        public void CompressByIdentity(FastaFileParser myFastaFileParser, double Identity, string saveDB = null)
            if (Identity > 1)
                throw new Exception("Maximum allowed identity = 1");

            MyFastaSequences = myFastaFileParser;

            Console.WriteLine("The original DB has " + MyFastaSequences.MyItems.Count + " sequences.");

            MyFastaSequences.MyItems.Sort((a, b) => a.Sequence.Length.CompareTo(b.Sequence.Length));

            Console.WriteLine("Converting sequences to byte array.");
            Console.WriteLine("Finished converting to byte array.");

            MAligner.Aligner ma = new Aligner();

            ConcurrentDictionary <FastaItem, List <FastaItem> > toExclude = new ConcurrentDictionary <FastaItem, List <FastaItem> >(); //The ID to exlclude and the items it matches

            ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions();

            options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount * 2;

            Console.WriteLine("Limiting number of threads to {0}.", options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism);

            int eliminated = 0;
            int count      = 0;

            Parallel.For(0, MyFastaSequences.MyItems.Count - 1, options, i =>
                         //for (int i = 0; i < fp.MyItems.Count - 1; i++)
                Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
                Console.WriteLine("Testing sequence no {0} ", count);
                //Determine speed;
                int speed = 1;
                if (MyFastaSequences.MyItems[i].Sequence.Length >= 6)
                    speed = (int)Math.Round((double)MyFastaSequences.MyItems[i].Sequence.Length / 6) + 1;

                List <FastaItem> matching = new List <FastaItem>();
                for (int j = i + 1; j < MyFastaSequences.MyItems.Count; j++)
                    //i is peptide, j is protein

                    int identity = ma.IDScore(MyFastaSequences.MyItems[i].SequenceInBytes, MyFastaSequences.MyItems[j].SequenceInBytes, speed);
                    double approximateIdentityPercentage = (double)identity / ((double)MyFastaSequences.MyItems[i].SequenceInBytes.Length / (double)speed);

                    if (approximateIdentityPercentage >= Identity * 0.75)
                        int identityFull          = ma.IDScore(MyFastaSequences.MyItems[i].SequenceInBytes, MyFastaSequences.MyItems[j].SequenceInBytes, 1);
                        double identityPercentage = (double)identityFull / (double)MyFastaSequences.MyItems[i].SequenceInBytes.Length;
                        if (identityPercentage >= Identity)

                if (matching.Count > 0)
                    toExclude.TryAdd(MyFastaSequences.MyItems[i], matching);
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref eliminated);
                    Console.WriteLine("Sequences eliminated {0} ", eliminated);

            //Reduce the DB
            Console.WriteLine("Reducing DB.");

            List <FastaItem> holders = toExclude.Keys.ToList();

            holders.Sort((a, b) => a.Sequence.Length.CompareTo(b.Sequence.Length));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <FastaItem, List <FastaItem> > kvp in toExclude)
                foreach (FastaItem fiMatches in kvp.Value)
                    fiMatches.Description += " Includes: " + kvp.Key.SequenceIdentifier;

            //Eliminate sequences from original DB
            MyFastaSequences.MyItems = MyFastaSequences.MyItems.Except(holders).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Sequences eliminated: " + eliminated + " | " + "DB size with " + Identity + ": " + ((count + 1) - eliminated) + " | " + "DB Size: " + (count + 1));

            if (saveDB != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Done saving DB to disk");