static async Task Main(string[] args) { // let's show you what's going on. OsmSharp.Logging.Logger.LogAction = (origin, level, message, parameters) => { Console.WriteLine($"[{origin}] {level} - {message}"); }; await Download.Download.ToFile("", "luxembourg-latest.osm.pbf"); await using var fileStream = File.OpenRead("luxembourg-latest.osm.pbf"); // create source stream. var source = new PBFOsmStreamSource(fileStream); // show progress. var progress = source.ShowProgress(); // filter all power lines and keep all nodes. var filtered = from osmGeo in progress where osmGeo.Type == OsmSharp.OsmGeoType.Node || (osmGeo.Type == OsmSharp.OsmGeoType.Way && osmGeo.Tags != null && osmGeo.Tags.Contains("power", "line")) select osmGeo; // convert to a feature stream. // WARNING: nodes that are part of power lines will be kept in-memory. // it's important to filter only the objects you need **before** // you convert to a feature stream otherwise all objects will // be kept in-memory. var features = filtered.ToFeatureSource(); // filter out only linestrings. var lineStrings = from feature in features where feature.Geometry is LineString select feature; // build feature collection. var featureCollection = new FeatureCollection(); var attributesTable = new AttributesTable { { "type", "powerline" } }; foreach (var feature in lineStrings) { // make sure there is a constant # of attributes with the same names before writing the shapefile. featureCollection.Add(new Feature(feature.Geometry, attributesTable)); } // convert to shape. var header = ShapefileDataWriter.GetHeader(featureCollection.First(), featureCollection.Count); var shapeWriter = new ShapefileDataWriter("luxembourg.shp", new GeometryFactory()) { Header = header }; shapeWriter.Write(featureCollection); }
public static Geometry ToGeometry(this FeatureCollection features) { if (features == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(features)); } if (features.Count != 1) { throw new NotSupportedException($"Right now only one geometry pear feature is supported. Geometry count: {features.Count}"); } return(features.First().Geometry); }
public static byte[] Serialize(FeatureCollection fc, GeometryType geometryType, byte dimensions = 2, IList <ColumnMeta> columns = null) { var featureFirst = fc.First(); if (columns == null && featureFirst.Attributes != null) { columns = featureFirst.Attributes.GetNames() .Select(n => new ColumnMeta() { Name = n, Type = ToColumnType(featureFirst.Attributes.GetType(n)) }) .ToList(); } using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); Serialize(memoryStream, fc, geometryType, dimensions, columns); return(memoryStream.ToArray()); }