        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Job">Information about the current job</param>
        /// <param name="BuildProducts">Set of build products produced by this node.</param>
        /// <param name="TagNameToFileSet">Mapping from tag names to the set of files they include</param>
        public override void Execute(JobContext Job, HashSet <FileReference> BuildProducts, Dictionary <string, HashSet <FileReference> > TagNameToFileSet)
            FileReference ConfigFileLocation = ResolveFile(Parameters.File);

            ConfigFile ConfigFile;

            if (FileReference.Exists(ConfigFileLocation))
                ConfigFile = new ConfigFile(ConfigFileLocation);
                ConfigFile = new ConfigFile();

            ConfigFileSection Section = ConfigFile.FindOrAddSection(Parameters.Section);

            Section.Lines.RemoveAll(x => String.Compare(x.Key, Parameters.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
            Section.Lines.Add(new ConfigLine(ConfigLineAction.Set, Parameters.Key, Parameters.Value));


            // Apply the optional tag to the produced archive
            foreach (string TagName in FindTagNamesFromList(Parameters.Tag))
                FindOrAddTagSet(TagNameToFileSet, TagName).Add(ConfigFileLocation);

            // Add the archive to the set of build products
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate HTML documentation for all the tasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NameToTask">Map of task name to implementation</param>
        /// <param name="OutputFile">Output file</param>
        static void GenerateDocumentation(Dictionary <string, ScriptTask> NameToTask, FileReference OutputFile)
            // Find all the assemblies containing tasks
            Assembly[] TaskAssemblies = NameToTask.Values.Select(x => x.ParametersClass.Assembly).Distinct().ToArray();

            // Read documentation for each of them
            Dictionary <string, XmlElement> MemberNameToElement = new Dictionary <string, XmlElement>();

            foreach (Assembly TaskAssembly in TaskAssemblies)
                string XmlFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(TaskAssembly.Location, ".xml");
                if (File.Exists(XmlFileName))
                    // Read the document
                    XmlDocument Document = new XmlDocument();

                    // Parse all the members, and add them to the map
                    foreach (XmlElement Element in Document.SelectNodes("/doc/members/member"))
                        string Name = Element.GetAttribute("name");
                        MemberNameToElement.Add(Name, Element);

            // Create the output directory
            if (FileReference.Exists(OutputFile))

            // Write the output file
            LogInformation("Writing {0}...", OutputFile);
            using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(OutputFile.FullName))
                Writer.WriteLine("  <head>");
                Writer.WriteLine("    <style>");
                Writer.WriteLine("      table { border-collapse: collapse }");
                Writer.WriteLine("      table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; }");
                Writer.WriteLine("    </style>");
                Writer.WriteLine("  </head>");
                Writer.WriteLine("  <body>");
                Writer.WriteLine("    <h1>BuildGraph Tasks</h1>");
                foreach (string TaskName in NameToTask.Keys.OrderBy(x => x))
                    // Get the task object
                    ScriptTask Task = NameToTask[TaskName];

                    // Get the documentation for this task
                    XmlElement TaskElement;
                    if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("T:" + Task.TaskClass.FullName, out TaskElement))
                        // Write the task heading
                        Writer.WriteLine("    <h2>{0}</h2>", TaskName);
                        Writer.WriteLine("    <p>{0}</p>", TaskElement.SelectSingleNode("summary").InnerXml.Trim());

                        // Start the parameter table
                        Writer.WriteLine("    <table>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("      <tr>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("        <th>Attribute</th>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("        <th>Type</th>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("        <th>Usage</th>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("        <th>Description</th>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("      </tr>");

                        // Document the parameters
                        foreach (string ParameterName in Task.NameToParameter.Keys)
                            // Get the parameter data
                            ScriptTaskParameter Parameter = Task.NameToParameter[ParameterName];

                            // Get the documentation for this parameter
                            XmlElement ParameterElement;
                            if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("F:" + Parameter.FieldInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + Parameter.Name, out ParameterElement))
                                string TypeName = Parameter.FieldInfo.FieldType.Name;
                                if (Parameter.ValidationType != TaskParameterValidationType.Default)
                                    StringBuilder NewTypeName = new StringBuilder(Parameter.ValidationType.ToString());
                                    for (int Idx = 1; Idx < NewTypeName.Length; Idx++)
                                        if (Char.IsLower(NewTypeName[Idx - 1]) && Char.IsUpper(NewTypeName[Idx]))
                                            NewTypeName.Insert(Idx, ' ');
                                    TypeName = NewTypeName.ToString();

