public override Task <object> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { this.SetProgress(cancellationToken, "ensuring target directory exists"); DirectoryEx.Create(this.TargetRootPath); int index = 0; if (this.DeleteExtra) { this.SetProgress(cancellationToken, "checking existing files"); var remoteFileList = DirectoryEx.GetFileSystemInfos(this.TargetRootPath, MaskingContext.IncludeAll); foreach (var file in remoteFileList) { index++; this.SetProgress(cancellationToken, "checking existing files", 100 * index / remoteFileList.Count); var relativeName = file.FullName.Substring(this.TargetRootPath.Length).Replace('\\', '/').Trim('/'); if (file is SlimDirectoryInfo) { if (!this.ExpectedDirectories.Contains(relativeName)) { this.LogDebug("Deleting extra directory: " + relativeName); DirectoryEx.Delete(file.FullName); } } else { if (!this.ExpectedFiles.Contains(relativeName)) { this.LogDebug($"Deleting extra file: " + relativeName); FileEx.Delete(file.FullName); } } } } index = 0; foreach (var relativeName in this.ExpectedDirectories) { index++; this.SetProgress(cancellationToken, "ensuring target subdirectories exist", 100 * index / this.ExpectedDirectories.Length); DirectoryEx.Create(PathEx.Combine(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, this.TargetRootPath, relativeName)); } index = 0; foreach (var relativeName in this.ExpectedFiles) { var sourcePath = PathEx.Combine(PathEx.Combine(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, this.TempDirectoryName, "package"), relativeName); var targetPath = PathEx.Combine(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, this.TargetRootPath, relativeName); index++; this.SetProgress(cancellationToken, "moving files to target directory", 100 * index / this.ExpectedFiles.Length); FileEx.Move(sourcePath, targetPath, true); } return(InedoLib.NullTask); }
protected override void OnDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { FileEx.Delete(this._zipPath); using (ZipFile zipFiles = new ZipFile(this._zipPath)) { zipFiles.AddFiles( from f in this._modPack.Files select f.FilePath, string.Empty); zipFiles.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.BestCompression; zipFiles.SaveProgress += new EventHandler <SaveProgressEventArgs>(this.SaveProgress); zipFiles.Save(this._zipPath); } }
public void SaveChanges() { if (!this.Enabled) { FileEx.Delete(this.FilePath); return; } if (this.Action != ModFile.Actions.AddOrReplace || !File.Exists(this._newFilePath)) { return; } File.Copy(this._newFilePath, this.OriginalFilePath, true); this.Cancel(); }
public static void BlockLogs() { foreach (string str in Paths.Elsword.LogFiles.Where <string>((string logFile) => { if (!PathEx.Exists(logFile)) { return(true); } return(!PathEx.IsDirectory(logFile)); })) { FileEx.Delete(str); Directory.CreateDirectory(str).Attributes = FileAttributes.ReadOnly | FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Directory; } }
public void StartDownload(bool force = false) { DownloadStarted = false; if (Transfer.IsBusy) { if (!force) { return; } Transfer.CancelAsync(); } for (var i = 0; i < SrcData.Count; i++) { var(item1, item2, item3, item4) = SrcData[i]; if (item4) { continue; } if (!FileEx.Delete(DestPath)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } SrcData[i] = Tuple.Create(item1, item2, item3, true); var userAgent = item3; if (!NetEx.FileIsAvailable(item1, UserData.Item1, UserData.Item2, 60000, userAgent)) { userAgent = UserAgents.WindowsChrome; if (!NetEx.FileIsAvailable(item1, UserData.Item1, UserData.Item2, 60000, userAgent)) { if (Log.DebugMode > 0) { Log.Write($"Transfer: Could not find target '{item1}'."); } continue; } } if (Log.DebugMode > 0) { Log.Write($"Transfer{(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userAgent) ? $" [{userAgent}]" : string.Empty)}: '{item1}' has been found."); } Transfer.DownloadFile(item1, DestPath, UserData.Item1, UserData.Item2, true, 60000, userAgent, false); DownloadStarted = true; } }
