public override IEnumerable <Node> AStar(Node from, Node to) { var openSet = new FastPriorityQueue <Node>(Width * Height); openSet.Enqueue(from, 0f); while (openSet.Count > 0) { var currentNode = openSet.Dequeue(); if (currentNode == to) { var path = ReconstructPath(currentNode); foreach (var node in this) { node.Reset(); } return(path); } currentNode.InClosedSet = true; foreach (var neighbor in currentNode.Neighbors) { if (neighbor.InClosedSet) { continue; } var tentativeGScore = currentNode.GScore + currentNode.Distance(neighbor); if (openSet.Contains(neighbor) && tentativeGScore >= neighbor.GScore) { continue; } neighbor.CameFrom = currentNode; neighbor.GScore = tentativeGScore; var fs = tentativeGScore + HeuristicCostEstimate(neighbor, to); if (openSet.Contains(neighbor)) { openSet.UpdatePriority(neighbor, fs); } else { openSet.Enqueue(neighbor, fs); } } } foreach (var node in this) { node.Reset(); } return(new List <Node>()); }
public void AddSeed(int id, float seed_dist) { GraphNode g = get_node(id); Debug.Assert(Queue.Contains(g) == false); enqueue_node(g, seed_dist); Seeds.Add(id); }
void FindPath(Vector3 a_StartPos, Vector3 a_TargetPos) { Node StartNode = nodeMesh.NodeFromWorldPoint(a_StartPos); //Gets the node closest to the starting position Node TargetNode = nodeMesh.NodeFromWorldPoint(a_TargetPos); //Gets the node closest to the target position if (StartNode != null && TargetNode != null) { FastPriorityQueue <Node> OpenList = new FastPriorityQueue <Node>(200); //SimplePriorityQueue<Node> OpenList = new FastPriorityQueue<Node>(maxN_Calculations);//List of nodes for the open list HashSet <Node> ClosedList = new HashSet <Node>(); //Hashset of nodes for the closed list OpenList.Enqueue(StartNode, StartNode.FCost); //Add the starting node to the open list to begin the program while (OpenList.Count > 0) //Whilst there is something in the open list { Node CurrentNode = OpenList.Dequeue(); //Create a node and set it to the first item in the open list OpenList.ResetNode(CurrentNode); //OpenList.Remove(CurrentNode);//Remove that from the open list ClosedList.Add(CurrentNode); //And add it to the closed list if (CurrentNode == TargetNode) //If the current node is the same as the target node { GetFinalPath(StartNode, TargetNode); //Calculate the final path } //Debug.Log("el nodo en cuestion tiene x vecinos" + CurrentNode.NeighbNodes.Count); Node[] nNodes = nodeMesh.GetNeighbNodes(CurrentNode); for (int i = 0; i < nNodes.Length; i++) { Node NeighborNode = nNodes[i]; if (NeighborNode == null) { continue; } if (NeighborNode.BIsWall || ClosedList.Contains(NeighborNode)) { continue; //If the neighbor is a wall or has already been checked // Skip it } int MoveCost = CurrentNode.IgCost + GetManhattenDistance(CurrentNode, NeighborNode); //Get the F cost of that neighbor if (MoveCost < NeighborNode.IgCost || !OpenList.Contains(NeighborNode)) //If the f cost is greater than the g cost or it is not in the open list { NeighborNode.IgCost = MoveCost; //Set the g cost to the f cost NeighborNode.IhCost = GetManhattenDistance(NeighborNode, TargetNode); //Set the h cost NeighborNode.ParentNode1 = CurrentNode; //Set the parent of the node for retracing steps if (!OpenList.Contains(NeighborNode)) //If the neighbor is not in the openlist { //Add it to the list OpenList.Enqueue(NeighborNode, NeighborNode.FCost); } } } } //while (OpenList.Count > 0) //{ // OpenList.ResetNode(OpenList.Dequeue()); //} } }
public override IEnumerable <Node> AStar(Node from, Node to) { var closedSet = new HashSet <Node>(); var openSet = new FastPriorityQueue <Node>(Width * Height); openSet.Enqueue(@from, 0f); var cameFrom = new Dictionary <Node, Node>(); var gScore = new Dictionary <Node, float> { { from, 0f } }; while (openSet.Count > 0) { var currentNode = openSet.Dequeue(); if (currentNode == to) { return(ReconstructPath(cameFrom, currentNode)); } closedSet.Add(currentNode); foreach (var neighbor in currentNode.Neighbors) { if (closedSet.Contains(neighbor)) { continue; } var tentativeGScore = gScore[currentNode] + currentNode.Distance(neighbor); if (openSet.Contains(neighbor) && tentativeGScore >= gScore[neighbor]) { continue; } cameFrom[neighbor] = currentNode; gScore[neighbor] = tentativeGScore; var fs = tentativeGScore + HeuristicCostEstimate(neighbor, to); if (openSet.Contains(neighbor)) { openSet.UpdatePriority(neighbor, fs); } else { openSet.Enqueue(neighbor, fs); } } } return(new List <Node>()); }
protected void AddToFastOpen(Node child, Node parent, FastPriorityQueue <Node> list) { double newFValue, gValue; if (!useThetaStar) { newFValue = CalculateFValue(child, parent, out gValue); } else { newFValue = CalculateFValue(child, parent, out gValue, out parent); } if (newFValue == Mathf.Infinity) { return; } if (!list.Contains(child)) //if child is not already in open list { list.Enqueue(child, (float)newFValue); //add to open list SetValues(child, parent, gValue); } else //child is already in open list { float oldFValue = child.Priority; if (newFValue < oldFValue) //if f-value of child in open list is greather than current f-value { list.UpdatePriority(child, (float)newFValue); SetValues(child, parent, gValue); } } }
public override bool Find(DirectionGraph graph, Node start, Node end) { priorityQueue = new FastPriorityQueue <Node>(graph.VerticeCount()); searchSteps = new Queue <Node>(); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); costForStartToTarget = new Dictionary <Node, int>(); costForStartToTarget[start] = 0; priorityQueue.Enqueue(start, 0); while (priorityQueue.Count > 0) { Node min = priorityQueue.Dequeue(); if (min == end) { watch.Stop(); executionTimes = watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; CalculateCostAndGeneratePath(start, end, graph); return(true); } List <DirectionEdge> minNeighbors = graph.GetNeighborEdge(min); int costForStartToMin = costForStartToTarget[min]; for (int i = 0, count = minNeighbors.Count; i < count; i++) { Node neighbor = minNeighbors[i].to; int costForStartToNeighbor = int.MaxValue; if (costForStartToTarget.ContainsKey(neighbor)) { costForStartToNeighbor = costForStartToTarget[neighbor]; } int newCostSoFar = costForStartToMin + minNeighbors[i].weight; if (newCostSoFar < costForStartToNeighbor) { costForStartToTarget[neighbor] = newCostSoFar; nodesComeFrom[neighbor] = min; if (priorityQueue.Contains(neighbor)) { priorityQueue.UpdatePriority(neighbor, newCostSoFar); } else { priorityQueue.Enqueue(neighbor, newCostSoFar); } } } if (min != start) { searchSteps.Enqueue(min); } } watch.Stop(); executionTimes = watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; searchSteps.Clear(); return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Finds a shortest path from the <paramref name="start"/> to the <paramref name="end"/>. /// It uses a Dijkstra's algorithm with a priority queue. /// </summary> string Solve(Map map, Cell start, Cell end) { var vertices = new FastPriorityQueue <Cell>(map.TotalMapSize); var distances = new Dictionary <Cell, float>(); var previous = new Dictionary <Cell, Cell>(); foreach (var cell in map.AllCells()) { if (!cell.Equals(start)) { distances[cell] = float.PositiveInfinity; previous[cell] = null; vertices.Enqueue(cell, float.PositiveInfinity); } } vertices.Enqueue(start, 0); distances[start] = 0; int oneTenth = map.TotalMapSize > 10 ? map.TotalMapSize / 10 : 1; while (vertices.Any()) { var u = vertices.Dequeue(); if (reportProgress && vertices.Count % oneTenth == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Remaining nodes {vertices.Count}/{map.TotalMapSize}"); } foreach (var v in map.GetNeighbors(u)) { if (!vertices.Contains(v)) { continue; } var currentDistance = distances[v]; var newDistance = distances[u] + v.Difficulty; if (newDistance < currentDistance) { vertices.UpdatePriority(v, newDistance); distances[v] = newDistance; previous[v] = u; if (v.Equals(end)) { vertices.Clear(); break; } } } } return(GeneratePath(end, previous, map)); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public void ImmediateEvent(IEvent eventToSchedule) { if (eventToSchedule == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(eventToSchedule)); } if (!(eventToSchedule is BaseEvent castedEvent)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Argument must be of type {nameof(BaseEvent)}.", nameof(eventToSchedule)); } lock (_eventsAvailableLock) { lock (_queueLock) { if (_priorityQueue.Contains(castedEvent)) { throw new ArgumentException($"The event is already scheduled.", nameof(eventToSchedule)); } _priorityQueue.Enqueue(castedEvent, 0); } // check and add event attribution to the requestor if (castedEvent.RequestorId > 0) { lock (_eventsPerRequestorLock) { if (!_eventsPerRequestor.ContainsKey(castedEvent.RequestorId)) { _eventsPerRequestor.Add(castedEvent.RequestorId, new HashSet <string>()); } try { _eventsPerRequestor[castedEvent.RequestorId].Add(castedEvent.EventId); } catch { // ignore clashes, it was our goal to add it anyways. } } } Monitor.Pulse(_eventsAvailableLock); } }
/// <summary> /// Benchmark /// </summary> public bool EnqueueContains() { Enqueue(); bool ret = true; // to ensure the compiler doesn't optimize the contains calls out of existence for (int i = 0; i < QueueSize; i++) { ret &= Queue.Contains(Nodes[i]); } return(ret); }
void GenerateChunkByTargetPosition() { if (target == null) { return; } Vector3Int targetPosition = VoxelUtil.WorldToChunk(target.position, chunkSize); if (lastTargetChunkPosition == targetPosition) { return; } foreach (ChunkNode chunkNode in generateChunkQueue) { Vector3Int deltaPosition = targetPosition - chunkNode.chunkPosition; if (chunkSpawnSize.x < Mathf.Abs(deltaPosition.x) || chunkSpawnSize.y < Mathf.Abs(deltaPosition.y) || chunkSpawnSize.z < Mathf.Abs(deltaPosition.z)) { generateChunkQueue.Remove(chunkNode); continue; } generateChunkQueue.UpdatePriority(chunkNode, (targetPosition - chunkNode.chunkPosition).sqrMagnitude); } for (int x = targetPosition.x - chunkSpawnSize.x; x <= targetPosition.x + chunkSpawnSize.x; x++) { for (int y = targetPosition.y - chunkSpawnSize.y; y <= targetPosition.y + chunkSpawnSize.y; y++) { for (int z = targetPosition.z - chunkSpawnSize.z; z <= targetPosition.z + chunkSpawnSize.z; z++) { Vector3Int chunkPosition = new Vector3Int(x, y, z); if (chunks.ContainsKey(chunkPosition)) { continue; } ChunkNode newNode = new ChunkNode { chunkPosition = chunkPosition }; if (generateChunkQueue.Contains(newNode)) { continue; } generateChunkQueue.Enqueue(newNode, (targetPosition - chunkPosition).sqrMagnitude); } } } lastTargetChunkPosition = targetPosition; }
private void AddToQueue(FastPriorityQueue <ChunkNode> queue, int3 position, float priority) { ChunkNode node = new ChunkNode(position); #if DEBUG if (queue.Contains(node)) { Debug.LogWarning("Wants to enqueue generator job but it already exists."); return; } #endif if (queue.Count + 1 >= queue.MaxSize) { queue.Resize(queue.Count + 32); } queue.Enqueue(node, priority); }
protected void AddToFastOpen(Node child) { newKeyValue = CalculateKeyValue(child); if (newKeyValue[0] >= float.MaxValue) { return; } child.priorityKey = newKeyValue; if (!fastOpenListPrim.Contains(child)) { fastOpenListPrim.Enqueue(child, (float)newKeyValue[0]); } else { fastOpenListPrim.UpdatePriority(child, (float)newKeyValue[0]); } if (isUpdatingNodes && visualize) { child.isInOpenAfterChange = true; //DEBUG } }
public int[] Work(bool print = true, int startIndex = 0) { int NumberOfNodes = Graph.ListOfNodes.Count; var queue = new FastPriorityQueue <Node>(100 * 1000); Node u; int du; int dv; int wuv; int[] d = new int[NumberOfNodes]; for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfNodes; i++) { d[i] = Int32.MaxValue / 10; } if (startIndex + 1 > NumberOfNodes) { startIndex = 0; } d[startIndex] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfNodes; i++) { queue.Enqueue(Graph.GetNode(i), 0); } while (queue.Any()) // while queue is not empty { u = queue.Dequeue(); foreach (var v in u.ListOfEdges) { du = d[u.Id]; dv = d[v.Target.Id]; wuv = v.Weight; if (du + wuv < dv) { d[v.Target.Id] = du + wuv; if (queue.Contains(v.Target)) { queue.UpdatePriority(v.Target, d[v.Target.Id]); } else { queue.Enqueue(v.Target, d[v.Target.Id]); } } } } if (print) { for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfNodes; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}, distance: {1}", i, d[i]); } } return(d); }
