public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Weight,Price,Cart,Size,Description,Amount,Discount,Id,Diamonds,ImagePath,Name,CategoryId,SetId")] Jewelry jewelry) { if (Account.isAdmin(User)) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(jewelry); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); string postToFacebook = ("התכשיט " + jewelry.Name + " נוסף לחנות. יש " + jewelry.Amount + " פריטים. היכנסו לאתר בשביל לקנות"); FacebookPost post = new FacebookPost(); post.PublishToFacebookNoPhoto(postToFacebook); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewData["CategoryId"] = new SelectList(_context.Category, "Id", "Name", jewelry.CategoryId); ViewData["SetId"] = new SelectList(_context.JewelrySet, "Id", "Name", jewelry.SetId); return(View(jewelry)); } else { return(new RedirectToActionResult("NotAuthorized", "Home", null)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Name,Address,CoordinateLat,CoordinateLng,ManagerId,Id")] Branch branch) { if (Account.isAdmin(User)) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(branch); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); string postToFacebook = ("החנות " + branch.Name + " התווספה. מוזמנים לבקר בכתובת " + branch.Address + ". בואו בהמוניכם !!!"); FacebookPost post = new FacebookPost(); post.PublishToFacebookNoPhoto(postToFacebook); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewData["ManagerId"] = new SelectList(_context.Users, "Id", "Id", branch.ManagerId); return(View(branch)); } else { return(new RedirectToActionResult("NotAuthorized", "Home", null)); } }
public HttpResponseMessage AddFacebookPost(FacebookPost facebookPost) { var response = this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); try { var customerguid = Request.Headers.GetValues("CustomerGUID").FirstOrDefault(); if (customerguid != null) { var cust = _customerService.GetCustomerByGuid(Guid.Parse(customerguid)); if (facebookPost.CustomerId != cust.Id) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, new { code = 0, Message = "something went wrong" })); } } if (facebookPost.VideoLink == "") { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { code = 0, Message = "Invalid Url", data = "" })); } facebookPost.CustomerId = facebookPost.CustomerId; facebookPost.NoOfLikes = 0; facebookPost.Price = 0; facebookPost.IsPaid = false; facebookPost.Deleted = false; facebookPost.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; facebookPost.Approved = false; var facebookpost = _adCampaignService.AddUpdateFacebookPost(facebookPost); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { code = 0, Message = "success", data = facebookpost })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { code = 0, Message = "Some thing went wrong" })); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { IFConfiguration config = new IFConfiguration(); config.Subscription = "cnn"; // update does not work because of FacebookSubscription subscription = config.GetSubscription(); Console.WriteLine(subscription.Name); Console.WriteLine(subscription.Id); FacebookPost[] posts = config.GetPosts(); for (int i = 0; i < posts.Length && i < 300; i++) { FacebookPost facebookPost = posts[i]; Console.WriteLine(facebookPost.Message); } Console.WriteLine(config.GetPicture().Url); Console.WriteLine(config.GetPhotos()[3].CreationDate); Console.WriteLine(config.GetVideos()[3].UpdateDate); Console.WriteLine(config.GetAlbums()[3].Name); Console.WriteLine(config.GetEvents()[0].EndTime); Console.WriteLine(config.GetPosts()[0].Id.GetLink()); Console.WriteLine(config.GetPosts()[0].Id.GetNumberShares()); Console.WriteLine(config.GetPosts()[0].Id.GetPicture()); Console.WriteLine(config.GetVideos()[0].Id.GetSource()); Console.WriteLine(config.GetPosts()[0].Id.GetNumberLikes()); Console.WriteLine(config.GetPosts()[0].Id.GetNumberComments()); Console.ReadLine(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ProcessFacebookPostForm(FacebookPost facebookPost) { await _facebookPostRepository.AddAysnc(facebookPost); await _facebookPostRepository.SaveAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("LoadFacebookManagement", "Admin")); }
