private void setBulletPool() { if (bullets == null) { bullets = new List <GameObject>(); } switch (GameGlobalVariables.Instance.currentBulletType) { case GameGlobalVariables.PlayerBulletType.BULLET_FORK: bulletPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.bulletType.bulletForkID, null, false); break; case GameGlobalVariables.PlayerBulletType.BULLET_KNIFE: bulletPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.bulletType.bulletKnifeID, null, false); break; case GameGlobalVariables.PlayerBulletType.BULLET_MIXER: bulletPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.bulletType.bulletMixerID, null, false); break; case GameGlobalVariables.PlayerBulletType.BULLET_CUTTER: bulletPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.bulletType.bulletCutterID, null, false); break; } //print("Setting Bullet pool: " + GameGlobalVariables.Instance.currentBulletType.ToString()); }
void Start() { if(healthBarPool==null) { healthBarPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(healthBarPrefab,true); } if(canvas==null) { canvas = GameObject.Find ("Canvas"); } setupUnit(); if(this.flying==false) { UnitFacade u = (UnitFacade) this.GetUnitFacade(); GameObject exit = GameObject.Find("CreepExit"); u.MoveTo(exit.transform.position,false); } if(!GameManager.REF.demo) { GameObject child = NGUITools.AddChild(CreepSpawner.hudRoot, this.hudTextPrefab); mText = child.GetComponent<HUDText>(); // Make the UI follow the target child.AddComponent<UIFollowTarget>().target = this.transform; } }
public void Init(FastPool pool) { this.pool = pool; if (!line) { line = GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); } }
public int CreatePoolCache <T>(GameObject gameObject, bool warmOnLoad = false, int preloadCount = 0, int capacity = 0) where T : Component { if (gameObject != null) { FastPool fastPool = m_fastPoolFactory.CreatePoolC <T>(gameObject, warmOnLoad, preloadCount, capacity); return(fastPool.ID); } return(-1); }
public int CreatePoolCache(GameObject gameObject, int preloadCount, int capacity) { if (gameObject != null) { FastPool fastPool = m_fastPoolFactory.CreatePool(gameObject, false, preloadCount, capacity); return(fastPool.ID); } return(-1); }
public GameObject CreatePoolObject(GameObject poolGameObject, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parentTransform, bool active) { FastPool fastPool = GetPool(poolGameObject.GetInstanceID()); if (fastPool != null) { return(fastPool.FastInstantiate(active, position, rotation, parentTransform)); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Returns pool for the specified prefab or creates it if needed (with default params) /// </summary> /// <param name="component">Any component of the source prefab</param> /// <returns></returns> //public FastPool GetPool(Component component, Transform parent, bool createIfNotExists = true) //{ // if (component != null) // { // GameObject prefab = component.gameObject; // if (m_pools.ContainsKey(prefab.GetInstanceID())) // return m_pools[prefab.GetInstanceID()]; // else // return CreatePool(prefab, parent); // } // else // { // Debug.LogError("Trying to get pool for null object"); // return null; // } //} public GameObject CreatePoolObject(int prefabHash, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parentTransform, bool active) { FastPool fastPool = GetPool(prefabHash); if (fastPool != null) { return(fastPool.FastInstantiate(active, position, rotation, parentTransform)); } return(null); }
// Use this for initialization protected override void Start() { Time.timeScale = 1; base.Start(); powerupWeaponPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(GameGlobalVariables.gamePowerupType.powerupWeaponID, null, false); SoundManager.instance.PlayBgm(GameGlobalVariables.BGM_GAMEPLAY); StartCoroutine(spawnPowerupWeapon()); }
public void DestroyPool(int InstanceID) { FastPool fastPool = GetPool(InstanceID); if (fastPool != null) { fastPool.ClearCache(); DestroyPoolFactory(fastPool.ID); m_pools.Remove(fastPool.ID); } }
public T CreatePoolComponent <T>(int poolHash, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parentTransform, bool active) where T : Component { FastPool fastPool = GetPool(poolHash); if (fastPool == null) { return(null); } return(fastPool.FastInstantiate <T>(active, position, rotation, parentTransform)); }
public T CreatePoolComponent <T>(GameObject prefab, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parentTransform, bool active) where T : Component { FastPool fastPool = GetPool(prefab.GetInstanceID()); if (fastPool == null) { fastPool = CreatePoolC <T>(prefab); } return(fastPool.FastInstantiate <T>(active, position, rotation, parentTransform)); }
private Effect GetEffect(string name, Vector2 pos) { if (inited) { FastPool p = null; if (effectsPool.TryGetValue(name, out p)) { Effect result = p.FastInstantiate <Effect>(pos, Quaternion.identity, transform); result.Init(p); return(result); } } return(null); }
void Start() { hugeObjectsArray = new GameObject[1000]; //Create a new pool for our sampleGameObject clones and let him to preload 1000 clones fastPool = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(sampleGameObject, true, 1000); //Or you may don't use the FastPoolManager and create and manage pool by yourself. //If you make your FastPool variable public - it will be visible at the inspector //with the same UI as in the FastPoolManager. Look "Without Manager" example for details. // //fastPool = new FastPool(sampleGameObject, null, true, 1000); }