public virtual T FindPath() { var startNode = CreateNode(Start); startNode.StartCost = 0; OpenSet.Enqueue(startNode, startNode.TotalCost); _loopLimiter.Reset(); while (_loopLimiter.Advance()) { if (OpenSet.Count == 0) { break; } var centerNode = GetLowest(); if (centerNode.Value.Equals(End)) { return(centerNode); } ClosedSet.Add(centerNode.Value); //OpenSet.Remove(centerNode); var surrounding = GetSurrounding(centerNode); for (int i = 0; i < surrounding.Count; i++) { var neighborPos = surrounding[i]; if (neighborPos == null) { continue; } if (ClosedSet.Contains(neighborPos)) { continue; } if (!CheckWalkable(centerNode.Value, neighborPos)) { continue; } var neighbor = Get(neighborPos); if (neighbor == null) { //if (CheckWalkable(centerNode.Value, neighborPos)) { neighbor = CreateNode(neighborPos); //} // else { // ClosedSet.Add(neighborPos); // } } if (neighborPos.Equals(End)) { if (neighbor != null) { neighbor.Parent = centerNode; return(neighbor); } if (IgnoreEndWalkable) { return(centerNode); } } if (neighbor == null) { continue; } var newStartCost = centerNode.StartCost + neighbor.GetTravelCost(centerNode); if (newStartCost < neighbor.StartCost) { neighbor.Parent = centerNode; neighbor.StartCost = newStartCost; if (OpenSet.Contains(neighbor)) { OpenSet.UpdatePriority(neighbor, neighbor.TotalCost); } else { OpenSet.Enqueue(neighbor, neighbor.TotalCost); } } } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// FindPathReverse, finds the fastes route between a and b /// </summary> /// <param name="a">stop number of the departuring station</param> /// <param name="b">stop number of the arrival station</param> /// <param name="finalArrivalTime">ArrivalTime in UTC format.</param> /// <returns>List of TimeTableId, describing the route for the path</returns> private List <PathItem> FindPathReverse(int a, int b, long finalArrivalTime) { // the path we find as shortest var cameFrom = new Dictionary <int, TraceBackNode>(); // gScore is the actual UTCtime to get to a stop var gScore = new Dictionary <int, long>(); gScore[b] = finalArrivalTime; // a min heap, now 'turned' into a max heap var heap = new FastPriorityQueue <QueueNode>(5000); heap.Enqueue(new QueueNode { StopId = b, Time = finalArrivalTime, TripId = -1 }, -DistanceTime(a, b)); while (heap.Count != 0) { var currentNode = heap.Dequeue(); // is arrival station found? if (currentNode.StopId == a) { return(ReconstructPath(cameFrom, currentNode.StopId)); } // get the neighbours to the currentNode var neighbours = ts.Edges .Where(e => e.ToStop == currentNode.StopId) .Select(e => new { e.EdgeId, e.FromStop, e.DistanceWalk }); foreach (var n in neighbours) { Iterations += 1; long departureTime; // utctime when departing from n.ToStop int timeTableId = -1; int tripId = -1; if (n.DistanceWalk > 0) { if ((TimeToWalkSeconds(n.DistanceWalk) > cachedGlobal.MaxWalkingtime) & (currentNode.TripId == -1)) { continue; // to long to walk, or 2 sections in a row is walking! } departureTime = gScore[currentNode.StopId] - TimeToWalkSeconds(n.DistanceWalk); } else { long gScoreTemp = gScore[currentNode.StopId]; TimeTable timeTableEntry; timeTableEntry = GetNextArrival(n.EdgeId, gScoreTemp); if (timeTableEntry == null) { continue; } // now chek if previous node is not walking, and change of transport and changetime is available // othwise add changeTime, and search again. if ((currentNode.TripId != -1) & (currentNode.TripId != timeTableEntry.TripId) & (timeTableEntry.ArrivalTime < gScoreTemp - cachedGlobal.TimeToChangeTransport)) { gScoreTemp -= cachedGlobal.TimeToChangeTransport; timeTableEntry = GetNextArrival(n.EdgeId, gScoreTemp); if (timeTableEntry == null) // no path found { continue; } } departureTime = timeTableEntry.DepartureTime; timeTableId = timeTableEntry.TimeTableId; tripId = timeTableEntry.TripId; } if (departureTime > gScore.TryGetValueOrMin(n.FromStop)) // quicker way found, with a smaller value { cameFrom[n.FromStop] = new TraceBackNode { ToStop = currentNode.StopId, EdgeId = n.EdgeId, TimeTableId = timeTableId }; gScore[n.FromStop] = departureTime; QueueNode qn = new QueueNode { StopId = n.FromStop, Time = departureTime, TripId = tripId }; if (!heap.Contains(qn)) { int heuristik = DistanceTime(n.FromStop, a); // estimated traveltime from this node to the start heap.Enqueue(qn, heuristik - departureTime); } } } } // no path found! return(null); // Local: Get the next timeTable entry in respect to arrival time given TimeTable GetNextArrival(int edgeId, long arrivalTime) { return(ts.TimeTables .Where(t => t.EdgeId == edgeId && (t.ArrivalTime <= arrivalTime)) .OrderByDescending(t => t.ArrivalTime) .FirstOrDefault()); } }
private static List <Vector2> ShortestPath(Graph graph, Vertex start, Vertex target, bool strict = true) { var queue = new FastPriorityQueue <Vertex>(graph.VertexCount); var predecessor = new Dictionary <Vertex, Vertex>(); var gValue = new Dictionary <Vertex, float>(); var processed = new HashSet <Vertex>(); // Initialize all necessary components gValue[start] = 0; queue.Enqueue(start, HeuristicCost(start, target)); // Calculate shortest path while (queue.Count != 0) { var current = queue.Dequeue(); if (current == target) { return(ReconstructPath(predecessor, target)); } processed.Add(current); foreach (var edge in current.Edges) { if (strict && edge.Weight > Vector2.Distance(current.Position, edge.TargetVertex.Position)) { continue; } var neighbour = edge.TargetVertex; if (!gValue.ContainsKey(neighbour)) { gValue[neighbour] = float.PositiveInfinity; } if (processed.Contains(neighbour)) { continue; } var tentativeValue = gValue[current] + edge.Weight; try { if (tentativeValue >= gValue[neighbour]) { continue; } } catch { Debug.WriteLine("Graph vertex count and number of vertices match: " + graph.CheckGraph()); } predecessor[neighbour] = current; gValue[neighbour] = tentativeValue; if (queue.Contains(neighbour)) { queue.UpdatePriority(neighbour, tentativeValue + HeuristicCost(neighbour, target)); } else { queue.Enqueue(neighbour, tentativeValue + HeuristicCost(neighbour, target)); } } } return(new List <Vector2> { start.Position, start.Position }); }
