public ActionResult Signup(FacultyTable model) { //FacultyTable.Password = Crypto.Hash(FacultyTable.Password); using (var context = new MailProEntities()) { //FacultyTable.Password = Crypto.Hash(FacultyTable.Password); FacultyTable Fac = new FacultyTable(); //Fac.Password = Crypto.Hash(Fac.Password); var IsExist = IsEmailExist(model.FacultyEmail); if (IsExist) { ModelState.AddModelError("Email Exist", "Email already exist"); return(View()); } Fac.ActivationCode = Guid.NewGuid(); model.ActivationCode = Fac.ActivationCode; model.Password = Crypto.Hash(model.Password); context.FacultyTable.Add(model); context.SaveChanges(); Session["FacultyEmail"] = model.FacultyEmail; EmailVerification(model.FacultyID, model.FacultyEmail, Fac.ActivationCode.ToString()); //ViewBag.Message = "A veification link has been sent to your email , Please verify to continue access"; } //FacultyTable.Password = Crypto.Hash(FacultyTable.Password); return(RedirectToAction("VMSent")); //return View(model); }
public ActionResult Login(Models.Membership model, FacultyTable faculty) { using (var context = new MailProEntities()) { FacultyTable Fac = new FacultyTable(); FacultyTable faculty1 = new FacultyTable(); faculty1 = context.FacultyTable.SingleOrDefault(m => m.FacultyEmail == model.FacultyEmail); var abc = faculty1.IsEmailVerified; Fac = context.FacultyTable.SingleOrDefault(n => n.FacultyEmail == model.FacultyEmail); int fid = Fac.FacultyID; var y = Crypto.Hash(model.Password); bool IsValid = context.FacultyTable.Any(x => x.FacultyEmail == model.FacultyEmail && x.Password == y && abc != null); if (IsValid) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.FacultyEmail, false); Session["FacultyID"] = fid; return(RedirectToAction("ShowSentEmail", "Email")); } else { ViewBag.Msg = "Invalid Email or Password"; } context.SaveChanges(); ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Email or Password"); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult VerifyAccount(string id, Models.Membership model) { bool status = false; using (var context = new MailProEntities()) { FacultyTable Fac = new FacultyTable(); //Mp.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; var v = context.FacultyTable.Where(a => a.ActivationCode == new Guid(id)).FirstOrDefault(); if (v != null) { Fac.IsEmailVerified = true; v.IsEmailVerified = Convert.ToBoolean(Fac.IsEmailVerified); context.SaveChanges(); status = true; } else { ViewBag.Message = "invalid request"; } Session["IsEmailVerified"] = model.IsEmailVerified; } ViewBag.Status = status; return(View()); }
public ActionResult Signup(FacultyTable model) { //FacultyTable.Password = Crypto.Hash(FacultyTable.Password); using (var context = new MailProEntities()) { //FacultyTable.Password = Crypto.Hash(FacultyTable.Password); //FacultyTable Fac = new FacultyTable(); //Fac.Password = Crypto.Hash(Fac.Password); model.Password = Crypto.Hash(model.Password); context.FacultyTable.Add(model); context.SaveChanges(); } //FacultyTable.Password = Crypto.Hash(FacultyTable.Password); return(RedirectToAction("Login")); }
public async Task sendprocess(StudentTable st, FacultyTable ft, Mails model) { try { var FromEmail = new MailAddress(ft.FacultyEmail, ft.FacultyName); var ToEmail = new MailAddress(st.StudentEmail); var FromEmailPassword = model.GmailPassword; string URL = Session["TemplateUrl"].ToString(); string Subject = model.Subject; string content = model.Contents; if (content == null) { model.Contents = "The Mail is sent by using template. Hence no preview is available."; } string Body = "Hello " + st.StudentName + ",<br/><br/>" + model.Contents; Body = PopulateBody(Body, URL); SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient() { Host = "", Port = 587, EnableSsl = true, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = new NetworkCredential(FromEmail.Address, FromEmailPassword) }; /*model.GmailPassword = Crypto.Hash(model.GmailPassword); * context.Mails.Add(model); * context.SaveChanges();*/ using (var message = new MailMessage(FromEmail, ToEmail) { Subject = Subject, Body = Body, IsBodyHtml = true }) await smtp.SendMailAsync(message); ViewBag.Message = "Your Mail Has been sent successfully"; } catch (SmtpFailedRecipientsException ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "There is some error sending the mails, please recheck your internet connection and password"); } }
private void FacultyTable() { FacultyTable faculty = new FacultyTable(); string road = @"Faculties.txt"; using (UniversityContext context = new UniversityContext()) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(road, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251)); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { faculty.FacultyName = sr.ReadLine(); context.Faculties.Add(faculty); context.SaveChanges(); } sr.Close(); } }
public async Task EmailSent(Mails model) { List <int> fetch = (List <int>)Session["MailTransfer"]; int Fac = (int)Session["FacultyID"]; FacultyTable ft = new FacultyTable(); var context = new MailProEntities(); ft = context.FacultyTable.Find(Fac); try { StudentTable st = new StudentTable(); foreach (var item in fetch) { st = context.StudentTable.SingleOrDefault(x => x.StudentNo == item); await sendprocess(st, ft, model); } } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "There was some error in sending mail , Recheck your password and internet connection"); } }