public object FileOperations([FromBody] FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { if (args.Action is "delete" or "rename") { if ((args.TargetPath == null) && (args.Path == "")) { FileManagerResponse response = new() { Error = new ErrorDetails { Code = "401", Message = "Restricted to modify the root folder." } }; return(operation.ToCamelCase(response)); } } return(args.Action switch { "read" => operation.ToCamelCase(operation.GetFiles(args.Path, args.ShowHiddenItems)), "delete" => operation.ToCamelCase(operation.Delete(args.Path, args.Names)), "copy" => operation.ToCamelCase(operation.Copy(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData)), "move" => operation.ToCamelCase(operation.Move(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData)), "details" => operation.ToCamelCase(operation.Details(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data)), "create" => operation.ToCamelCase(operation.Create(args.Path, args.Name)), "search" => operation.ToCamelCase(operation.Search(args.Path, args.SearchString, args.ShowHiddenItems, args.CaseSensitive)), "rename" => operation.ToCamelCase(operation.Rename(args.Path, args.Name, args.NewName)), _ => null });
private async void MoveSubFolder(FileManagerDirectoryContent subfolder, string targetPath) { CloudBlobDirectory blobDirectory = container.GetDirectoryReference(targetPath); BlobResultSegment items = await AsyncReadCall(subfolder.Path, "Paste"); await CreateFolderAsync(targetPath, subfolder.Name); targetPath = targetPath + subfolder.Name + "/"; foreach (IListBlobItem item in items.Results) { if (item.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlockBlob)) { CloudBlockBlob BlobItem = (CloudBlockBlob)item; string name = BlobItem.Name.Replace(subfolder.Path + "/", ""); string sourcePath = BlobItem.Name.Replace(name, ""); await MoveItems(sourcePath, targetPath, name, null); } if (item.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlobDirectory)) { CloudBlobDirectory BlobItem = (CloudBlobDirectory)item; FileManagerDirectoryContent itemDetail = new FileManagerDirectoryContent(); itemDetail.Name = BlobItem.Prefix.Replace(subfolder.Path, "").Replace("/", ""); itemDetail.Path = subfolder.Path + "/" + itemDetail.Name; CopySubFolder(itemDetail, targetPath); } } }
public object FTPFileOperations([FromBody] FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { switch (args.Action) { case "read": return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.GetFiles(args.Path, args.ShowHiddenItems, args.Data))); case "delete": return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Delete(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data))); case "copy": return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Copy(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData, args.Data))); case "move": return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Move(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData, args.Data))); case "details": return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Details(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data))); case "create": return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Create(args.Path, args.Name, args.Data))); case "search": return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Search(args.Path, args.SearchString, args.ShowHiddenItems, args.CaseSensitive, args.Data))); case "rename": return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Rename(args.Path, args.Name, args.NewName, false, args.Data))); } return(null); }
public ActionResult AzureUpload(FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { if (args.Path != "") { string startPath = "<--blobPath-->"; string originalPath = ("<--filePath-->").Replace(startPath, ""); args.Path = (originalPath + args.Path).Replace("//", "/"); //---------------------- //For example //string startPath = ""; //string originalPath = ("").Replace(startPath, ""); //args.Path = (originalPath + args.Path).Replace("//", "/"); //---------------------- } FileManagerResponse uploadResponse = operation.Upload(args.Path, args.UploadFiles, args.Action, args.Data); if (uploadResponse.Error != null) { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; Response.StatusCode = Convert.ToInt32(uploadResponse.Error.Code); Response.HttpContext.Features.Get <IHttpResponseFeature>().ReasonPhrase = uploadResponse.Error.Message; } return(Json("")); }
public IActionResult SQLDownload(string downloadInput) { FileManagerDirectoryContent args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileManagerDirectoryContent>(downloadInput); args.Path = (args.Path); return(operation.Download(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data)); }
public string[] ConvertToPDF([FromBody] FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { string fileLocation = this.baseLocation + args.Path.Replace("/", "\\"); // If document get open from zip file, we have maintained the extracted document path in TargetPath property. if (args.TargetPath != null) { fileLocation = args.TargetPath; } List <string> returnArray = new List <string>(); using FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //Open the existing presentation IPresentation presentation = Syncfusion.Presentation.Presentation.Open(fs); //Convert the PowerPoint document to PDF document. PdfDocument pdfDocument = PresentationToPdfConverter.Convert(presentation); //Save the document as a stream and retrun the stream MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); //Save the created PowerPoint document to MemoryStream pdfDocument.Save(stream); stream.Position = 0; returnArray.Add("data:application/pdf;base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray())); //Dispose the document objects. presentation.Dispose(); pdfDocument.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); return(returnArray.ToArray()); }