/// <summary> /// FindPathForward, finds the fastes route between a and b /// </summary> /// <param name="a">stop number of the departuring station</param> /// <param name="b">stop number of the arrival station</param> /// <param name="utcStart">Departuretime in UTC format.</param> /// <returns>List of TimeTableId, describing the route for the path</returns> private List <PathItem> FindPathForward(int a, int b, long utcStart) { // the path we find as shortest var cameFrom = new Dictionary <int, TraceBackNode>(); // gScore is the actual linuxtime to arrive at a stop: <stopId, arrival time> var gScore = new Dictionary <int, long>(); gScore[a] = utcStart; // a min heap var heap = new FastPriorityQueue <QueueNode>(5000); heap.Enqueue(new QueueNode { StopId = a, Time = utcStart, TripId = -1 }, DistanceTime(a, b)); while (heap.Count != 0) { var currentNode = heap.Dequeue(); // is arrival station found? if (currentNode.StopId == b) { var path = ReconstructPath(cameFrom, currentNode.StopId); path.Reverse(); return(path); } // get the neighbours to the currentNode var neighbours = ts.Edges .Where(e => e.FromStop == currentNode.StopId) .Select(e => new { e.EdgeId, e.ToStop, e.DistanceWalk }); foreach (var n in neighbours) { Iterations += 1; long arrivalTime; // time when arriving to n.ToStop int timeTableId = -1; int tripId = -1; if (n.DistanceWalk > 0) { if ((TimeToWalkSeconds(n.DistanceWalk) > cachedGlobal.MaxWalkingtime) | (currentNode.TripId == -1)) { continue; // to long to walk, or 2 sections in a row is walking! } arrivalTime = gScore[currentNode.StopId] + TimeToWalkSeconds(n.DistanceWalk); } else { long gScoreTemp = gScore[currentNode.StopId]; // TryGetValueOrMax (currentNode.StopId)?? TimeTable timeTableEntry; timeTableEntry = GetNextDeparture(n.EdgeId, gScoreTemp); if (timeTableEntry == null) // no path found { continue; } // now chek if previous node is not walking, and change of transport and changetime is available // othwise add changeTime, and search again. if ((currentNode.TripId != -1) & (currentNode.TripId != timeTableEntry.TripId) & (timeTableEntry.DepartureTime < gScoreTemp + cachedGlobal.TimeToChangeTransport)) { gScoreTemp += cachedGlobal.TimeToChangeTransport; timeTableEntry = GetNextDeparture(n.EdgeId, gScoreTemp); if (timeTableEntry == null) // no path found { continue; } } arrivalTime = timeTableEntry.ArrivalTime; timeTableId = timeTableEntry.TimeTableId; tripId = timeTableEntry.TripId; } if (arrivalTime < gScore.TryGetValueOrMax(n.ToStop)) // quicker way found { cameFrom[n.ToStop] = new TraceBackNode { ToStop = currentNode.StopId, EdgeId = n.EdgeId, TimeTableId = timeTableId }; gScore[n.ToStop] = arrivalTime; QueueNode qn = new QueueNode { StopId = n.ToStop, Time = arrivalTime, TripId = tripId }; if (!heap.Contains(qn)) { int heuristik = DistanceTime(n.ToStop, b); // estimated traveltime from this node to the end heap.Enqueue(qn, heuristik + arrivalTime); } } } } return(null); // Local: Get the next timetable entry in respect to departuetime given TimeTable GetNextDeparture(int edgeId, long departureTime) { return(ts.TimeTables .Where(t => t.EdgeId == edgeId && (t.DepartureTime >= departureTime)) .OrderBy(t => t.DepartureTime) .FirstOrDefault()); } }
public static void FlowFieldQuadTree(QuadTree quadTree, QuadTree end, out Dictionary <QuadTree, QuadTree> flowField) { #if LOG_TIME var bench = new Stopwatch( ); var avgNeighbourLookup = new List <long> ( ); #endif #if DEBUG var timeout = new Stopwatch( ); timeout.Start( ); #endif flowField = new Dictionary <QuadTree, QuadTree> ( ); var openset = new FastPriorityQueue <QuadTree> (quadTree.SubdivisionCount( )); var neighbours = new List <QuadTree> ( ); openset.Enqueue(end, 0f); flowField[end] = end; QuadTree current = null; float newcost = 0f; while (openset.Count > 0) { #if DEBUG if (timeout.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000) { throw new System.OperationCanceledException("flowField Generation Timed Out"); } #endif current = openset.Dequeue( ); #if LOG_TIME bench.Restart( ); #endif quadTree.Neighbours(current, ref neighbours); #if LOG_TIME bench.Stop( ); avgNeighbourLookup.Add(bench.ElapsedTicks); #endif foreach (var neighbour in neighbours) { if (neighbour.Count != 0) { continue; } newcost = current.Priority + ( - + ( -; if (newcost < neighbour.Priority) { if (!openset.Contains(neighbour)) { openset.Enqueue(neighbour, newcost); } else { openset.UpdatePriority(neighbour, newcost); } flowField[neighbour] = current; } } neighbours.Clear( ); } #if LOG_TIME Debug.Log("Average Neighbour Lookup: " + avgNeighbourLookup.Average( ) + " total " + avgNeighbourLookup.Sum( )); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Run the A* algorithm and put the result in path. /// If no path was found, return 'forever' and put only the destination in path. /// Returns the total path time. /// </summary> public float FindPath( List <PathNode> path, Vector3 start, Vector3 destination, MobilityData mobility, float unitRadius, MoveCommandType command) { path.Clear(); path.Add(new PathNode(destination, false)); PathNode cameFromDest = null; float gScoreDest = Pathfinder.FindLocalPath(this, start, destination, mobility, unitRadius); if (gScoreDest < Pathfinder.FOREVER) { if (command == MoveCommandType.NORMAL || command == MoveCommandType.REVERSE) { return(gScoreDest); } } // Initialize with all nodes accessible from the starting point // (this can be optimized later by throwing out some from the start) _openSet.Clear(); List <PathNode> graph = _graphRegularMove; float neighborSearchDistance = Pathfinder.FOREVER; // if we are in fast mode our graph is much more extensive and we have to // limit our neighor distance to use that extensive network of nodes if (command == MoveCommandType.FAST) { graph = _graphFastMove; neighborSearchDistance = ARC_MAX_DIST; } // find the nearest neighbor start A* search foreach (PathNode neighbor in graph) { neighbor.IsClosed = false; neighbor.CameFrom = null; neighbor.GScore = Pathfinder.FOREVER; Vector3 neighborPos = Position(neighbor); // and optimal search if ((start - neighborPos).magnitude < neighborSearchDistance) { float gScoreNew = Pathfinder.FindLocalPath(this, start, neighborPos, mobility, unitRadius); if (gScoreNew < Pathfinder.FOREVER) { neighbor.GScore = gScoreNew; float fScoreNew = gScoreNew + TimeHeuristic(neighborPos, destination, mobility); _openSet.Enqueue(neighbor, fScoreNew); } } } // generic A* algorithm based on distance to destination and arc time's as hueristic function weights while (_openSet.Count > 0) { PathNode current = _openSet.Dequeue(); current.IsClosed = true; if (gScoreDest < current.Priority) { break; } foreach (PathArc arc in current.Arcs) { PathNode neighbor = arc.Node1 == current ? arc.Node2 : arc.Node1; if (neighbor.IsClosed) { continue; } float arcTime = arc.Time[mobility.Index]; if (arcTime >= Pathfinder.FOREVER) { continue; } float gScoreNew = current.GScore + arcTime; if (gScoreNew >= neighbor.GScore) { continue; } float fScoreNew = gScoreNew + TimeHeuristic(Position(neighbor), destination, mobility); if (!