private BaseBonus InstantiateBonus(Ball ball, Vector3 force, float delay) { if (inited) { FastPool p = null; if (ballTypesPool.TryGetValue(ball.BallType, out p)) { BaseBonus result = p.FastInstantiate <BaseBonus>(ball.Pos, Quaternion.identity, transform); result.Emit(ball, p, force, delay); return(result); } } return(null); }
private Coin GetCoinEffect(BallColor col, Vector2 pos) { if (inited) { FastPool p = null; if (coinsPool.TryGetValue(col, out p)) { Coin result = p.FastInstantiate <Coin>(pos, Quaternion.identity, transform); result.Init(p); return(result); } } return(null); }
public void DestroyObjects() { //lets despawn our 1000 objects for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { //Get the pool for our source game object. //If it's not exists - it will be created automatically with default settings. //Note that you must always provide the SOURCE game object and NOT a clone! FastPool fastPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject); //Cache our clone. fastPool.FastDestroy(hugeObjectsArray[i]); //Or you can do it all in one line: // FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject).FastDestroy(hugeObjectsArray[i]); } }
public void DestroyObjects() { //lets despawn our 1000 objects for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { //Get the pool for our custom pool ID. //If pool for this id does not exist and you want it will be created automatically - then provide the sourcePrefab //and set "createIfNotExists" to true. //Otherwise you can set prefab parameter as null (in this case "createIfNotExists" must be false) FastPool fastPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(1, null, false); //Cache our clone. fastPool.FastDestroy(hugeObjectsArray[i]); //Or you can do it all in one line: // FastPoolManager.GetPool(1, null, false).FastDestroy(hugeObjectsArray[i]); } }
public void Spawn() { //lets spawn 1000 objects for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { //First of all we need to get the pool for our source game object. //If it's not exists - it will be created automatically with default settings. //Note that you must always provide the SOURCE game object and NOT a clone! FastPool fastPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject); //Just spawn a clone and remember it. //If pool has cached objects - it will quickly activate it instead of instantiating a new one. hugeObjectsArray[i] = fastPool.FastInstantiate(); //Or you can do it all in one line: // hugeObjectsArray[i] = FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject).FastInstantiate(); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new pool from provided prefab /// </summary> /// <param name="prefab">Prefab that will be cloned</param> /// <param name="preloadCount">How much items must be preloaded and cached</param> /// <param name="capacity">Cache size (maximum amount of the cached items). [0 - unlimited]</param> /// <param name="warmOnLoad">Load source prefab in the memory while scene is loading. A bit slower scene loading, but much faster instantiating of new objects in pool</param> /// <returns>FastPool instance</returns> public FastPool CreatePool(GameObject prefab, bool warmOnLoad = false, int preloadCount = 0, int capacity = 0) { if (prefab != null) { if (m_pools.ContainsKey(prefab.GetInstanceID()) == false) { Transform poolTransform = CreatePoolFactory(prefab); FastPool newPool = new FastPool(prefab, poolTransform, warmOnLoad, preloadCount, capacity); m_pools.Add(prefab.GetInstanceID(), newPool); newPool.Init(); return(newPool); } return(m_pools[prefab.GetInstanceID()]); } Debug.LogError("Creating pool with null object"); return(null); }
public void Spawn() { //lets spawn 1000 objects for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { //First of all we need to get the pool for our custom pool ID. //If pool for this id does not exist and you want it will be created automatically - then provide the sourcePrefab //and set "createIfNotExists" to true. //Otherwise you can set prefab parameter as null (in this case "createIfNotExists" must be false) FastPool fastPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(1, null, false); //Just spawn a clone and remember it. //If pool has cached objects - it will quickly activate it instead of instantiating a new one. hugeObjectsArray[i] = fastPool.FastInstantiate(); //Or you can do it all in one line: // hugeObjectsArray[i] = FastPoolManager.GetPool(sampleGameObject).FastInstantiate(); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new pool from provided prefab /// </summary> /// <param name="prefab">Prefab that will be cloned</param> /// <param name="preloadCount">How much items must be preloaded and cached</param> /// <param name="capacity">Cache size (maximum amount of the cached items). [0 - unlimited]</param> /// <param name="warmOnLoad">Load source prefab in the memory while scene is loading. A bit slower scene loading, but much faster instantiating of new objects in pool</param> /// <returns>FastPool instance</returns> public static FastPool CreatePool(GameObject prefab, bool warmOnLoad = true, int preloadCount = 0, int capacity = 0) { if (prefab != null) { if (!Instance.pools.ContainsKey(prefab.GetInstanceID())) { FastPool newPool = new FastPool(prefab, Instance.curTransform, warmOnLoad, preloadCount, capacity); Instance.pools.Add(prefab.GetInstanceID(), newPool); return(newPool); } else { return(Instance.pools[prefab.GetInstanceID()]); } } else { Debug.LogError("Creating pool with null object"); return(null); } }