public FileManagerResponse GetFiles() { FileManagerResponse readResponse = new FileManagerResponse(); FileManagerDirectoryContent cwd = new FileManagerDirectoryContent(); String fullPath = (this.baseLocation + "/Trash"); DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(fullPath); cwd.Name = "Trash"; cwd.Size = 0; cwd.IsFile = false; cwd.DateModified = directory.LastWriteTime; cwd.DateCreated = directory.CreationTime; cwd.HasChild = false; cwd.Type = directory.Extension; cwd.FilterPath = "/"; cwd.Permission = null; readResponse.CWD = cwd; string jsonPath = this.basePath + "\\wwwroot\\User\\trash.json"; string jsonData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(jsonPath); List <TrashContents> DeletedFiles = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <TrashContents> >(jsonData) ?? new List <TrashContents>(); List <FileManagerDirectoryContent> files = new List <FileManagerDirectoryContent>(); foreach (TrashContents file in DeletedFiles) { files.Add(file.Data); } readResponse.Files = files; return(readResponse); }
// Processing the Download operation public ActionResult Download(string downloadInput) { FileManagerDirectoryContent args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileManagerDirectoryContent>(downloadInput); //Invoking download operation with the required paramaters // path - Current path where the file is downloaded; Names - Files to be downloaded; return(operation.Download(args.Path, args.Names)); }
public IActionResult ExtractZip([FromBody] FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { DeleteDirectoryContent(); string zipLocation = this.baseLocation + args.Path; ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(zipLocation, this.tempDir); return(Content("Extracted")); }
public ActionResult FileOperations(FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { // Restricting modification of the root folder if (args.Action == "delete" || args.Action == "rename") { if ((args.TargetPath == null) && (args.Path == "")) { FileManagerResponse response = new FileManagerResponse(); ErrorDetails er = new ErrorDetails { Code = "401", Message = "Restricted to modify the root folder." }; response.Error = er; return(Json(operation.ToCamelCase(response))); } } // Processing the File Manager operations switch (args.Action) { case "read": // Path - Current path; ShowHiddenItems - Boolean value to show/hide hidden items return(Json(operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.GetFiles(args.Path, args.ShowHiddenItems)))); case "delete": // Path - Current path where of the folder to be deleted; Names - Name of the files to be deleted return(Json(operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Delete(args.Path, args.Names)))); case "copy": // Path - Path from where the file was copied; TargetPath - Path where the file/folder is to be copied; RenameFiles - Files with same name in the copied location that is confirmed for renaming; TargetData - Data of the copied file return(Json(operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Copy(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData)))); case "move": // Path - Path from where the file was cut; TargetPath - Path where the file/folder is to be moved; RenameFiles - Files with same name in the moved location that is confirmed for renaming; TargetData - Data of the moved file return(Json(operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Move(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData)))); case "details": // Path - Current path where details of file/folder is requested; Name - Names of the requested folders if (args.Names == null) { args.Names = new string[] { }; } return(Json(operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Details(args.Path, args.Names)))); case "create": // Path - Current path where the folder is to be created; Name - Name of the new folder return(Json(operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Create(args.Path, args.Name)))); case "search": // Path - Current path where the search is performed; SearchString - String typed in the searchbox; CaseSensitive - Boolean value which specifies whether the search must be casesensitive return(Json(operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Search(args.Path, args.SearchString, args.ShowHiddenItems, args.CaseSensitive)))); case "rename": // Path - Current path of the renamed file; Name - Old file name; NewName - New file name return(Json(operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Rename(args.Path, args.Name, args.NewName)))); } return(null); }
public IActionResult AzureGetImage(FileManagerDirectoryContent args, [FromRoute] string newroot) { if (newroot != null) { args.Path = "/" + newroot + args.Path.Replace(newroot, ""); args.Path = args.Path.Replace("//", "/"); } return(this.operation.GetImage(args.Path, args.Id, true, null, args.Data)); }