_openSet.Contains(neighbor)) { _openSet.Enqueue(neighbor, fScoreNew); } else { _openSet.UpdatePriority(neighbor, fScoreNew); } neighbor.GScore = gScoreNew; neighbor.CameFrom = current; } float arcTimeDest = Pathfinder.FOREVER; // checks can we get to the last mile without more pathfinding if (Vector3.Distance(Position(current), destination) < neighborSearchDistance) { arcTimeDest = Pathfinder.FindLocalPath(this, Position(current), destination, mobility, unitRadius); } // Debug.Log(openSet.Count + " " + Position(current) + " " + current.isRoad + " " + Vector3.Distance(Position(current), destination) + " " + (current.gScore + arcTimeDest) + " " + gScoreDest); if (arcTimeDest >= Pathfinder.FOREVER) { continue; } if (arcTimeDest < Pathfinder.FOREVER && command == MoveCommandType.NORMAL) { arcTimeDest = 0f; } float gScoreDestNew = current.GScore + arcTimeDest; if (gScoreDestNew < gScoreDest) { gScoreDest = gScoreDestNew; cameFromDest = current; } } // Reconstruct best path PathNode node = cameFromDest; while (node != null) { path.Add(node); node = node.CameFrom; } return(gScoreDest); }
void EikonalUpdateFormula(fastLocation l) { float phi_proposed = Mathf.Infinity; int xInto, yInto; // cycle through directions to check all neighbors and perform the eikonal // update cycle on them for (int d = 0; d < DIR_ENWS.Length; d++) { xInto = l.x + (int)DIR_ENWS[d].x; yInto = l.y + (int)DIR_ENWS[d].y; neighbor = new fastLocation(xInto, yInto); if (isEikonalLocationValidAsNeighbor(neighbor)) { // The point is valid. Now, we pull values from THIS location's // 4 neighbors and use them in the calculation int xIInto, yIInto; float phi_mx, phi_my, C_mx, C_my; Vector4 phi_m; phi_m = * Mathf.Infinity; // track cost of moving into each nearby space for (int dd = 0; dd < DIR_ENWS.Length; dd++) { xIInto = neighbor.x + (int)DIR_ENWS[dd].x; yIInto = neighbor.y + (int)DIR_ENWS[dd].y; if (isEikonalLocationValidToMoveInto(new fastLocation(xIInto, yIInto))) { phi_m[dd] = Phi[xIInto, yIInto] + C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][dd]; } } // select out cheapest phi_mx = Math.Min(phi_m[0], phi_m[2]); phi_my = Math.Min(phi_m[1], phi_m[3]); // now assign C_mx based on which direction was chosen if (phi_mx == phi_m[0]) { C_mx = C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][0]; } else { C_mx = C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][2]; } // now assign C_mx based on which direction was chosen if (phi_my == phi_m[1]) { C_my = C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][1]; } else { C_my = C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][3]; } // solve for our proposed Phi[neighbor] value using the quadratic solution to the // approximation of the eikonal equation float C_mx_Sq = C_mx * C_mx; float C_my_Sq = C_my * C_my; float phi_mDiff_Sq = (phi_mx - phi_my) * (phi_mx - phi_my); float valTest; // valTest = C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq - 1f/(C_mx_Sq*C_my_Sq); valTest = C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq - 1f; // test the quadratic if (phi_mDiff_Sq > valTest) { // use the simplified solution for phi_proposed float phi_min = Math.Min(phi_mx, phi_my); float cost_min; if (phi_min == phi_mx) { cost_min = C_mx; } else { cost_min = C_my; } phi_proposed = cost_min + phi_min; } else { // solve the quadratic float radical = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(C_mx_Sq * C_my_Sq * (C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq - phi_mDiff_Sq))); float soln1 = (C_my_Sq * phi_mx + C_mx_Sq * phi_my + radical) / (C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq); float soln2 = (C_my_Sq * phi_mx + C_mx_Sq * phi_my - radical) / (C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq); phi_proposed = Math.Max(soln1, soln2); } // we now have a phi_proposed // we are re-writing the phi-array real time, so we simply compare to the current slot if (phi_proposed < Phi[neighbor.x, neighbor.y]) { // save the value of the lower phi Phi[neighbor.x, neighbor.y] = phi_proposed; if (considered.Contains(neighbor)) { // re-write the old value in the queue considered.UpdatePriority(neighbor, phi_proposed); } else { // -OR- add this value to the queue considered.Enqueue(neighbor, Phi[neighbor.x, neighbor.y]); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// A* forward search for a path that reaches the given goal. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns null if a path could not be found, or a list of the /// transitions that must be followed, in order.