public static void FastDestroy(this GameObject objectToDestroy, FastPool pool) { pool.FastDestroy(objectToDestroy); }
public void Start() { if(blastObjectPool==null||blastObjectPool.ID==0) { blastObjectPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(blastObjectPrefab,true); } }
public virtual void Emit(Ball ball, FastPool pool, Vector2 force, float delay) { this.pool = pool; this.ball = ball; StartCoroutine(EnableParticlesRoutine(delay)); }
/// <summary> /// Destroys provided pool and it's cached objects /// </summary> /// <param name="pool">Pool to destroy</param> public static void DestroyPool(FastPool pool) { pool.ClearCache(); Instance.pools.Remove(pool.ID); }
private void initDictionary() { if (!inited) { coinsPool[BallColor.White] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin1Prefab); coinsPool[BallColor.Black] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin2Prefab); coinsPool[BallColor.Red] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin5Prefab); coinsPool[BallColor.Green] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin10Prefab); coinsPool[BallColor.Blue] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin20Prefab); coinsPool[BallColor.Yellow] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin50Prefab); coinsPool[BallColor.Aqua] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(Coin100Prefab); foreach (GameObject o in BonusPrefabs) { BaseBonus e = o.GetComponent <BaseBonus>(); ballTypesPool[e.BonusType] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(o); } foreach (GameObject o in EffectsPrefabs) { effectsPool[] = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(o); } lightningPool = FastPoolManager.CreatePool(LightningPrefab); ColorFigureSprites = new Dictionary <BallColor, Sprite>(); ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Black] = Black; ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.White] = White; ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Green] = Green; ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Aqua] = Aqua; ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Red] = Red; ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Blue] = Blue; ColorFigureSprites[BallColor.Yellow] = Yellow; BallTypeSprites = new Dictionary <BallType, Sprite>(); BallTypeSprites[BallType.Simple] = Simple; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Chameleon] = Chameleon; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Freeze] = Freeze; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Brush] = Brush; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Bomb] = Bomb; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Lightning] = Lightning; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Anchored] = Anchored; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Anchor] = Anchor; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Aim] = Aim; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Bubble] = Bubble; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Frozen] = Frozen; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Crashed] = Crashed; BallTypeSprites[BallType.Rust] = Rust; BallColors = new Dictionary <BallColor, Color32>(); BallColors[BallColor.White] = WhiteColor; BallColors[BallColor.Black] = BlackColor; BallColors[BallColor.Green] = GreenColor; BallColors[BallColor.Aqua] = AquaColor; BallColors[BallColor.Red] = RedColor; BallColors[BallColor.Blue] = BlueColor; BallColors[BallColor.Yellow] = YellowColor; BallColors[BallColor.None] = Color.white; BallsPool = FastPoolManager.GetPool(BallPrefab); colors = new BallColor[8]; colors[0] = BallColor.White; colors[1] = BallColor.Black; colors[2] = BallColor.Green; colors[3] = BallColor.Aqua; colors[4] = BallColor.Red; colors[5] = BallColor.Blue; colors[6] = BallColor.Yellow; inited = true; } }
public void Start () { if (CheckErrors() == true) { return; } if(this.shot.ID==0) { this.shot = FastPoolManager.GetPool(this.shotPrefab,true); } GameObject g = this.shot.TryGetNextObject(,Quaternion.identity); useGravity = g.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity; Destroy(g); curAmmoCount = maxAmmoCount; // find muzzle flash particle systems for (int f=0; f < exits.Length; f++) { if ( exits[f].transform.childCount == 1 ) { // check for child exits[f].flare = exits[f].transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; exits[f].particleComponent = exits[f].flare.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); exits[f].particleComponent.Stop(true); } } }
public void Init(FastPool pool) { this.pool = pool; }
/// <summary> /// Destroys provided pool and it's cached objects /// </summary> /// <param name="pool">Pool to destroy</param> public void DestroyPool(FastPool pool) { pool.ClearCache(); DestroyPoolFactory(pool.ID); m_pools.Remove(pool.ID); }
public void FastDestroy(int InstanceID, GameObject sceneObject) { FastPool fastPool = GetPool(InstanceID); fastPool.FastDestroy(sceneObject); }
public override void Emit(Ball ball, FastPool pool, Vector2 force, float delay) { base.Emit(ball, pool, force, delay); StartCoroutine(EmitRoutine(delay)); }
public void FastDestroy <T>(int InstanceID, T sceneObject) where T : Component { FastPool fastPool = GetPool(InstanceID); fastPool.FastDestroy(sceneObject); }