public void DocumentVM_PlayCommand_RunsPlayerPlayMetohd()
     FakeDocumentViewModel document = new FakeDocumentViewModel();
     var success = (document.GetPlayer() as StubbDocumentPlayer).PlayWasRun;
     Assert.IsTrue(success, "The PlayWasRun should have been true.");
 public void DocumentVM_UpdateProgress_SendsStopIfFinished()
     PlayerUpdate update = new PlayerUpdate
         Beat = 4,
         Measure = 5,
         BeatCompleteness = 0
     FakeDocumentViewModel document = new FakeDocumentViewModel();
     document.ChordLines.Add(new ChordLine());
     var stopDidRun = (document.GetPlayer() as StubbDocumentPlayer).StopWasRun;
     Assert.IsTrue(stopDidRun, "Stop should have been run, since the player was done playing.");