public ActionResult SiteStatus(bool?showErrors) { List <string> model = new List <string>(); model.Add(SiteStatusString("Newsletters count: ", showErrors, () => { IEnumerable <Newsletter> newsletters = Repository.GetNewslettersAsync().Result; return(newsletters.Count().ToString()); })); model.Add(SiteStatusString("Newest Facebook Post: ", showErrors, () => { FacebookPost facebookPost = Repository.GetNewestFacebookPost().Result; return(facebookPost.Content); })); model.Add(SiteStatusString("TwitterFeed: ", showErrors, () => { string tweet = LoadTwitterPosts().Result.FirstOrDefault()?.Content; int postBracket = tweet != null ? tweet.IndexOf("<") : -1; return(postBracket != -1 ? tweet.Substring(0, postBracket) : tweet); })); Post post = null; model.Add(SiteStatusString("Hub DB access, post key: ", showErrors, () => { post = Repository.GetPostAsync("2017FLNR0208-001391").Result; return(post.Key); })); model.Add(SiteStatusString("Media proxy url: ", showErrors, () => { var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Referrer = new Uri(string.Concat(Request.Scheme, "://", Request.Host.ToUriComponent(), Request.PathBase.ToUriComponent(), Request.Path, Request.QueryString)); var result = client.GetAsync(post.AssetUrl).Result.ReasonPhrase; if (result != "OK") { throw new Exception(result); } return("OK"); })); model.Add(SiteStatusString("Post cache size: ", showErrors, () => { return(Repository._cache[typeof(Post)].Count().ToString()); })); model.Add(SiteStatusString("Facebook Post cache size: ", showErrors, () => { return(Repository._cache[typeof(FacebookPost)].Count().ToString()); })); return(View("SiteStatus", model)); }
public void AddFacebookComment(FacebookUser fbUser, string comment, PublishedArticles article) { var fbPost = new FacebookPost(); fbPost.articleId = article.articleId; fbPost.facebookId = fbUser.facebookId; = comment; _dataModel.AddToFacebookPosts(fbPost); }
public static SocialImage ReturnSocialImage(FacebookPost item) { SocialImage s = new SocialImage(); s.Image = item.Picture; s.Date = item.CreatedTime; s.Caption = item.Description; s.SocialLink = item.Link; return(s); }
public static string PosterUrl(this FacebookPost facebookPost) { int posterIdx = facebookPost.Key.IndexOf(""); // facebookPost.Key is the postUrl if (posterIdx != -1) { posterIdx = facebookPost.Key.IndexOf('/', posterIdx + "".Length); } return(posterIdx != -1 ? facebookPost.Key.Substring(0, posterIdx) : null); }
public FacebookPost AddUpdateFacebookPost(FacebookPost facebookPost) { if (facebookPost.Id > 0) { _facebookRepository.Update(facebookPost); return(facebookPost); } else { _facebookRepository.Insert(facebookPost); return(facebookPost); } }
public async Task LoadSocialFeeds(ListViewModel model) { model.FacebookPosts = new List <FacebookPost>(); FacebookPost facebookPost = await Repository.GetNewestFacebookPost(); if (facebookPost != null) { model.FacebookPosts.Add(facebookPost); } model.TwitterPosts = await LoadTwitterPosts(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Weight,Price,Cart,Size,Description,Amount,Discount,Id,Diamonds,ImagePath,Name,CategoryId,SetId")] Jewelry jewelry) { if (id != jewelry.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (Account.isAdmin(User)) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { ColmanInternetiotContext newContext = new ColmanInternetiotContext(); int?currAmount = newContext.Jewelry.First(x => x.Id == jewelry.Id).Amount; _context.Update(jewelry); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); if (currAmount != null) { string postToFacebook = ("לתכשיט " + jewelry.Name + " נוספו " + (jewelry.Amount - int.Parse(currAmount.ToString())) + " פריטים חדשים. היכנסו לאתר בשביל לקנות"); FacebookPost post = new FacebookPost(); post.PublishToFacebookNoPhoto(postToFacebook); } } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!JewelryExists(jewelry.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewData["CategoryId"] = new SelectList(_context.Category, "Id", "Name", jewelry.CategoryId); ViewData["SetId"] = new SelectList(_context.JewelrySet, "Id", "Name", jewelry.SetId); return(View(jewelry)); } else { return(new RedirectToActionResult("NotAuthorized", "Home", null)); } }
private void UpdatePostDetails(FacebookPost post, FacebookDataProvider provider, Repository repository) { var likesAndUsers = provider.GetLikesAndUsersForPostFromFacebook(post.ExternalKey); foreach (var like in likesAndUsers.Item1) { repository.LikesAdd(like); } foreach (var user in likesAndUsers.Item2) { repository.UsersAddOrUpdate(user); } }