private void Download_Completed(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { Download userState = (Download)e.UserState; bool error = e.Error != null; if (e.Cancelled || error) { try { FileEx.Delete(userState.Destination); } catch { } if (e.Cancelled) { this.OnDownloadCompleted(sender, new DownloadCompletedArgs(true)); return; } if (error) { this.OnDownloadCompleted(sender, new DownloadCompletedArgs(false, e.Error)); } return; } this._downloadQueue.RemoveAt(0); if (this._downloadQueue.All <Download>((Download d) => d.VoicePack != userState.VoicePack)) { this.PacksQueue.RemoveAll <VoicePack>((VoicePack d) => d == userState.VoicePack); } string filePathWithoutExtension = PathEx.GetFilePathWithoutExtension(userState.Destination); FileEx.Move(userState.Destination, filePathWithoutExtension, true); if (!this._downloadQueue.Any <Download>()) { this.OnDownloadCompleted(sender, new DownloadCompletedArgs(false)); return; } PacksDownloader fileSize = this; fileSize._currentBytes = fileSize._currentBytes + userState.FileSize; this.StartNext(); }
internal static void Postfix(LevelGridGrid __instance) { if (!Mod.Instance.Config.EnableDeletePlaylistButton) { return; } LevelPlaylist playlist = __instance.playlist_; LevelPlaylistCompoundData data = playlist.GetComponent <LevelPlaylistCompoundData>(); if (data && !playlist.IsResourcesPlaylist() && G.Sys.InputManager_.GetKeyUp(InternalResources.Constants.INPUT_DELETE_PLAYLIST)) { MessageBox.Create($"Are you sure you want to remove [u]{playlist.Name_}[/u]?", "DELETE PLAYLIST") .SetButtons(MessageButtons.YesNo) .OnConfirm(() => { try { FileEx.Delete(data.FilePath); playlist.Destroy(); Object.DestroyImmediate(data.gameObject); } catch (System.Exception e) { Mod.Instance.Logger.Exception(e); } finally { G.Sys.MenuPanelManager_.Pop(); __instance.levelGridMenu_.CreateEntries(); } }) .Show(); } }
public async Task <string> ImportAsync() { this.Logger.LogInformation($"Importing artifact \"{this.ArtifactName}\" from TeamCity..."); if (this.BuildConfigurationId == null) { if (this.BuildConfigurationName != null && this.ProjectName != null) { await SetBuildConfigurationIdFromName().ConfigureAwait(false); } else { throw new ExecutionFailureException("If BuildConfigurationId is not specified directly, a project name and configuration name are required."); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BuildNumber)) { this.Logger.LogDebug("BuildNumber was not specified, using lastSuccessful..."); this.BuildNumber = "lastSuccessful"; } string relativeUrl = string.Format("repository/download/{0}/{1}/{2}", this.BuildConfigurationId, this.BuildNumber, this.ArtifactName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BranchName)) { this.Logger.LogDebug("Branch name was specified: " + this.BranchName); relativeUrl += "?branch=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(this.BranchName); } this.Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("Importing TeamCity artifact \"{0}\" from {1}...", this.ArtifactName, this.ConnectionInfo.GetApiUrl() + relativeUrl)); string tempFile = null; try { using (var client = new TeamCityWebClient(this.ConnectionInfo)) { tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); this.Logger.LogDebug($"Downloading temp file to \"{tempFile}\"..."); try { await client.DownloadFileTaskAsync(relativeUrl, tempFile).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (WebException wex) { var response = wex.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { this.Logger.LogWarning("The TeamCity request returned a 404 - this could mean that the branch name, build number, or build configuration is invalid."); } throw; } } this.Logger.LogInformation("Importing artifact into BuildMaster..."); using (var file = File.OpenRead(tempFile)) { await SDK.CreateArtifactAsync( applicationId : (int)this.Context.ApplicationId, releaseNumber : this.Context.ReleaseNumber, buildNumber : this.Context.BuildNumber, deployableId : this.Context.DeployableId, executionId : this.Context.ExecutionId, artifactName : TrimWhitespaceAndZipExtension(this.ArtifactName), artifactData : file, overwrite : true ); } } finally { if (tempFile != null) { this.Logger.LogDebug("Removing temp file..."); FileEx.Delete(tempFile); } } this.Logger.LogInformation(this.ArtifactName + " artifact imported."); return(await this.GetActualBuildNumber().ConfigureAwait(false)); }
