        public void FightAllTest()
            List <int> fpList = new List <int>()
                8, 9, 14, 15, 16
            var listOne = new List <PivotFighter>();

            var listTwo = new List <PivotFighter>();

            int fighter1Id = 5;
            int fighter2Id = 5;

            FightOptions options = new FightOptions()
                JudgeLuck  = 0.05,
                LuckAmount = 0.05

            Data.Fighter f1      = DataHelpers.Entities.Fighters.First(f => f.FighterId == fighter1Id);
            FighterStats f1Stats = new FighterStats(f1);

            Data.Fighter f2        = DataHelpers.Entities.Fighters.First(f => f.FighterId == fighter2Id);
            FighterStats f2Stats   = new FighterStats(f2);
            Fighter      f1Fighter = new Fighter()
                Stats = f1Stats
            Fighter f2Fighter = new Fighter()
                Stats = f2Stats

            foreach (int i in fpList)
                Data.FightPlan  dfp = DataHelpers.Entities.FightPlans.First(fp => fp.PlanId == i);
                Model.FightPlan mFp = new FightPlan()
                    FightPlanText = dfp.PlanData
                string name = String.Format("{0}, {1}", f1.Name, dfp.PlanName);
                listOne.Add(new PivotFighter(f1Stats, mFp, name, TrainingStat.None));

                name = String.Format("{0}, {1}", f2.Name, dfp.PlanName);
                listTwo.Add(new PivotFighter(f2Stats, mFp, name, TrainingStat.None));

            PivotFightSimulator simmer = new PivotFightSimulator(listOne, listTwo, 100, options);

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            Debug.Print("Done in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        private void SetOptions()
            FightOptions optCopy = this.Options.Copy();

            if (PropertiesWindow.EditProperties(optCopy))
                this.Options = optCopy;
        public void SaveToDb()
            if (_dbSaved != null && ParseText.Equals(_dbSaved))
                MessageBox.Show("Parse text appears to be the same");

            int          fId1    = Shared.Locator().Fighter1.SelectedFighter.FighterId;
            int          fId2    = Shared.Locator().Fighter2.SelectedFighter.FighterId;
            int          pId1    = Shared.Locator().FightPlanF1.SelectedFightPlan.PlanId;
            int          pId2    = Shared.Locator().FightPlanF2.SelectedFightPlan.PlanId;
            FightOptions options = Shared.Locator().Options.Options;

            _parseResult.SaveToDatabase(options, fId1, fId2, pId1, pId2, this.ParseText);
            _dbSaved = ParseText;
        public void FightRoundTest()
            for (int i = 1; i <= 50; i++)
                Fighter f = new Fighter()
                    Stats = FighterRoundStatsTests.GetFighterStats()
                f.Stats.Weight = 135;
                FighterFight fFight = new FighterFight(f, new FightPlan()
                    Default = new FighterRoundPlan(4, 8, 8)

                Fighter f2 = new Fighter()
                    Stats = FighterRoundStatsTests.GetFighterStats()
                FighterFight fFight2 = new FighterFight(f2, new FightPlan()
                    Default = new FighterRoundPlan(4, 8, 8)

                FightPlan defPlan = new FightPlan()
                    Default = new FighterRoundPlan(5, 9, 6)
                FightOptions options = new FightOptions()
                    WeightClass = WeightClass.Light
                FightTracker tracker = new FightTracker(f, f2, defPlan, defPlan, options);
        public static async Task <DiscordEmbed> RollAsync(Chr Author, Chr Target, FightOptions Option)
            //Modifiers + Predefining.
            int  Attribute = 0;
            bool Magic     = false;
            int  Dodge     = Target.Dodge;

            switch (Option)
            case FightOptions.Melee:
                Attribute += Author.Sleight;

            case FightOptions.Ranged:
                Attribute += Author.Marksman;