</returns> public static Queue <ITransition> Search( ISearchContext agent, IState worldState, IGoal goal, bool reversePath = false) { // This is used to get the nodes from the state we're currently exploring. var exploredNodes = new Dictionary <IState, Node>(worldState.GetComparer()); var closedSet = new HashSet <IState>(worldState.GetComparer()); var openSet = new FastPriorityQueue <Node>(MAX_FRINGE_NODES); var currentNode = Node.Borrow(null, 0f, worldState, null); openSet.Enqueue(currentNode, 0f); IState nextState; Node nextNode; while (openSet.Count > 0) { // Examine the next node. currentNode = openSet.Dequeue(); // Check if the node satisfies the goal. if (currentNode.state.IsGoalState(goal, false)) { DebugUtils.Log("Selected path with cost: " + currentNode.Score + " Visited nodes: " + (closedSet.Count + openSet.Count)); var plan = UnwrapPath(currentNode, reversePath); // Return all nodes. Node.ReturnAll(); // Monitor nodes pool size to see if there are problems in the search. Node.ReportLeaks(); return(plan); } // Mark this node as closed - don't explore it again. closedSet.Add(currentNode.state); exploredNodes.Remove(currentNode.state); // Go over all possible transitions. var possibleTransitions = currentNode.state.GetPossibleTransitions(agent); foreach (var transition in possibleTransitions) { var cost = transition.CalculateCost(currentNode.state); // Apply the transition to get the next state. nextState = transition.ApplyToState(currentNode.state); //DebugUtils.LogError("Checking transition: " + currentNode.state + " -(" + transition + ")-> " + nextState); //UnityEngine.Debug.Break(); // Now that we have the new state, we can check if it was // already evaluated and if so, we ignore it. We can ignore it // thanks to the priority queue - we always check the state whose // path to the starting state is the cheapest and so all the next // states can only add to this cost. if (closedSet.Contains(nextState)) { transition.ReturnSelf(); nextState.ReturnSelf(); continue; } float newRunningCost = currentNode.runningCost + cost; // Check if we explored this node in the past. if (!exploredNodes.TryGetValue(nextState, out nextNode)) { // Found a new node. nextNode = Node.Borrow(currentNode, newRunningCost, nextState, transition); // Cache the node for later. exploredNodes[nextState] = nextNode; DebugUtils.Assert(!openSet.Contains(nextNode), "Open set contains new node... How can this be?"); // This is a new node. nextNode.CalculateHeuristicCost(agent, goal); openSet.Enqueue(nextNode, nextNode.Score); //DebugUtils.LogError("New node cost: " + newRunningCost + " " + nextNode.PathToString()); } else if (newRunningCost < nextNode.runningCost) { // Found the best path so far to this node. nextNode.parent = currentNode; nextNode.runningCost = newRunningCost; nextNode.transition.ReturnSelf(); nextNode.transition = transition; nextState.ReturnSelf(); //DebugUtils.LogError("!!! Best cost: " + newRunningCost + " " + nextNode.PathToString()); } else { // Transition is not needed as it is known to be sub optimal. transition.ReturnSelf(); nextState.ReturnSelf(); } } } DebugUtils.Log("NO PLAN. Closed nodes: " + closedSet.Count); Node.ReturnAll(); return(null); }
// Run the A* algorithm and put the result in path // If no path was found, return 'forever' and put only the destination in path // Returns the total path time public float FindPath( List <PathNode> path, Vector3 start, Vector3 destination, MobilityType mobility, float unitRadius, MoveCommandType command) { path.Clear(); path.Add(new PathNode(destination, false)); PathNode cameFromDest = null; float gScoreDest = Pathfinder.FindLocalPath(this, start, destination, mobility, unitRadius); if (gScoreDest < Pathfinder.Forever) { if (command == MoveCommandType.Slow || command == MoveCommandType.Reverse) { return(gScoreDest); } } // Initialize with all nodes accessible from the starting point // (this can be optimized later by throwing out some from the start) openSet.Clear(); foreach (PathNode neighbor in graph) { neighbor.isClosed = false; neighbor.cameFrom = null; neighbor.gScore = Pathfinder.Forever; Vector3 neighborPos = Position(neighbor); if ((start - neighborPos).magnitude < ArcMaxDist) { float gScoreNew = Pathfinder.FindLocalPath(this, start, neighborPos, mobility, unitRadius); if (gScoreNew < Pathfinder.Forever) { neighbor.gScore = gScoreNew; float fScoreNew = gScoreNew + TimeHeuristic(neighborPos, destination, mobility); openSet.Enqueue(neighbor, fScoreNew); } } } while (openSet.Count > 0) { PathNode current = openSet.Dequeue(); current.isClosed = true; if (gScoreDest < current.Priority) { break; } foreach (PathArc arc in current.arcs) { PathNode neighbor = arc.node1 == current ? arc.node2 : arc.node1; if (neighbor.isClosed) { continue; } float arcTime = arc.time[mobility.Index]; if (arcTime >= Pathfinder.Forever) { continue; } float gScoreNew = current.gScore + arcTime; if (gScoreNew >= neighbor.gScore) { continue; } float fScoreNew = gScoreNew + TimeHeuristic(Position(neighbor), destination, mobility); if (!openSet.Contains(neighbor)) { openSet.Enqueue(neighbor, fScoreNew); } else { openSet.UpdatePriority(neighbor, fScoreNew); } neighbor.gScore = gScoreNew; neighbor.cameFrom = current; } float arcTimeDest = Pathfinder.Forever; if (Vector3.Distance(Position(current), destination) < ArcMaxDist) { arcTimeDest = Pathfinder.FindLocalPath(this, Position(current), destination, mobility, unitRadius); } // Debug.Log(openSet.Count + " " + Position(current) + " " + current.isRoad + " " + Vector3.Distance(Position(current), destination) + " " + (current.gScore + arcTimeDest) + " " + gScoreDest); if (arcTimeDest >= Pathfinder.Forever) { continue; } if (arcTimeDest < Pathfinder.Forever && command == MoveCommandType.Slow) { arcTimeDest = 0f; } float gScoreDestNew = current.gScore + arcTimeDest; if (gScoreDestNew < gScoreDest) { gScoreDest = gScoreDestNew; cameFromDest = current; } } // Reconstruct best path PathNode node = cameFromDest; while (node != null) { path.Add(node); node = node.cameFrom; } return(gScoreDest); }
