private void fieldMapping_DestinationFieldChanged(object sender, Objects.FieldMappingEventArgs e)
            //Remove the passed field from the master collection (Mapped Fields) if it was "added" (thus should no longer be available in other controls), or add the passed field back to the master collection of UnMappedFields
            FieldMapping currentFieldMappingControl = (FieldMapping)sender;

            FieldMapperWrapper.ProcessDestinationFieldChange(currentFieldMappingControl, flowLayoutPanel1.Controls, e);
        private void fieldMapping_DestinationFieldChanged(object sender, Objects.FieldMappingEventArgs e)
            //Remove the passed field from the master collection (Mapped Fields) if it was "added" (thus should no longer be available in other controls), or add the passed field back to the master collection of UnMappedFields
            FieldMapping currentFieldMappingControl = (FieldMapping)sender;

            FieldMapperWrapper.ProcessDestinationFieldChange(currentFieldMappingControl, flowLayoutPanel1.Controls, e);

            //foreach (Control c in flowLayoutPanel1.Controls)
            //    if (c.GetType() == typeof(FieldMapping))
            //    {
            //        FieldMapping fm = (FieldMapping) c;
            //        if (fm != currentFieldMappingControl)
            //        {
            //            //Add or remove the field that was changed and update relevant DestinationFields/SourceFields collection and combo

            //            switch (e.ChangeType)
            //            {
            //                case FieldMappingEventArgs.ChangeTypes.Added:
            //                    fm.RemoveOCMField(e.OCMField);
            //                    break;
            //                case FieldMappingEventArgs.ChangeTypes.Removed:
            //                    fm.AddOCMField(e.OCMField);
            //                    break;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }