public static bool MGMgr_CanMarriage_Patch_Prefix(int npcId, ref int result, ref bool __result) { if (!Main.enabled) { return(true); } result = -1; if (GlobleBlackBoard.Self.HasInfo("Nomarry_" + npcId)) { result = 11; __result = false; return(false); } if (!FavorRelationshipUtil.CanPropose(npcId, out result)) { __result = false; return(false); } if (HomeModule.Self.HomeLevel < 1) { result = 8; __result = false; return(false); } __result = true; return(false); }
static bool Prefix(ref bool __result, ref int ___marriageID, ref bool ___isMiscarry, ref GameDateTime ___lastMiscarryTime) { if (!enabled) { return(true); } if (!ChildrenModule.ModuleOpen) { __result = false; return(false); } ___marriageID = GetCurrentSpouse(); if (___marriageID < 1) { __result = false; return(false); } bool attain = FavorRelationshipUtil.GetRelationShip(___marriageID) == ChildConfig.Self.RelationShip; bool home = Module <HomeModule> .Self.HomeLevel >= ChildConfig.Self.HomeLevel; bool free = Singleton <BedUnitMgr> .Self.HaveChildsFreePos(); __result = attain && home && free; return(false); }
public static bool CanTeeterInteract(Actor actor) { if (actor == null) { return(false); } int relationship = FavorRelationshipUtil.GetRelationShip(actor.InstanceId); return((settings.HugRelationshipMin == -1 || relationship >= settings.HugRelationshipMin) && (settings.KissRelationshipMin == -1 || relationship >= settings.KissRelationshipMin) && (settings.MassageRelationshipMin == -1 || relationship >= settings.MassageRelationshipMin)); }
private static void BringBack(int id) { Actor actor = Module <ActorMgr> .Self.Get(id); actor.SetBehaviorState(BehaveState.Default, true); Module <ActorMgr> .Self.MoveToScenario(actor, "Main", ReturnLocations[id][0]); FavorObject f = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetFavorObject(id); FavorRelationshipId r = f.Relationship; f.Relationship = FavorRelationshipId.Friend; FavorRelationshipUtil.TryUpgradeRelationShip(f, false, false, true); Module <FavorInfluenceManager> .Self.OnUpdateRelation(f.ID, r, f.Relationship); Module <FavorManager> .Self.RemoveToBlackList(f.ID); }
private static void BringBack(int id) { Actor actor = Module <ActorMgr> .Self.Get(id); actor.SetBehaviorState(BehaveState.Default, true); Module <ActorMgr> .Self.MoveToScenario(actor, "Main", ReturnLocations[id][0]); FavorObject f = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetFavorObject(id); FavorRelationshipId r = f.Relationship; f.Relationship = FavorRelationshipId.Friend; FavorRelationshipUtil.TryUpgradeRelationShip(f, false, false, true); Module <FavorInfluenceManager> .Self.OnUpdateRelation(f.ID, r, f.Relationship); if (typeof(FavorManager).GetMethod("RemoveFromBlackList") != null) { typeof(FavorManager).GetMethod("RemoveFromBlackList").Invoke(Module <FavorManager> .Self, new object[] { f.ID }); } else if (typeof(FavorManager).GetMethod("RemoveToBlackList") != null) { typeof(FavorManager).GetMethod("RemoveToBlackList").Invoke(Module <FavorManager> .Self, new object[] { f.ID }); } }
public static bool FavorUtility_GetGiftGainInfo_Patch_Prefix(NpcData npcData, FavorManagerConfInfo favorConf, ItemBaseConfData itemBaseConf, ref int gainValue, ref FeeLevelEnum feeLevel, ref string replyText, ref GiftType gType) { if (!Main.enabled) { return(true); } if (itemBaseConf.NameID == 271422) //heart knot { gainValue = 0; replyText = string.Empty; gType = GiftType.Normal; feeLevel = FeeLevelEnum.Refuse; int failIndex = -1; int id =; Dbgl("Giving heart knot to :" + npcData.Name + " " + + " " + npcData.factionId); if (Module <Player> .Self.CanExpress(id, out failIndex) && FavorRelationshipUtil.CheckExpress(id, ref failIndex)) { gainValue = FavorUtility.GetGiftGainValue(favorConf.FavorValues_Confession, itemBaseConf); feeLevel = FeeLevelEnum.Confession; gType = GiftType.Relation; } else { gainValue = 0; feeLevel = FeeLevelEnum.Refuse; gType = GiftType.Relation; } replyText = FavorUtility.GetGiveGiftDialog(npcData, favorConf, itemBaseConf, feeLevel, failIndex); return(false); } else if (itemBaseConf.NameID == 270956) // wedding ring { gainValue = 0; replyText = string.Empty; gType = GiftType.Normal; feeLevel = FeeLevelEnum.Refuse; int failIndex = -1; int id =; if (Module <MGMgr> .Self.CanMarriage(id, out failIndex) && FavorRelationshipUtil.CheckPropose(id, ref failIndex)) { gainValue = FavorUtility.GetGiftGainValue(favorConf.FavorValues_Propose, itemBaseConf); feeLevel = FeeLevelEnum.Propose; gType = GiftType.Relation; } else { gainValue = 0; feeLevel = FeeLevelEnum.Refuse; gType = GiftType.Relation; } replyText = FavorUtility.GetGiveGiftDialog(npcData, favorConf, itemBaseConf, feeLevel, failIndex); return(false); } return(true); }
