//Reprocess the FamilyName before checking public List <int> VerifyFamilyName() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FamilyName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FamilyName)) { return new List <int> { 11 } } ; FamilyName = HelperProvider.CapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachWord(FamilyName.Trim()); var errors = new List <int>(); var lenTest = new Regex(@".{1,30}"); if (!lenTest.IsMatch(FamilyName)) { errors.Add(12); } var spTest = new Regex(@"^[A-Za-z_\-.'() ]*$"); if (!spTest.IsMatch(FamilyName)) { errors.Add(13); } return(errors); }
public Product(FamilyName family, ProductName prod, byte swwai = 0x00, int c = 2047) { this.deviceFamily = family; this.product = prod; this.swWhoAmI = swwai; this.continuity = c; }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is CreateCustomerRequest other && ((IdempotencyKey == null && other.IdempotencyKey == null) || (IdempotencyKey?.Equals(other.IdempotencyKey) == true)) && ((GivenName == null && other.GivenName == null) || (GivenName?.Equals(other.GivenName) == true)) && ((FamilyName == null && other.FamilyName == null) || (FamilyName?.Equals(other.FamilyName) == true)) && ((CompanyName == null && other.CompanyName == null) || (CompanyName?.Equals(other.CompanyName) == true)) && ((Nickname == null && other.Nickname == null) || (Nickname?.Equals(other.Nickname) == true)) && ((EmailAddress == null && other.EmailAddress == null) || (EmailAddress?.Equals(other.EmailAddress) == true)) && ((Address == null && other.Address == null) || (Address?.Equals(other.Address) == true)) && ((PhoneNumber == null && other.PhoneNumber == null) || (PhoneNumber?.Equals(other.PhoneNumber) == true)) && ((ReferenceId == null && other.ReferenceId == null) || (ReferenceId?.Equals(other.ReferenceId) == true)) && ((Note == null && other.Note == null) || (Note?.Equals(other.Note) == true)) && ((Birthday == null && other.Birthday == null) || (Birthday?.Equals(other.Birthday) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is Customer other && ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) && ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true)) && ((UpdatedAt == null && other.UpdatedAt == null) || (UpdatedAt?.Equals(other.UpdatedAt) == true)) && ((Cards == null && other.Cards == null) || (Cards?.Equals(other.Cards) == true)) && ((GivenName == null && other.GivenName == null) || (GivenName?.Equals(other.GivenName) == true)) && ((FamilyName == null && other.FamilyName == null) || (FamilyName?.Equals(other.FamilyName) == true)) && ((Nickname == null && other.Nickname == null) || (Nickname?.Equals(other.Nickname) == true)) && ((CompanyName == null && other.CompanyName == null) || (CompanyName?.Equals(other.CompanyName) == true)) && ((EmailAddress == null && other.EmailAddress == null) || (EmailAddress?.Equals(other.EmailAddress) == true)) && ((Address == null && other.Address == null) || (Address?.Equals(other.Address) == true)) && ((PhoneNumber == null && other.PhoneNumber == null) || (PhoneNumber?.Equals(other.PhoneNumber) == true)) && ((Birthday == null && other.Birthday == null) || (Birthday?.Equals(other.Birthday) == true)) && ((ReferenceId == null && other.ReferenceId == null) || (ReferenceId?.Equals(other.ReferenceId) == true)) && ((Note == null && other.Note == null) || (Note?.Equals(other.Note) == true)) && ((Preferences == null && other.Preferences == null) || (Preferences?.Equals(other.Preferences) == true)) && ((Groups == null && other.Groups == null) || (Groups?.Equals(other.Groups) == true)) && ((CreationSource == null && other.CreationSource == null) || (CreationSource?.Equals(other.CreationSource) == true)) && ((GroupIds == null && other.GroupIds == null) || (GroupIds?.Equals(other.GroupIds) == true)) && ((SegmentIds == null && other.SegmentIds == null) || (SegmentIds?.Equals(other.SegmentIds) == true))); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is TeamMember other && ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) && ((ReferenceId == null && other.ReferenceId == null) || (ReferenceId?.Equals(other.ReferenceId) == true)) && ((IsOwner == null && other.IsOwner == null) || (IsOwner?.Equals(other.IsOwner) == true)) && ((Status == null && other.Status == null) || (Status?.Equals(other.Status) == true)) && ((GivenName == null && other.GivenName == null) || (GivenName?.Equals(other.GivenName) == true)) && ((FamilyName == null && other.FamilyName == null) || (FamilyName?.Equals(other.FamilyName) == true)) && ((EmailAddress == null && other.EmailAddress == null) || (EmailAddress?.Equals(other.EmailAddress) == true)) && ((PhoneNumber == null && other.PhoneNumber == null) || (PhoneNumber?.Equals(other.PhoneNumber) == true)) && ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true)) && ((UpdatedAt == null && other.UpdatedAt == null) || (UpdatedAt?.Equals(other.UpdatedAt) == true)) && ((AssignedLocations == null && other.AssignedLocations == null) || (AssignedLocations?.Equals(other.AssignedLocations) == true))); }
public override string ToString() { return(PrivateName.ToString() + FamilyName.ToString() + MailAddress.ToString() + Status.ToString() + RegistrationDate.ToString() + EntryDate.ToString() + ReleaseDate.ToString() + Area.ToString() + Type.ToString() + Adults.ToString() + Children.ToString() + Pool.ToString() + Jacuzzi.ToString() + Garden.ToString() + ChildrensAttractions.ToString()); }
public Family(Person founder) { Members = new List <Person>(); Founder = founder; Name = founder.Family; Id = Guid.NewGuid(); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(FirstName.GetHashCode() ^ MiddleName.GetHashCode() ^ FamilyName.GetHashCode() ^ Town.GetHashCode() ^ Number.GetHashCode()); }
public override int GetHashCode() { var hash = FamilyName.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 31 + (int)Style; hash = hash * 31 + (int)Weight; return(hash); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashCode = -738294962; if (GivenName != null) { hashCode += GivenName.GetHashCode(); } if (FamilyName != null) { hashCode += FamilyName.GetHashCode(); } if (CompanyName != null) { hashCode += CompanyName.GetHashCode(); } if (Nickname != null) { hashCode += Nickname.GetHashCode(); } if (EmailAddress != null) { hashCode += EmailAddress.GetHashCode(); } if (Address != null) { hashCode += Address.GetHashCode(); } if (PhoneNumber != null) { hashCode += PhoneNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (ReferenceId != null) { hashCode += ReferenceId.GetHashCode(); } if (Note != null) { hashCode += Note.GetHashCode(); } if (Birthday != null) { hashCode += Birthday.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = FamilyName?.ToLower().GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ GivenName?.ToLower().GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ DateOfBirth.Date.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode ?? 0); } }
public XElement Serialize() { return(new XElement(UblNames.Cac + nameof(Person), FirstName.Serialize(nameof(FirstName)), FamilyName.Serialize(nameof(FamilyName)), BirthPlaceName.Serialize(nameof(BirthPlaceName)), Contact?.Serialize(), ResidenceAddress?.Serialize(nameof(ResidenceAddress)) )); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = FamilyName?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Birthname?.GetHashCode() ?? 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)PersonGender; return(hashCode); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = FamilyName.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Size.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)Style; return(hashCode); } }
public void Applicant_create_throws_business_rule_violation_exception_when_any_required_property_is_null( Name name, FamilyName familyName, Address address, string countryOfOrigin, EmailAddress emailAddress, Age age, bool hired) { //act Action action = () => new Applicant(name, familyName, address, countryOfOrigin, emailAddress, age, hired); //assert action.Should().Throw <BusinessRuleViolationException>(); }
protected string FamilyNameString(string appendIfNotEmpty) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FamilyName.GetValueOrDefault())) { return(FamilyName + appendIfNotEmpty); } else { return(""); } }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is UWP uwp) { return(FamilyName.Equals(uwp.FamilyName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); } else { return(false); } }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is UWP uwp) { return(FamilyName.Equals(uwp.FamilyName)); } else { return(false); } }
//currently the excel sheets(ds and info) data structure are hard-coded, //will improve later private List <Product> ReadIdInfoIntoDataTable(Excel._Worksheet sheet) { List <Product> listProducts = new List <Product>(); //sheet header: //Device Family | Product | SW_WHOAMI | Production SWRev | ES SWRev | Continuity string[] header = { "Device Family", "Product", "SW_WHOAMI", "Production SWRev", "ES SWRev", "Continuity" }; int posDeviceFamily = 1; int posProduct = 2; int posSWWhoAmI = 3; int posContinuity = 6; List <string> list = new List <string>(); string[] val = new string[4]; string sep = ", "; string[] sep2 = { "," }; List <string> idinfo = new List <string>(); if (sheet != null) { //create a list without any duplicate Excel.Range last = sheet.Cells.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell, Type.Missing); Excel.Range range = sheet.get_Range("A1", last); int rows = last.Row; string cellName = string.Empty; string cellVal = string.Empty; for (int i = 2; i < rows; i++) { val[0] = ExcelGetValue(GetExcelColumnName(posDeviceFamily) + i.ToString(), sheet); val[1] = ExcelGetValue(GetExcelColumnName(posProduct) + i.ToString(), sheet); val[2] = ExcelGetValue(GetExcelColumnName(posSWWhoAmI) + i.ToString(), sheet); val[3] = ExcelGetValue(GetExcelColumnName(posContinuity) + i.ToString(), sheet); list.Add(String.Join(sep, val)); } //now remove duplicates idinfo = list.Distinct().ToList(); } if (idinfo != null) { foreach (string prod in idinfo) { val = prod.Split(','); FamilyName familyname = GetFamilyName(val[0].Trim()); ProductName productname = GetProductName(val[1].Replace("-", "").Trim()); byte whoami = Convert.ToByte(val[2].Trim(), 16); int continuity = Convert.ToInt16(val[3].Trim()); Product product = new Product(familyname, productname, whoami, continuity); listProducts.Add(product); } } return(listProducts); }
public void ImportFamilies() { var families = new FamilyName(); var response = GetUuids(families.Data.Count); for (var i = 0; i < families.Data.Count; i++) { var request = new RestRequest($"name_authority/{response.uuids[i]}", Method.PUT, DataFormat.Json); request.AddJsonBody(new { authoritativeLabel = families.Data[i][0], archivesSpaceUri = families.Data[i][1] }); var test = _client.Execute(request).Content; } }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { var uwp = obj as UWP; if (uwp != null) { return(FamilyName.Equals(uwp.FamilyName)); } else { return(false); } }
public override string ToString() { return("ID: " + ID.ToString() + "\n" + "Password: "******"\n" + "Private Name: " + PrivateName.ToString() + "\n" + "Family Name: " + FamilyName.ToString() + "\n" + "Phone Number: " + PhoneNumber.ToString() + "\n" + "Mail Address: " + MailAddress.ToString() + "\n" + "Bank Branch Details: " + BankBranchDetails.ToString() + "\n" + "Bank Account Number: " + BankAccountNumber.ToString() + "\n" + "Collection Clearance: " + CollectionClearance.ToString() + "\n" + "Host Key: " + HostKey.ToString() + "\n"); }
public override string GetStepParameters() { var parameters = new List <string>(); parameters.Add(Identification != null ? Identification.ToStepValue() : "$"); parameters.Add(FamilyName != null ? FamilyName.ToStepValue() : "$"); parameters.Add(GivenName != null ? GivenName.ToStepValue() : "$"); parameters.Add(MiddleNames != null ? MiddleNames.ToStepValue() : "$"); parameters.Add(PrefixTitles != null ? PrefixTitles.ToStepValue() : "$"); parameters.Add(SuffixTitles != null ? SuffixTitles.ToStepValue() : "$"); parameters.Add(Roles != null ? Roles.ToStepValue() : "$"); parameters.Add(Addresses != null ? Addresses.ToStepValue() : "$"); return(string.Join(", ", parameters.ToArray())); }
