/// <summary> /// Processes the command. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileOperation">The file operation.</param> public void ProcessCommand(FileOperation fileOperation) { TraceService.WriteLine("FileOperationService::ProcessCommand"); TraceService.WriteDebugLine("Platform=" + fileOperation.PlatForm); TraceService.WriteDebugLine("CommandType=" + fileOperation.CommandType); TraceService.WriteDebugLine("Directory=" + fileOperation.Directory); TraceService.WriteDebugLine("File=" + fileOperation.File); TraceService.WriteDebugLine("From=" + fileOperation.From); TraceService.WriteDebugLine("To=" + fileOperation.To); IProjectService projectService = this.visualStudioService.GetProjectServiceBySuffix(fileOperation.PlatForm); if (projectService != null) { IEnumerable<IProjectItemService> fileItemServices = this.GetFileItems(fileOperation, projectService); foreach (IProjectItemService projectItemService in fileItemServices) { if (fileOperation.CommandType == "ReplaceText") { this.ReplaceText(fileOperation, projectService, projectItemService); } else if (fileOperation.CommandType == "Properties") { this.UpdateProperty(fileOperation, projectItemService); } } } else { TraceService.WriteLine("Platform " + fileOperation.PlatForm + " not found"); } }
public static void Queue(FileOperation operation, bool toTop = false) { if ((operation.Kind == TFileOperationKind.Copy || operation.Kind == TFileOperationKind.Move || operation.Kind == TFileOperationKind.Convert) && operation.DestMedia != null) operation.DestMedia.MediaStatus = TMediaStatus.CopyPending; if (operation.Kind == TFileOperationKind.Convert) { lock (_queueConvertOperation.SyncRoot) if (!_queueConvertOperation.Any(fe => fe.Equals(operation))) { if (toTop) _queueConvertOperation.Insert(0, operation); else _queueConvertOperation.Add(operation); if (!_isRunningConvertOperation) { _isRunningConvertOperation = true; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => _runOperation(_queueConvertOperation, ref _isRunningConvertOperation)); } } } if (operation.Kind == TFileOperationKind.Export) { lock (_queueExportOperation.SyncRoot) if (!_queueExportOperation.Any(fe => fe.Equals(operation))) { if (toTop) _queueExportOperation.Insert(0, operation); else _queueExportOperation.Add(operation); if (!_isRunningExportOperation) { _isRunningExportOperation = true; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => _runOperation(_queueExportOperation, ref _isRunningExportOperation)); } } } if (operation.Kind == TFileOperationKind.Copy || operation.Kind == TFileOperationKind.Delete || operation.Kind == TFileOperationKind.Loudness || operation.Kind == TFileOperationKind.Move) { lock (_queueSimpleOperation.SyncRoot) if (!_queueSimpleOperation.Any(fe => fe.Equals(operation))) { if (toTop) _queueSimpleOperation.Insert(0, operation); else _queueSimpleOperation.Add(operation); if (!_isRunningSimpleOperation) { _isRunningSimpleOperation = true; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => _runOperation(_queueSimpleOperation, ref _isRunningSimpleOperation)); } } } if (OperationAdded != null) OperationAdded(operation); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FileOperationResult" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file.</param> /// <param name="opperation">The opperation.</param> /// <param name="succeeded">if set to <c>true</c> [succeeded].</param> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> public FileOperationResult(string fileName, FileOperation opperation, bool succeeded, string message) { FileName = fileName; FileOperation = opperation; Succeeded = succeeded; Message = message; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FileOperationResult" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file.</param> /// <param name="opperation">The opperation.</param> /// <param name="exception">The exception.</param> public FileOperationResult(string fileName, FileOperation opperation, Exception exception) { FileName = fileName; FileOperation = opperation; Succeeded = false; Message = exception.Message; }
public static void MoveDirectoryToRecycleBin( string directoryPath) { using (var fo = new FileOperation(new FileOperationProgressSink())) { fo.SetOperationFlags(FileOperationDeleteFlags); fo.DeleteItem(ZlpPathHelper.GetFullPath(directoryPath)); fo.PerformOperations(); } }
private void OnOperationCompleted(FileOperation operation) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { if (_clearFinished) { foreach (FileOperationViewmodel vm in _operationList.ToList()) if (vm.IsFileOperation(operation)) _operationList.Remove(vm); } }), null); }
public bool FileOperationMenu(out FileOperation state,out string path) { bool ret; Console.Write("1. Load from file \n" + "2. Save to file \n" + "> "); if (!FileOperation.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out state)) { ret = false; path = string.Empty; } else { string tmp_path; ret = getPathMenu(state,out tmp_path); path = tmp_path; } return ret; }
public void LoadData(string path) { FileOperation fileOperation = new FileOperation(); if (!fileOperation.CheckFileExists(path)) { DataCollections.Add(new Data("", "", "")); try { fileOperation.CreateFile(path); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } try { fileOperation.SaveFile(path, DataCollections); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) { try { path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments.ActivationData[0]; } catch { path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\keys.pdk"; } } DataCollections = new FileOperation().OpenFile(path); }
public void SetUpSampleInputOperation() { var InputMessage = "hello."; var InputCommiterName = "Tsuyoshi Ushio"; var InputCommiterEmail = "*****@*****.**"; var InputContent = "konichiwa."; var InputSha = "qux"; // public async Task UpdateFileContents(string owner, string repo, string path, FileOperation operation) this.InputOperation = new FileOperation { message = InputMessage, commiter = new Commiter { name = InputCommiterName, email = InputCommiterEmail }, branch = this.InputBranch, content = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(InputContent)), sha = InputSha }; }
/// <summary> /// 导入网关license文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="license"></param> /// <returns></returns> public SmcErr ImportCGWLicense(string license) { NLogEx.LoggerEx logEx = new NLogEx.LoggerEx(log); SmcErr err = new CgwError(); if (this.licenseFileOperateLock.TryEnterWriteLock(CgwConst.ENTER_LOCK_WAIT_TIME)) { try { FileOperation file = new FileOperation(); file.WriteFile(strPathLic, license); } catch (Exception ex) { logEx.Error("ImportCGWLicense Exception:{0}", ex.ToString()); } finally { this.licenseFileOperateLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } return(err); }
public JsonResult Submit() { if (!Permission.LoginedNeed(Request, Response, Session)) { return(Json(false)); } int eid = Convert.ToInt32(Request["eid"]); User user = (User)Session["user"]; int number = Convert.ToInt32(Request["number"]); string content = "<exam>"; for (var i = 1; i <= number; i++) { string answer = Request["q" + i]; content += "<question><number>" + i + "</number><answer>" + answer + "</answer></question>"; } content += "</exam>"; string filename = Server.MapPath("/result/") + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss") + ".xml"; if (!FileOperation.CreateFile(filename, content)) { return(Json(false)); } Result result = new Result { uid = user.uid, eid = eid, answer = filename, reviewer = 1, score = -1 }; return(Json(ResultView.AddResult(result))); }
public static string GetPath(string fileNameWithExtension, string root = "~", bool includeYearInPath = false, bool includeMonthInPath = false, bool includeDayInPath = false, string objectId = null, string urlPrefix = null, string fileNamePrefix = null) { #region Create Directory Address var persianDate = PersianDateTime.Now; var path = string.Join("/", root); if (includeYearInPath) { path += "/" + persianDate.Year; } if (includeMonthInPath) { path += "/" + persianDate.Month; } if (includeDayInPath) { path += "/" + persianDate.Day; } path += (objectId == null ? string.Empty : ("/" + objectId)); var directoryAddress = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), urlPrefix ?? "", "wwwroot", path.Replace("/", "\\")); #endregion #region Create File Name var trustedFileName = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(fileNameWithExtension); var fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(trustedFileName); var fileName = fileNamePrefix != null ? fileNamePrefix + "_" : string.Empty; fileName += fileNameWithoutExtension + "_" + persianDate.Ticks.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(trustedFileName); #endregion if (!FileOperation.CreateDirectory(directoryAddress)) { return(null); } return("wwwroot/" + path + "/" + fileName); }
protected override void OnDragDropTarget(DragDropTargetEventArgs e) { e.HResult = ShellUtilities.S_OK; var paths = GetPaths(e); if (paths.Count > 0) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.All; } if (e.Type == DragDropTargetEventType.DragDrop) { // file operation events need an STA thread WindowsUtilities.DoModelessAsync(() => { using (var fo = new FileOperation(true)) { fo.PostCopyItem += (sender, e2) => { // we could add some logic here }; if (paths.Count == 1) { fo.CopyItem(paths[0], FileSystemPath, null); } else { fo.CopyItems(paths, FileSystemPath); } fo.SetOperationFlags(FOF.FOF_ALLOWUNDO | FOF.FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR | FOF.FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION); fo.PerformOperations(); NotifyUpdate(); } }); } }
private void BtnJsonRestore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> etkilenenKayitlar = new List <string>(); List <Parola> Parolalar = null; string path = FileOperation.FilePath(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { string JsonOkunanData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); Parolalar = JsonOperation.JsonDeserialize <Parola>(JsonOkunanData); } if (Parolalar != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parolalar[0].kullaniciadi) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parolalar[0].isim) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parolalar[0].parola_) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parolalar[0].parola_)) { foreach (var parola in Parolalar) { //gelen koleksiyondaki verileri veritabanına kaydetmek için kod yazılabilir. //ilgili değer kayıt ve update işlemleri yapılacaktır. //business tarafında metotlar oluşturulup eklenecek.. string etkilenenenKayit = _bll.RestoreFromJsonToDatabase(parola); if (etkilenenenKayit != "") { etkilenenKayitlar.Add(etkilenenenKayit); } } MessageBoxOperation.MessageBoxInformation("Restore işlemi bitmiştir..."); RestoreKayitlar restoreKayitlar = new RestoreKayitlar(etkilenenKayitlar); restoreKayitlar.Show(); } else { //koleksiyon null değerde geldiği için herhangi bir işlem yapmıyoruz. MessageBoxOperation.MessageBoxWarning("Koleksiyon null değer almıştır.İlgili json dosyasından herhangi bir değer AKTARILAMAMIŞTIR."); } Listele(); }