static string GetEmbeddedFacebookHtmlString(FacebookPost facebookPost) { return("<div class='feature-post' style='display: block;'>" + "<div class='facebook-post' style='position: relative;'>" + "<div class='facebook-article'>" + "<div class='feed-header'>" + "<a href='" + facebookPost.PosterUrl() + "' target='_blank' class='link-button facebook-like'>Like on Facebook</a>" + "<h5>" + "<img src='" + facebookPost.PosterLogo.ToUri().ToProxyUrl() + "' />" + facebookPost.Poster + "<br />" + "<span class='post-details' style='padding:0'>" + facebookPost.PosterSubtitle + " ●" + string.Format("{0:n0}", facebookPost.PosterLikes) + " Likes</span>" + "</h5>" + "</div>" + "<div class='clearfix'></div>" + "<div style='float:left; margin:10px;display:none;'>" + "<img src='" + facebookPost.PosterLogo.ToUri().ToProxyUrl() + "' /><br />" + "<span class='post-details' style='padding-left:0; padding-top:5px;'>" + facebookPost.PosterSubtitle + "</span>" + /*@* TODO ● @string.Format("{0:n0}", Model.FacebookPost.PosterLikes) Likes*@*/ "</div>" + //(facebookPost.Type == "photo" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(facebookPost.PictureUrl) ? "<img src='" + facebookPost.PostImageFileName + "'/><br />" : "") + ConvertUrlsToLinks(facebookPost.Content).Replace("\n", "<br />").AsHtmlParagraphs() + "<div class='clearfix'></div>" + "\n<div class='sharing-options'><ul>" + /* <li class="facebook-action facebook-like" data-facebook-object-id="facebookPost.FacebookObjectId"><a href = "#" > Like </ a ></ li > * < li class="facebook-action facebook-comment"><a href = "#" > Comment </ a ></ li > * < li class="facebook-action facebook-share" data-url="facebookPost.PosterUrl()"><a href = "#" > Share </ a ></ li > * </ ul > * </ div > *@*/ /* "<div class='facebook-comment-dialog'>" + * "<textarea id='facebook-comment-message-1' placeholder='Comment on this story'></textarea>" + * "<input type='submit' class='facebook-comment-trigger' data-slider-id='1' data-facebook-object-id='" + facebookPost.FacebookObjectId + "' value='Comment' />" + * "<a class='facebook-comment-close' href='#'>Close</a>" */ "<li class='facebook-info'><a href = '" + facebookPost.Key + "' target='_blank'>Like or Comment<span class='on-story'> on this post</span><span class='on-facebook'> on Facebook</span></a></li>" + "</ul ></div >" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>"); }
public static Post ConvertFacebookPostToPost(FacebookPost fbPost, string defaultTitle) { if (fbPost == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fbPost)); } return(new Post { Title = fbPost.Story ?? defaultTitle, Content = "<p>" + fbPost.Message + "</p>", CreatedDate = DateTime.Parse(fbPost.Created_time), IsPublic = true, PostType = PostType.Facebook, UserId = 1, DurationInSeconds = 10, IsDeleted = false, PostFiles = new List <PostFile>(), Priority = PostPriority.Normal }); }
public HttpResponseMessage GetFacebookPosts(int CustomerId) { var customerguid = Request.Headers.GetValues("CustomerGUID").FirstOrDefault(); if (customerguid != null) { var cust = _customerService.GetCustomerByGuid(Guid.Parse(customerguid)); if (CustomerId != cust.Id) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, new { code = 0, Message = "something went wrong" })); } } var response = this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); try { List <FacebookPost> list = new List <FacebookPost>(); var facebookPosts = _adCampaignService.GetFacebookPost(false, true, CustomerId, 0, int.MaxValue).ToList(); foreach (var fblink in facebookPosts) { FacebookPost fp = new FacebookPost(); fp.VideoLink = fblink.VideoLink; fp.CustomerId = fblink.CustomerId; fp.NoOfLikes = fblink.NoOfLikes; fp.IsPaid = fblink.IsPaid; fp.Approved = fblink.Approved; fp.Price = fblink.Price; fp.CreatedDate = fblink.CreatedDate; list.Add(fp); } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { code = 0, Message = "success", data = list })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { code = 0, Message = "Some thing went wrong" })); } }
public async Task LoadPosts() { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; Posts.Clear(); FacebookResponse <string> post = await CrossFacebookClient.Current.QueryDataAsync("me/feed", new string[] { "user_posts" }); var jo = JObject.Parse(post.Data); if (jo.ContainsKey("data")) { var array = ((JArray)jo["data"]); foreach (var item in array) { var postData = new FacebookPost(); if (item["message"] != null) { postData.Message = $"{item["message"]}"; } if (item["story"] != null) { postData.Story = $"{item["story"]}"; } Posts.Add(postData); } } IsBusy = false; }