//public int getCostBetweenPoints(Vector2Int pointOne, Vector2Int pointTwo) //{ //} private List <PathNode> AStar(MapTile[,] mapTiles, Vector2Int start, Vector2Int goal, float maxCost, bool pathMode, MapUnit c)//True: return path, False, return all possibilities { List <PathNode> nodesInRange = new List <PathNode>(); aStarNodeArray = new AStarNode[mapTiles.GetLength(0), mapTiles.GetLength(1)]; for (int x = 0; x < mapTiles.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapTiles.GetLength(1); y++) { aStarNodeArray[x, y] = new AStarNode(new Vector2Int(x, y)); aStarNodeArray[x, y].gScore = float.PositiveInfinity; if (pathMode) { aStarNodeArray[x, y].hScore = Distance(new Vector2Int(x, y), goal); } else { aStarNodeArray[x, y].hScore = 0; } } } aStarNodeArray[start.x, start.y].gScore = 0; FastPriorityQueue <AStarNode> openSet = new FastPriorityQueue <AStarNode>(aStarNodeArray.GetLength(0) * aStarNodeArray.GetLength(1)); openSet.Enqueue(aStarNodeArray[start.x, start.y], aStarNodeArray[start.x, start.y].fScore); //worldMap.SetDebugTile(start, Color.cyan); //worldMap.SetDebugTile(start,; if (pathMode && (!mapTiles[start.x, start.y].GetPassable(c) || !mapTiles[goal.x, goal.y].GetPassable(c))) { return(ReconstructPath(start, goal, aStarNodeArray, maxCost)); } while (openSet.Count != 0) { AStarNode currentNode = openSet.Dequeue(); if (currentNode.gScore > maxCost && !pathMode) { return(nodesInRange); } if (pathMode && currentNode.pos == goal) { //worldMap.SetDebugTile(goal,; return(ReconstructPath(start, goal, aStarNodeArray, maxCost)); } currentNode.closed = true; // worldMap.SetDebugTile(currentNode.pos,; if (!pathMode) { nodesInRange.Add(new PathNode(currentNode.pos, currentNode.gScore)); } foreach (Vector2Int v in GetNeighbors(currentNode, mapTiles, c)) { AStarNode currentNeighbor = aStarNodeArray[v.x, v.y]; if (currentNeighbor.closed) { continue; } if (!openSet.Contains(currentNeighbor)) { openSet.Enqueue(currentNeighbor, currentNeighbor.fScore); //worldMap.SetDebugTile(currentNeighbor.pos, Color.magenta); currentNeighbor.prevPos = currentNode.pos; } float tentative_gScore = currentNode.gScore + Cost(mapTiles, currentNode.pos, currentNeighbor.pos, c); if (tentative_gScore < currentNeighbor.gScore) { // This path to neighbor is better than any previous one. Record it! currentNeighbor.prevPos = currentNode.pos; currentNeighbor.gScore = tentative_gScore; openSet.UpdatePriority(currentNeighbor, currentNeighbor.fScore); } } } if (pathMode) { return(ReconstructPath(start, goal, aStarNodeArray, maxCost)); } else { return(nodesInRange); } }
public static List <Tile> GetPath(Vector2Int from, Vector2Int to) { finalPath.Clear(); int fromIndex = gridController.TilePosToIndex(from.x, from.y); int toIndex = gridController.TilePosToIndex(to.x, to.y); Tile initialTile = gridController.Tiles[fromIndex]; Tile destinationTile = gridController.Tiles[toIndex]; openListPriorityQueue.Enqueue(initialTile, 0); Tile currentTile = null; while (openListPriorityQueue.Count > 0) { currentTile = openListPriorityQueue.Dequeue(); closeDictionary.Add(currentTile.Index, currentTile); if (Equals(currentTile, destinationTile)) { break; } UpdateNeighbors(currentTile); for (int i = neighbors.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Tile neighbourPathTile = neighbors[i]; if (neighbourPathTile == null) { continue; } if (closeDictionary.ContainsKey(neighbourPathTile.Index)) { continue; } bool isAtOpenList = openListPriorityQueue.Contains(neighbourPathTile); float movementCostToNeighbour = currentTile.GCost + GetDistance(currentTile, neighbourPathTile); if (movementCostToNeighbour < neighbourPathTile.GCost || !isAtOpenList) { neighbourPathTile.SetGCost(movementCostToNeighbour); neighbourPathTile.SetHCost(GetDistance(neighbourPathTile, destinationTile)); neighbourPathTile.SetParent(currentTile); if (!isAtOpenList) { openListPriorityQueue.Enqueue(neighbourPathTile, neighbourPathTile.FCost); } else { openListPriorityQueue.UpdatePriority(neighbourPathTile, neighbourPathTile.FCost); } } } } while (currentTile.Parent != null && !Equals(currentTile, initialTile)) { finalPath.Add(currentTile); currentTile = currentTile.Parent; } finalPath.Add(initialTile); openListPriorityQueue.Clear(); closeDictionary.Clear(); return(finalPath); }
public List <Vector2Int> search(MazeManager maze) { Vector2Int start = maze.getStart(); int openSetSize = maze.rows * maze.cols; FastPriorityQueue <openSetElement> openSet = new FastPriorityQueue <openSetElement>(openSetSize); //HashSet<Vector2Int> openSet = new HashSet<Vector2Int>(); HashSet <Vector2Int> closedSet = new HashSet <Vector2Int>(); List <Vector2Int> goals = maze.getGoals(); Vector2Int goal = goals[0]; if (maze.isObstacle(ref goal)) { // Debug.Log("FAIL!"); return(new List <Vector2Int>()); } Dictionary <Vector2Int, Vector2Int> predecessor = new Dictionary <Vector2Int, Vector2Int>(); Dictionary <Vector2Int, double> gScore = new Dictionary <Vector2Int, double>(); Dictionary <Vector2Int, double> fScore = new Dictionary <Vector2Int, double>(); gScore.Add(start, 0); fScore.Add(start, heuristicDistance(start, goal)); openSetElement startInOpenSet = new openSetElement(start); openSet.Enqueue(startInOpenSet, (float)fScore[start]); Vector2Int curPoint = new Vector2Int(); double nei_gscore = 0.0; while (openSet.Count > 0) { /* * double minfScore = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(maze.rows, 2.0) + Math.Pow(maze.cols, 2.0)); * foreach(Vector2Int point in openSet) * { * double curfScore = (double)fScore[point]; * if (minfScore > curfScore) * { * curPoint = point; * minfScore = curfScore; * } * } */ curPoint = openSet.Dequeue().pos_; double minfScore = fScore[curPoint]; if (curPoint == goal) { List <Vector2Int> zig_zag_path = reconstructZigZagPath(predecessor, goal); //Debug.Log("zig_zag_SUCCESS!!!"); List <Vector2Int> straight_path = reconstructStraightPath(ref maze, ref zig_zag_path); //Debug.Log("straight_SUCCESS!!!"); return(straight_path); } closedSet.Add(curPoint); // openSet.Remove(curPoint); foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2Int, bool> neighbor in getNeighbors(ref maze, curPoint)) { if (closedSet.Contains(neighbor.Key)) { continue; } if (neighbor.Value) { // Short Edges nei_gscore = gScore[curPoint] + 1.0; } else { // Long Edges nei_gscore = gScore[curPoint] + Math.Sqrt(2.0); } if (!gScore.ContainsKey(neighbor.Key) || (nei_gscore < gScore[neighbor.Key])) { predecessor[neighbor.Key] = curPoint; gScore[neighbor.Key] = nei_gscore; fScore[neighbor.Key] = nei_gscore + heuristicDistance(neighbor.Key, goal); openSetElement neighborInOpenSet = new openSetElement(neighbor.Key); if (!openSet.Contains(neighborInOpenSet)) { openSet.Enqueue(neighborInOpenSet, (float)fScore[neighbor.Key]); } } } } // Debug.Log("FAIL!!!"); return(new List <Vector2Int>()); }