private void HttpDownload_DownloadCompletedEvent(DownloadThread thread) { lock (this) { bool flag = false; foreach (DownloadThread thr in threads) { if (thr.Equals(thread)) { continue; } if (!thr.Completed) { flag = true; } } if (flag) { return; } if (Stop) { return; } string[] files = new string[threads.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; i++) { files[i] = threads[i].DownloadPath; } State = TaskState.合并文件中; FileOperation.CombineFiles(files, FilePath + "\\" + FileName); Running = false; TaskComplete = true; State = TaskState.载完成; TaskCompletedEvent?.Invoke(); } }
/// <summary> /// 加密链接字符串并保存到文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="info"></param> /// <param name="key"></param> private void EncryptWriteInfo(string info, string guid, string key, bool isSys) { try { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); FileOperation file = new FileOperation(); file.FilePath = _filePath; if (!File.Exists(_filePath)) { FileStream fi = File.Create(_filePath); fi.Close(); } string content = file.ReadFile(); //builder.Append(content); builder.Append(SysConstManage.DBInfoArraySeparator); builder.Append(string.Format("{0}{1}", isSys ? key : guid, SysConstManage.ColonChar)); builder.Append(DesCryptFactory.EncryptString(info, key)); builder.Append(SysConstManage.DBInfoArraySeparator2); if (isSys) { builder.Append(content); file.WritText(builder.ToString()); } else { file.WritText(string.Format("{0}{1}", content, builder.ToString())); } ExceptionMessage = file.ExceptionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; } finally { } }
public void LoadMotionSettings() { string strread = ""; string headerStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < AxisPara.Count; i++) { headerStr = "Axis" + (i + 1).ToString(); //FileOperation.ReadData(motionSettingsFilePath, headerStr, "AxisID", ref strread); //AxisPara[i].AxisIdx = (Axislist)int.Parse(strread); FileOperation.ReadData(motionSettingsFilePath, headerStr, "HomeSpeed", ref strread); if (strread != "0") { AxisPara[i].HomeSpeed = int.Parse(strread); } FileOperation.ReadData(motionSettingsFilePath, headerStr, "RunSpeed", ref strread); if (strread != "0") { AxisPara[i].RunSpeed = int.Parse(strread); } FileOperation.ReadData(motionSettingsFilePath, headerStr, "MotorScale", ref strread); if (strread != "0") { AxisPara[i].MotorScale = int.Parse(strread); } FileOperation.ReadData(motionSettingsFilePath, headerStr, "IsServoMotor", ref strread); if (strread != "0") { AxisPara[i].IsServoMotor = bool.Parse(strread); } } }
//成功连接到客户端 public static void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { try { //把非终止状态改为终止状态 allDone.Set(); //从AsyncState中获取监听对象 Socket listener = (Socket)ar.AsyncState; //客户端Socket Socket handler = listener.EndAccept(ar); StateObject state = new StateObject(); state.workSocket = handler; FileOperation.WriteAppenFile(string.Format("连接成功,{0} 等待接收数据", listener.LocalEndPoint)); //开始接收客户端的数据 将数据存储到state对象的buffer中 handler.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, StateObject.BufferSize, 0, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback), state); } catch (Exception ex) { FileOperation.WriteAppenFile("2" + ex.Message); } }
public ProcessingUserControlViewModel(MainWindow mainWindow, ProcessingUserControl userControl) { EnabledFilters = new List <ImageEffect>(); Filters = new List <ImageEffect> { { new ImageEffect(FilterType.Invert, "Invert Image") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.SepiaTone, "Sepia Tone") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.Emboss, "Emboss") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.Emboss45Degree, "Emboss 45 Degree") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.EmbossTopLeft, "Emboss Top Left") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.EmbossIntense, "Emboss Intense") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.Pixelate, "Pixelate", 1, 100, 1) }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.Median, "Median", 3, 19, 2) }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.BoxBlur, "Box Blur", 3, 19, 2) }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.GaussianBlur, "Gaussian Blur", 1, 100, 1) }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.EdgeDetection, "Edge Detection") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.EdgeDetection45Degree, "Edge Detection 45 Degree") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.EdgeDetectionHorizontal, "Edge Detection Horizontal") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.EdgeDetectionVertical, "Edge Detection Vertical") }, { new ImageEffect(FilterType.EdgeDetectionTopLeft, "Edge Detection Top Left") } }; MaximumHue = 360; Contrast = 1; Gamma = 1; showChanges = true; PixelColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0); imageEffects = true; MainWindow = mainWindow; UserControl = userControl; manipulation = new Manipulation(); fileOperation = new FileOperation(); manipulation.ImageFinished += OnImageFinished; }
public void BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpApplication application = sender as HttpApplication; HttpContext context = application.Context; var request = context.Request; if (request.HttpMethod.ToLower().Equals("put") && request.Path.ToLower().Equals("/nuget/")) { var result = false; try { var temporaryFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); var tempDir = Path.GetTempPath() + Path.GetRandomFileName(); request.Files[0].SaveAs(temporaryFile); ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(temporaryFile, tempDir); var files = new List <string>(); FileOperation.GetFiles(tempDir, "*.dll", ref files); result = CheckFiles(files); File.Delete(temporaryFile); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(tempDir); di.Delete(true); } catch (Exception exception) { } if (!result) { EndRequest(context); } } }
void OnGUI() { anim = (Animation)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(anim, typeof(Animation)); if (anim != null) { if (anim.clip != null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("当前的Clip是:" + anim.clip.name); if (FileOperation.showIOPath("复制动画clip到这里:", ref savePath, false, true, anim.clip.name, "anim")) { if (!savePath.Contains(Application.dataPath)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("警告", "目前不允许使用这个路径,请先将文件保存到项目的Assets目录下面(任意位置任意深度),然后复制到电脑任意位置就随你的便", "OK"); return; } DoExport(); } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("当前的Clip为空,请先到Animation组件上设置"); } } }
public void InitializeTransfer(Queue <QueueItem> queue, FileOperation mode) { _queue = queue; _paneCache.Clear(); _isPaused = false; _isAborted = false; _isContinued = false; _deleteAll = false; _skipAll = null; UserAction = mode; TransferAction = mode == FileOperation.Copy ? GetCopyActionText() : Resx.ResourceManager.GetString(mode.ToString()); _rememberedCopyAction = CopyAction.CreateNew; _currentFileBytesTransferred = 0; CurrentFileProgress = 0; FilesTransferred = 0; FileCount = _queue.Count; BytesTransferred = 0; TotalBytes = _queue.Where(item => item.FileSystemItem.Type == ItemType.File).Sum(item => item.FileSystemItem.Size ?? 0); Speed = 0; ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(0); RemainingTime = new TimeSpan(0); WorkHandler.Run(BeforeTransferStart, BeforeTransferStartCallback); }
public void LoadTestCriteria(string fileName) { for (int SpecIdx = 0; SpecIdx < SpecList.Count; SpecIdx++) { string Header = "Spectrometer" + (SpecIdx + 1).ToString(); string strread = ""; FileOperation.ReadData(fileName, Header, "CriteriaCount", ref strread); int cCnt = int.Parse(strread); SpecList[SpecIdx].Criteria.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < cCnt; i++) { TestCriteria cri = new TestCriteria(); FileOperation.ReadData(fileName, Header, "CriteriaWL" + (i + 1).ToString(), ref strread); cri.WaveLength = int.Parse(strread); FileOperation.ReadData(fileName, Header, "CriteriaMin" + (i + 1).ToString(), ref strread); cri.Min = double.Parse(strread); FileOperation.ReadData(fileName, Header, "CriteriaMax" + (i + 1).ToString(), ref strread); cri.Max = double.Parse(strread); SpecList[SpecIdx].Criteria.Add(cri); } } }
// public OdbcConnection conn; //根据项目编号获取数据库信息 public static LinkAttr GetLinkAttr(int xmno) { try { string sql = string.Format("select * from linkattr where xmno = {0}", xmno); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetTable(sql); DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; LinkAttr model = new LinkAttr() { uid = row["uid"].ToString(), pwd = row["pwd"].ToString(), server = row["server"].ToString(), port = int.Parse(row["port"].ToString()), database = row["database"].ToString(), driver = row["driver"].ToString() }; return(model); } catch (Exception ex) { FileOperation.WriteAppenFile(string.Format("获取项目编号为{0}的数据库连接信息出错, {1}", xmno.ToString(), ex.Message)); return(null); } }
private void SearchPanelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ActiveEmployee = FileOperation.GetByEmpId(int.Parse(SearchText.Text))[0]; } catch { MessageBox.Show("ID Non Existant"); return; } if (ActiveEmployee != null) { ActiveUID = int.Parse(SearchText.Text); SearchNameButton.Enabled = true; SearchIDButton.Enabled = true; SearchHiringDateButton.Enabled = true; SearchDepartmentNoButton.Enabled = true; SearchValueName.Text = ActiveEmployee.Name; SearchValueID.Text = ActiveEmployee.Id.ToString(); SearchValueHirinDate.Text = ActiveEmployee.HireDate.ToShortDateString(); SearchValueDepartmentNo.Text = ActiveEmployee.DepId.ToString(); } else { SearchNameButton.Enabled = false; SearchIDButton.Enabled = false; SearchHiringDateButton.Enabled = false; SearchDepartmentNoButton.Enabled = false; SearchValueName.Text = "--------"; SearchValueID.Text = "--------"; SearchValueHirinDate.Text = "--------"; SearchValueDepartmentNo.Text = "--------"; //buttons need to be reset.... } }
