/// <summary>
        /// Select the features in an IShapeSource
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sr"></param>
        /// <param name="filterExpression"></param>
        /// <param name="envelope"></param>
        /// <param name="startIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="maxCount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected IFeatureSet Select(IShapeSource sr, string filterExpression, Envelope envelope, ref int startIndex, int maxCount)
            var            shapes        = sr.GetShapes(ref startIndex, maxCount, envelope);
            AttributeTable at            = GetAttributeTable(Filename);
            var            result        = new FeatureSet(FeatureType.Polygon);
            bool           schemaDefined = false;

            foreach (var pair in shapes)
                DataTable td = at.SupplyPageOfData(pair.Key, 1);
                if (td.Select(filterExpression).Length > 0)
                    if (!schemaDefined)
                        schemaDefined = true;
                    var f = new Feature(pair.Value)
                        RecordNumber = pair.Key + 1, DataRow = td.Rows[0]
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new polygon featureset that is created by buffering each of the individual shapes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">The IFeatureSet to buffer</param>
        /// <param name="distance">The double distance to buffer</param>
        /// <param name="copyAttributes">Boolean, if this is true, then the new featureset will have
        /// the same attributes as the original.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created IFeatureSet</returns>
        public static IFeatureSet Buffer(this IFeatureSet self, double distance, bool copyAttributes)
            // Dimension the new, output featureset. Buffered shapes are polygons, even if the
            // original geometry is a point or a line.
            IFeatureSet result = new FeatureSet(FeatureType.Polygon);

            result.Projection = self.Projection;

            // Cycle through the features, and buffer each one separately.
            foreach (IFeature original in self.Features)
                // Actually calculate the buffer geometry.
                IFeature buffer = new Feature(original.Geometry.Buffer(distance));

                // Add the resulting polygon to the featureset

                // If copyAttributes is true, then this will copy those attributes from the original.
                if (copyAttributes)
                    // Accessing the attributes should automatically load them from the datasource if
                    // they haven't been loaded already.

        private static IFeatureSet UnionIntersecting(IFeatureSet fs)
            var fsunion = new FeatureSet();

            // This is needed or else the table won't have the columns for copying attributes.
            fsunion.Projection = fs.Projection;

            // Create a list of all the original shapes so if we union A->B we don't also union B->A
            var freeFeatures = fs.Features.Select((t, i) => i).ToList();

            while (freeFeatures.Count > 0)
                var fOriginal = fs.Features[freeFeatures[0]];

                // Whether this gets unioned or not, it has been handled and should not be re-done.
                // We also don't want to waste time unioning shapes to themselves.

                // This is the unioned result. Remember, we may just add the original feature if no
                // shapes present themselves for unioning.
                IFeature fResult = null;

                // This is the list of any shapes that get unioned with our shape.
                var  mergedList = new List <int>();
                bool shapeChanged;
                    shapeChanged = false; // reset this each time.
                    foreach (int index in freeFeatures)
                        var intersectSource = fResult ?? fOriginal;
                        if (intersectSource.Geometry.Intersects(fs.Features[index].Geometry))
                            fResult      = intersectSource.Union(fs.Features[index].Geometry);
                            shapeChanged = true;

                            // Don't modify the "freefeatures" list during a loop. Keep track until later.

                            // Less double-checking happens if we break rather than finishing the loop
                            // and then retest the whole loop because of a change early in the list.

                    foreach (var index in mergedList)
                        // We don't want to add the same shape twice.
                }while (shapeChanged);

                // Add fResult, unless it is null, in which case add fOriginal.
                fsunion.Features.Add(fResult ?? fOriginal);

        /// <summary>
        /// Show the dialog for exporting data from a feature layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">Layer whose data gets exported.</param>
        public void ExportData(IFeatureLayer layer)
            using (var frmExport = new ExportFeature())
                frmExport.Filename = layer.DataSet.Filename;
                if (ShowDialog(frmExport) != DialogResult.OK)