                                Writer.WriteLine("      <tr>");
                                Writer.WriteLine("         <td>{0}</td>", ParameterName);
                                Writer.WriteLine("         <td>{0}</td>", TypeName);
                                Writer.WriteLine("         <td>{0}</td>", Parameter.bOptional? "Optional" : "Required");
                                Writer.WriteLine("         <td>{0}</td>", ParameterElement.SelectSingleNode("summary").InnerXml.Trim());
                                Writer.WriteLine("      </tr>");

                        // Always include the "If" attribute
                        Writer.WriteLine("     <tr>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("       <td>If</td>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("       <td>Condition</td>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("       <td>Optional</td>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("       <td>Whether to execute this task. It is ignored if this condition evaluates to false.</td>");
                        Writer.WriteLine("     </tr>");

                        // Close the table
                        Writer.WriteLine("    <table>");
                Writer.WriteLine("  </body>");
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate HTML documentation for all the tasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NameToTask">Map of task name to implementation</param>
        /// <param name="OutputFile">Output file</param>
        static void GenerateDocumentation(Dictionary <string, ScriptTask> NameToTask, FileReference OutputFile)
            // Find all the assemblies containing tasks
            Assembly[] TaskAssemblies = NameToTask.Values.Select(x => x.ParametersClass.Assembly).Distinct().ToArray();

            // Read documentation for each of them
            Dictionary <string, XmlElement> MemberNameToElement = new Dictionary <string, XmlElement>();

            foreach (Assembly TaskAssembly in TaskAssemblies)
                string XmlFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(TaskAssembly.Location, ".xml");
                if (File.Exists(XmlFileName))
                    // Read the document
                    XmlDocument Document = new XmlDocument();

                    // Parse all the members, and add them to the map
                    foreach (XmlElement Element in Document.SelectNodes("/doc/members/member"))
                        string Name = Element.GetAttribute("name");
                        MemberNameToElement.Add(Name, Element);

            // Create the output directory
            Log("Writing {0}...", OutputFile);

            // Parse the engine version
            BuildVersion Version;

            if (!BuildVersion.TryRead(BuildVersion.GetDefaultFileName(), out Version))
                throw new AutomationException("Couldn't read Build.version");

            // Write the output file
            using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(OutputFile.FullName))
                Writer.WriteLine("Availability: NoPublish");
                Writer.WriteLine("Title: BuildGraph Predefined Tasks");
                Writer.WriteLine("Crumbs: %ROOT%, Programming, Programming/Development, Programming/Development/BuildGraph, Programming/Development/BuildGraph/BuildGraphScriptTasks");
                Writer.WriteLine("Description: This is a procedurally generated markdown page.");
                Writer.WriteLine("version: {0}.{1}", Version.MajorVersion, Version.MinorVersion);
                foreach (string TaskName in NameToTask.Keys.OrderBy(x => x))
                    // Get the task object
                    ScriptTask Task = NameToTask[TaskName];

                    // Get the documentation for this task
                    XmlElement TaskElement;
                    if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("T:" + Task.TaskClass.FullName, out TaskElement))
                        // Write the task heading
                        Writer.WriteLine("### {0}", TaskName);

                        // Document the parameters
                        List <string[]> Rows = new List <string[]>();
                        foreach (string ParameterName in Task.NameToParameter.Keys)
                            // Get the parameter data
                            ScriptTaskParameter Parameter = Task.NameToParameter[ParameterName];

                            // Get the documentation for this parameter
                            XmlElement ParameterElement;
                            if (MemberNameToElement.TryGetValue("F:" + Parameter.FieldInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + Parameter.Name, out ParameterElement))
                                string TypeName = Parameter.FieldInfo.FieldType.Name;
                                if (Parameter.ValidationType != TaskParameterValidationType.Default)
                                    StringBuilder NewTypeName = new StringBuilder(Parameter.ValidationType.ToString());
                                    for (int Idx = 1; Idx < NewTypeName.Length; Idx++)
                                        if (Char.IsLower(NewTypeName[Idx - 1]) && Char.IsUpper(NewTypeName[Idx]))
                                            NewTypeName.Insert(Idx, ' ');
                                    TypeName = NewTypeName.ToString();

                                string[] Columns = new string[4];
                                Columns[0] = ParameterName;
                                Columns[1] = TypeName;
                                Columns[2] = Parameter.bOptional? "Optional" : "Required";
                                Columns[3] = ConvertToMarkdown(ParameterElement.SelectSingleNode("summary"));