void SpeedStatistics() { long back = 0; while (true) { if (back == 0) { back = downloadLength; } else { speed = downloadLength - back; back = downloadLength; } if (Complete >= threads.Length) { if (Stop) { break; } string[] files = new string[threads.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; i++) { files[i] = threads[i].FileName; } State = "拼接文件中"; FileOperation.CombineFiles(files, FilePath + "\\" + FileName); Running = false; TaskComplete = true; State = "下载完成"; break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取默认打印样式文件 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> string GetDefaultStyleFile() { //判断是否有样式对象或数据 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(styleObject) || dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) //{ // return null; //} ////获取样式对象的打印样式列表 //DataTable dtStyle = DBHelper.GetTable("", "tb_print_style", "style_url,style_name", string.Format("style_object='{0}'", styleObject), "", ""); //if (dtStyle == null || dtStyle.Rows.Count == 0) //{ // return null; //} ////默认样式url //string defaultStyle = CommonCtrl.IsNullToString(dtStyle.Rows[0]["style_url"]); //if (defaultStyle.Length == 0) //{ // return null; //} //下载默认样式并得到本地样式路径 string fileName = FileOperation.DownLoadFileByFile(styleObject, "Report"); return(fileName); }
public static void StartListening(int port) { try { byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024]; TcpBLL bll = new TcpBLL(); string ip = bll.GetIp(); IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip); IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port); //启动tcp类型的监听 Socket listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); //绑定指定的额ip地址和端口 listener.Bind(localEndPoint); //最多同时连接100台设备 listener.Listen(100); while (true) { allDone.Reset(); string info = "启动成功" + localEndPoint.Address.ToString() + ":" + localEndPoint.Port.ToString() + "等待连接..."; FileOperation.WriteAppenFile(info); //开启监听 listener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), listener); allDone.WaitOne(); } } catch (Exception e) { string info = e.Message; FileOperation.WriteAppenFile("1" + info); } Console.Read(); }
private void buttonRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox1.Text.Trim() == "") { FolderBrowserDialog folddiag = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (folddiag.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } textBox1.Text = folddiag.SelectedPath; } string path = textBox1.Text; // @"F:\新建文件夹 (2)\Debug_MQ_99627\MQ"; FileOperation myFileOper = new FileOperation(); textBox1.Text = path; ArrayList list = myFileOper.GetAllDirFileList(new DirectoryInfo(path), "*.cs"); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { //当前文件名称 string curFileName = list[i].ToString(); //文件内容 string mainFileContent = myFileOper.GetAllFileContent(curFileName); mainFileContent = mainFileContent.Replace("\r\n", "\n"); string tmp = mainFileContent; //替换 /* */ 注释 ReplaceRemarkCode("\\S*k__BackingField", ref mainFileContent); if (tmp != mainFileContent) { myFileOper.CreateFile(curFileName, mainFileContent); } } }
public void LoadSettings(string fileName) { string Header = ""; string strread = ""; Header = "Barcode" + Name; FileOperation.ReadData(fileName, Header, "IP", ref strread); IP = strread; //FileOperation.ReadData(fileName, Header, "CommandPort", ref strread); //CommandPort = int.Parse(strread); FileOperation.ReadData(fileName, Header, "Port", ref strread); Port = int.Parse(strread); if (Para.MachineOnline) { if (!Connect(IP, Port)) { MessageBox.Show(Name + " can't be connected."); } } }
void DoFileOperation(FileOperation operation, UserMadeChoiceEventArgs e, string singleEntry) { if (operation == FileOperation.Nothing) return; string source = this.curPath; string target = targetFolder.Text; try { target = target.Trim().Trim('/', '\\'); target = BXPath.ToVirtualRelativePath(target); } catch { ShowError(Encode(string.Format(GetMessageRaw("FormattedErrorMassage.SpecifiedPathIsInvalid"), targetFolder.Text))); return; } List<string> files; if (e == null) { if (singleEntry == null) return; files = new List<string>(); files.Add(singleEntry); } else files = FormFileList(e); if (files.Count == 0) return; this.errorTemplateNoRightsToDelete = String.Format("{0}: {{0}}", GetMessageRaw("Message.InsufficientRightsToDelete")); this.errorTemplateUnknownSource = String.Format("{0}: {{0}}", GetMessageRaw("Message.UnknownItem")); this.errorTemplateUnableToDelete = String.Format("{0}: {{0}}", GetMessageRaw("Message.UnableToDelete")); this.errorTemplateTargetExists = String.Format("{0}: {{0}} -> {{1}}", GetMessageRaw("Message.TargetItemAlreadyExists")); this.errorTemplateUnableToWrite = String.Format("{0}: {{0}} -> {{1}}", GetMessageRaw("Message.UnableToWrite")); this.errorTemplateCantCopyIntoItself = String.Format("{0}: {{0}} -> {{1}}", GetMessageRaw("Message.CantCopyIntoItself")); if ((operation & FileOperation.Copy) > 0 && !CheckForCopyOperation(source, target)) return; for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { try { string filename = files[i]; string sourcePath = BXPath.Combine(source, filename); bool isFile; if (BXSecureIO.FileExists(sourcePath)) isFile = true; else if (BXSecureIO.DirectoryExists(sourcePath)) isFile = false; else throw new Exception(String.Format(this.errorTemplateUnknownSource, sourcePath)); if ((operation & FileOperation.Copy) > 0) DoFileCopyMove(sourcePath, BXPath.Combine(target, filename), (operation & FileOperation.Delete) > 0, isFile); else if ((operation & FileOperation.Delete) > 0) DoFileDelete(sourcePath, isFile); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(Encode(ex.Message)); } } ShowOk(); fileManGrid.MarkAsChanged(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="operation">The type of file operation.</param> /// <param name="operatorType">The type of the operator.</param> public BreakOperation(FileOperation operation, OperatorType operatorType) { this.Operation = operation; this.Operator = operatorType; }
public void FileOperationToBreakLeaseRequest(FileOperation operation, OperatorType operatorType, ModelDialectRevision dialect, out LeasingConfig c) { c = leasingConfig; LeasingClientInfo clientInfo = clients[(int)operatorType]; // Avoid to fail because Windows issue if (dialect == ModelDialectRevision.Smb2002) { clientInfo.ClientGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); } if (!clientInfo.IsInitialized) { InitializeClient(clientInfo, dialect); } if (operation == FileOperation.WRITE_DATA) { #region WRITE_DATA uint status = Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS; Packet_Header header; CREATE_Response createResponse; Smb2CreateContextResponse[] serverCreateContexts; if (!clientInfo.IsOpened) { status = clientInfo.Client.Create(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.File, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_DELETE, originalClient.IsDirectory ? CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE : CreateOptions_Values.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OPEN_IF, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, clientInfo.CreateContexts == null ? RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE : RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, clientInfo.CreateContexts, out clientInfo.FileId, out serverCreateContexts, out header, out createResponse); Site.Assert.AreEqual(Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS, status, "Expect that creation succeeds."); } byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Write data to break READ caching."); ushort creditCharge = Smb2Utility.CalculateCreditCharge((uint)data.Length, ModelUtility.GetDialectRevision(dialect)); clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.WriteRequest(creditCharge, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, 0, clientInfo.FileId, Channel_Values.CHANNEL_NONE, WRITE_Request_Flags_Values.None, new byte[0], data); clientInfo.MessageId += (ulong)creditCharge; #endregion } else if (operation == FileOperation.SIZE_CHANGED) { #region SIZE_CHANGED uint status = Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS; Packet_Header header; CREATE_Response createResponse; Smb2CreateContextResponse[] serverCreateContexts; if (!clientInfo.IsOpened) { status = clientInfo.Client.Create(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.File, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_DELETE, originalClient.IsDirectory ? CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE : CreateOptions_Values.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OPEN, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, clientInfo.CreateContexts == null ? RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE : RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, clientInfo.CreateContexts, out clientInfo.FileId, out serverCreateContexts, out header, out createResponse); Site.Assert.AreEqual(Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS, status, "Expect that creation succeeds."); } FileEndOfFileInformation changeSizeInfo; changeSizeInfo.EndOfFile = 512; byte[] inputBuffer; inputBuffer = TypeMarshal.ToBytes<FileEndOfFileInformation>(changeSizeInfo); clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.SetInfoRequest( 1, 1, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, SET_INFO_Request_InfoType_Values.SMB2_0_INFO_FILE, (byte)FileInformationClasses.FileEndOfFileInformation, SET_INFO_Request_AdditionalInformation_Values.NONE, clientInfo.FileId, inputBuffer); #endregion } else if (operation == FileOperation.RANGE_LOCK) { #region RANGE_LOCK uint status = Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS; Packet_Header header; CREATE_Response createResponse; Smb2CreateContextResponse[] serverCreateContexts; if (!clientInfo.IsOpened) { status = clientInfo.Client.Create(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.File, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_DELETE, originalClient.IsDirectory ? CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE : CreateOptions_Values.