public void ToDelimitedString_WithAllProperties_ReturnsCorrectlySequencedFields() { IType hl7Type = new FamilyName { Surname = "1", OwnSurnamePrefix = "2", OwnSurname = "3", SurnamePrefixFromPartnerSpouse = "4", SurnameFromPartnerSpouse = "5" }; string expected = "1^2^3^4^5"; string actual = hl7Type.ToDelimitedString(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { const int hashBase = (int)2166136261; const int multiplier = 16777619; int hash = hashBase; hash = (hash * multiplier) ^ Uln.GetHashCode(); hash = (hash * multiplier) ^ (Standard is null ? 0 : Standard.GetHashCode()); hash = (hash * multiplier) ^ (FamilyName is null ? 0 : FamilyName.GetHashCode()); hash = (hash * multiplier) ^ (CertificateReference is null ? 0 : CertificateReference.GetHashCode()); return(hash); } }
public void FromDelimitedString_WithAllProperties_ReturnsCorrectlyInitializedFields() { IType expected = new FamilyName { Surname = "1", OwnSurnamePrefix = "2", OwnSurname = "3", SurnamePrefixFromPartnerSpouse = "4", SurnameFromPartnerSpouse = "5" }; IType actual = new FamilyName(); actual.FromDelimitedString("1^2^3^4^5"); expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(actual); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (int)Gender; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (FamilyName != null ? FamilyName.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Name != null ? Name.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Title != null ? Title.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Languages != null ? Languages.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Qualifications != null ? Qualifications.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (TelefoneNumbers != null ? TelefoneNumbers.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ID.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Offices != null ? Offices.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (KVNWebsite != null ? KVNWebsite.GetHashCode() : 0); return(hashCode); } }
protected override void OnValidate() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GivenName) || GivenName.Trim().Length == 1) { AddError("GivenName", "Given name is not valid"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FamilyName) || FamilyName.Trim().Length == 1) { AddError("FamilyName", "Family name is not valid"); } if (DateOfBirth > DateTime.Today) { AddError("DateOfBirth", "Date of birth is not in the past"); } if (Address.HasErrors) { AddError("Address", "Address is not valid"); } }
public Applicant(Name name, FamilyName familyName, Address address, string countryOfOrigin, EmailAddress emailAddress, Age age, bool hired = false) { CheckRule(new PropertyMustNotBeNull(name, nameof(Name))); CheckRule(new PropertyMustNotBeNull(familyName, nameof(FamilyName))); CheckRule(new PropertyMustNotBeNull(address, nameof(Address))); CheckRule(new PropertyMustNotBeNull(countryOfOrigin, nameof(CountryOfOrigin))); CheckRule(new PropertyMustNotBeNull(emailAddress, nameof(EmailAddress))); CheckRule(new PropertyMustNotBeNull(age, nameof(Age))); CheckRule(new PropertyMustNotBeNull(hired, nameof(hired))); Name = name; FamilyName = familyName; Address = address; CountryOfOrigin = countryOfOrigin; EmailAddress = emailAddress; Age = age; Hired = hired; }
public void Applicant_create_is_successful_when_all_valid_data_is_provided() { //arrange Name name = ValidName(); FamilyName familyName = ValidFamilyName(); Address address = ValidAddress(); string countryOfOrigin = ValidCountry(); EmailAddress emailAddress = ValidEmail(); Age age = ValidAge(); bool hired = false; Exception noExceptionThrown = null; //act var userRegistrationException = Record.Exception(() => new Applicant(name, familyName, address, countryOfOrigin, emailAddress, age, hired)); //assert Assert.Equal(noExceptionThrown, userRegistrationException); }