private static void OnGUI(UnityModManager.ModEntry modEntry) { float infoBoxWidth = (typeof(UnityModManager).GetProperty("Params", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null, new object[] { }) as UnityModManager.Param).WindowWidth * 0.9f; if (infoBoxWidth == 0) { infoBoxWidth = 960; } float buttonWidthShort = infoBoxWidth / 7f; float buttonWidthMedium = infoBoxWidth / 2f; if (Module <FavorManager> .Self?.GetAllShowFavorObjects() == null) { npcContent = null; return; } if (npcContent == null || npcContent.Length != Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects().Length + 1) { npcContent = new string[Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects().Length + 1]; } string[] tempNPC = new string[Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects().Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects().Length; i++) { FavorObject favorObject = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[i]; NpcData npcData = Module <FavorManager> .Self.npcData[i]; string text = (npcData == null) ? favorObject.ID.ToString() : npcData.Name; string text2 = (!favorObject.IsDebut) ? string.Empty : "(?) "; tempNPC[i] = string.Concat(new object[] { text, " ", text2, favorObject.ID, " ", FavorRelationshipUtil.GetGenderRelation(npcData.gender, favorObject.Relationship), " ", favorObject.FavorValue }); } tempNPC.CopyTo(npcContent, 0); string[] sortedNPC = new string[Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects().Length + 1]; Array.Sort(tempNPC); tempNPC.CopyTo(sortedNPC, 0); npcContent[npcContent.Length - 1] = "All NPCs"; sortedNPC[sortedNPC.Length - 1] = "All NPCs"; GUILayout.Box("NPC Count:" + Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects().Length, new GUILayoutOption[0]); realSelectIndex = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(realSelectIndex, sortedNPC, 2, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width((float)infoBoxWidth) }); selectIndex = npcContent.IndexOf(sortedNPC[realSelectIndex]); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); if (GUILayout.Button("Talk", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width((float)buttonWidthShort) })) { if (selectIndex < npcContent.Length - 1) { FavorObject favorObject2 = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[selectIndex]; IFavorBehavior favorBehavior = favorObject2.FavorBehaviorList.Find((IFavorBehavior it) => it is FavorBehavior_Dialog); favorBehavior.Execute(favorObject2, null); favorObject2.IsDebut = false; } else { foreach (FavorObject favorObject3 in Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()) { IFavorBehavior favorBehavior2 = favorObject3.FavorBehaviorList.Find((IFavorBehavior it) => it is FavorBehavior_Dialog); favorBehavior2.Execute(favorObject3, null); favorObject3.IsDebut = false; } } } giftIdStr = GUILayout.TextField(giftIdStr, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(58f) }); if (GUILayout.Button("Gift", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width((float)buttonWidthShort) })) { int num; int.TryParse(giftIdStr, out num); if (selectIndex < npcContent.Length - 1) { FavorObject favorObject4 = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[selectIndex]; IFavorBehavior favorBehavior3 = favorObject4.FavorBehaviorList.Find((IFavorBehavior it) => it is FavorBehavior_GiveGift); favorBehavior3.Execute(favorObject4, new object[] { num }); favorObject4.IsDebut = false; } else { foreach (FavorObject favorObject5 in Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()) { IFavorBehavior favorBehavior4 = favorObject5.FavorBehaviorList.Find((IFavorBehavior it) => it is FavorBehavior_GiveGift); favorBehavior4.Execute(favorObject5, new object[] { num }); favorObject5.IsDebut = false; } } } addFavor = GUILayout.TextField(addFavor, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(40f) }); if (GUILayout.Button("Add", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width((float)buttonWidthShort) })) { int gainFavorValue; int.TryParse(addFavor, out gainFavorValue); if (selectIndex < npcContent.Length - 1) { FavorObject favorObject6 = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[selectIndex]; favorObject6.GainFavorValue(-1, gainFavorValue, true, true, true); favorObject6.IsDebut = false; } else { foreach (FavorObject favorObject7 in Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()) { Actor actor = Module <ActorMgr> .Self.Get(favorObject7.ID); if (!