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OPEN, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, clientInfo.CreateContexts == null ? RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE : RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, clientInfo.CreateContexts, out clientInfo.FileId, out serverCreateContexts, out header, out createResponse); Site.Assert.AreEqual(Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS, status, "Expect that creation succeeds."); } clientInfo.Locks = new LOCK_ELEMENT[1]; clientInfo.LockSequence = 0; clientInfo.Locks[0].Offset = 0; clientInfo.Locks[0].Length = (ulong)1 * 1024 / 2; clientInfo.Locks[0].Flags = LOCK_ELEMENT_Flags_Values.LOCKFLAG_SHARED_LOCK; clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.LockRequest( 1, 1, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, clientInfo.LockSequence++, clientInfo.FileId, clientInfo.Locks ); #endregion } else if (operation == FileOperation.OPEN_OVERWRITE) { #region OPEN_OVERWRITE if (clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.Reset(operatorType == OperatorType.SecondClient); InitializeClient(clientInfo, dialect); } clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.CreateRequest(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.File, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_DELETE, originalClient.IsDirectory ? CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE : CreateOptions_Values.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OVERWRITE, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, clientInfo.CreateContexts == null ? RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE : RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, clientInfo.CreateContexts); #endregion } else if (operation == FileOperation.OPEN_WITHOUT_OVERWRITE) { #region OPEN_WITHOUT_OVERWRITE if (clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.Reset(operatorType == OperatorType.SecondClient); InitializeClient(clientInfo, dialect); } if (!clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.CreateRequest(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.File, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_DELETE, originalClient.IsDirectory ? CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE : CreateOptions_Values.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OPEN, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, clientInfo.CreateContexts == null ? RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE : RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, clientInfo.CreateContexts); } #endregion } else if (operation == FileOperation.OPEN_SHARING_VIOLATION) { #region OPEN_SHARING_VIOLATION if (clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.Reset(operatorType == OperatorType.SecondClient); InitializeClient(clientInfo, dialect); } if (!clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.CreateRequest(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.File, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ, originalClient.IsDirectory ? CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE : CreateOptions_Values.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OPEN, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, clientInfo.CreateContexts == null ? RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE : RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, clientInfo.CreateContexts); } #endregion } else if (operation == FileOperation.OPEN_SHARING_VIOLATION_WITH_OVERWRITE) { #region OPEN_SHARING_VIOLATION_WITH_OVERWRITE if (clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.Reset(operatorType == OperatorType.SecondClient); InitializeClient(clientInfo, dialect); } if (!clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.CreateRequest(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.File, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ, originalClient.IsDirectory ? CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE : CreateOptions_Values.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OVERWRITE, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, clientInfo.CreateContexts == null ? RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE : RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, clientInfo.CreateContexts); } #endregion } else if (operation == FileOperation.DELETED) { #region DELETED if (clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.Reset(operatorType == OperatorType.SecondClient); InitializeClient(clientInfo, dialect); } uint status = Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS; Packet_Header header; CREATE_Response createResponse; Smb2CreateContextResponse[] serverCreateContexts; if (!clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.Client.Create(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.File, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_DELETE, (originalClient.IsDirectory ? CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE : CreateOptions_Values.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE) | CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OPEN, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, clientInfo.CreateContexts == null ? RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE : RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, clientInfo.CreateContexts, out clientInfo.FileId, out serverCreateContexts, out header, out createResponse); Site.Assert.AreEqual(Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS, status, "Expect that creation succeeds."); } FileDispositionInformation deleteInfo; deleteInfo.DeletePending = 1; byte[] inputBuffer; inputBuffer = TypeMarshal.ToBytes<FileDispositionInformation>(deleteInfo); clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.SetInfoRequest( 1, 1, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, SET_INFO_Request_InfoType_Values.SMB2_0_INFO_FILE, (byte)FileInformationClasses.FileDispositionInformation, SET_INFO_Request_AdditionalInformation_Values.NONE, clientInfo.FileId, inputBuffer); #endregion } else if (operation == FileOperation.RENAMEED) { #region RENAMEED if (clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.Reset(operatorType == OperatorType.SecondClient); InitializeClient(clientInfo, dialect); } uint status = Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS; Packet_Header header; CREATE_Response createResponse; Smb2CreateContextResponse[] serverCreateContexts; if (!clientInfo.IsOpened) { status = clientInfo.Client.Create(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.File, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_DELETE, originalClient.IsDirectory ? CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE : CreateOptions_Values.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OPEN, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, clientInfo.CreateContexts == null ? RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE : RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_LEASE, clientInfo.CreateContexts, out clientInfo.FileId, out serverCreateContexts, out header, out createResponse); Site.Assert.AreEqual(Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS, status, "Expect that creation succeeds."); } string newFileName = originalClient.ParentDirectory + "\\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); FileRenameInformation info = new FileRenameInformation(); info.ReplaceIfExists = 1; info.FileName = ConvertStringToByteArray(newFileName); info.FileNameLength = (uint)info.FileName.Length; info.RootDirectory = FileRenameInformation_RootDirectory_Values.V1; info.Reserved = new byte[7]; byte[] inputBuffer; inputBuffer = TypeMarshal.ToBytes<FileRenameInformation>(info); clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.SetInfoRequest( 1, 1, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, SET_INFO_Request_InfoType_Values.SMB2_0_INFO_FILE, (byte)FileInformationClasses.FileRenameInformation, SET_INFO_Request_AdditionalInformation_Values.NONE, clientInfo.FileId, inputBuffer); originalClient.File = newFileName; #endregion } else if (operation == FileOperation.PARENT_DIR_RENAMED) { #region PARENT_DIR_RENAMED if (clientInfo.IsOpened) { clientInfo.Reset(operatorType == OperatorType.SecondClient); InitializeClient(clientInfo, dialect); } uint status = Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS; Packet_Header header; CREATE_Response createResponse; Smb2CreateContextResponse[] serverCreateContexts; if (!clientInfo.IsOpened) { status = clientInfo.Client.Create(1, 64, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, originalClient.ParentDirectory, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ | AccessMask.GENERIC_WRITE | AccessMask.DELETE, ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_READ | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | ShareAccess_Values.FILE_SHARE_DELETE, CreateOptions_Values.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE, CreateDisposition_Values.FILE_OPEN, File_Attributes.NONE, ImpersonationLevel_Values.Impersonation, SecurityFlags_Values.NONE, RequestedOplockLevel_Values.OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE, null, out clientInfo.FileId, out serverCreateContexts, out header, out createResponse); Site.Assert.AreEqual(Smb2Status.STATUS_SUCCESS, status, "Expect that creation succeeds."); } string newFileName = "LeasingDir_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); FileRenameInformation info = new FileRenameInformation(); info.ReplaceIfExists = 0; info.FileName = ConvertStringToByteArray(newFileName); info.FileNameLength = (uint)info.FileName.Length; info.RootDirectory = FileRenameInformation_RootDirectory_Values.V1; info.Reserved = new byte[7]; byte[] inputBuffer; inputBuffer = TypeMarshal.ToBytes<FileRenameInformation>(info); clientInfo.LastOperationMessageId = clientInfo.MessageId; clientInfo.Client.SetInfoRequest( 1, 1, clientInfo.Flags, clientInfo.MessageId++, clientInfo.SessionId, clientInfo.TreeId, SET_INFO_Request_InfoType_Values.SMB2_0_INFO_FILE, (byte)FileInformationClasses.FileRenameInformation, SET_INFO_Request_AdditionalInformation_Values.NONE, clientInfo.FileId, inputBuffer); // Does not need to update these two fields File and ParentDirectory in orginal client because the operation will fail. #endregion } lastOperation = new BreakOperation(operation, operatorType); }
private void OnOperationAdded(FileOperation operation) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)( ()=> _operationList.Add(new FileOperationViewmodel(operation))) , null); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FileOperationResult" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file.</param> /// <param name="opperation">The opperation.</param> /// <param name="succeeded">if set to <c>true</c> [succeeded].</param> public FileOperationResult(string fileName, FileOperation opperation, bool succeeded) { FileName = fileName; FileOperation = opperation; Succeeded = succeeded; }
