public void Fields45_testMethod()
     OutputHelper.WriteLine(" Section 10.4");
     OutputHelper.WriteLine(" The static field variable initializers of a class");
     OutputHelper.WriteLine(" correspond to a sequence of assignments that are ");
     OutputHelper.WriteLine(" executed immediately upon entry to the static");
     OutputHelper.WriteLine(" constructor of a class.  The variable initializers");
     OutputHelper.WriteLine(" are executed in the textual order they appear");
     OutputHelper.WriteLine(" in the class declaration.");
 public MFTestResults Fields45_testMethod()
     Log.Comment(" Section 10.4");
     Log.Comment(" The static field variable initializers of a class");
     Log.Comment(" correspond to a sequence of assignments that are ");
     Log.Comment(" executed immediately upon entry to the static");
     Log.Comment(" constructor of a class.  The variable initializers");
     Log.Comment(" are executed in the textual order they appear");
     Log.Comment(" in the class declaration.");
     if (FieldsTestClass45.testMethod())