(actor == null) && (!(actor != null) || !actor.InFarAwayScene())) { favorObject7.GainFavorValue(-1, gainFavorValue, true, true, true); favorObject7.IsDebut = false; } } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); if (GUILayout.Button("Love", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width((float)buttonWidthShort) })) { if (selectIndex < npcContent.Length - 1) { FavorObject favorObject10 = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[selectIndex]; FavorUtility.SetNpcRelation(favorObject10.ID, FavorRelationshipId.NormalLover, 0); favorObject10.IsDebut = false; } else { foreach (FavorObject favorObject11 in Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()) { FavorUtility.SetNpcRelation(favorObject11.ID, FavorRelationshipId.NormalLover, 0); favorObject11.IsDebut = false; } } } if (GUILayout.Button("BreakUp", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width((float)buttonWidthShort) })) { if (selectIndex < npcContent.Length - 1) { FavorObject favorObject12 = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[selectIndex]; FavorRelationLover.Breakup(favorObject12); favorObject12.IsDebut = false; } else { foreach (FavorObject favorObject13 in Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()) { FavorRelationLover.Breakup(favorObject13); favorObject13.IsDebut = false; } } } if (GUILayout.Button("Marry", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width((float)buttonWidthShort) })) { if (selectIndex < npcContent.Length - 1) { FavorObject favorObject14 = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[selectIndex]; FavorUtility.SetNpcRelation(favorObject14.ID, FavorRelationshipId.NormalCouple, 0); favorObject14.IsDebut = false; } else { foreach (FavorObject favorObject15 in Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()) { favorObject15.IsDebut = false; FavorUtility.SetNpcRelation(favorObject15.ID, FavorRelationshipId.NormalCouple, 0); } } } if (GUILayout.Button("Divorce", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width((float)buttonWidthShort) })) { if (selectIndex < npcContent.Length - 1) { FavorObject favorObject16 = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[selectIndex]; FavorRelationMarriage.DoDivorce(favorObject16); favorObject16.IsDebut = false; } else { foreach (FavorObject favorObject17 in Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()) { FavorRelationMarriage.DoDivorce(favorObject17); favorObject17.IsDebut = false; } } } if (GUILayout.Button("Move", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width((float)buttonWidthShort) })) { if (selectIndex < npcContent.Length - 1) { FavorObject favorObject18 = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[selectIndex]; if (favorObject18 != null) { Actor actor2 = StoryHelper.GetActor(favorObject18.ID, string.Empty); if (actor2 == null) { actor2 = Module <NpcRepository> .Self.CreateNpc(favorObject18.ID); Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "创建NPC->", favorObject18.ID, " Name:", (!actor2) ? "Null" : actor2.ActorName, " 于地点:", Module <Player>, new Vector3(0f, 2f, 0f) })); } if (actor2 != null) { actor2.ClearActionQueue(); actor2.DoCommand(ACType.Transfer, ACTransferPara.Construct(Module <ScenarioModule> .Self.CurrentScenarioName, Module <Player> + new Vector3(0f, 2f, 0f),; } } } else { foreach (FavorObject favorObject19 in Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()) { if (favorObject19 != null) { Actor actor3 = StoryHelper.GetActor(favorObject19.ID, string.Empty); if (actor3 == null) { actor3 = Module <NpcRepository> .Self.CreateNpc(favorObject19.ID); Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "创建NPC->", favorObject19.ID, " Name:", (!actor3) ? "Null" : actor3.ActorName, " 