                // Create a FeatureSet of features that the client wants exported
                // CGX
                // FeatureSet fs = null;
                IFeatureSet fs = null;
                // FIN CGX
                switch (frmExport.FeaturesIndex)
                case 0:
                    // CGX
                    // fs = (FeatureSet)layer.DataSet;
                    fs = layer.DataSet;
                    // Fin CGX

                case 1:
                    fs = layer.Selection.ToFeatureSet();

                case 2:
                    var features = layer.DataSet.Select(layer.MapFrame.ViewExtents);
                    fs = new FeatureSet(features)
                        Projection = layer.Projection

                if (fs == null)

                if (fs.Features.Count == 0)
                    fs.FeatureType = layer.DataSet.FeatureType;

                fs.SaveAs(frmExport.Filename, true);

                if (MessageBox.Show(Owner, SymbologyFormsMessageStrings.FeatureLayerActions_LoadFeatures, SymbologyFormsMessageStrings.FeatureLayerActions_FeaturesExported, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                    LoadFeatureSetAsLayer(layer, fs, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(frmExport.Filename));
        /// <summary>
        /// Erase features from one feature set where they are intersected by another feature set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetFeatures">Features which will be erased in part or whole.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceFeatures">Features which represent areas to erase.</param>
        /// <param name="cancelProgressHandler">Optional parameter to report progress and cancel entire process if needed.</param>
        /// <returns>A point feature set with the randomly created features.</returns>
        public static FeatureSet EraseFeatures(IFeatureSet targetFeatures, IFeatureSet sourceFeatures, ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler = null)
            if (targetFeatures == null || sourceFeatures == null)

            // Erase features from one feature set where they are intersected by another feature set
            // Note: we use the ShapeIndices here rather than for each feature in featureset.features as a memory management technique.
            // The current version does not preserve any attribute info.
            // Dan Ames 2/27/2013
            FeatureSet resultFeatures = new FeatureSet();   // the resulting featureset

            resultFeatures.CopyTableSchema(targetFeatures); // set up the data table in the new feature set

            for (short i = 0; i <= targetFeatures.ShapeIndices.Count - 1; i++)
                var tf = targetFeatures.GetFeature(i); // get the full undifferenced feature
                for (short j = 0; j <= sourceFeatures.ShapeIndices.Count - 1; j++)
                    var sf = sourceFeatures.GetFeature(j);
                    if (sf.Geometry.Envelope.Intersects(tf.Geometry.Envelope))
                        tf = tf.Difference(sf.Geometry); // clip off any pieces of SF that overlap FR

                    if (tf == null)
                        // sometimes difference leaves nothing left of a feature

                if (tf != null)
                    resultFeatures.AddFeature(tf.Geometry).CopyAttributes(targetFeatures.GetFeature(i)); // add the fully clipped feature to the results

                if (cancelProgressHandler != null)
                    if (cancelProgressHandler.Cancel)

                    int progress = Convert.ToInt32(i * 100 / targetFeatures.ShapeIndices.Count);
                    cancelProgressHandler.Progress(string.Empty, progress, string.Empty);

        /// <summary>
        /// As an example, choosing myFeatureLayer.SelectedFeatures.ToFeatureSet creates a new set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An in memory featureset that has not yet been saved to a file in any way.</returns>
        public FeatureSet ToFeatureSet()
            FeatureSet fs = new FeatureSet(ToFeatureList()); // the output features will be copied.

            if (fs.Features.Count == 0)
                if (_filter.FeatureList.Count > 0)
        private static IFeatureSet UnionAll(IFeatureSet fs)
            FeatureSet fsunion = new FeatureSet();

            fsunion.Projection = fs.Projection;
            IFeature f = fs.Features[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < fs.Features.Count; i++)
                f = f.Union(fs.Features[i], fsunion, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);
            fsunion.AddFeature(f.Geometry); //TODO jany_ why union feature if only geometry is used to create new feature?
        private static IFeatureSet UnionAll(IFeatureSet fs)
            FeatureSet fsunion = new FeatureSet();

            fsunion.Projection = fs.Projection;
            IFeature f = fs.Features[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < fs.Features.Count; i++)
                f = f.Union(fs.Features[i], fsunion, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the dialog for exporting data from a feature layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void ExportData(IFeatureLayer e)
            using (var frmExport = new ExportFeature())
                frmExport.Filename = e.DataSet.Filename;
                if (ShowDialog(frmExport) != DialogResult.OK)