public IActionResult Post(Operator data) { data.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); data.ImgUrl = FileOperation.FileImg(data.ImgFile, data.Id, rootPath, Path(data.ParentId)); return(Json(_col.Insert(data))); }
public ModelFileOperationRequest( FileOperation operation, OperatorType operatorType, ModelDialectRevision dialect) : base(0) { this.Operation = operation; this.OptorType = operatorType; this.Dialect = dialect; }
public bool getPathMenu(FileOperation rw,out string path) { bool ret = true; bool flag = false; path = String.Empty; do { string str = _getPath(); if (rw == FileOperation.Write) { if (File.Exists(str)) { bool ans = _askUser("File exists override? "); if (!ans) { flag = true; continue; } else { path = str; } } path = str; } path = str; }while(flag); return ret; }
private static void DirectoryOperation(string sourceDirectory, string destinationDirectory, bool overwriteExistingFiles, bool forceWritable, FileOperation operation) { if ((sourceDirectory == null) || (sourceDirectory.Trim() == string.Empty)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceDirectory"); } if ((destinationDirectory == null) || (destinationDirectory.Trim() == string.Empty)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationDirectory"); } if (!Directory.Exists(sourceDirectory)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(sourceDirectory); } if (!Directory.Exists(destinationDirectory)) { if (operation == FileOperation.Move) { Directory.Move(sourceDirectory, destinationDirectory); return; } if (operation == FileOperation.Copy) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destinationDirectory); } } foreach (string str2 in Directory.GetFiles(sourceDirectory)) { FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(str2); int num = ((int)attributes) & 2; int num2 = ((int)attributes) & 4; if ((num <= 0) && (num2 <= 0)) { string fileName = str2.Substring(str2.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); string path = destinationDirectory + @"\" + fileName; bool flag = false; if (File.Exists(path)) { if (overwriteExistingFiles) { SetFileReadOnly(path, false); if (operation == FileOperation.Move) { File.Delete(path); } } else if (operation == FileOperation.Move) { SetFileReadOnly(fileName, false); File.Delete(fileName); flag = true; } } switch (operation) { case FileOperation.Copy: File.Copy(str2, path, overwriteExistingFiles); if (forceWritable) { SetFileReadOnly(destinationDirectory + @"\" + fileName, false); } break; case FileOperation.Move: if (!flag) { File.Move(str2, path); } break; } } } foreach (string str in Directory.GetDirectories(sourceDirectory)) { string str5 = str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); DirectoryOperation(str, destinationDirectory + @"\" + str5, overwriteExistingFiles, forceWritable, operation); if ((operation == FileOperation.Copy) && forceWritable) { SetFileReadOnly(destinationDirectory + @"\" + str5, false); } } if (operation == FileOperation.Move) { SetFileReadOnly(sourceDirectory, false); Directory.Delete(sourceDirectory); } }
private static void UpdateRemoteIndex(file file, FileOperation op) { }
private void StartBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //清除列表项 WarmListView.Items.Clear(); DateTime SDTP = StartDTPicker.Value; DateTime EDTP = EndDTPicker.Value; int syear, smonth, sday, shour, sminute, eyear, emonth, eday, ehour, eminute; syear = SDTP.Year; smonth = SDTP.Month; sday = SDTP.Day; eyear = EDTP.Year; emonth = EDTP.Month; eday = EDTP.Day; string StrSHour = sHourCb.Text; string StrSMinute = sMinitueCb.Text; string StrEHour = eHourCB.Text; string StrEMinute = eMinitueCB.Text; if ("".Equals(StrSHour) || "".Equals(StrSMinute) || "".Equals(StrEHour) || "".Equals(StrEMinute)) { MessageBox.Show("開始時間與結束時間的小時與分針不能為空!"); return; } try { shour = Convert.ToInt32(StrSHour); sminute = Convert.ToInt32(StrSMinute); ehour = Convert.ToInt32(StrEHour); eminute = Convert.ToInt32(StrEMinute); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("開始時間與結束時間的小時與分針格式有誤!"); return; } DateTime SDT, EDT; try { SDT = new DateTime(syear, smonth, sday, shour, sminute, 0); EDT = new DateTime(eyear, emonth, eday, ehour, eminute, 59); }catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("開始時間或結束時間格式有誤!"); return; } if (DateTime.Compare(EDT, SDT) <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("結束時間要大於開始時間!"); return; } //时间参数没有问题后,开始从原始的警报文件中导出数据 string StrDir = FileOperation.WarmMsg; string StrFileName = StrDir + "\\" + FileOperation.WarmName; //得到源文件中的数据信息 if (null == StrFileName || "".Equals(StrFileName)) { MessageBox.Show("源文件路徑出錯!"); return; } CommonCollection.LogWarms = FileOperation.GetWarmData(StrFileName); //将当前的数据信息加到集合中去 try { foreach (WarmInfo wm in CommonCollection.WarmInfors) { CommonCollection.LogWarms.Add(wm); } }catch (Exception) { } if (null == CommonCollection.LogWarms) { MessageBox.Show("獲取警報資訊失敗!"); return; } if (CommonCollection.LogWarms.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("獲取警報訊息為空!"); return; } //从全部的警报资讯信息中取出时间段中的警报资讯 WarmListView.Items.Clear(); foreach (WarmInfo wm in CommonCollection.LogWarms) { if (null == wm) { continue; } // 判断警报产生时间是否在范围中 if (DateTime.Compare(SDT, wm.AlarmTime) > 0) { continue; } if (DateTime.Compare(EDT, wm.AlarmTime) <= 0) { continue; } //当前时间满足条件 //参考点信息 string StrRouterInfo = wm.RD[0].ToString("X2") + wm.RD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrRouterName = wm.RDName; if (null == StrRouterName || "".Equals(StrRouterName)) { StrRouterInfo = "參考點:" + StrRouterInfo; } else { StrRouterInfo = "參考點:" + StrRouterName + "(" + StrRouterInfo + ")"; } //區域信息 string StrAreaInfo = wm.AD[0].ToString("X2") + wm.AD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrAreaName = wm.AreaName; if (null == StrAreaName || "".Equals(StrAreaName)) { StrAreaInfo = "所在區域:" + StrAreaInfo; } else { StrAreaInfo = "所在區域:" + StrAreaName + "(" + StrAreaInfo + ")"; } //警报产生时间 string StrAlarmTime = "警報產生時間:" + wm.AlarmTime.ToString(); if (DateTime.Compare(wm.AlarmTime, wm.ClearAlarmTime) != 0) { StrAlarmTime = StrAlarmTime + " 警報處理時間:" + wm.ClearAlarmTime.ToString(); } else { StrAlarmTime = StrAlarmTime + " 警報處理時間: 未處理 "; } string StrHandler = "是否處理:" + wm.isHandler.ToString(); string StrClear = "是否清除:" + wm.isClear.ToString(); string StrLog = ""; string ClassName = wm.GetType().Name; switch (CurWarmType) { case SpeceilAlarm.BatteryLow: if ("BattLow".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((BattLow)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((BattLow)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((BattLow)wm).TagName; //卡片信息 if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } //當前的電量 string StrBatt = "當前的電量:" + ((BattLow)wm).Batt.ToString() + "(" + ((BattLow)wm).BasicBatt.ToString() + ")" + "%"; StrLog = "電量不足###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrBatt + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } break; case SpeceilAlarm.PersonHelp: if ("PersonHelp".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((PersonHelp)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((PersonHelp)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((PersonHelp)wm).TagName; //卡片信息 if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } StrLog = "人員求助###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } break; case SpeceilAlarm.AreaControl: if ("AreaAdmin".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((AreaAdmin)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((AreaAdmin)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagName; if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } //卡片当前的区域状况 string StrTagType = "卡片權限:"; if (null != ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagAreaSt) { StrTagType = StrTagType + ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagAreaSt.GetAreasStr(); } StrLog = "區域管制警報###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } break; case SpeceilAlarm.Resid: if ("PersonRes".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((PersonRes)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((PersonRes)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((PersonRes)wm).TagName; if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } //人员滞留时间 string StrResTime = "人員未移動時間:" + ((PersonRes)wm).ResTime.ToString() + "(" + ((PersonRes)wm).BasicResTime + ") s"; StrLog = "人員未移動警報###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrResTime + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } break; case SpeceilAlarm.TagDis: if ("TagDis".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((TagDis)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((TagDis)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((TagDis)wm).TagName; if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } //卡片的休眠时间 string StrSleepTime = "卡片的休眠時間:" + (((TagDis)wm).SleepTime / 10).ToString() + " s"; StrLog = "卡片異常警報###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrSleepTime + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } break; case SpeceilAlarm.ReferDis: if ("ReferDis".Equals(ClassName)) { //参考点的休眠时间 string StrRouterSp = "參考點上報间隔时间:" + ((((ReferDis)wm).SleepTime <= 0)?"***" : ((ReferDis)wm).SleepTime.ToString() + " s"); StrLog = "參考點異常警報###" + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrRouterSp + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } break; case SpeceilAlarm.NodeDis: if ("NodeDis".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrNodeSp = "數據節點上報間隔時間:" + ((((NodeDis)wm).SleepTime <= 0) ? "***" : ((NodeDis)wm).SleepTime.ToString() + " s"); StrLog = "數據節點異常警報###" + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrNodeSp + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } break; case SpeceilAlarm.UnKnown: default: if ("BattLow".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((BattLow)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((BattLow)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((BattLow)wm).TagName; //卡片信息 if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } //當前的電量 string StrBatt = "當前的電量:" + ((BattLow)wm).Batt.ToString() + "(" + ((BattLow)wm).BasicBatt.ToString() + ")" + "%"; StrLog = "電量不足###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrBatt + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } else if ("PersonHelp".