        private static void EnsurePermissionSettings()
            var rights   = FileSystemRights.CreateDirectories | FileSystemRights.CreateFiles | FileSystemRights.ListDirectory | FileSystemRights.Modify | FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles;
            var everyone = FilePermissions.EveryoneIdentity;

            if (Installation.GetFileLayoutType() == FileLayoutType.Installed)
                FilePermissions.SetAclForUserOnDirectory(Installation.GetConfigurationDirectory(), everyone, rights, AccessControlType.Allow);
                foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Installation.GetConfigurationDirectory(), "*.xml"))
                    FilePermissions.SetAclForUserOnFile(file, everyone, rights, AccessControlType.Allow);

            FilePermissions.SetAclForUserOnDirectory(Installation.GetCacheDirectory(), everyone, rights, AccessControlType.Allow);
            FilePermissions.SetAclForUserOnDirectory(Installation.GetLogDirectory(), everyone, rights, AccessControlType.Allow);
        public static void SetupAspDotNet()
            // On Windows 8, the Temporary ASP.NET Files directory isn't created during installation of the .NET framework, so we
            // need to create it ourselves. Using another temporary directory is problematic because:
            // (a) It can only be set in the <compilation> attribute in Web.config, but we don't want to change it globally in
            //     WebMediaPortal (the current value should be kept for IIS setups).
            // (b) Changing the directory causes IIS Express to restart the application with every request, which is really bad
            //     for performance.
            var tempDir = Path.Combine(RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory(), "Temporary ASP.NET Files");

            if (!Directory.Exists(tempDir))
                Log.Info("Creating ASP.NET temporary directory '{0}'", tempDir);

            // Assume that the directory is already writable when we can list all subdirectories, so nothing to do in that case.
            catch (Exception)

            // Otherwise, set suitable permissions
                Log.Info("Going to give the current user write access on ASP.NET temporary directory '{0}'", tempDir);
                var currentUser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User;
                FilePermissions.SetAclForUserOnDirectory(tempDir, currentUser, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Failed to set permissions on ASP.NET temporary directory", ex);