set to avoid problems (and because
                        //they should no longer be considered). If no previous exists (index is -1)
                        //keep existing; also do not reomve last file as it may be written to / locked
                        DeleteFilesInFileSetUpToIndex(fileSet, currentBookMarkedFileInFileSet + 1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SelfLog.WriteLine("An error occured while deleteing the files...{0}", ex.Message);
                //even if reading / deleteing files fails, we can / should update the bookmark file
                //it is important that the file have the reset position, otherwise we risk failing to
                // move forward in the next read cycle
                //it's possible that no bookmark exists, especially if no valid messages have forced a
                // durable log file to be created. In this case, the bookmark file will be empty and
                // on disk
                if (CurrentBookmark != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// This helps set the inital bookmark in tests
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bookmarkToUse"></param>
 internal void DefineCurrentBookmark(long nextLineStartToUse, string file)
     CurrentBookmark = new FileSetPosition(nextLineStartToUse, file);