public void GetFile(JsString path, Flags options, FileEntryCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
public void File(FileCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
public void GetParent(DirectoryEntryCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
public void Remove(VoidCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
/// <summary> /// Return a File object that represents the current state of the file that this FileEntry represents. /// </summary> /// <param name="successCallback">A callback that is called with a File object.</param> /// <param name="errorCallback"> A callback that is called if an error occurs when creating the File object (e.g. the underlying file no longer exists). /// Invoked with a FileError object.</param> /// <returns></returns> public File file(FileSuccessCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { return null; }
public void GetMetadata(MetadataCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a directory. It is an error to attempt to: /// delete a directory that is not empty; /// delete the root directory of a filesystem. /// </summary> /// <param name="successCallback"> A callback that is called after the directory has been deleted. Invoked with no parameters</param> /// <param name="errorCallback">A callback that is called if an error occurs when attempting to delete the directory. Invoked with a FileError object</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <example> /// usage /// <code> /// function success(entry) { /// console.log("Removal succeeded"); /// } /// function fail(error) { /// alert('Error removing directory: ' + error.code); /// } /// remove this directory /// entry.remove(success, fail); /// </code> /// </example> public void remove(JsAction successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
public void SetMetadata(MetadataCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback, Metadata metadataObject) { }
public void ReadEntries(EntriesCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
public void ResolveLocalFileSystemUrl(JsString url, EntryCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { }
public void RequestFileSystem(LocalFileSystemType type, ulong size, FileSystemCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { }
public void CopyTo(DirectoryEntry parent, JsString newName, EntryCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
public void CreateWriter(FileWriterCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
/// <summary> /// Look up the parent DirectoryEntry containing the directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="successCallback">A callback that is called with the directory's parent DirectoryEntry.</param> /// <param name="errorCallback"> A callback that is called if an error occurs when attempting to retrieve the parent DirectoryEntry. Invoked with a FileError object</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <example> /// usage /// <code> /// function success(parent) { /// console.log("Parent Name: " +; ///} ///function fail(error) { /// alert('Failed to get parent directory: ' + error.code); ///} /// // Get the parent DirectoryEntry ///entry.getParent(success, fail); /// </code> /// </example> public void getParent(JsAction<DirectoryEntry> successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
public void GetDirectory(JsString path, Flags options, DirectoryEntryCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback) { }
public void RemoveRecursively(VoidCallback successCallback, FileErrorCallback errorCallback = null) { }