 private void CreateANewOne(FileAnalysed fileAnalysed)
     //there might be a multitude of reasons for which we are here
     //Create the Artist if it doesn't exist
     //merge (a:Artist{name:"Madonna1"}) return a
     _graphClient.Cypher.Merge("(a:Artist{name:'" + fileAnalysed.Artist + "'})").ExecuteWithoutResults();
     //Create the Album structure and link it to the artist if it doesn't exist
     //match (a:Artist{name:"Madonna1"})
     //merge (a)-[r:CREDITED_AS{year:""}]-(b:ArtistCredit{name:"Madonna1"})-[c:CREDITED_ON]-(d:Album{name:"True Blue1"})-[e:PART_OF]-
     //(f:Release{name:"True Blue1"})-[g:RELEASED_ON]-(h:Cd{position:"0"}) return a,r,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
     _graphClient.Cypher.Match("(a:Artist{name:'" + fileAnalysed.Artist + "'})")
     .Merge("(a)-[r:CREDITED_AS]-(b:ArtistCredit{name:'" + fileAnalysed.Artist +
            "'})-[c:CREDITED_ON]-(d:Album{name:'" + fileAnalysed.Album + "'})-[e:PART_OF]-(f:Release{name:'" +
            fileAnalysed.Album + "'})-[g:RELEASED_ON_MEDIUM]-(h:Cd{position:'0',name:'" + fileAnalysed.Album + "'})").ExecuteWithoutResults();
     //Create the track if it doeesn't exist
     //match (a:ArtistCredit{name:"Madonna1"})-[*..3]-(h:Cd{name:"True Blue1"})
     //merge(h) < -[p: APPEARS_ON] - (t:Track{ name: "OPEN YOUR HEART1"})
     //on create set t.mbid="myownid"
     //return t
     _graphClient.Cypher.Match("(a:ArtistCredit{name:'" + fileAnalysed.Artist + "'})-[*..3]-(h:Cd{name:'" + fileAnalysed.Album + "'})")
     .Merge("(h) <-[p: APPEARS_ON]- (t:Track{ name: '" + fileAnalysed.Title + "'})")
     .Set("t.mbid='" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "'")
     //and finally this should never not exist but just in case
     //add the localTrack
     //-[lp: HAVE_LOCAL] - (l:localTrack{ name: "mypath/mypath/myfile1.mp3"}) return h,p,t, lp, l
     _graphClient.Cypher.Match("(t:Track{name:'" + fileAnalysed.Title + "'})")
     .Merge("(t)-[lp: HAVE_LOCAL]-(l:localTrack{ name: '" + fileAnalysed.FilePath.Replace(@"\", "/") + "'})")
        //for any album
        //first check to see if the local path has not been already used and delete the old
        //localTrack. This assumes that the collection does not contain duplicate keys
        //match(l:localTrack) where l.name="myfolderpath\\myfilepath.mp3" return l
        //if not also check to see if the current track is not linked with other localTrack
        //if found deleted
        //mmatch (a:Album)-[r:PART_OF]-(b)-[r1:RELEASED_ON_MEDIUM]-(m:Cd)<-[*..3]-(ac:ArtistCredit)
        //where a.name=~"(?i)TRUE BLUE" and ac.name=~"(?i)Madonna"
        //with a, m, ac limit 1 match(m)<-[p: APPEARS_ON]-(t:Track)-[lp]-(l:localTrack)
        //where t.name=~"(?i)OPEN YOUR HEART" detach delete l
        //after that go to create another one
        //match(a:Album)-[r: PART_OF]-(b)-[r1: RELEASED_ON_MEDIUM]-(m:Cd)<-[*..3]-(ac:ArtistCredit) where a.name=~"(?i)10CC" and ac.name=~"(?i)10CC"
        //with a, m, ac limit 1 match(m)<-[p: APPEARS_ON]-(t:Track) where t.name=~"(?i)DONNA"
        //MERGE(t)-[lr: HAVE_LOCAL]-(l:localTrack {name:'c:\\my path\\donna.mp3'})
        private bool LinkOneToExisting(FileAnalysed fileAnalysed)
            .WithParam("filePath", fileAnalysed.FilePath.Replace(@"\", @"/"))

            .WithParam("albumName", "(?ui).*" + fileAnalysed.Album + ".*")
            .WithParam("artistName", "(?ui).*" + fileAnalysed.Artist + ".*")
            .WithParam("trackName", "(?ui).*" + fileAnalysed.Title + ".*")

            var results = _graphClient.Cypher.Match(
                          .WithParam("albumName", "(?ui).*" + fileAnalysed.Album + ".*")
                          .WithParam("artistName", "(?ui).*" + fileAnalysed.Artist + ".*")
                          .WithParam("trackName", "(?ui).*" + fileAnalysed.Title + ".*")
                          .Merge("(t)-[lr: HAVE_LOCAL]-(l:localTrack {name:'" + fileAnalysed.FilePath.Replace(@"\", @"/") + "'})")
                          .Return(l => l.As <LocalTrack>())

            return(results > 0);
 private void LinkToExistinginCollection(FileAnalysed fileAnalysed)
     throw new NotImplementedException();