            case FightOptions.Magic:
                Attribute += Author.Magic;
                Magic      = true;
            //RNG Innit
            var AuthorRoll = Helpers.Tools.RNG.Next(12) + 1;
            var TargetRoll = Helpers.Tools.RNG.Next(12) + 1;
            //Roll Msg #1
            string Roll     = $"{Author.Name} rolls ({Option}) against {Target.Name}";
            string RollInit = $"`({AuthorRoll} + {Attribute})` **vs** `({TargetRoll} + {Dodge})`";
            //Switch Win/Loss
            var AuthorFull = AuthorRoll + Attribute;
            var TargetFull = TargetRoll + Dodge;

            string Situation = "";
            int    Visual    = 0;

            int Damage = Author.Strenght + Helpers.Tools.RNG.Next(20) + 1;

            if (Magic == true)
                Damage = Author.MagicEff + Helpers.Tools.RNG.Next(15) + 1;

            if (Author.EffectPath != 0)
                if (Author.EffectPath == EffectPath.boost)
                    Damage += Author.EffectAtribute;
                if (Author.EffectPath == EffectPath.weaken)
                    Damage -= Author.EffectAtribute;
                if (Damage < 0)
                    Damage = 0;
                Author.EffectAtribute = 0;
                Author.EffectPath     = 0;
                await ManageCharacter.UpdateAsync(Author);
            if (AuthorFull == 0)
                Situation = $"{Author.Name} didn't even get near {Target.Name}";
                Visual   += 10;
                Damage    = 0;
            else if (AuthorFull > TargetFull)
                if (AuthorRoll == 12)
                    Damage += 5;
                Situation = $"`{Author.Name}` **succesfully hitted** `{Target.Name}` **for** `{Damage}` **damage**";
                Visual   += 2;
                if (Magic == true)
                    if (Author.ENC < 10)
                        Situation = "You do not have enough stamina to use Magic Attacks.";
                        Visual   += 10;
                        Damage    = 0;
            else if (AuthorFull == TargetFull)
                Situation = $"{Author.Name} went on even grounds as {Target.Name}";
                Visual   += 10;
                Damage    = 0;
                Situation = $"{Author.Name} couldn't hit {Target.Name}";
                Visual   += 10;
                Damage    = 0;
            //Create Msg
            var Embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder();

            Embed = Embed.WithAuthor(Roll);
            Embed = Embed.WithDescription(RollInit + "\n\n" + Situation + "\n" + $"**{Target.Name}** has `{Target.HPC - Damage + "|" + Target.HPM} HP` left");
            if (Visual == 2)
                Target.HPC -= Damage;

                if (Target.HPC < 1)
                    Target.HPC = 0;
                    Embed      = Embed.WithFooter($"{Target.Name} died.");

                await ManageCharacter.UpdateAsync(Target);

                if (Magic == true)
                    Author.ENC -= 10;
                    await ManageCharacter.UpdateAsync(Author);
            //End Return
        public async Task FightOneVSOne()
            var db = context.Db;

            //User 1 erstellen
            var user_challenger = new Twitchuser()
                Twitchuser_Id     = "123",
                DisplayName       = "Ash",
                Dt_Last_Userfight = null,
                Kz_Log_Enabled    = false

            //Pokemon 1 erstellen
            var pokemon_zapdos = new SdPokemon()
                SdPokemon_Id = 1,
                ATK          = 50,
                Name         = "Zapdos",
                HP           = 999,
                Rarity       = PokemonRarity.Legendary,
                Description  = "Hehe Op",
                Type         = PokemonType.Electric

            user_challenger.CatchedPokemon = new List <CatchedPokemon>()
                new CatchedPokemon()
                    Pokemon_AmountCatched        = 1,
                    Pokemon_AmountOnFightingTeam = 1,
                    SdPokemon         = pokemon_zapdos,
                    Twitchuser        = user_challenger,
                    CatchedPokemon_Id = 1

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //User 2 erstellen
            var user_defender = new Twitchuser()
                Twitchuser_Id     = "456",
                DisplayName       = "Gary",
                Dt_Last_Userfight = null,
                Kz_Log_Enabled    = false