                // Create a FeatureSet of features that the client wants exported
                FeatureSet fs = null;
                switch (frmExport.FeaturesIndex)
                case 0:
                    fs = (FeatureSet)e.DataSet;

                case 1:
                    fs = e.Selection.ToFeatureSet();

                case 2:
                    var features = e.DataSet.Select(e.MapFrame.ViewExtents);
                    fs = new FeatureSet(features)
                        Projection = e.Projection

                if (fs.Features.Count == 0)
                    fs.FeatureType = e.DataSet.FeatureType;

                fs.SaveAs(frmExport.Filename, true);

                if (MessageBox.Show(Owner, StringParser.Parse("${res:GIS.Common.Dialogs.SymbologyFormsMessageStrings.FeatureLayerActions_LoadFeatures}"),
                                    MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                    LoadFeatureSetAsLayer(e, fs, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(frmExport.Filename));
文件: Overlay.cs 项目: qingqibing/aa
        /// <summary>
        /// Erase features from one feature set where they are intersected by another feature set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TargetFeatures">Features which will be erased in part or whole.</param>
        /// <param name="SourceFeatures">Features which represent areas to erase.</param>
        /// <param name="cancelProgressHandler">Optional parameter to report progress and cancel entire process if needed.</param>
        /// <returns>A point feature set with the randomly created features.</returns>
        public static FeatureSet EraseFeatures(IFeatureSet TargetFeatures, IFeatureSet SourceFeatures, ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler = null)
            if (TargetFeatures == null || SourceFeatures == null)
            //Erase features from one feature set where they are intersected by another feature set
            //Note: we use the ShapeIndices here rather than for each feature in featureset.features as a memory management technique.
            //The current version does not preserve any attribute info.
            //Dan Ames 2/27/2013
            FeatureSet ResultFeatures = new FeatureSet();                   //the resulting featureset
            IFeature   TF, SF;                                              //a single output feature

            ResultFeatures.CopyTableSchema(TargetFeatures);                 //set up the data table in the new feature set

            for (Int16 i = 0; i <= TargetFeatures.ShapeIndices.Count - 1; i++)
                TF = TargetFeatures.GetFeature(i);                          //get the full undifferenced feature
                for (Int16 j = 0; j <= SourceFeatures.ShapeIndices.Count - 1; j++)
                    SF = SourceFeatures.GetFeature(j);
                    if (SF.Envelope.Intersects(TF.Envelope))
                        TF = TF.Difference(SF);                             //clip off any pieces of SF that overlap FR
                    if (TF == null)
                    {                                                       //sometimes difference leaves nothing left of a feature
                if (TF != null)
                    ResultFeatures.AddFeature(TF).CopyAttributes(TargetFeatures.GetFeature(i));  //add the fully clipped feature to the results
                if (cancelProgressHandler != null)
                    if (cancelProgressHandler.Cancel)
                    int progress = Convert.ToInt32(i * 100 / TargetFeatures.ShapeIndices.Count);
                    cancelProgressHandler.Progress(String.Empty, progress, String.Empty);
        private FeatureSet IntersectFeatures(IFeatureSet targetFeatures, IFeatureSet sourceFeatures)
            if (targetFeatures == null || sourceFeatures == null)
            FeatureSet resultFeatures = new FeatureSet();   // the resulting featureset

            resultFeatures.CopyTableSchema(targetFeatures); // set up the data table in the new feature set

            ProgressBox p = new ProgressBox(0, 100, "Self intersection check progress");

            p.SetProgressDescription("Overlay Intersect...");
            double pi = Math.Round((double)(1.0 * 100 / targetFeatures.Features.Count), 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < targetFeatures.Features.Count; i++)
                p.SetProgressValue(i * pi + pi);
                p.SetProgressDescription2(string.Format("{0} feature(s) is(are) checked, the remaining {1} feature(s) is(are) being queried", i + 1, targetFeatures.Features.Count - i - 1));
                var tf = targetFeatures.GetFeature(i); // get the full undifferenced feature
                for (int j = 0; j < sourceFeatures.Features.Count; j++)
                    var sf = sourceFeatures.GetFeature(j);
                    if (sf.Geometry.Intersects(tf.Geometry))
                        tf = tf.Intersection(sf.Geometry); // clip off any pieces of SF that overlap FR
                    if (tf == null)
                if (tf != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// This tests each feature of the input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">This featureSet</param>
        /// <param name="other">The featureSet to perform intersection with</param>
        /// <param name="joinType">The attribute join type</param>
        /// <param name="progHandler">A progress handler for status messages</param>
        /// <returns>An IFeatureSet with the intersecting features, broken down based on the join Type</returns>
        public static IFeatureSet Intersection(this IFeatureSet self, IFeatureSet other, FieldJoinType joinType, IProgressHandler progHandler)
            IFeatureSet   result = null;
            ProgressMeter pm     = new ProgressMeter(progHandler, "Calculating Intersection", self.Features.Count);