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((PersonHelp)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((PersonHelp)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((PersonHelp)wm).TagName; //卡片信息 if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } StrLog = "人員求助###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } else if ("AreaAdmin".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((AreaAdmin)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((AreaAdmin)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagName; if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } //卡片当前的区域状况 string StrTagType = "卡片權限:"; if (null != ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagAreaSt) { StrTagType = StrTagType + ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagAreaSt.GetAreasStr(); } StrLog = "區域管制警報###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } else if ("PersonRes".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((PersonRes)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((PersonRes)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((PersonRes)wm).TagName; if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } //人员滞留时间 string StrResTime = "人員未移動時間:" + ((PersonRes)wm).ResTime.ToString() + "(" + ((PersonRes)wm).BasicResTime + ") s"; StrLog = "人員未移動警報###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrResTime + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } else if ("TagDis".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrTagInfo = ((TagDis)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((TagDis)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrTagName = ((TagDis)wm).TagName; if (null == StrTagName || "".Equals(StrTagName)) { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagInfo; } else { StrTagInfo = "卡片:" + StrTagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } //卡片的休眠时间 string StrSleepTime = "卡片的休眠時間:" + ((TagDis)wm).SleepTime.ToString(); StrLog = "卡片異常警報###" + StrTagInfo + " " + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrSleepTime + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } else if ("ReferDis".Equals(ClassName)) { //参考点的休眠时间 string StrRouterSp = "參考點上報间隔时间:" + ((((ReferDis)wm).SleepTime <= 0) ? "***" : ((ReferDis)wm).SleepTime.ToString() + " s"); StrLog = "參考點異常警報###" + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrRouterSp + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } else if ("NodeDis".Equals(ClassName)) { string StrNodeSp = "數據節點上報間隔時間:" + ((((NodeDis)wm).SleepTime <= 0) ? "***" : ((NodeDis)wm).SleepTime.ToString() + " s"); StrLog = "數據節點異常警報###" + StrRouterInfo + " " + StrAreaInfo + " " + StrNodeSp + " " + StrAlarmTime + " " + StrHandler + " " + StrClear; } break; } if (null != StrLog && !"".Equals(StrLog)) { WarmListView.Items.Add(StrLog); } } label8.Text = "當前記錄數:" + WarmListView.Items.Count + "條"; if (WarmListView.Items.Count > 0) { AlarmMsgOutBtn.Enabled = true; } }
public MaterialFileOeprationInfo(Material m, FileOperation op) { material = m; operation = op; }
public FrmNotePad() { InitializeComponent(); fileOperation = new FileOperation(); txtEditor.Font = new Font("Consolas", 12, FontStyle.Regular); }
public QueueItem(FileSystemItem fileSystemItem, FileOperation fileOperation, object payload = null) { FileSystemItem = fileSystemItem; Operation = fileOperation; Payload = payload; }
/// <summary> /// Perform action on the file /// </summary> /// <param name="operation">what to do?</param> /// <param name="itemTag">File info</param> private void handleFileOperation(FileOperation operation, FileInfo fileInfo) { switch (operation) { case FileOperation.Open: SelectedFile = fileInfo.FullName; if (EvtFileOpen != null) { EvtFileOpen.BeginInvoke(this, new EventArgs(), null, null); } break; case FileOperation.Delete: handleDeleteFile(fileInfo); break; } }
private bool ConfirmCommand(FileOperation type, bool isPlural) { var title = Resx.ResourceManager.GetString(type.ToString()); var message = Resx.ResourceManager.GetString(string.Format(isPlural ? "{0}ConfirmationPlural" : "{0}ConfirmationSingular", type)); return WindowManager.Confirm(title, message); }
private VirtualFolderInfo PerformFolderOperation(string virtualFolderPath, string destinationPath, FileOperation operation) { if (virtualFolderPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualFolderPath"); if (destinationPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationPath"); //get folder info for source and destination, thus validating the scope of both string absoluteSource; var sourceFolder = GetFolderInfoInternal(virtualFolderPath, true, out absoluteSource); string absoluteDestination; GetFolderInfoInternal(destinationPath, false, out absoluteDestination); string operationName = operation == FileOperation.Move ? "move" : "copy"; if (sourceFolder.IsRootFolder) { string msg = String.Format("Cannot {0} root folder (attempted destination: '{1}').", operationName, destinationPath); VfsLog.Debug(msg); throw new ResourceAccessException(msg); } if (String.Equals(absoluteSource, absoluteDestination, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string msg = String.Format("Cannot {0} folder to '{1}' - source and destination are the same.", operationName, destinationPath); VfsLog.Debug(msg); throw new ResourceAccessException(msg); } var sourceDir = new DirectoryInfo(absoluteSource); if (sourceDir.IsParentOf(absoluteDestination)) { string msg = String.Format("Cannot {0} folder '{1}' to '{2}' - destination folder is a child of the folder.", operationName, virtualFolderPath, destinationPath); VfsLog.Debug(msg); throw new ResourceAccessException(msg); } if (Directory.Exists(absoluteDestination)) { string msg = "Cannot {0} folder '{1}' to '{2}' - the destination folder already exists."; msg = String.Format(msg, operationName, virtualFolderPath, destinationPath); VfsLog.Debug(msg); throw new ResourceOverwriteException(msg); } try { switch(operation) { case FileOperation.Move: Directory.Move(absoluteSource, absoluteDestination); break; case FileOperation.Copy: PathUtil.CopyDirectory(absoluteSource, absoluteDestination, false); break; default: VfsLog.Fatal("Unsupported file operation received: {0}", operation); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("operation"); } return GetFolderInfo(absoluteDestination); } catch (Exception e) { string msg = String.Format("An error occurred while trying to {0} directory '{1}' to '{2}'.", operationName, virtualFolderPath, destinationPath); VfsLog.Warn(e, msg); throw new ResourceAccessException(msg, e); } }
public IActionResult Put(string id, Operator data) { data.ImgUrl = FileOperation.FileImg(data.ImgFile, data.Id, rootPath, Path(data.ParentId)); return(Json(_col.UpData(id, data))); }
/// <summary> /// Replaces the text. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileOperation">The file operation.</param> /// <param name="projectService">The project service.</param> /// <param name="projectItemService">The project item service.</param> private void ReplaceText( FileOperation fileOperation, IProjectService projectService, IProjectItemService projectItemService) { if (projectService == null) { return; } if (projectItemService == null) { return; } string to = fileOperation.To.Replace("$rootnamespace$", projectService.Name); to = to.Replace("$CoreProject$", this.settingsService.CoreProjectSuffix.Substring(1)); to = to.Replace("$FormsProject$", this.settingsService.XamarinFormsProjectSuffix.Substring(1)); to = to.Replace("$iOSProject$", this.settingsService.iOSProjectSuffix.Substring(1)); to = to.Replace("$DroidProject$", this.settingsService.DroidProjectSuffix.Substring(1)); to = to.Replace("$WindosPhonedProject$", this.settingsService.WindowsPhoneProjectSuffix.Substring(1)); to = to.Replace("$WindosUniversalProject$", this.settingsService.WindowsUniversalProjectSuffix.Substring(1)); to = to.Replace("$WpfProject$", this.settingsService.WpfProjectSuffix.Substring(1)); string from = fileOperation.From; TraceService.WriteDebugLine("from=" + @from + " to" + to); if (@from != to) { projectItemService.ReplaceText(fileOperation.From, to); TraceService.WriteDebugLine("**Replaced**"); } else { TraceService.WriteDebugLine("No need to replace!"); } }
public uint CopyCallback(IntPtr parentWindow, FileOperation fileOperation, uint flags, string source, uint sourceAttributes, string destination, uint destinationAttributes) { Contract.Requires(source != null); return(default(uint)); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the property. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileOperation">The file operation.</param> /// <param name="projectItemService">The project item service.</param> private void UpdateProperty( FileOperation fileOperation, IProjectItemService projectItemService) { if (projectItemService.ProjectItem != null) { projectItemService.ProjectItem.Properties.Item(fileOperation.From).Value = fileOperation.To; TraceService.WriteDebugLine("**Properties Updates**"); } }
