        public bool CanUseBattlegroundObject(GameObject gameobject)
            // It is possible to call this method with a null pointer, only skipping faction check.
            if (gameobject)
                FactionTemplateRecord playerFaction = GetFactionTemplateEntry();
                FactionTemplateRecord faction       = CliDB.FactionTemplateStorage.LookupByKey(gameobject.GetUInt32Value(GameObjectFields.Faction));

                if (playerFaction != null && faction != null && !playerFaction.IsFriendlyTo(faction))

            // BUG: sometimes when player clicks on flag in AB - client won't send gameobject_use, only gameobject_report_use packet
            // Note: Mount, stealth and invisibility will be removed when used
            return(!isTotalImmune() &&                                     // Damage immune
                   !HasAura(BattlegroundConst.SpellRecentlyDroppedFlag) && // Still has recently held flag debuff
                   IsAlive());                                             // Alive