            if (joinType == FieldJoinType.All)
                result = CombinedFields(self, other);

                // Intersection is symmetric, so only consider I X J where J <= I
                if (!self.AttributesPopulated)
                if (!other.AttributesPopulated)

                for (int i = 0; i < self.Features.Count; i++)
                    IFeature        selfFeature     = self.Features[i];
                    List <IFeature> potentialOthers = other.Select(selfFeature.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.ToExtent());
                    foreach (IFeature otherFeature in potentialOthers)
                        selfFeature.Intersection(otherFeature, result, joinType);

                    pm.CurrentValue = i;

            else if (joinType == FieldJoinType.LocalOnly)
                if (!self.AttributesPopulated)

                result = new FeatureSet();
                result.FeatureType = self.FeatureType;
                if (other.Features != null && other.Features.Count > 0)
                    pm = new ProgressMeter(progHandler, "Calculating Union", other.Features.Count);
                    IFeature union = other.Features[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < other.Features.Count; i++)
                        union           = union.Union(other.Features[i].Geometry);
                        pm.CurrentValue = i;

                    pm = new ProgressMeter(progHandler, "Calculating Intersections", self.NumRows());
                    Extent otherEnvelope = union.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal.ToExtent();
                    for (int shp = 0; shp < self.ShapeIndices.Count; shp++)
                        if (!self.ShapeIndices[shp].Extent.Intersects(otherEnvelope))

                        IFeature selfFeature = self.GetFeature(shp);
                        selfFeature.Intersection(union, result, joinType);
                        pm.CurrentValue = shp;

            else if (joinType == FieldJoinType.ForeignOnly)
                if (!other.AttributesPopulated)

                result = new FeatureSet();
                result.FeatureType = other.FeatureType;
                if (self.Features != null && self.Features.Count > 0)
                    pm = new ProgressMeter(progHandler, "Calculating Union", self.Features.Count);
                    IFeature union = self.Features[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < self.Features.Count; i++)
                        union           = union.Union(self.Features[i].Geometry);
                        pm.CurrentValue = i;

                    if (other.Features != null)
                        pm = new ProgressMeter(progHandler, "Calculating Intersection", other.Features.Count);
                        for (int i = 0; i < other.Features.Count; i++)
                            other.Features[i].Intersection(union, result, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);
                            pm.CurrentValue = i;


        public void UnionFeatureSetTest()
            IFeatureSet fs      = FeatureSet.Open(_shapefiles + @"Topology_Test.shp");
            FeatureSet  fsunion = new FeatureSet();

            // This is needed or else the table won't have the columns for copying attributes.

            // Create a list of all the original shapes so if we union A->B we don't also union B->A
            var freeFeatures = fs.Features.Select((t, i) => i).ToList();

            while (freeFeatures.Count > 0)
                var fOriginal = fs.Features[freeFeatures[0]];

                // Whether this gets unioned or not, it has been handled and should not be re-done.
                // We also don't want to waste time unioning shapes to themselves.