于地点:", Module <Player>, new Vector3(0f, 2f, 0f) })); } if (actor3 != null) { actor3.ClearActionQueue(); actor3.DoCommand(ACType.Transfer, ACTransferPara.Construct(Module <ScenarioModule> .Self.CurrentScenarioName, Module <Player> + new Vector3(0f, 2f, 0f),; } } } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Label($"Relation: {Enum.GetName(typeof(FavorRelationshipId), relationEnum[relationId])}", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(150) }); relationId = (int)GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(relationId, 0, relationEnum.Length - 1, new GUILayoutOption[0]); if (GUILayout.Button("Set", new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(150) })) { try { int relationIdEnum = relationEnum[relationId]; if (selectIndex < npcContent.Length - 1) { FavorObject favorObject8 = Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()[selectIndex]; FavorUtility.SetNpcRelation(favorObject8.ID, (FavorRelationshipId)relationIdEnum, 0); favorObject8.IsDebut = false; } else { foreach (FavorObject favorObject9 in Module <FavorManager> .Self.GetAllShowFavorObjects()) { FavorUtility.SetNpcRelation(favorObject9.ID, (FavorRelationshipId)relationIdEnum, 0); favorObject9.IsDebut = false; } } } catch { } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(20); }
static void Postfix() { if (isHugging) { //Dbgl($"is hugging: {targetTime}"); targetTime -= Time.deltaTime; if (targetTime <= 0.0f) { Dbgl("done hugging"); isHugging = false; foreach (Actor a in hugTargets) { ResetOneAnimation(a); } hugTargets.Clear(); return; } } if (!Singleton <GameFlag> .Self.Gaming || (!Input.GetKeyDown(settings.KissKey) && !Input.GetKeyDown(settings.MassageKey) && !Input.GetKeyDown(settings.HugKey)) || UIStateMgr.Instance.currentState.type != UIStateMgr.StateType.Play || == null) { return; } Transform pt =; Vector3 forward = pt.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); List <NpcData> npcs = FieldRefAccess <NpcRepository, List <NpcData> >(NpcRepository.Self, "mNpcInstanceDatas"); float minDistance = settings.MaxInteractDistance; Actor actor = null; foreach (NpcData npcData in npcs) { int npc =; Dbgl($"Checking for {NpcRepository.Self.GetNpcName(npc)}"); Actor other = ActorMgr.Self.Get(npc); if (other == null || !other.InActiveScene) { //Dbgl($"{NpcRepository.Self.GetNpcName(npc)} is not in scene!"); continue; } Transform ot = other.transform; Vector3 toOther = ot.position - pt.position; float dot = Vector3.Dot(forward, toOther); if (dot < 0) // behind us { //Dbgl($"{NpcRepository.Self.GetNpcName(npc)} is behind us: {dot}"); continue; } float distance = Vector3.Distance(pt.position, ot.position); if (distance < minDistance) { Dbgl($"{NpcRepository.Self.GetNpcName(npc)} is near ({distance}) and in front of us ({dot})"); minDistance = distance; actor = other; } } if (actor == null) { Dbgl("no actor near and in front of us"); return; } int relationship = FavorRelationshipUtil.GetRelationShip(actor.InstanceId); Dbgl($"Relationship for {actor.ActorName}: {relationship}"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(settings.KissKey)) { Dbgl("kissing"); if (settings.KissRelationshipMin > -1 && relationship < settings.KissRelationshipMin) { Singleton <TipsMgr> .Instance.SendSystemTip($"Your relationship with {actor.ActorName} is not high enough to kiss them!", SystemTipType.warning); return; } string modelType = Module <ActorMgr> .Self.GetActorInfo(actor.TmpltId).modelType; DoInteract(, actor, 1); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(settings.HugKey)) { Dbgl("hugging"); if (settings.HugRelationshipMin > -1 && relationship < settings.HugRelationshipMin) { Singleton <TipsMgr> .Instance.SendSystemTip($"Your relationship with {actor.ActorName} is not high enough to hug them!", SystemTipType.warning); return; } DoInteract(, actor, 0); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(settings.MassageKey)) { Dbgl("getting massaged"); if (settings.MassageRelationshipMin > -1 && relationship < settings.MassageRelationshipMin) { Singleton <TipsMgr> .Instance.SendSystemTip($"Your relationship with {actor.ActorName} is not high enough to get a massage from them!", SystemTipType.warning); return; } DoInteract(, actor, 2); } }