            //Pokemon 2 erstellen
            var pokemon_raupy = new SdPokemon()
                SdPokemon_Id = 2,
                ATK          = 5,
                Name         = "Raupy",
                HP           = 100,
                Rarity       = PokemonRarity.Common,
                Description  = "Hehe Low",
                Type         = PokemonType.Grass

            user_defender.CatchedPokemon = new List <CatchedPokemon>()
                new CatchedPokemon()
                    Pokemon_AmountCatched        = 1,
                    Pokemon_AmountOnFightingTeam = 1,
                    SdPokemon         = pokemon_raupy,
                    Twitchuser        = user_defender,
                    CatchedPokemon_Id = 2

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Kampf vorbereiten
            var tr_challenger = await userService.GetUser("123");

            var tr_defender = await userService.GetUser("456");

            var fight_WinnerCounter = 0;
            var fight_Counter       = 100;

            for (int i = 0; i < fight_Counter; i++)
                FightParticipant challenger = new FightParticipant()
                    User    = tr_challenger,
                    Pokemon = new List <TransferPokemon>()

                FightParticipant defender = new FightParticipant()
                    User    = tr_defender,
                    Pokemon = new List <TransferPokemon>()

                challenger.Pokemon[0].HP = 100;
                defender.Pokemon[0].HP   = 100;

                //Kampf ausführen
                var fight  = new Fight();
                var input  = new FightOptions(challenger, defender, false);
                var result = fight.CalculateUnlimited(input);

                if (result.Winner.DisplayName == "Ash")
                    fight_WinnerCounter += 1;

            //Kampf auswerten
            Assert.AreEqual(fight_WinnerCounter, 100);
        public async Task FightRandomTeamVSTeam()
            //Ausgangspunkt dieses Tests sind zwei Teams mit gleichen Pokemon.
            //Erwartungshaltung bei 100 Kämpfen wäre eine ausgeglichene Quote von etwa 50%.
            var db = context.Db;

            //User 1 erstellen
            var user_challenger = new Twitchuser()
                Twitchuser_Id     = "123",
                DisplayName       = "Ash",
                Dt_Last_Userfight = null,
                Kz_Log_Enabled    = false

            //Pokemon 1 erstellen
            var pokemon_raupy = new SdPokemon()
                SdPokemon_Id = 1,
                ATK          = 5,
                Name         = "Raupy",
                HP           = 100,
                Rarity       = PokemonRarity.Common,
                Description  = "Hehe Low",
                Type         = PokemonType.Grass

            user_challenger.CatchedPokemon = new List <CatchedPokemon>()
                new CatchedPokemon()
                    Pokemon_AmountCatched        = 6,
                    Pokemon_AmountOnFightingTeam = 1,
                    SdPokemon         = pokemon_raupy,
                    Twitchuser        = user_challenger,
                    CatchedPokemon_Id = 1

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //User 2 erstellen
            var user_defender = new Twitchuser()
                Twitchuser_Id     = "456",
                DisplayName       = "Gary",
                Dt_Last_Userfight = null,
                Kz_Log_Enabled    = false

            user_defender.CatchedPokemon = new List <CatchedPokemon>()
                new CatchedPokemon()
                    Pokemon_AmountCatched        = 6,
                    Pokemon_AmountOnFightingTeam = 1,
                    SdPokemon         = pokemon_raupy,
                    Twitchuser        = user_defender,
                    CatchedPokemon_Id = 2

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Kampf vorbereiten
            var tr_challenger = await userService.GetUser("123");

            var tr_defender = await userService.GetUser("456");

            var fight_WinnerCounter = 0;
            var fight_Counter       = 1000;

            for (int i = 0; i < fight_Counter; i++)
                FightParticipant challenger = new FightParticipant()
                    User    = tr_challenger,
                    Pokemon = new List <TransferPokemon>()

                FightParticipant defender = new FightParticipant()
                    User    = tr_defender,
                    Pokemon = new List <TransferPokemon>()

                challenger.Pokemon[0].HP = 100;
                defender.Pokemon[0].HP   = 100;

                //Kampf ausführen
                var fight  = new Fight();
                var input  = new FightOptions(challenger, defender, false);
                var result = fight.CalculateUnlimited(input);

                if (result.Winner.DisplayName == "Ash")
                    fight_WinnerCounter += 1;

            //Kampf auswerten
            Assert.IsTrue(fight_WinnerCounter > 450);
            Assert.IsTrue(fight_WinnerCounter < 550);