                // This is the unioned result.  Remember, we may just add the original feature if no
                // shapes present themselves for unioning.
                IFeature fResult = null;

                // This is the list of any shapes that get unioned with our shape.
                List <int> mergedList = new List <int>();
                bool       shapeChanged;
                    shapeChanged = false; // reset this each time.
                    foreach (int index in freeFeatures)
                        if (fResult == null)
                            if (fOriginal.Intersects(fs.Features[index]))
                                // If FieldJoinType is set to all, and large numbers of shapes are combined,
                                // the attribute table will have a huge number of extra columns, since
                                // every column will be replicated for each instance.
                                fResult = fOriginal.Union(fs.Features[index], fsunion, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);

                                // if the shape changed for an index greater than 0, then the newly unioned
                                // shape might now union with an earlier shape that we skipped before.
                                shapeChanged = true;
                            if (fResult.Intersects(fs.Features[index]))
                                // snowball unioned features.  Keep adding features to the same unioned shape.
                                fResult      = fResult.Union(fs.Features[index], fsunion, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);
                                shapeChanged = true;
                        if (shapeChanged)
                            // Don't modify the "freefeatures" list during a loop.  Keep track until later.

                            // Less double-checking happens if we break rather than finishing the loop
                            // and then retest the whole loop because of a change early in the list.
                    foreach (int index in mergedList)
                        // We don't want to add the same shape twice.
                } while (shapeChanged);

                // Add fResult, unless it is null, in which case add fOriginal.
                fsunion.Features.Add(fResult ?? fOriginal);

                // Union doesn't actually add to the output featureset.  The featureset is only
                // provided to the union method to handle column manipulation if necessary.

            // fsunion is in-memory until this is called.  Once this is called, the extension will
            // be parsed to determine that a shapefile is required.  The attributes and features will
            // be moved to variables in an appropriate shapefile class internally, and
            // then that class will save the features to the disk.
            fsunion.SaveAs(_shapefiles + @"Union_Test.shp", true);

                // cleanup
                File.Delete(_shapefiles + @"Union_Test.shp");
                File.Delete(_shapefiles + @"Union_Test.dbf");
                File.Delete(_shapefiles + @"Union_Test.shx");
            catch (IOException)
        public void UnionFeatureSetTest()
            var file = Path.Combine(_shapefiles, @"Topology_Test.shp");
            IFeatureSet fs = FeatureSet.Open(file);
            FeatureSet fsunion = new FeatureSet();

            // This is needed or else the table won't have the columns for copying attributes.

            // Create a list of all the original shapes so if we union A->B we don't also union B->A
            var freeFeatures = fs.Features.Select((t, i) => i).ToList();

            while (freeFeatures.Count > 0)
                var fOriginal = fs.Features[freeFeatures[0]];

                // Whether this gets unioned or not, it has been handled and should not be re-done.
                // We also don't want to waste time unioning shapes to themselves.

                // This is the unioned result.  Remember, we may just add the original feature if no 
                // shapes present themselves for unioning.
                IFeature fResult = null;

                // This is the list of any shapes that get unioned with our shape.  
                List<int> mergedList = new List<int>();
                bool shapeChanged;
                    shapeChanged = false; // reset this each time.
                    foreach (int index in freeFeatures)
                        if (fResult == null)
                            if (fOriginal.Intersects(fs.Features[index]))
                                // If FieldJoinType is set to all, and large numbers of shapes are combined,
                                // the attribute table will have a huge number of extra columns, since 
                                // every column will be replicated for each instance.
                                fResult = fOriginal.Union(fs.Features[index], fsunion, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);

                                // if the shape changed for an index greater than 0, then the newly unioned
                                // shape might now union with an earlier shape that we skipped before.
                                shapeChanged = true;
                            if (fResult.Intersects(fs.Features[index]))
                                // snowball unioned features.  Keep adding features to the same unioned shape.
                                fResult = fResult.Union(fs.Features[index], fsunion, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);
                                shapeChanged = true;
                        if (shapeChanged)

                            // Don't modify the "freefeatures" list during a loop.  Keep track until later.

                            // Less double-checking happens if we break rather than finishing the loop
                            // and then retest the whole loop because of a change early in the list.

                    foreach (int index in mergedList)
                        // We don't want to add the same shape twice.
                } while (shapeChanged);

                // Add fResult, unless it is null, in which case add fOriginal.
                fsunion.Features.Add(fResult ?? fOriginal);

                // Union doesn't actually add to the output featureset.  The featureset is only
                // provided to the union method to handle column manipulation if necessary.


