        //private const String queryFieldsByState = "select f from f in class NetBpm.Workflow.Definition.Impl.FieldImpl " +
        //    "where f.State.Id = ? " +
        //    "order by f.Index";

        public IActivityForm GetStartForm(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 processDefinitionId, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationService organisationComponent)
            IActivityForm activityForm = null;

            // First check if the actor is allowed to get this form
            authorizationHelper.CheckGetStartForm(authenticatedActorId, processDefinitionId, dbSession);

            ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = (ProcessDefinitionImpl)dbSession.Load(typeof(ProcessDefinitionImpl), processDefinitionId);
            StartStateImpl        startState        = (StartStateImpl)processDefinition.StartState;

            // create a convenient map from the attribute-names to the fields
            IList       fields          = fieldRepository.FindFieldsByState(startState.Id, dbSession);
            IDictionary attributeValues = new Hashtable();
            IEnumerator iter            = fields.GetEnumerator();

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                FieldImpl field = (FieldImpl)iter.Current;

                // if the attribute has an initial value
                AttributeImpl attribute     = (AttributeImpl)field.Attribute;
                String        attributeName = attribute.Name;
                String        initialValue  = attribute.InitialValue;
                if ((Object)initialValue != null && (FieldAccessHelper.IsReadable(field.Access) || FieldAccessHelper.IsWritable(field.Access)))
                    // start form contains only fields that are readable or writable

                    // get it and store it in the attributeValues
                    AttributeInstanceImpl attributeInstance = new AttributeInstanceImpl();
                    attributeInstance.Attribute    = attribute;
                    attributeInstance.ValueText    = initialValue;
                    attributeValues[attributeName] = attributeInstance.GetValue();

            activityForm = new ActivityFormImpl(processDefinition, fields, attributeValues);

        public IActivityForm GetActivityForm(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 flowId, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationService organisationComponent)
            IActivityForm activityForm = null;

            // First check if the actor is allowed to get this form
            authorizationHelper.CheckGetActivityForm(authenticatedActorId, flowId, dbSession);

            FlowImpl  flow  = (FlowImpl)dbSession.Load(typeof(FlowImpl), flowId);
            StateImpl state = (StateImpl)flow.Node;

            // create an executionContext for easy attributeValue retrieval
            ExecutionContextImpl executionContext = new ExecutionContextImpl(null, flow, dbSession, organisationComponent);

            // create a convenient map from the attribute-names to the fields
            IList       fields          = fieldRepository.FindFieldsByState(state.Id, dbSession);
            IDictionary attributeValues = new Hashtable();
            IEnumerator iter            = fields.GetEnumerator();

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                FieldImpl field = (FieldImpl)iter.Current;
                if (FieldAccessHelper.IsReadable(field.Access) || FieldAccessHelper.IsWritable(field.Access))
                    // activity form contains only readable or writeable fields
                    String attributeName = field.Attribute.Name;
                    if (executionContext.GetAttribute(attributeName) != null)
                        // attribute might not exist (this will cause a warning already being logged previusly)
                        attributeValues[attributeName] = executionContext.GetAttribute(attributeName);

            activityForm = new ActivityFormImpl(flow, fields, attributeValues);