public static Solution Solve(Planet planet) { var areas = planet.Areas; var currentArea = areas[planet.Sugar]; currentArea.Duration = 0; currentArea.DurationFromStart = 0; var endArea = planet.Areas[planet.Astroants]; endArea.Duration = 0; var areaQueue = new FastPriorityQueue <Area>(areas.Length); while (true) { if (currentArea == endArea) { return(GetSolution(planet)); } currentArea.Visited = true; for (var i = 0; i < currentArea.Neighbors.Length; i++) { var direction = currentArea.Neighbors[i]; var neighbor = areas.GetNeighbor(currentArea.Coords, direction); if (neighbor.Visited) { continue; } var durationFromStart = currentArea.DurationFromStart + neighbor.Duration; if (durationFromStart >= neighbor.DurationFromStart) { continue; } neighbor.CameFrom = direction; neighbor.DurationFromStart = durationFromStart; if (areaQueue.Contains(neighbor)) { areaQueue.UpdatePriority(neighbor, neighbor.TotalEstimatedDuration); } else { neighbor.SetEstimatedDurationTo(endArea.Coords); areaQueue.Enqueue(neighbor, neighbor.TotalEstimatedDuration); } } if (areaQueue.Count == 0) { return(null); } currentArea = areaQueue.Dequeue(); } }
/// <summary> /// The EikonalUpdateFormula computes the actual solution potential /// </summary> /// <param name="l"></param> private void EikonalUpdateFormula(FastLocation l) { float phi_proposed = Mathf.Infinity; // cycle through directions to check all neighbors and perform the eikonal // update cycle on them for (int d = 0; d < DIR_ENWS.Length; d++) { int xInto = l.x + (int)DIR_ENWS[d].x; int yInto = l.y + (int)DIR_ENWS[d].y; neighbor = new FastLocation(xInto, yInto); if (isEikonalLocationValidAsNeighbor(neighbor)) { // The point is valid. Now, we pull values from THIS location's // 4 neighbors and use them in the calculation Vector4 phi_m; phi_m = * Mathf.Infinity; // track cost of moving into each nearby space for (int dd = 0; dd < DIR_ENWS.Length; dd++) { int xIInto = neighbor.x + (int)DIR_ENWS[dd].x; int yIInto = neighbor.y + (int)DIR_ENWS[dd].y; if (isEikonalLocationValidToMoveInto(new FastLocation(xIInto, yIInto))) { phi_m[dd] = Phi[xIInto, yIInto] + C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][dd]; } } // select out cheapest float phi_mx = Math.Min(phi_m[0], phi_m[2]); float phi_my = Math.Min(phi_m[1], phi_m[3]); // now assign C_mx based on which direction was chosen float C_mx = phi_mx == phi_m[0] ? C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][0] : C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][2]; // now assign C_my based on which direction was chosen float C_my = phi_my == phi_m[1] ? C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][1] : C[neighbor.x, neighbor.y][3]; // solve for our proposed Phi[neighbor] value using the quadratic solution to the // approximation of the eikonal equation float C_mx_Sq = C_mx * C_mx; float C_my_Sq = C_my * C_my; float phi_mDiff_Sq = (phi_mx - phi_my) * (phi_mx - phi_my); float valTest = C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq - 1f / (C_mx_Sq * C_my_Sq); //float valTest = C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq - 1f; // test the quadratic if (phi_mDiff_Sq > valTest) { // use the simplified solution for phi_proposed float phi_min = Math.Min(phi_mx, phi_my); float cost_min = phi_min == phi_mx ? C_mx : C_my; phi_proposed = cost_min + phi_min; } else { // solve the quadratic var radical = Math.Sqrt(C_mx_Sq * C_my_Sq * (C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq - phi_mDiff_Sq)); var soln1 = (C_my_Sq * phi_mx + C_mx_Sq * phi_my + radical) / (C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq); var soln2 = (C_my_Sq * phi_mx + C_mx_Sq * phi_my - radical) / (C_mx_Sq + C_my_Sq); // max - prefers diagonals //phi_proposed = (float)Math.Max(soln1, soln2); // min - prefers cardinals //phi_proposed = (float)Math.Min(soln1, soln2); // mean - better mix but still prefer diagonals //phi_proposed = (float)(soln1 + soln2) / 2; // geometric mean - seems identical to mean //phi_proposed = (float)Math.Sqrt(soln1 * soln2); // weighted mean - appears to offer the best compromise var max = (float)Math.Max(soln1, soln2); var min = (float)Math.Min(soln1, soln2); float wMax = CCValues.S.maxWeight; float wMin = CCValues.S.minWeight; phi_proposed = (float)(max * wMax + min * wMin) / (wMax + wMin); } // we now have a phi_proposed // we are re-writing the phi-array real time, so we simply compare to the current slot if (phi_proposed < Phi[neighbor.x, neighbor.y]) { // save the value of the lower phi Phi[neighbor.x, neighbor.y] = phi_proposed; if (considered.Contains(neighbor)) { // re-write the old value in the queue considered.UpdatePriority(neighbor, phi_proposed); } else { // -OR- add this value to the queue considered.Enqueue(neighbor, Phi[neighbor.x, neighbor.y]); } } } } }
private Point Move(Person person, Point pos) { // Start by adding p to visited var visited = new HashSet <Point> { pos }; var nodes = new FastPriorityQueue <VisitedNode>(64); var adjacentNodes = GetAdjacentNodes(pos); foreach (var node in adjacentNodes) { node.InitialVel = new Point(node.Pos.X - pos.X, node.Pos.Y - pos.Y); nodes.Enqueue(node, node.GetPriority()); visited.Add(node.Pos); } while (nodes.Any()) { var nextNodes = new FastPriorityQueue <VisitedNode>(64); while (nodes.Any()) { var node = nodes.Dequeue(); visited.Add(node.Pos); if (this._people.TryGetValue(node.Pos, out var enemy) && enemy.GetType() != person.GetType()) { // Enemy in this pos - stop searching var newPos = new Point(pos.X, pos.Y); newPos.Offset(node.InitialVel); return(newPos); } // Non-empty square - cannot move here, do nothing if (this._people.ContainsKey(node.Pos) || !this._emptySquares.Contains(node.Pos)) { continue; } // This square is empty - add all adjacent non-visited nodes adjacentNodes = GetAdjacentNodes(node.Pos); foreach (var adjNode in adjacentNodes) { if (!visited.Contains(adjNode.Pos)) { adjNode.InitialVel = node.InitialVel; visited.Add(adjNode.Pos); nextNodes.Enqueue(adjNode, adjNode.GetPriority()); } else if (nextNodes.Contains(adjNode)) { var queueNode = nextNodes.Single(nds => nds.Equals(adjNode)); if (adjNode.InitialVel.Y < queueNode.InitialVel.Y) { queueNode.InitialVel = adjNode.InitialVel; } else if (adjNode.InitialVel.Y == queueNode.InitialVel.Y && adjNode.InitialVel.X < queueNode.InitialVel.X) { queueNode.InitialVel = adjNode.InitialVel; } } } } nodes = nextNodes; } return(pos); }