/// <summary> /// 记录导出 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void AlarmMsgOutBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WarmListView.Items.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("請先搜索出需要的警報信息!"); return; } SaveFileDialog MyDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); MyDialog.Title = "選擇警報文件保存位置"; if (txtRB.Checked) { MyDialog.Filter = "所有文本文件|*.txt"; } else if (xlsRB.Checked) { MyDialog.Filter = "所有文本文件|*.xls"; } if (MyDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string StrFilePath = MyDialog.FileName; if (txtRB.Checked) { if (!FileOperation.CreateDirFile(StrFilePath)) { return; } FileOperation.ClearFileContent(StrFilePath); foreach (string str in WarmListView.Items) { FileOperation.WriteDataFile(StrFilePath, str + "\r\n"); } } else if (xlsRB.Checked) { //导入为xls格式 NpoiLib MyNpoiLib = new NpoiLib("AlarmMessage"); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 0, "警報類型"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 3000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 1, "卡片信息"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 1, 6000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 2, "參考點信息"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 2, 8000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 3, "區域信息"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 3, 8000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 4, "當前電量"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 4, 3000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 5, "休眠時間"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 5, 3000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 6, "人員未移動時間"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 6, 3000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 7, "參考點上報間隔時間"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 7, 3000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 8, "數據節點上報間隔時間"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 8, 3000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 9, "警報產生時間"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 9, 5000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 10, "警報消除時間"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 10, 5000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 11, "是否處理"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 11, 2000); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 0, 12, "是否清除"); MyNpoiLib.SetColumnWidth(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, 12, 2000); if (null == CommonCollection.LogWarms) { MessageBox.Show("對不起,導出文件失敗!"); return; } DateTime SDTP = StartDTPicker.Value; DateTime EDTP = EndDTPicker.Value; int syear, smonth, sday, shour, sminute, eyear, emonth, eday, ehour, eminute; syear = SDTP.Year; smonth = SDTP.Month; sday = SDTP.Day; eyear = EDTP.Year; emonth = EDTP.Month; eday = EDTP.Day; string StrSHour = sHourCb.Text; string StrSMinute = sMinitueCb.Text; string StrEHour = eHourCB.Text; string StrEMinute = eMinitueCB.Text; try { shour = Convert.ToInt32(StrSHour); sminute = Convert.ToInt32(StrSMinute); ehour = Convert.ToInt32(StrEHour); eminute = Convert.ToInt32(StrEMinute); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("開始時間與結束時間的小時與分針格式有誤!"); return; } DateTime SDT, EDT; try { SDT = new DateTime(syear, smonth, sday, shour, sminute, 0); EDT = new DateTime(eyear, emonth, eday, ehour, eminute, 59); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("開始時間或結束時間格式有誤!"); return; } int index = 1; foreach (WarmInfo wm in CommonCollection.LogWarms) { if (null == wm) { continue; } if (DateTime.Compare(SDT, wm.AlarmTime) > 0) { continue; } if (DateTime.Compare(EDT, wm.AlarmTime) < 0) { continue; } //参考点信息 string StrRouterInfo = wm.RD[0].ToString("X2") + wm.RD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrRouterName = wm.RDName; if (null != StrRouterName && !"".Equals(StrRouterName)) { StrRouterInfo = StrRouterName + "(" + StrRouterInfo + ")"; } //區域信息 string StrAreaInfo = wm.AD[0].ToString("X2") + wm.AD[1].ToString("X2"); string StrAreaName = wm.AreaName; if (null != StrAreaName && !"".Equals(StrAreaName)) { StrAreaInfo = StrAreaName + "(" + StrAreaInfo + ")"; } string StrClassName = wm.GetType().Name; string StrWarmType = ""; switch (CurWarmType) { case SpeceilAlarm.BatteryLow: if ("BattLow".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "低電量警報"; string StrTagInfo = ((BattLow)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((BattLow)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((BattLow)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((BattLow)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((BattLow)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 1, StrTagInfo); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 4, ((BattLow)wm).Batt + "(" + ((BattLow)wm).BasicBatt + ") %"); break; } else { continue; } case SpeceilAlarm.PersonHelp: if ("PersonHelp".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "人員求救警報"; string StrTagInfo = ((PersonHelp)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((PersonHelp)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((PersonHelp)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((PersonHelp)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((PersonHelp)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 1, StrTagInfo); break; } else { continue; } case SpeceilAlarm.AreaControl: if ("AreaAdmin".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "區域管制警報"; string StrTagInfo = ((AreaAdmin)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((AreaAdmin)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((AreaAdmin)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } //ExcelOperation.SaveData(index, 2, StrTagInfo); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 1, StrTagInfo); //string StrAreaType = ""; /* switch (((AreaAdmin)wm).AreaType) * { * case AreaType.SimpleArea: * StrAreaType = "一般區域"; * break; * case AreaType.ControlArea: * StrAreaType = "管制區域"; * break; * case AreaType.DangerArea: * StrAreaType = "危險區域"; * break; * }*/ string StrTagType = ""; if (null != ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagAreaSt) { StrTagType = StrTagType + ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagAreaSt.GetAreasStr(); } break; } else { continue; } case SpeceilAlarm.Resid: if ("PersonRes".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "人員未移動警報"; string StrTagInfo = ((PersonRes)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((PersonRes)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((PersonRes)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((PersonRes)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((PersonRes)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 1, StrTagInfo); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 6, ((PersonRes)wm).ResTime + "(" + ((PersonRes)wm).BasicResTime + ") s"); break; } else { continue; } case SpeceilAlarm.TagDis: if ("TagDis".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "卡片異常警報"; string StrTagInfo = ((TagDis)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((TagDis)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((TagDis)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((TagDis)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((TagDis)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 5, StrTagInfo); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 5, ((TagDis)wm).SleepTime + " s"); break; } else { continue; } case SpeceilAlarm.ReferDis: if ("ReferDis".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "參考點異常警報"; MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 7, ((ReferDis)wm).SleepTime + " s"); break; } else { continue; } case SpeceilAlarm.NodeDis: if ("NodeDis".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "數據節點警報"; MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 8, ((NodeDis)wm).SleepTime + " s"); break; } else { continue; } default: StrWarmType = "未知警報類型"; if ("BattLow".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "低電量警報"; string StrTagInfo = ((BattLow)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((BattLow)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((BattLow)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((BattLow)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((BattLow)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 1, StrTagInfo); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 4, ((BattLow)wm).Batt + "(" + ((BattLow)wm).BasicBatt + ") %"); } else if ("PersonHelp".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "人員求救警報"; string StrTagInfo = ((PersonHelp)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((PersonHelp)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((PersonHelp)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((PersonHelp)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((PersonHelp)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 1, StrTagInfo); } else if ("AreaAdmin".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "區域管制警報"; //string StrAreaType = ""; string StrTagInfo = ((AreaAdmin)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((AreaAdmin)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((AreaAdmin)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 1, StrTagInfo); /* switch (((AreaAdmin)wm).AreaType) * { * case AreaType.SimpleArea: * StrAreaType = "一般區域"; * break; * case AreaType.ControlArea: * StrAreaType = "管制區域"; * break; * case AreaType.DangerArea: * StrAreaType = "危險區域"; * break; * }*/ string StrTagType = ""; if (null != ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagAreaSt) { StrTagType = StrTagType + ((AreaAdmin)wm).TagAreaSt.GetAreasStr(); } } else if ("PersonRes".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "人員未移動警報"; string StrTagInfo = ((PersonRes)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((PersonRes)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((PersonRes)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((PersonRes)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((PersonRes)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 1, StrTagInfo); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 6, ((PersonRes)wm).ResTime + "(" + ((PersonRes)wm).BasicResTime + ") s"); } else if ("TagDis".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "卡片異常警報"; string StrTagInfo = ((TagDis)wm).TD[0].ToString("X2") + ((TagDis)wm).TD[1].ToString("X2"); //卡片信息 if (null != ((TagDis)wm).TagName && !"".Equals(((TagDis)wm).TagName)) { StrTagInfo = ((TagDis)wm).TagName + "(" + StrTagInfo + ")"; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 1, StrTagInfo); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 5, ((TagDis)wm).SleepTime + " s"); } else if ("ReferDis".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "參考點異常警報"; MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 7, ((ReferDis)wm).SleepTime + " s"); } else if ("NodeDis".Equals(StrClassName)) { StrWarmType = "數據節點警報"; MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 8, ((NodeDis)wm).SleepTime + " s"); } break; } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 2, StrRouterInfo); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 3, StrAreaInfo); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 9, wm.AlarmTime.ToString()); if (DateTime.Compare(wm.AlarmTime, wm.ClearAlarmTime) != 0) { MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 10, wm.ClearAlarmTime.ToString()); } MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 11, wm.isHandler.ToString()); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 12, wm.isClear.ToString()); MyNpoiLib.writeToCell(MyNpoiLib.sheet1, index, 0, StrWarmType); index++; } MyNpoiLib.WriteToFile(StrFilePath); MessageBox.Show("導出文件成功!