        public static void TestFieldExtract()
            var extractor = new FieldExtract <C, int>(fields);
            var results   = extractor.Extract(c1);

            //var dresults = extractor.ExtractAsDict(c1);
                var fails = new FieldExtract <C, string>(fields);
            catch (InvalidOperationException)


            var ee = new FieldExtract <C, DateTime?>(new[] { "mynullable" });
            var r  = ee.Extract(c1);

            //var e2 = new FieldExtract<C, object>(fields);

            var e3 = new FieldExtract <C, DateTime>(new[] { "date" });
            var r3 = e3.Extract(c1);
        public static void TestExtractToArrays()
            var extractor  = new FieldExtract <C, object>(new[] { "a", "b", "s" });
            var results    = extractor.Extract(c1);
            var extracted  = FieldExtractUtil.ExtractToObjectArrays(extractor, new[] { c1, c2, c1, c2 });
            var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(extracted);

            Assert.AreEqual(serialized, @"[[100,100,100,100],[12,12,12,12],[""one"",""two"",""one"",""two""]]");
        public static void Benchmark()
            var c1 = new C()
                a = 666, b = 12, date = DateTime.Now, mynullable = DateTime.Now
            var d1 = new D()
                a = 666, b = 8, c = 9, date = DateTime.Now, mynullable = DateTime.Now

            var fields = new[] { "a", "b" };

            WriteLine("Stats (microseconds) per iteration");

            RepeatBench("new Differ()", 1000, () =>
                var dd = new Differ <C, D>(fields);

            var d = new Differ <C, D>(fields);

            RepeatBench("Compare small objects", 1000000, () =>
                var res = d.Compare(c1, d1);
            RepeatBench("new FieldExtract()", 1000, () =>
                var dd = new FieldExtract <C, int>(fields);
            var extractor = new FieldExtract <C, int>(fields);

            RepeatBench("Extract integers", 1000000, () =>
                var ints = extractor.Extract(c1);

            // big data
            var big1 = new BigDto();
            var big2 = new BigDto();

            var bigprops     = ReflectionHelper.CollectProps <BigDto>();
            var bigpropnames = bigprops.SelectMany(p => p.Item2).ToArray();

            RepeatBench("new Differ() for big class", 100, () =>
                var dd = new Differ <BigDto, BigDto>(bigpropnames);

            var bigd = new Differ <BigDto, BigDto>(bigpropnames);

            RepeatBench("Compare large objects", 10000, () => { bigd.Compare(big1, big2); });

            var types = ReflectionHelper.CollectProps <BigDto>();
            var e4    = ReflectionHelper.GetExtractorFor <BigDto, int>(types);
            var e5    = ReflectionHelper.GetExtractorFor <BigDto, string>(types);
            var e6    = ReflectionHelper.GetExtractorFor <BigDto, decimal>(types);

            RepeatBench("Extract fields from large object", 10000, () =>
                var r1 = e4.Extract(big1);
                var r2 = e5.Extract(big1);
                var r3 = e6.Extract(big1);

            RepeatBench("Extract fields from large object, convert to dict, naive", 10000, () =>
                var pd = e4.ResultsAsDict(e4.Extract(big1).Select(i => i.ToString()).ToList())
                         .Union(e5.ResultsAsDict(e5.Extract(big1).Select(e => e.ToString()).ToList()))
                         .Union(e6.ResultsAsDict(e6.Extract(big1).Select(e => e.ToString()).ToList()));

            var boxedExtract = new FieldExtract <BigDto, object>(bigpropnames);

            RepeatBench("Extract fields, boxed", 100000, () =>
                var r1 = boxedExtract.Extract(big1);

            RepeatBench("Extract fields from large dto. string -> object dict", 10000, () =>
                var r1 = boxedExtract.Extract(big1);
                var r2 = boxedExtract.ResultsAsZip(r1);

            var propertyInfos = typeof(BigDto).GetProperties();

            RepeatBench("Extract fields with reflection", 10000, () =>
                foreach (var p in propertyInfos)
                    var val = p.GetValue(big1);

            RepeatBench("Extract fields with reflection, convert to string dict", 10000, () =>
                var resdict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (var p in propertyInfos)
                    var val         = p.GetValue(big1);
                    var s           = val.ToString();
                    resdict[p.Name] = s;

            var copier = new FieldCopier <BigDto, BigDto>(bigpropnames);

            RepeatBench("Copy big object", 100000, () => { copier.Copy(big1, big2); });
        // you should use this to create inserters BUT you should cache them
        // if rules are used, column names are guessed
        // yeah use [Table] and [Column] instead
        public static FastBulkInserter <TEntity> CreateBulkInserter <TEntity>(TableMappingRules rules = null)
            var guessingMode = rules != null;
            var props        = ReflectionHelper.GetProps <TEntity>();

            var    tableAttrs = typeof(TEntity).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableAttribute), true);
            string tableName  = null;

            if (rules != null)
                tableName = rules.TableName;
                tableName = tableAttrs.Length > 0 ? ((TableAttribute)tableAttrs[0]).Name : null;
            var mappedProps = new List <MapperPropertyData>();
            var sql         = new StringBuilder();

            sql.Append("INSERT INTO ");
            sql.Append(" (");

            // yeah we build this at the same cycle

            var valuesSql = new StringBuilder();

            valuesSql.Append("VALUES (");
            int index             = 0;
            var mappedColumnNames = new List <string>(props.Length);

            foreach (var prop in props)
                var columnAttr = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ColumnAttribute), true);
                // we only take first column attribute
                var columnName = columnAttr.Length > 0 ? ((ColumnAttribute)columnAttr[0]).Name : null;

                if (columnName == null && !guessingMode)
                    // we skip columns with no [Column] attribute

                var typeOk = ParameterTypeMap.TryGetValue(prop.PropertyType, out var recommendedParamType);
                if (!typeOk && prop.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                    typeOk = true;
                    recommendedParamType = DbParameterTypeNumbers.Number;

                if (!typeOk)
                    // skip unknown parameters. TODO: log this?
                    // example of skipped types: collections, navigation props etc
                if (guessingMode)
                    columnName = rules.ColumnNameGenerator(prop);
                    // a way to skip property - return null from name generator
                    if (columnName == null)

                var paramNameInQuery = ":B" + index.ToString();
                mappedProps.Add(new MapperPropertyData {
                    Name                 = prop.Name,
                    DbColumnName         = columnName,
                    FieldType            = prop.PropertyType,
                    ParameterNameInQuery = paramNameInQuery,
                    RecommendedDbType    = recommendedParamType

            // remove last ',' and close both strings
            sql.Append(") ");

            var finalSql     = sql.ToString();
            var extractor    = new FieldExtract <TEntity, object>(mappedColumnNames.ToArray());
            var bulkInserter = new FastBulkInserter <TEntity>()
                InsertSql      = finalSql,
                Properties     = mappedProps,
                TableName      = tableName,
                FieldExtractor = extractor
