/// <summary>
 /// Register an action to be executed at completion of parsing of a code document. A syntax tree action reports
 /// diagnostics about the <see cref="SyntaxTree"/> of a document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The analysis context.</param>
 /// <param name="action">Action to be executed at completion of parsing of a document.</param>
 public static void RegisterSyntaxTreeActionWithExclusionsVerification(this AnalysisContext context, Action <SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext> action)
         c =>
         if (FileExclusionHelpers.IsFileExcludedFromAnalysis(c))
 /// <summary>
 /// Register an action to be executed at completion of parsing of a code document. A syntax tree action reports
 /// diagnostics about the <see cref="SyntaxTree"/> of a document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The analysis context.</param>
 /// <param name="action">Action to be executed at completion of parsing of a document.</param>
 public static void RegisterSyntaxTreeActionWithExclusionsVerification(this AnalysisContext context, Action <SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext, StyleCopSettings> action)
         c =>
         StyleCopSettings settings = context.GetStyleCopSettings(c.Options, c.CancellationToken);
         if (FileExclusionHelpers.IsFileExcludedFromAnalysis(c, settings))
         action(c, settings);
 /// <summary>
 /// Register an action to be executed at completion of semantic analysis of an Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ISymbol
 /// with an appropriate Kind.> A symbol action reports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics
 /// about Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ISymbols.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The analysis context.</param>
 /// <param name="action">Action to be executed for an Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ISymbol.</param>
 /// <param name="symbolKinds">
 /// Action will be executed only if an Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ISymbol's Kind matches
 /// one of the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SymbolKind values.
 /// </param>
 public static void RegisterSymbolActionWithExclusionsVerification(this AnalysisContext context, Action <SymbolAnalysisContext> action, ImmutableArray <SymbolKind> symbolKinds)
         c =>
         if (FileExclusionHelpers.IsFileExcludedFromAnalysis(c))
 /// <summary>
 /// Register an action to be executed at completion of semantic analysis of a <see cref="SyntaxNode"/> with an
 /// appropriate kind. A syntax node action can report diagnostics about a <see cref="SyntaxNode"/>, and can also
 /// collect state information to be used by other syntax node actions or code block end actions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The analysis context.</param>
 /// <param name="action">Action to be executed at completion of semantic analysis of a
 /// <see cref="SyntaxNode"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="syntaxKinds">The kinds of syntax that should be analyzed.</param>
 /// <typeparam name="TLanguageKindEnum">Enum type giving the syntax node kinds of the source language for which
 /// the action applies.</typeparam>
 public static void RegisterSyntaxNodeActionWithExclusionsVerification <TLanguageKindEnum>(this CompilationStartAnalysisContext context, Action <SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext> action, ImmutableArray <TLanguageKindEnum> syntaxKinds)
     where TLanguageKindEnum : struct
         c =>
         if (FileExclusionHelpers.IsFileExcludedFromAnalysis(c))
 /// <summary>
 /// Register an action to be executed at completion of semantic analysis of a <see cref="SyntaxNode"/> with an
 /// appropriate kind. A syntax node action can report diagnostics about a <see cref="SyntaxNode"/>, and can also
 /// collect state information to be used by other syntax node actions or code block end actions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The analysis context.</param>
 /// <param name="action">Action to be executed at completion of semantic analysis of a
 /// <see cref="SyntaxNode"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="syntaxKinds">The kinds of syntax that should be analyzed.</param>
 /// <typeparam name="TLanguageKindEnum">Enum type giving the syntax node kinds of the source language for which
 /// the action applies.</typeparam>
 public static void RegisterSyntaxNodeActionWithExclusionsVerification <TLanguageKindEnum>(this CompilationStartAnalysisContext context, Action <SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext, StyleCopSettings> action, ImmutableArray <TLanguageKindEnum> syntaxKinds)
     where TLanguageKindEnum : struct
         c =>
         StyleCopSettings settings = context.GetStyleCopSettings(c.Options, c.CancellationToken);
         if (FileExclusionHelpers.IsFileExcludedFromAnalysis(c, settings))
         action(c, settings);