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the file items. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileOperation">The file operation.</param> /// <param name="projectService">The project service.</param> /// <returns>The files to have operations on.</returns> private IEnumerable<IProjectItemService> GetFileItems( FileOperation fileOperation, IProjectService projectService) { TraceService.WriteLine("FileOperationService::GetFileItems"); List<IProjectItemService> fileItemServices = new List<IProjectItemService>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileOperation.Directory) == false) { IProjectItemService projectItemService = projectService.GetFolder(fileOperation.Directory); if (projectItemService != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileOperation.File) == false) { fileItemServices.Add(projectItemService.GetProjectItem(fileOperation.File)); } else { IEnumerable<IProjectItemService> projectItemServices = projectItemService.GetCSharpProjectItems(); foreach (IProjectItemService childProjectItemService in projectItemServices) { TraceService.WriteDebugLine("FileOperationService::GetFileItems File=" + childProjectItemService.Name); fileItemServices.Add(childProjectItemService); } } } else { TraceService.WriteDebugLine("Directory " + fileOperation.Directory + " not found"); } } else { fileItemServices.Add(projectService.GetProjectItem(fileOperation.File)); } TraceService.WriteDebugLine("FileOperationService::GetFileItems fileItemServicesCount=" + fileItemServices.Count); return fileItemServices; }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> void UCPersonalSet_SaveEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { errorProvider1.Clear(); string opName = "修改密码"; if (tabControlEx1.SelectedIndex == 0) { //密码 List <SQLObj> listSql = new List <SQLObj>(); opName = "修改密码"; if (GlobalStaticObj.PassWord != txtpassword.Caption.Trim()) { Utility.Common.Validator.SetError(errorProvider1, txtpassword, "旧密码输入不正确!"); return; } if (!Utility.Common.ValidateUtil.IsPassword(txtpassword_new.Caption.Trim())) { Utility.Common.Validator.SetError(errorProvider1, txtpassword_new, "密码为6-20字母数字混合组成!"); return; } if (txtpassword_new.Caption.Trim() != txtpassword_new_d.Caption.Trim()) { Utility.Common.Validator.SetError(errorProvider1, txtpassword_new_d, "两次密码输入不一致!"); return; } Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dic.Add("password", this.txtpassword_new.Caption.Trim()); dic.Add("update_by", GlobalStaticObj.UserID); dic.Add("update_time", Common.LocalDateTimeToUtcLong(HXCPcClient.GlobalStaticObj.CurrentDateTime).ToString()); if (DBHelper.Submit_AddOrEdit("修改用户密码", "sys_user", "user_id", GlobalStaticObj.UserID, dic)) { GlobalStaticObj.PassWord = txtpassword_new.Text.Trim(); MessageBoxEx.Show("保存成功!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); } else { MessageBoxEx.Show("保存失败!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else if (tabControlEx1.SelectedIndex == 1) { //个人信息 try { string msg = ""; bool bln = Validator(ref msg); if (!bln) { return; } string currUser_id = "";; string keyName = string.Empty; string keyValue = string.Empty; Dictionary <string, string> dicFileds = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dicFileds.Add("user_name", txtuser_name.Caption.Trim()); //人员姓名 dicFileds.Add("land_name", txtland_name.Caption.Trim()); //账号 dicFileds.Add("user_phone", txtuser_phone.Caption.Trim()); //手机 dicFileds.Add("user_telephone", txtuser_telephone.Caption.Trim()); //固话 dicFileds.Add("org_id", txcorg_name.Tag.ToString().Trim()); //组织id dicFileds.Add("sex", cbosex.SelectedValue.ToString()); //性别 dicFileds.Add("user_fax", txtuser_fax.Caption.Trim()); //传真 dicFileds.Add("idcard_type", cboidcard_type.SelectedValue.ToString()); //证件类型 dicFileds.Add("user_email", txtuser_email.Caption.Trim()); //邮箱 dicFileds.Add("idcard_num", txtidcard_num.Caption.Trim()); //证件号码 dicFileds.Add("user_address", txtuser_address.Caption.Trim()); //联系地址 dicFileds.Add("remark", txtremark.Caption.Trim()); //备注 dicFileds.Add("nation", cbonation.SelectedValue.ToString()); //民族 dicFileds.Add("graduate_institutions", txtgraduate_institutions.Caption.Trim()); //毕业学校 dicFileds.Add("technical_expertise", txttechnical_expertise.Caption.Trim()); //技术特长 dicFileds.Add("user_height", txtuser_height.Caption.Trim()); //身高 dicFileds.Add("native_place", txtnative_place.Caption.Trim()); //籍贯 dicFileds.Add("specialty", txtspecialty.Caption.Trim()); //专业 dicFileds.Add("entry_date", Common.LocalDateTimeToUtcLong(dtpentry_date.Value).ToString()); // 入职日期 dicFileds.Add("user_weight", txtuser_weight.Caption.Trim()); //体重 dicFileds.Add("register_address", txtregister_address.Caption.Trim()); //户籍所在地 dicFileds.Add("graduate_date", Common.LocalDateTimeToUtcLong(dtpgraduate_date.Value).ToString()); // 毕业时间 dicFileds.Add("wage", txtwage.Caption.Trim()); // 工资 dicFileds.Add("birthday", Common.LocalDateTimeToUtcLong(dtpbirthday.Value).ToString()); // 出生日期 dicFileds.Add("education", cboeducation.SelectedValue.ToString()); //学历 dicFileds.Add("position", cboposition.SelectedValue.ToString()); //岗位 dicFileds.Add("political_status", txtpolitical_status.Caption.Trim()); //政治面貌 dicFileds.Add("level", cbolevel.SelectedValue.ToString()); //级别 dicFileds.Add("health", cbojkzk.SelectedValue.ToString()); //健康状况 string nowUtcTicks = Common.LocalDateTimeToUtcLong(HXCPcClient.GlobalStaticObj.CurrentDateTime).ToString(); dicFileds.Add("update_by", HXCPcClient.GlobalStaticObj.UserID); dicFileds.Add("update_time", nowUtcTicks); keyName = "user_id"; keyValue = GlobalStaticObj.UserID; currUser_id = GlobalStaticObj.UserID; opName = "更新人员管理"; bln = DBHelper.Submit_AddOrEdit(opName, "sys_user", keyName, keyValue, dicFileds); if (bln) { string photo = string.Empty; if (picuser.Tag != null) { photo = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(picuser.Tag.ToString()); if (!FileOperation.UploadFile(picuser.Tag.ToString(), photo)) { return; } } List <SQLObj> listSql = new List <SQLObj>(); listSql = AddPhoto(listSql, currUser_id, photo); DBHelper.BatchExeSQLMultiByTrans(opName, listSql); txtuser_name.ReadOnly = true; txtuser_phone.ReadOnly = true; txtuser_telephone.ReadOnly = true; txtremark.ReadOnly = true; txcorg_name.ReadOnly = true; txtuser_fax.ReadOnly = true; txtuser_email.ReadOnly = true; txtidcard_num.ReadOnly = true; txtuser_address.ReadOnly = true; txtgraduate_institutions.ReadOnly = true; txttechnical_expertise.ReadOnly = true; txtuser_height.ReadOnly = true; txtnative_place.ReadOnly = true; txtspecialty.ReadOnly = true; txtwage.ReadOnly = true; txtuser_weight.ReadOnly = true; txtregister_address.ReadOnly = true; txtpolitical_status.ReadOnly = true; cbosex.Enabled = false; cboidcard_type.Enabled = false; cbonation.Enabled = false; dtpentry_date.Enabled = false; dtpgraduate_date.Enabled = false; dtpbirthday.Enabled = false; cboeducation.Enabled = false; cboposition.Enabled = false; cbolevel.Enabled = false; cbojkzk.Enabled = false;//健康状况 picuser.Enabled = false; MessageBoxEx.Show("保存成功!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); } else { MessageBoxEx.Show("保存失败!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxEx.Show("保存失败!" + ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else if (tabControlEx1.SelectedIndex == 2) { //自动锁屏 try { if (rdbis_use_login_password_n.Checked && txtset_password.Caption.Trim().Length == 0) { Utility.Common.Validator.SetError(errorProvider1, txtset_password, "请输入口令!"); return; } string keyName = string.Empty; string keyValue = string.Empty; opName = "自动锁屏"; Dictionary <string, string> Fileds = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Fileds.Add("is_open", rdbis_open_y.Checked ? "1" : "0"); string sys_lock_screen_time = Math.Round(numsys_lock_screen_time.Value, 0).ToString(); Fileds.Add("sys_lock_screen_time", sys_lock_screen_time); Fileds.Add("is_use_login_password", rdbis_use_login_password_y.Checked ? "1" : "0"); Fileds.Add("set_password", txtset_password.Caption.ToString().Trim()); string nowUtcTicks = Common.LocalDateTimeToUtcLong(HXCPcClient.GlobalStaticObj.CurrentDateTime).ToString(); Fileds.Add("update_by", HXCPcClient.GlobalStaticObj.UserID); Fileds.Add("update_time", nowUtcTicks); if (lock_screen_id == "") { Fileds.Add("lock_screen_id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());//新ID Fileds.Add("create_by", HXCPcClient.GlobalStaticObj.UserID); Fileds.Add("create_time", nowUtcTicks); } else { keyName = "lock_screen_id"; keyValue = lock_screen_id; opName = "更新自动锁屏"; } bool bln = DBHelper.Submit_AddOrEdit(opName, "sys_automatic_lock_screen", keyName, keyValue, Fileds); if (bln) { rdbis_open_y.Enabled = false; rdbis_open_n.Enabled = false; rdbis_use_login_password_y.Enabled = false; rdbis_use_login_password_n.Enabled = false; numsys_lock_screen_time.ReadOnly = true; txtset_password.ReadOnly = true; MessageBoxEx.Show("保存成功!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); } else { MessageBoxEx.Show("保存失败!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxEx.Show("保存失败!" + ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } }
public static void FileOperationToBreakLeaseRequestCall(FileOperation operation, OperatorType operatorType, ModelDialectRevision dialect) { Condition.IsTrue(state == ModelState.Connected); Condition.IsNull(request); Condition.IsNotNull(smb2Lease); Condition.IsFalse(smb2Lease.Breaking); Condition.IsFalse(smb2Lease.LeaseState == (uint)LeaseStateValues.SMB2_LEASE_NONE); Condition.IsTrue(dialect <= config.MaxSmbVersionSupported); if (operatorType == OperatorType.SameClientId || operatorType == OperatorType.SameClientGuidDifferentLeaseKey) { switch (negotiateDialect) { case DialectRevision.Smb2002: Condition.IsTrue(dialect == ModelDialectRevision.Smb2002); break; case DialectRevision.Smb21: Condition.IsTrue(dialect == ModelDialectRevision.Smb21); break; case DialectRevision.Smb30: Condition.IsTrue(dialect == ModelDialectRevision.Smb30); break; case DialectRevision.Smb302: Condition.IsTrue(dialect == ModelDialectRevision.Smb302); break; default: Condition.Fail(); break; } } else { // Limit the dialect which is used by second client for se exploration. Condition.IsTrue(dialect == ModelDialectRevision.Smb2002); } request = new ModelFileOperationRequest(operation, operatorType, dialect); }