                        // Always include the "If" attribute
                        string[] IfColumns = new string[4];
                        IfColumns[0] = "If";
                        IfColumns[1] = "Condition";
                        IfColumns[2] = "Optional";
                        IfColumns[3] = "Whether to execute this task. It is ignored if this condition evaluates to false.";

                        // Get the width of each column
                        int[] Widths = new int[4];
                        for (int Idx = 0; Idx < 4; Idx++)
                            Widths[Idx] = Rows.Max(x => x[Idx].Length);

                        // Format the markdown table
                        string Format = String.Format("| {{0,-{0}}} | {{1,-{1}}} | {{2,-{2}}} | {{3,-{3}}} |", Widths[0], Widths[1], Widths[2], Widths[3]);
                        Writer.WriteLine(Format, "", "", "", "");
                        Writer.WriteLine(Format, new string('-', Widths[0]), new string('-', Widths[1]), new string('-', Widths[2]), new string('-', Widths[3]));
                        for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Rows.Count; Idx++)
                            Writer.WriteLine(Format, Rows[Idx][0], Rows[Idx][1], Rows[Idx][2], Rows[Idx][3]);

                        // Blank line before next task
        public override void ExecuteBuild()
            var Params = new ProjectParams
                Command: this,
                // Shared
                RawProjectPath: ProjectPath

            Log("********** CRYPTOKEYS COMMAND STARTED **********");

            string UE4EditorExe = HostPlatform.Current.GetUE4ExePath(Params.UE4Exe);

            if (!FileExists(UE4EditorExe))
                throw new AutomationException("Missing " + UE4EditorExe + " executable. Needs to be built first.");

            bool bCycleAllKeys       = ParseParam("updateallkeys");
            bool bCycleEncryptionKey = bCycleAllKeys || ParseParam("updateencryptionkey");
            bool bCycleSigningKey    = bCycleAllKeys || ParseParam("updatesigningkey");

            if (!bCycleAllKeys && !bCycleEncryptionKey && !bCycleSigningKey)
                throw new Exception("A target for key cycling must be specified when using the cryptokeys automation script\n\t-updateallkeys: Update all keys\n\t-updateencryptionkey: Update encryption key\n\t-updatesigningkey: Update signing key");

            FileReference OutputFile         = FileReference.Combine(ProjectPath.Directory, "Config", "DefaultCrypto.ini");
            FileReference NoRedistOutputFile = FileReference.Combine(ProjectPath.Directory, "Config", "NoRedist", "DefaultCrypto.ini");
            FileReference DestinationFile    = OutputFile;

            // If the project has a DefaultCrypto.ini in a NoRedist folder, we want to copy the newly generated file into that location
            if (FileReference.Exists(NoRedistOutputFile))
                DestinationFile = NoRedistOutputFile;

            string ChangeDescription = "Automated update of ";

            if (bCycleEncryptionKey)
                ChangeDescription += "encryption";

            if (bCycleSigningKey)
                if (bCycleEncryptionKey)
                    ChangeDescription += " and ";
                ChangeDescription += "signing";

            ChangeDescription += " key";

            if (bCycleEncryptionKey && bCycleSigningKey)
                ChangeDescription += "s";

            ChangeDescription += " for project " + Params.ShortProjectName;

            P4Connection SubmitP4 = null;
            int          NewCL    = 0;

            if (CommandUtils.P4Enabled)
                SubmitP4 = CommandUtils.P4;

                NewCL = SubmitP4.CreateChange(Description: ChangeDescription);
                SubmitP4.Revert(String.Format("-k \"{0}\"", DestinationFile.FullName));
                SubmitP4.Sync(String.Format("-k \"{0}\"", DestinationFile.FullName), AllowSpew: false);
                SubmitP4.Add(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", DestinationFile.FullName));
                SubmitP4.Edit(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", DestinationFile.FullName));

            string CommandletParams = "";

            if (bCycleAllKeys)
                CommandletParams = "-updateallkeys";
            else if (bCycleEncryptionKey)
                CommandletParams = "-updateencryptionkey";
            else if (bCycleSigningKey)
                CommandletParams = "-updatesigningkey";

            RunCommandlet(ProjectPath, UE4EditorExe, "CryptoKeys", CommandletParams);

            if (DestinationFile != OutputFile)
                FileReference.Move(OutputFile, DestinationFile);

            if (SubmitP4 != null)
                int ActualCL;
                SubmitP4.Submit(NewCL, out ActualCL);