文件: T.lbr.cs 项目: khanhcegvn/CEGVN
        public void RemoveShareParameter(Document doc, ref Dictionary <string, string> dic)
            IList <FamilyParameter> list          = new List <FamilyParameter>();
            FamilyManager           familyManager = doc.FamilyManager;

            list = familyManager.GetParameters();
            Transaction newtran = new Transaction(doc, "Remove Parameter");

            var bm = familyManager.CurrentType;

            foreach (var i in list)
                if (!i.Definition.ParameterGroup.ToString().Equals("PG_CONSTRAINTS") && !i.Definition.ParameterGroup.ToString().Equals("PG_IDENTITY_DATA"))
                    if (i.StorageType == StorageType.String)
                        string value = bm.AsString(i);
                        dic.Add(i.Definition.Name, value);
                    if (i.StorageType == StorageType.Double)
                        string value = bm.AsDouble(i).ToString();
                        dic.Add(i.Definition.Name, value);
        private List <string> FamilyParameters()
            FamilyManager fm = myRevitDoc.FamilyManager;
            List <string> familyParameters = new List <string>();

            IList <FamilyParameter> fp;

            fp = fm.GetParameters();

            foreach (FamilyParameter familyParameter in fp)

文件: T.lbr.cs 项目: khanhcegvn/CEGVN
        public void RemoveShareParameterkeep(Document doc)
            IList <FamilyParameter> list          = new List <FamilyParameter>();
            FamilyManager           familyManager = doc.FamilyManager;

            list = familyManager.GetParameters();
            Transaction newtran = new Transaction(doc, "Remove Parameter");

            foreach (var i in list)
                if (!i.Definition.ParameterGroup.ToString().Equals("PG_CONSTRAINTS") && !i.Definition.ParameterGroup.ToString().Equals("PG_IDENTITY_DATA") && !i.Definition.ParameterGroup.ToString().Equals("PG_GEOMETRY") && !i.Definition.ParameterGroup.ToString().Equals("PG_DATA"))
        public AdminDataGFFRequest(UIApplication uiApp, String text)
            //Items pertaining to the open UI
            MainUI        uiForm         = BARevitTools.Application.thisApp.newMainUi;
            List <string> itemsToCollect = uiForm.adminDataGFFItemsToCollect;

            //UI settings related to the proggress bar
            int filesToProcess = uiForm.adminDataGFFFiles.Count;

            uiForm.adminDataGFFDataProgressBar.Value   = 0;
            uiForm.adminDataGFFDataProgressBar.Minimum = 0;
            uiForm.adminDataGFFDataProgressBar.Maximum = filesToProcess;
            uiForm.adminDataGFFDataProgressBar.Step    = 1;
            uiForm.adminDataGFFDataProgressBar.Visible = true;

            //New objects
            DataTable dt             = new DataTable();
            int       selectionGroup = -2;

            //Getting the items from the list obtained from checked listbox items to determine what datatable columns are needed
            //The items below are able to be obtained without API calls. Statementselect remains -1 to indicate no API request will be needed, saving time.
            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Family Name"))
                DataColumn familyNameColumn = dt.Columns.Add("FamilyName", typeof(String));
                selectionGroup = -1;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Family Size"))
                DataColumn familySizeColumn = dt.Columns.Add("FamilySize", typeof(Double));
                selectionGroup = -1;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Date Last Modified"))
                DataColumn dateLastModifiedColumn = dt.Columns.Add("DateLastModified", typeof(String));
                selectionGroup = -1;

            //Here is where items must be obtained via API calls. Statementselect changes from -1 to 0 to later indicate that API usage will be needed.
            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Revit Version"))
                DataColumn revitVersionColumn = dt.Columns.Add("RevitVersion", typeof(String));
                selectionGroup = 0;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Family Category"))
                DataColumn familyCategoryColumn = dt.Columns.Add("FamilyCategory", typeof(String));
                selectionGroup = 0;

            //From here, the IF statments indicate the files will need to be opened and API calls will be used, resulting in a slow data collection. Statementselect becomes 1
            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Family Types"))
                DataColumn familyTypeColumn = dt.Columns.Add("FamilyType", typeof(String));
                selectionGroup = 1;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Parameter Name"))
                DataColumn parameterNameColumn = dt.Columns.Add("ParameterName", typeof(String));
                selectionGroup = 1;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Parameter Group"))
                DataColumn parameterGroupColumn = dt.Columns.Add("ParameterGroup", typeof(String));
                selectionGroup = 1;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Parameter Type"))
                DataColumn parameterTypeColumn = dt.Columns.Add("ParameterType", typeof(String));
                selectionGroup = 1;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Parameter Value"))
                //If the parameter value is to be collected, it could be either an integer, double, or string, so create all three columns anyways
                DataColumn parameterValueIntegerColumn = dt.Columns.Add("ParameterValueInteger", typeof(Int32));
                parameterValueIntegerColumn.AllowDBNull = true;
                DataColumn parameterValueDoubleColumn = dt.Columns.Add("ParameterValueDouble", typeof(Double));
                parameterValueDoubleColumn.AllowDBNull = true;
                DataColumn parameterValueStringColumn = dt.Columns.Add("ParameterValueString", typeof(String));
                parameterValueStringColumn.AllowDBNull = true;
                selectionGroup = 1;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Parameter Is Instance"))
                DataColumn parameterIsInstanceColumn = dt.Columns.Add("ParameterIsInstance", typeof(Boolean));
                selectionGroup = 1;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Parameter Is Shared"))
                DataColumn parameterIsSharedColumn = dt.Columns.Add("ParameterIsShared", typeof(Boolean));
                selectionGroup = 1;