            // fsunion is in-memory until this is called.  Once this is called, the extension will
            // be parsed to determine that a shapefile is required.  The attributes and features will
            // be moved to variables in an appropriate shapefile class internally, and
            // then that class will save the features to the disk.
            fsunion.SaveAs(_shapefiles + @"Union_Test.shp", true);

                // cleanup
                File.Delete(_shapefiles + @"Union_Test.shp");
                File.Delete(_shapefiles + @"Union_Test.dbf");
                File.Delete(_shapefiles + @"Union_Test.shx");
            catch (IOException)
        private static IFeatureSet UnionIntersecting(IFeatureSet fs)
            FeatureSet fsunion = new FeatureSet();

            // This is needed or else the table won't have the columns for copying attributes.
            fsunion.Projection = fs.Projection;
            // Create a list of all the original shapes so if we union A->B we don't also union B->A
            List <int> freeFeatures = fs.Features.Select((t, i) => i).ToList();

            while (freeFeatures.Count > 0)
                IFeature fOriginal = fs.Features[freeFeatures[0]];

                // Whether this gets unioned or not, it has been handled and should not be re-done.
                // We also don't want to waste time unioning shapes to themselves.

                // This is the unioned result.  Remember, we may just add the original feature if no
                // shapes present themselves for unioning.
                IFeature fResult = null;

                // This is the list of any shapes that get unioned with our shape.
                List <int> mergedList = new List <int>();
                bool       shapeChanged;
                    shapeChanged = false; // reset this each time.
                    foreach (int index in freeFeatures)
                        if (fResult == null)
                            if (fOriginal.Intersects(fs.Features[index]))
                                // If FieldJoinType is set to all, and large numbers of shapes are combined,
                                // the attribute table will have a huge number of extra columns, since
                                // every column will be replicated for each instance.
                                fResult = fOriginal.Union(fs.Features[index], fsunion, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);

                                // if the shape changed for an index greater than 0, then the newly unioned
                                // shape might now union with an earlier shape that we skipped before.
                                shapeChanged = true;
                            if (fResult.Intersects(fs.Features[index]))
                                // snowball unioned features.  Keep adding features to the same unioned shape.
                                fResult      = fResult.Union(fs.Features[index], fsunion, FieldJoinType.LocalOnly);
                                shapeChanged = true;
                        if (shapeChanged)
                            // Don't modify the "freefeatures" list during a loop.  Keep track until later.

                            // Less double-checking happens if we break rather than finishing the loop
                            // and then retest the whole loop because of a change early in the list.
                    foreach (int index in mergedList)
                        // We don't want to add the same shape twice.
                } while (shapeChanged);

                // Add fResult, unless it is null, in which case add fOriginal.
                fsunion.Features.Add(fResult ?? fOriginal);

                // Union doesn't actually add to the output featureset.  The featureset is only
                // provided to the union method to handle column manipulation if necessary.
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Iterate through each properties of shapefiles
            foreach (CropProperties property in _properties)
                // Test if checked or not
                foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.CheckedItems)
                    if (item.Text.Contains(property.shp.Name))
                        // Get original shapefile and reproject to WGS84
                        Shapefile      file        = property.shp;
                        ProjectionInfo originalPrj = file.Projection;
                        ProjectionInfo WGS84       = ProjectionInfo.FromProj4String(KnownCoordinateSystems.Geographic.World.WGS1984.ToProj4String());

                        // Create new shapefile & set projection
                        FeatureSet result = new FeatureSet(FeatureType.Polygon);
                        result.Projection = file.Projection;

                        // Set new extent
                        Extent extent = new Extent();
                        extent.SetValues(property.minCrop.Lng, property.minCrop.Lat, property.maxCrop.Lng, property.maxCrop.Lat);

                        // Copy feature data

                        foreach (Feature f in file.Features)
                            // Test to see if coord is within extent
                            Shape              shp    = f.ToShape();
                            IGeometry          geom   = shp.ToGeometry();
                            IList <Coordinate> coords = geom.Coordinates;
                            int hit = 0;
                            foreach (Coordinate coord in coords)
                                if (extent.Contains(coord))
                            if (hit != 0)
                                // Iterate through coords in list
                                Polygon poly = new Polygon(coords);
                        // Project pts back to original and save
                        if (property.path.Contains(".shp"))
                            result.SaveAs(property.path, true);

                            result.SaveAs(property.path + ".shp", true);