public async Task <string> ImportAsync() { this.Logger.LogInformation($"Importing artifact \"{this.ArtifactName}\" from Jenkins..."); string zipFileName = null; string jenkinsBuildNumber = await this.ResolveJenkinsBuildNumber().ConfigureAwait(false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jenkinsBuildNumber)) { this.Logger.LogError($"An error occurred attempting to resolve Jenkins build number \"{this.BuildNumber}\". " + $"This can mean that the special build type was not found, there are no builds for job \"{this.JobName}\", " + "or that the job was not found or is disabled." ); return(null); } try { this.Logger.LogInformation($"Importing {this.ArtifactName} from {this.JobName}..."); var client = new JenkinsClient(this.ConnectionInfo, this.Logger); zipFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); this.Logger.LogDebug("Temp file: " + zipFileName); this.Logger.LogDebug("Downloading artifact..."); await client.DownloadArtifactAsync(this.JobName, jenkinsBuildNumber, zipFileName).ConfigureAwait(false); this.Logger.LogInformation("Artifact downloaded."); using (var file = FileEx.Open(zipFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { await Artifact.CreateArtifactAsync( (int)this.Context.ApplicationId, this.Context.ReleaseNumber, this.Context.BuildNumber, this.Context.DeployableId, this.Context.ExecutionId, TrimWhitespaceAndZipExtension(this.ArtifactName), file, true ).ConfigureAwait(false); } } finally { try { if (zipFileName != null) { this.Logger.LogDebug("Removing temp file..."); FileEx.Delete(zipFileName); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.Logger.LogWarning("Error deleting temp file:" + ex.Message); } } this.Logger.LogInformation(this.ArtifactName + " artifact imported."); return(jenkinsBuildNumber); }
/// <summary> /// Extracts all the <see cref="Image"/>'s from a valid icon file. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"> /// The full path to the icon to be extracted. /// </param> public static void Extract(string path) { try { var file = PathEx.Combine(path); if (!File.Exists(file)) { throw new PathNotFoundException(file); } var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dir)); } var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name)); } dir = Path.Combine(dir, $"{name} sources"); if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { DirectoryEx.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*.png")?.ForEach(x => FileEx.Delete(x)); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } var buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(file); var length = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, 4); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var imageWidth = buffer[SizeIconDir + SizeIconDirEntry * i]; var imageHeight = buffer[SizeIconDir + SizeIconDirEntry * i + 1]; var pixelFormat = (int)BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, SizeIconDir + SizeIconDirEntry * i + 6); var imagePath = Path.Combine(dir, $"{pixelFormat}@{imageWidth}x{imageHeight}.png"); if (File.Exists(imagePath)) { for (var j = 0; j < byte.MaxValue; j++) { if (!File.Exists(imagePath)) { break; } imagePath = Path.Combine(dir, $"{pixelFormat}@{imageWidth}x{imageHeight}_{i}.png"); } } var formatSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, SizeIconDir + SizeIconDirEntry * i + 8); var offset = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, SizeIconDir + SizeIconDirEntry * i + 12); var ms = default(MemoryStream); try { ms = new MemoryStream(); using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms)) { bw.Write(buffer, offset, formatSize); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (var bmp = new Bitmap(ms)) { ms = null; bmp.Save(imagePath); } } } finally { ms?.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception ex) when(ex.IsCaught()) { Log.Write(ex); } }
private static void SecureOverrides(IReadOnlyDictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > regMap, bool elevated = false) { if (regMap?.Any() != true) { return; } var file = PathEx.Combine(Attributes.DataDir, $"Temp\\overwrite-{{{EnvironmentEx.MachineId}}}.reg"); try { var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(dir); } DirectoryEx.Create(dir); FileEx.Delete(file); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex); return; } using (var sw = new StreamWriter(file, true, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252))) { sw.WriteLine("Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"); sw.WriteLine(); foreach (var data in regMap) { var section = data.Key; if (!section.ContainsEx('\\')) { continue; } var levels = section.Split('\\'); var first = levels.FirstOrDefault(); switch (first?.TrimStart('[', '-')) { case "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT": case "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG": case "HKEY_CURRENT_USER": case "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE": case "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA": case "HKEY_USERS": break; case "HKCR": levels[0] = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"; break; case "HKCC": levels[0] = "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"; break; case "HKCU": levels[0] = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"; break; case "HKLM": levels[0] = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"; break; case "HKPD": levels[0] = "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA"; break; case "HKU": levels[0] = "HKEY_USERS"; break; default: continue; } if (!first.Equals(levels[0])) { if (first.StartsWithEx("[-", "-")) { levels[0] = $"-{levels[0]}"; } section = levels.Join('\\'); } if (!section.StartsWith("[")) { section = $"[{section}"; } if (!section.EndsWith("]")) { section = $"{section}]"; } sw.WriteLine(section); if (regMap[data.Key]?.Any() != true) { sw.WriteLine(); continue; } foreach (var pair in regMap[data.Key]) { var key = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pair.Key) && !pair.Key.Equals("@") ? $"\"{pair.Key}\"" : "@"; var value = pair.Value; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { value = "-"; } sw.WriteLine($"{key}={value}"); } sw.WriteLine(); } sw.WriteLine(); } Reg.ImportFile(file, elevated || Elevation.IsAdministrator); ProcessEx.SendHelper.WaitThenDelete(file, 10, Elevation.IsAdministrator); }
/// <summary> /// Enables/disables the registry key redirection. /// </summary> /// <param name="option"> /// The option that determines whether the redirect will be enabled or disabled. /// </param> /// <param name="keys"> /// The registry keys for redirecting. /// </param> public static void KeyRedirection(PortalizerActions option, params string[] keys) { if (keys == null || keys.Length == 0) { return; } var backup = PathEx.Combine(Attributes.DataDir, $"Temp\\backup-{{{EnvironmentEx.MachineId}}}.reg"); switch (option) { case PortalizerActions.Disable: if (keys.Length > 0) { Reg.ExportKeys(Attributes.RegFilePath, keys); foreach (var key in keys) { Reg.RemoveSubKey(key); } Reg.RemoveEntry(Attributes.RegPath, nameof(Attributes.RegKeys)); } if (!File.Exists(backup)) { return; } Reg.ImportFile(backup); FileEx.TryDelete(backup); break; default: if (!Reg.SubKeyExists(Attributes.RegPath)) { Reg.CreateNewSubKey(Attributes.RegPath); } if (!Reg.EntryExists(Attributes.RegPath, nameof(Attributes.RegKeys)) && keys.Any(Reg.SubKeyExists)) { try { var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(backup); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(dir); } if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } FileEx.Delete(backup); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex); } if (!File.Exists(backup)) { Reg.ExportKeys(backup, keys); } foreach (var key in keys) { Reg.RemoveSubKey(key); } } Reg.Write(Attributes.RegPath, nameof(Attributes.RegKeys), keys, RegistryValueKind.MultiString); if (File.Exists(Attributes.RegFilePath)) { Reg.ImportFile(Attributes.RegFilePath); } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Extracts all the files in the specified zip archive to the specified directory on /// the file system. /// </summary> /// <param name="srcPath"> /// The path of the zip archive to extract. /// </param> /// <param name="destDir"> /// The path to the directory to place the extracted files in. /// </param> /// <param name="delSrcPath"> /// true to delete the source archive after extracting; otherwise, false. /// </param> public static bool Unzip(string srcPath, string destDir, bool delSrcPath = true) { try { var src = PathEx.Combine(srcPath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(src)); } if (!File.Exists(src)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } var dest = PathEx.Combine(destDir); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dest)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dest)); } using (var archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(src)) try { archive.ExtractToDirectory(dest); } catch { foreach (var ent in archive.Entries) { try { var entPath = ent.FullName; var entIsDir = entPath.EndsWithEx(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); entPath = PathEx.Combine(dest, entPath); if (!PathEx.IsValidPath(entPath)) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } if (entIsDir && !Directory.Exists(entPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(entPath); continue; } if (ent.Length == 0) { continue; } FileEx.Delete(entPath); var entDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(entPath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entDir)) { continue; } if (!Directory.Exists(entDir)) { FileEx.Delete(entDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(entDir); } ent.ExtractToFile(entPath, true); } catch (Exception ex) when(ex.IsCaught()) { Log.Write(ex); } } } if (delSrcPath) { FileEx.TryDelete(src); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) when(ex.IsCaught()) { Log.Write(ex); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Downloads and imports and artifact from Visual Studio Online. /// </summary> /// <param name="configurer">The configurer.</param> /// <param name="logger">The logger.</param> /// <param name="teamProject">The team project.</param> /// <param name="buildNumber">The build number.</param> /// <param name="artifactId">The artifact identifier.</param> public static string DownloadAndImport(TfsConfigurer configurer, ILogger logger, string teamProject, string buildNumber, string buildDefinitionName, ArtifactIdentifier artifactId) { if (logger == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger)); } if (configurer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("A configurer must be configured or selected in order to import a VS online build."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configurer.BaseUrl)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The base URL property of the TFS configurer must be set to import a VS online build."); } var api = new TfsRestApi(configurer.BaseUrl, teamProject) { UserName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(configurer.Domain) ? configurer.UserName : string.Format("{0}\\{1}", configurer.Domain, configurer.UserName), Password = configurer.Password }; logger.LogInformation($"Finding last successful build..."); var buildDefinitions = api.GetBuildDefinitions(); var buildDefinition = buildDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(b => == buildDefinitionName); if (buildDefinition == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"The build definition {buildDefinitionName} could not be found."); } logger.LogInformation($"Finding {Util.CoalesceStr(buildNumber, "last successful")} build..."); var builds = api.GetBuilds( buildDefinition:, buildNumber: InedoLib.Util.NullIf(buildNumber, ""), resultFilter: "succeeded", statusFilter: "completed", top: 2 ); if (builds.Length == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find build number {buildNumber}. Ensure there is a successful, completed build with this number."); } var build = builds.FirstOrDefault(); string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); try { logger.LogInformation($"Downloading {artifactId.ArtifactName} artifact from VSO..."); logger.LogDebug("Downloading artifact file to: " + tempFile); api.DownloadArtifact(, artifactId.ArtifactName, tempFile); logger.LogInformation("Artifact file downloaded from VSO, importing into BuildMaster artifact library..."); using (var stream = FileEx.Open(tempFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { ArtifactBuilder.ImportZip(artifactId, stream); } logger.LogInformation($"{artifactId.ArtifactName} artifact imported."); return(build.buildNumber); } finally { if (tempFile != null) { FileEx.Delete(tempFile); } } }
protected override async Task <object> RemoteExecuteAsync(IRemoteOperationExecutionContext context) { var fullPath = context.ResolvePath(this.FileName); this.LogInformation($"Changing \"{fullPath}\" package version to {AH.CoalesceString(this.NewVersion, "remove pre-release label")}..."); var tempPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n")); try { DirectoryEx.Create(tempPath); UniversalPackageMetadata currentMetadata; using (var upack = new UniversalPackage(fullPath)) { currentMetadata = upack.GetFullMetadata(); await upack.ExtractAllItemsAsync(tempPath, context.CancellationToken); FileEx.Delete(PathEx.Combine(tempPath, "upack.json")); } var newMetadata = currentMetadata.Clone(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.NewVersion)) { newMetadata.Version = new