            if (itemsToCollect.Contains("Parameter GUID"))
                DataColumn parameterGUIDColumn = dt.Columns.Add("ParameterGUID", typeof(String));
                selectionGroup = 1;

            //Cycle through the file paths obtained from the open UI
            foreach (string filePath in uiForm.adminDataGFFFiles)
                //Increment the progress bar of the open UI
                // If selectionGroup is -1, no use of the API will be used
                if (selectionGroup == -1)
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("FamilyName"))
                        row["FamilyName"] = GeneralOperations.GetFileName(filePath);

                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("FamilySize"))
                        row["FamilySize"] = GeneralOperations.GetFileSize(filePath);

                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("DateLastModified"))
                        row["DateLastModified"] = GeneralOperations.GetFileLastModifiedDate(filePath);


                //If selectionGroup is 0, then the API will be used, resulting in slower processing
                else if (selectionGroup == 0)
                    //Get the Revit version year of the file
                    int rvtNumber = RVTOperations.GetRevitNumber(filePath);
                    //Check to see if the GetRevitNumber did not return 0 (could not be determined), and that the saved in version is not newer that the one running.
                    if (rvtNumber != 0 && Convert.ToInt32(uiApp.Application.VersionNumber) >= rvtNumber)
                        DataRow row = dt.NewRow();

                        if (dt.Columns.Contains("FamilyName"))
                            row["FamilyName"] = GeneralOperations.GetFileName(filePath);

                        if (dt.Columns.Contains("FamilySize"))
                            row["FamilySize"] = GeneralOperations.GetFileSize(filePath);

                        if (dt.Columns.Contains("DateLastModified"))
                            row["DateLastModified"] = GeneralOperations.GetFileLastModifiedDate(filePath);

                        if (dt.Columns.Contains("RevitVersion"))
                            row["RevitVersion"] = RVTOperations.GetRevitVersion(filePath);

                        RVTDocument doc = RVTOperations.OpenRevitFile(uiApp, filePath);
                        if (dt.Columns.Contains("FamilyCategory") && doc.IsFamilyDocument)
                            row["FamilyCategory"] = RVTOperations.GetRevitFamilyCategory(doc);


                //If selectionGroup is 1, then the API will be used, and the file must be opened to obtain the information
                else if (selectionGroup == 1)
                    //Verifying Revit version year
                    int rvtNumber = RVTOperations.GetRevitNumber(filePath);
                    if (rvtNumber != 0 && Convert.ToInt32(uiApp.Application.VersionNumber) >= rvtNumber)
                        //Open the Revit file
                        RVTDocument doc = RVTOperations.OpenRevitFile(uiApp, filePath);
                        //Ensure it is a family document
                        if (doc.IsFamilyDocument)
                            //Get the family manager of the family file
                            FamilyManager famMan = doc.FamilyManager;
                            //Get the set of family types from the family file
                            FamilyTypeSet familyTypes = famMan.Types;

                            Transaction t1 = new Transaction(doc, "CycleFamilyTypes");
                            FailureHandlingOptions failureHandlingOptions = t1.GetFailureHandlingOptions();
                            failureHandlingOptions.SetFailuresPreprocessor(new RVTFailuresPreprocessor());

                            //For each family type...
                            foreach (FamilyType famType in familyTypes)
                                //Create a subtransaction to change the current family type in the family manager
                                SubTransaction s1 = new SubTransaction(doc);

                                famMan.CurrentType = famType;

                                //Get each parameter from the current family type, and create a row for each parameter
                                foreach (FamilyParameter param in famMan.GetParameters())
                                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("FamilyName"))
                                        try { row["FamilyName"] = GeneralOperations.GetFileName(filePath); }
                                        catch { row["FamilyName"] = ""; }
                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("FamilySize"))
                                        try { row["FamilySize"] = GeneralOperations.GetFileSize(filePath); }
                                        catch { row["FamilySize"] = 0; }
                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("DateLastModified"))
                                        try { row["DateLastModified"] = GeneralOperations.GetFileLastModifiedDate(filePath); }
                                        catch { row["DateLastModified"] = ""; }
                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("RevitVersion"))
                                        try { row["RevitVersion"] = RVTOperations.GetRevitVersion(filePath); }
                                        catch { row["RevitVersion"] = ""; }
                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("FamilyCategory"))
                                        try { row["FamilyCategory"] = RVTOperations.GetRevitFamilyCategory(doc); }
                                        catch { row["FamilyCategory"] = ""; }
                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("FamilyType"))
                                        try { row["FamilyType"] = famType.Name.ToString(); }
                                        catch { row["FamilyType"] = ""; }

                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterName"))
                                        try { row["ParameterName"] = param.Definition.Name; }
                                        catch { row["ParameterName"] = ""; }

                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterGroup"))
                                        try { row["ParameterGroup"] = param.Definition.ParameterGroup.ToString(); }
                                        catch { row["ParameterGroup"] = ""; }

                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterType"))
                                        try { row["ParameterType"] = param.Definition.ParameterType.ToString(); }
                                        catch { row["ParameterType"] = ""; }

                                    //Here is where the attempts to get the parameter values begins. Get the StorageType of the parameter, then determine which column the data goes in
                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterValueInteger") && param.StorageType == StorageType.Integer)
                                        try { row["ParameterValueInteger"] = famType.AsInteger(param); }
                                        catch { row["ParameterValueInteger"] = 0; }

                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterValueDouble") && param.StorageType == StorageType.Double)
                                        try { row["ParameterValueDouble"] = famType.AsDouble(param); }
                                        catch { row["ParameterValueDouble"] = 0; }

                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterValueString") && param.StorageType == StorageType.ElementId)
                                        //Instead of getting the ElementID, which is limited in value to someone reading the data, get the element name instead
                                        try { row["ParameterValueString"] = doc.GetElement(famType.AsElementId(param)).Name; }
                                        catch { row["ParameterValueString"] = ""; }

                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterValueString") && param.StorageType == StorageType.String)
                                        //First, try getting the parameter string as a string. If that fails, try getting it as a ValueString
                                            string paramValue = famType.AsString(param);
                                            row["ParameterValueString"] = paramValue;
                                                string paramValue = famType.AsValueString(param).ToString();
                                                row["ParameterValueString"] = paramValue;
                                                row["ParameterValueString"] = "";

                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterIsInstance"))
                                        try { row["ParameterIsInstance"] = param.IsInstance; }
                                        catch { row["ParameterIsInstance"] = false; }

                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterIsShared"))
                                        try { row["ParameterIsShared"] = param.IsShared; }
                                        catch { row["ParameterIsShared"] = false; }

                                    if (dt.Columns.Contains("ParameterGUID"))
                                        try { row["ParameterGUID"] = param.GUID.ToString(); }
                                        catch { row["ParameterGUID"] = ""; }
                                    //Add the datatable row to the datatable
                            //Commit the primary transaction
                        //Close the document, do not save
                    //selectionGroup is still -2, and thus nothing was selected. Do nothing.

            //Set the datatable of the open UI to the one with the obtained data
            uiForm.adminDataGFFDataTable = dt;
            //Indicate the collection is done with the label
            uiForm.adminDataGFFCollectDataWaitLabel.Text = "Done!";
            //Hide the progress bar when done, and clear out the list of data items to collect
            uiForm.adminDataGFFDataProgressBar.Visible = false;
        public QaqcRFSPRequest(UIApplication uiApp, String text)
            MainUI        uiForm      = BARevitTools.Application.thisApp.newMainUi;
            List <string> familyFiles = uiForm.qaqcRFSPFamilyFiles;

            foreach (string familyFile in familyFiles)
                //Open the family file and get its Family Manager. Then, get the list of family parameters
                RVTDocument             familyDoc = uiApp.Application.OpenDocumentFile(familyFile);
                FamilyManager           famMan    = familyDoc.FamilyManager;
                IList <FamilyParameter> famParams = famMan.GetParameters();
                string famName = familyDoc.Title.Replace(".rfa", "");
                //Start a transaction
                using (Transaction t1 = new Transaction(familyDoc, "ChangeSharedParameters"))
                        //Cycle through the family parameters
                        foreach (FamilyParameter param in famParams)
                            string paramName = param.Definition.Name;
                                //If the parameter is shared, and the name does not contain BA or BAS, continue
                                if (param.IsShared && !paramName.ToUpper().Contains("BA ") && !paramName.ToUpper().Contains("BAS "))
                                    //A temporary parameter needs to be made in the place of the one to be removed, so get the group of the parameter to be replaced
                                    BuiltInParameterGroup paramGroup = param.Definition.ParameterGroup;
                                    string paramTempName             = "tempName";
                                    //Determine if the parameter to replaced is an instance parameter
                                    bool paramInstance = param.IsInstance;
                                    //Make replace the parameter with the temporary one, giving it the same group and instance settings
                                    FamilyParameter newParam = famMan.ReplaceParameter(param, paramTempName, paramGroup, paramInstance);
                                    //Then, rename the new parameter
                                    famMan.RenameParameter(newParam, paramName);
                                    //Add to the ListBox the outcome of the shared parameter replacement
                                    uiForm.qaqcRFSPParametersListBox.Items.Add(famName + " : " + paramName + ": SUCCESS");
                                //If the replacement fails, report that too
                                uiForm.qaqcRFSPParametersListBox.Items.Add(famName + " : " + paramName + ": FAILED");
                        //Update the MainUI
                //Save the family and remove the backups
                RVTOperations.SaveRevitFile(uiApp, familyDoc, true);