public object GetImage(FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { //update FileAttribute (retrieval) var fileAttribute = fileAttributeRepository.Find(null).Items?.Where(q => q.Name == FileAttributes.RetrievalCount.ToString() && q.ServerFileId == Guid.Parse(args.Id)).FirstOrDefault(); fileAttribute.AttributeValue += 1; fileAttributeRepository.Update(fileAttribute); return(this.operation.GetImage(args.Path, args.Id, false, null, null)); }
public ActionResult AzureUpload(FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { if (args.Path != "") { string startPath = _blobPath; string originalPath = _filePath.Replace(startPath, ""); args.Path = (originalPath + args.Path).Replace("//", "/"); } _operation.Upload(args.Path, args.UploadFiles, args.Action, args.Data); return(Json("")); }
public ActionResult AzureUpload(FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { if (args.Path != "") { string originalPath = ""; string startPath = ""; originalPath = originalPath.Replace(startPath, ""); args.Path = (originalPath + args.Path).Replace("//", "/"); } operation.Upload(args.Path, args.UploadFiles, args.Action, args.Data); return(Json("")); }
public IActionResult Download(string downloadInput) { FileManagerDirectoryContent args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileManagerDirectoryContent>(downloadInput); FileManagerDirectoryContent[] items = args.Data; string[] names = args.Names; for (var i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { names[i] = ((items[i].FilterPath + items[i].Name).Substring(1)); } return(operation.Download("/", names)); }
// To get the file details private FileManagerDirectoryContent GetFileDetails(string targetPath, FileManagerDirectoryContent fileDetails) { FileManagerDirectoryContent entry = new FileManagerDirectoryContent(); entry.Name = fileDetails.Name; entry.Type = fileDetails.Type; entry.IsFile = fileDetails.IsFile; entry.Size = fileDetails.Size; entry.HasChild = fileDetails.HasChild; entry.FilterPath = targetPath; return(entry); }
public IActionResult GetImage(FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { try { return(Ok(manager.GetImage(args))); } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("Get Image", ex.Message); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } }
public IActionResult FileOperations([FromBody] FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { try { return(Ok(manager.LocalFileStorageOperation(args))); } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("File Operations", ex.Message); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } }
public object AzureDownload(string downloadInput, [FromRoute] string newroot) { FileManagerDirectoryContent args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileManagerDirectoryContent>(downloadInput); if (newroot != null) { string destFolder = args.Path.Replace(baseFolder, "").Replace("/", ""); args.Path = (baseFolder + "/" + newroot + "/" + destFolder + "/").Replace("//", "/"); args.TargetPath = (baseFolder + "/" + newroot + "/" + destFolder).Replace("//", "/"); } return(operation.Download(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data)); }
//Updates the file system in the firebase database public void updateDBNode(FileManagerDirectoryContent CreateData, int idValue) { var createdString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(CreateData, new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver { NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy() } }); this.firebaseAPI.Patch(this.APIURL + "/" + this.rootNode + "/", "{" + (idValue + 1).ToString() + ":" + createdString + "}"); }
private void copyFolderItems(FileManagerDirectoryContent item, string targetID) { DriveService service = GetService(); ChildrenResource.ListRequest request = service.Children.List(item.Id); ChildList children = request.Execute(); foreach (ChildReference child in children.Items) { var childDetails = service.Files.Get(child.Id).Execute(); if (childDetails.MimeType == "application/") { File file = new File() { Title = childDetails.Title, Parents = new List <ParentReference> { new ParentReference() { Id = targetID } }, MimeType = "application/" }; request.Fields = "id"; File SubFolder = (service.Files.Insert(file)).Execute(); FileManagerDirectoryContent FileDetail = new FileManagerDirectoryContent(); FileDetail.Name = childDetails.Title; FileDetail.Id = childDetails.Id; FileDetail.IsFile = false; FileDetail.Type = "folder"; FileDetail.FilterId = obtainFilterId(childDetails); FileDetail.HasChild = getChildrenById(childDetails.Id); FileDetail.DateCreated = Convert.ToDateTime(childDetails.ModifiedDate); FileDetail.DateModified = Convert.ToDateTime(childDetails.ModifiedDate); copyFolderItems(FileDetail, SubFolder.Id); } else { File SubFile = new File() { Title = childDetails.Title, Parents = new List <ParentReference> { new ParentReference() { Id = targetID } } }; FilesResource.CopyRequest subFilerequest = service.Files.Copy(SubFile, child.Id); subFilerequest.Execute(); } } }
public object FirebaseRealtimeFileOperations([FromBody] FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { if (args.Action == "delete" || args.Action == "rename") { if ((args.TargetPath == null) && (args.Path == "")) { FileManagerResponse response = new FileManagerResponse(); ErrorDetails er = new ErrorDetails { Code = "401", Message = "Restricted to modify the root folder." }; response.Error = er; return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(response)); } } switch (args.Action) { case "read": // reads the file(s) or folder(s) from the given path. return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.GetFiles(args.Path, false, args.Data))); case "delete": // deletes the selected file(s) or folder(s) from the given path. return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Delete(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data))); case "copy": // copies the selected file(s) or folder(s) from a path and then pastes them into a given target path. return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Copy(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData, args.Data))); case "move": // cuts the selected file(s) or folder(s) from a path and then pastes them into a given target path. return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Move(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData, args.Data))); case "details": // gets the details of the selected file(s) or folder(s). return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Details(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data))); case "create": // creates a new folder in a given path. return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Create(args.Path, args.Name, args.Data))); case "search": // gets the list of file(s) or folder(s) from a given path based on the searched key string. return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Search(args.Path, args.SearchString, args.ShowHiddenItems, args.CaseSensitive))); case "rename": // renames a file or folder. return(this.operation.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Rename(args.Path, args.Name, args.NewName, false, args.Data))); } return(null); }
public string[] OpenFromZip([FromBody] FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { List <string> returnArray = new List <string>(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(args.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { WordDocument document = WordDocument.Load(fs, GetImportFormatType(Path.GetExtension(args.Path).ToLower())); string json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(document); document.Dispose(); returnArray.Add(json); return(ConvertToImages(fs, returnArray, GetDocIOFormatType(Path.GetExtension(args.Path).ToLower())).ToArray()); } }
public object GetImage(FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { string adapter = Configuration["Files:Adapter"]; if (adapter.Equals(AdapterType.LocalFileStorageAdapter.ToString())) { return(localFileStorageAdapter.GetImage(args)); } else { throw new EntityOperationException("Configuration is not set up for local file storage"); } }
public object DownloadFile(string downloadInput) { FileManagerDirectoryContent args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileManagerDirectoryContent>(downloadInput); //update FileAttribute (retrieval) var fileAttribute = fileAttributeRepository.Find(null).Items?.Where(q => q.Name == FileAttributes.RetrievalCount.ToString() && q.ServerFileId == Guid.Parse(args.Id)).FirstOrDefault(); fileAttribute.AttributeValue += 1; fileAttributeRepository.Update(fileAttribute); return(operation.Download(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data)); }
// Deletes file(s) or folder(s) public async Task <FileManagerResponse> RemoveAsync(string[] names, string path, params FileManagerDirectoryContent[] selectedItems) { FileManagerResponse removeResponse = new FileManagerResponse(); List <FileManagerDirectoryContent> details = new List <FileManagerDirectoryContent>(); CloudBlobDirectory directory = (CloudBlobDirectory)item; FileManagerDirectoryContent entry = new FileManagerDirectoryContent(); CloudBlobDirectory sampleDirectory = container.GetDirectoryReference(path); foreach (var Fileitem in selectedItems) { FileManagerDirectoryContent s_item = Fileitem; if (s_item.IsFile) { path = this.FilesPath.Replace(this.BlobPath, "") + s_item.FilterPath; CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(path + s_item.Name); await blockBlob.DeleteAsync(); entry.Name = s_item.Name; entry.Type = s_item.Type; entry.IsFile = s_item.IsFile; entry.Size = s_item.Size; entry.HasChild = s_item.HasChild; entry.FilterPath = path; details.Add(entry); } else { path = this.FilesPath.Replace(this.BlobPath, "") + s_item.FilterPath; CloudBlobDirectory subDirectory = container.GetDirectoryReference(path + s_item.Name); var items = await AsyncReadCall(path + s_item.Name, "Remove"); foreach (var item in items.Results) { CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(path + s_item.Name + "/" + item.Uri.ToString().Replace(subDirectory.Uri.ToString(), "")); await blockBlob.DeleteAsync(); entry.Name = s_item.Name; entry.Type = s_item.Type; entry.IsFile = s_item.IsFile; entry.Size = s_item.Size; entry.HasChild = s_item.HasChild; entry.FilterPath = path; details.Add(entry); } } } removeResponse.Files = (IEnumerable <FileManagerDirectoryContent>)details; return(removeResponse); }
public object AzureFileOperations([FromBody] FileManagerDirectoryContent args) { if (args.Path != "") { string startPath = "<--blobPath-->"; string originalPath = ("<--filePath-->").Replace(startPath, ""); //----------------- //For example //string startPath = ""; //string originalPath = ("").Replace(startPath, ""); //------------------- args.Path = (originalPath + args.Path).Replace("//", "/"); args.TargetPath = (originalPath + args.TargetPath).Replace("//", "/"); } switch (args.Action) { case "read": // Reads the file(s) or folder(s) from the given path. return(Json(this.ToCamelCase(this.operation.GetFiles(args.Path, args.ShowHiddenItems, args.Data)))); case "delete": // Deletes the selected file(s) or folder(s) from the given path. return(this.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Delete(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data))); case "details": // Gets the details of the selected file(s) or folder(s). return(this.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Details(args.Path, args.Names, args.Data))); case "create": // Creates a new folder in a given path. return(this.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Create(args.Path, args.Name, args.Data))); case "search": // Gets the list of file(s) or folder(s) from a given path based on the searched key string. return(this.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Search(args.Path, args.SearchString, args.ShowHiddenItems, args.CaseSensitive, args.Data))); case "rename": // Renames a file or folder. return(this.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Rename(args.Path, args.Name, args.NewName, false, args.Data))); case "copy": // Copies the selected file(s) or folder(s) from a path and then pastes them into a given target path. return(this.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Copy(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData, args.Data))); case "move": // Cuts the selected file(s) or folder(s) from a path and then pastes them into a given target path. return(this.ToCamelCase(this.operation.Move(args.Path, args.TargetPath, args.Names, args.RenameFiles, args.TargetData, args.Data))); } return(null); }
// Uploads the file(s) to the files system. public virtual FileManagerResponse Upload(string path, IList <IFormFile> uploadFiles, string action, params FileManagerDirectoryContent[] data) { FileManagerResponse uploadResponse = new FileManagerResponse(); try { string filename = Path.GetFileName(uploadFiles[0].FileName); string contentType = uploadFiles[0].ContentType; int idValue = this.firebaseGetData.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray().Select(int.Parse).ToArray().Max(); using (FileStream fsSource = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), filename), FileMode.Create)) { uploadFiles[0].CopyTo(fsSource); fsSource.Close(); } using (FileStream fsSource = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), filename), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fsSource); long numBytes = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), filename)).Length; byte[] bytes = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes); this.GetRelativePath(data[0].Id, "/"); this.GetRelativeId(data[0].Id); FileManagerDirectoryContent CreateData = new FileManagerDirectoryContent() { Id = (idValue + 1).ToString(), Name = filename, Size = bytes.Length, DateCreated = DateTime.Now.ToString(), DateModified = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Type = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename), HasChild = false, ParentId = data[0].Id, IsFile = true, Content = bytes, isRoot = (data[0].Id.ToString() == "0") ? true : false, FilterPath = this.filterPath.Substring(this.rootNode.Length) + "/", FilterId = this.filterId + "/" }; this.updateDBNode(CreateData, idValue); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDetails er = new ErrorDetails(); er.Message = e.Message.ToString(); uploadResponse.Error = er; return(uploadResponse); } return(uploadResponse); }
public IActionResult GoogleDriveUpload(string path, IList <IFormFile> uploadFiles, string action, string data) { FileManagerResponse uploadResponse; FileManagerDirectoryContent FileData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileManagerDirectoryContent>(data); uploadResponse = googleDrive.Upload(path, uploadFiles, action, FileData); if (uploadResponse.Error != null) { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; Response.StatusCode = 204; Response.HttpContext.Features.Get <IHttpResponseFeature>().ReasonPhrase = uploadResponse.Error.Message; } return(Content("")); }
public IActionResult Upload(string path, IList <IFormFile> uploadFiles, string action, string data) { FileManagerResponse uploadResponse; FileManagerDirectoryContent[] dataObject = new FileManagerDirectoryContent[1]; dataObject[0] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileManagerDirectoryContent>(data); uploadResponse = operation.Upload(path, uploadFiles, action, dataObject); if (uploadResponse.Error != null) { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; Response.StatusCode = Convert.ToInt32(uploadResponse.Error.Code); Response.HttpContext.Features.Get <IHttpResponseFeature>().ReasonPhrase = uploadResponse.Error.Message; } return(Content("")); }