UniversalPackageVersion(currentMetadata.Version.Major, currentMetadata.Version.Minor, currentMetadata.Version.Patch); } else { newMetadata.Version = UniversalPackageVersion.Parse(this.NewVersion); } if (currentMetadata.Version == newMetadata.Version) { this.LogWarning($"Current package version {currentMetadata.Version} and the new version {newMetadata.Version} are the same; nothing to do."); return(null); } this.LogInformation("New version: " + newMetadata.Version); this.LogDebug("Adding repacking entry..."); newMetadata.RepackageHistory.Add( new RepackageHistoryEntry { Id = new UniversalPackageId(currentMetadata.Group, currentMetadata.Name) + ":" + currentMetadata.Version, Date = DateTimeOffset.Now, Using = SDK.ProductName + "/" + SDK.ProductVersion, Reason = this.Reason } ); using (var builder = new UniversalPackageBuilder(fullPath, newMetadata)) { await builder.AddRawContentsAsync(tempPath, string.Empty, true, c => true, context.CancellationToken); } this.LogInformation("Package version changed."); return(null); } finally { try { this.LogDebug($"Deleting temporary files from {tempPath}..."); DirectoryEx.Clear(tempPath); DirectoryEx.Delete(tempPath); } catch (Exception ex) { this.LogWarning("Unable to delete temporary files: " + ex.Message); } } }
public override void use(ClientPlayerInfo p, string message) { Match playlistCmdMatch = Regex.Match(message, @"^(\w+) ?(.*)$"); if (!playlistCmdMatch.Success) { help(p); return; } MessageUtilities.pushMessageOption(new MessageStateOptionPlayer(p)); string uniquePlayerString = GeneralUtilities.getUniquePlayerString(p); string playlistCmd = playlistCmdMatch.Groups[1].Value.ToLower(); string playlistCmdData = playlistCmdMatch.Groups[2].Value; switch (playlistCmd) { default: MessageUtilities.sendMessage($"[A00000]Invalid sub-command `{playlistCmd}`[-]"); help(p); break; case "list": { List <string> playlists = getPlaylists(playlistCmdData); var results = ""; foreach (string playlist in playlists) { results += "\n" + (playlist == "current" ? playlist : Resource.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(playlist)); } if (results == "") { results = "None"; } MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[FFFFFF]Playlists: [-]" + results); break; } case "new": { LevelPlaylist list = LevelPlaylist.Create(true); list.Name_ = "New Playlist"; FilteredPlaylist levels = new FilteredPlaylist(GeneralUtilities.getAllLevelsAndModes()); GeneralUtilities.addFiltersToPlaylist(levels, p, playlistCmdData, true); list.Playlist_.AddRange(levels.Calculate().levelList); selectedPlaylists[uniquePlayerString] = list; MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[FFFFFF]New playlist with...[-]"); MessageUtilities.sendMessage(GeneralUtilities.getPlaylistText(levels, GeneralUtilities.IndexMode.Final, levelFormat)); break; } case "load": { int matchingCount = 0; LevelPlaylist selectedPlaylist = getPlaylistLevels(playlistCmdData, out matchingCount, getActivePlaylist(p)); if (matchingCount == 0) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]Could not find any playlists with that search[-]"); break; } else if (matchingCount == 1) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage($"{selectedPlaylist.Name_} is now active"); } else { MessageUtilities.sendMessage($"{selectedPlaylist.Name_} is now active, but {matchingCount - 1} others matched too"); } selectedPlaylists[uniquePlayerString] = selectedPlaylist; break; } case "save": { LevelPlaylist selectedPlaylist; if (!selectedPlaylists.TryGetValue(uniquePlayerString, out selectedPlaylist)) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]You have no active playlist[-]"); break; } if (selectedPlaylist.Playlist_.Count == 0) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]Your active playlist is empty[-]"); break; } if (playlistCmdData == "") { MessageUtilities.sendMessage($"[A05000]No name given. Using existing name: {selectedPlaylist.Name_}"); playlistCmdData = selectedPlaylist.Name_; } bool result = savePlaylist(selectedPlaylist, playlistCmdData); switch (playlistCmdData) { case "current": if (result) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("Set current playlist to active playlist."); } else { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("You cannot save to the current playlist right now."); } break; case "upcoming": if (result) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("Set upcoming levels to active playlist."); } else { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("You cannot save to the current playlist right now."); } break; case "active": MessageUtilities.sendMessage("No changes made."); break; default: selectedPlaylist.Name_ = playlistCmdData; MessageUtilities.sendMessage($"Saved playlist as {playlistCmdData}."); break; } break; } case "active": { LevelPlaylist selectedPlaylist; if (!selectedPlaylists.TryGetValue(uniquePlayerString, out selectedPlaylist)) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]You have no active playlist[-]"); break; } MessageUtilities.sendMessage(selectedPlaylist.Name_); break; } case "del": { if (playlistCmdData == "") { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]You must enter a name[-]"); break; } List <string> toDelete; var count = 0; if (deleteConfirmation.TryGetValue(uniquePlayerString, out toDelete)) { if (playlistCmdData.ToLower() == "yes") { foreach (string playlist in toDelete) { FileEx.Delete(playlist); count++; } MessageUtilities.sendMessage($"Deleted {count} playlists."); deleteConfirmation.Remove(uniquePlayerString); break; } else if (playlistCmdData.ToLower() == "no") { deleteConfirmation.Remove(uniquePlayerString); MessageUtilities.sendMessage("Cancelled deletion."); break; } } var searchRegex = GeneralUtilities.getSearchRegex(playlistCmdData); List <string> playlists = GeneralUtilities.playlists(); playlists.RemoveAll((string s) => !Resource.FileExist(s)); toDelete = new List <string>(); var results = ""; foreach (string playlist in playlists) { if (Regex.IsMatch(playlist == "current" ? playlist : Resource.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(playlist), searchRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { toDelete.Add(playlist); results += "\n" + (playlist == "current" ? playlist : Resource.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(playlist)); count++; } } if (count > 0) { deleteConfirmation[uniquePlayerString] = toDelete; MessageUtilities.sendMessage($"[FFFFFF]Use [A05000]!playlist del yes[-] to delete {count} playlists:[-] {results}"); } else { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]No playlists found[-]"); } } break; case "show": { LevelPlaylist selectedPlaylist; if (!selectedPlaylists.TryGetValue(uniquePlayerString, out selectedPlaylist)) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]You have no active playlist[-]"); break; } FilteredPlaylist filterer = new FilteredPlaylist(selectedPlaylist.Playlist_); GeneralUtilities.addFiltersToPlaylist(filterer, p, playlistCmdData, false); MessageUtilities.sendMessage(GeneralUtilities.getPlaylistText(filterer, GeneralUtilities.IndexMode.Initial, levelFormat)); break; } case "filter": { LevelPlaylist selectedPlaylist; if (!selectedPlaylists.TryGetValue(uniquePlayerString, out selectedPlaylist)) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]You have no active playlist[-]"); break; } FilteredPlaylist filterer = new FilteredPlaylist(selectedPlaylist.Playlist_); GeneralUtilities.addFiltersToPlaylist(filterer, p, playlistCmdData, false); selectedPlaylist.Playlist_.Clear(); selectedPlaylist.Playlist_.AddRange(filterer.Calculate().levelList); MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[FFFFFF]Filtered:[-]"); MessageUtilities.sendMessage(GeneralUtilities.getPlaylistText(filterer, GeneralUtilities.IndexMode.Final, levelFormat)); break; } case "add": { LevelPlaylist selectedPlaylist; if (!selectedPlaylists.TryGetValue(uniquePlayerString, out selectedPlaylist)) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]You have no active playlist[-]"); break; } FilteredPlaylist filterer = new FilteredPlaylist(GeneralUtilities.getAllLevelsAndModes()); GeneralUtilities.addFiltersToPlaylist(filterer, p, playlistCmdData, true); selectedPlaylist.Playlist_.AddRange(filterer.Calculate().levelList); MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[FFFFFF]Added:[-]"); MessageUtilities.sendMessage(GeneralUtilities.getPlaylistText(filterer, GeneralUtilities.IndexMode.Final, levelFormat)); break; } case "clear": { LevelPlaylist selectedPlaylist; if (!selectedPlaylists.TryGetValue(uniquePlayerString, out selectedPlaylist)) { MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[A00000]You have no active playlist[-]"); break; } selectedPlaylist.Playlist_.Clear(); MessageUtilities.sendMessage("[FFFFFF]Cleared[-]"); break; } } MessageUtilities.popMessageOptions(); }