public IList <FacebookPost> FetchPostsFromFacebook() { string urlPattern = "{0}/feed?fields=reactions.limit(0).summary(true),type,caption,full_picture,icon,is_published,message,picture,updated_time,link,name,created_time,description,object_id,from,to&limit=50&access_token={1}"; string pageId = "154009054780458"; FacebookNewsContainer data = GetList <FacebookNewsContainer>(CreateAccessUrl(urlPattern, pageId)); return(new List <FacebookPost>( data.Data.Where(d => d.Reactions.Summary.TotalCount >= 10).Select(d => { string content = d.Message + "\n\n" + d.Name + "\n\n" + d.Link; return new FacebookPost { ExternalKey = d.ObjectId, CreateDate = d.CreatedDate, Content = content, Likes = d.Reactions.Summary.TotalCount, CreatorId = d.From.Id, Tags = FacebookPost.ExtractTags(content), LastUpdated = DateTime.Now }; }))); }
/// <summary> /// valida si un cotizante esta afiliado a asofondos y retorna el código de estado de la administradora si lo está o retorna cero si no lo está /// </summary> public static int validarAfiliacionAsofondos(FacebookPost post, string no_id, SqlConnection cn) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataTable dt = new DataTable("Empleados"); int valor = 0; try { cmd.Connection = cn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter parametro = new SqlParameter(); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@@nombre", post)); cmd.CommandText = "procAdministradoras_asofondos_estadoSELECT"; cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; da.SelectCommand = cmd; valor = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("No se pudo realizar la consulta, Intentelo nuevamente", ex); } return valor; }
public FacebookPostTests() { sut = new FacebookPost(); }
public FacebookCardViewModel(FacebookPost post) { _facebookPost = post; _facebookService = IocContainer.GetContainer().Resolve <IFacebookService> (); _facebookHelper = IocContainer.GetContainer().Resolve <IFacebookHelper> (); }
public void ProvidedContentShouldExtractTags(string content, string expectedTagsCommaSeparated) { var actaulTags = String.Join(",", FacebookPost.ExtractTags(content)); Assert.Equal(expectedTagsCommaSeparated, actaulTags); }
public static HtmlString RenderEmbeddedFacebookAsset(FacebookPost facebookPost) { return(new HtmlString(GetEmbeddedFacebookHtmlString(facebookPost))); }
public FacebookComment(FacebookUser fbUser, FacebookPost fbPost) { FBuser = fbUser; FBPost = fbPost; }
/// <summary> /// Facebook의 Search API를 이용하여 데이터 조회 /// </summary> /// <param name="keywordId">관심주제Id</param> /// <param name="keyword">관심주제</param> /// <param name="exceptKeyword">제외문자</param> /// <param name="pagingNext">최근 조회한 Facebook Post의 다음 Page 조회 Url</param> public void SearchFacebook(string keywordId, string keyword, string exceptKeyword, string pagingNext) { bool isFirstCall = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagingNext); // Facebook API 최초 호출시에는 Paging Next Url을 사용하고 이후에는 Paging Previous Url 사용함 string LastPagingNext = ""; string prevPagingNext = ""; string searchingUrl = ""; int enQueuePost = 0; log.Info("Keyword is " + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(keyword, Encoding.UTF8)); try { // Keyword Encoding //keyword = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(keyword.ToString().Trim(), Encoding.UTF8); // Facebook client 생성 FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(_accessToken); // 검색 키워드 설정 Dictionary<string, object> searchParams = new Dictionary<string, object>(); searchParams.Add("type", "post"); searchParams.Add("q", keyword.Trim()); searchParams.Add("limit", "200"); // 최종 검색결과 다음 페이지 조회 Url LastPagingNext = pagingNext; while (true) { if (LastPagingNext.Length > 0) { if (LastPagingNext.IndexOf("&until") > 0 ) { searchingUrl = LastPagingNext.Substring(LastPagingNext.IndexOf("&until"), LastPagingNext.Length - LastPagingNext.IndexOf("&until")).Replace("&access_token=" + this._accessToken, ""); } else if (LastPagingNext.IndexOf("&since") > 0) { searchingUrl = LastPagingNext.Substring(LastPagingNext.IndexOf("&since"), LastPagingNext.Length - LastPagingNext.IndexOf("&since")).Replace("&access_token=" + this._accessToken, ""); } else { searchingUrl = ""; } log.Info("Keyword [" + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(keyword, Encoding.UTF8) + "] Searching - " + searchingUrl); } // 키워드 검색 dynamic searchResult = LastPagingNext.Length > 0 ? fb.Get(LastPagingNext) : fb.Get("/search", searchParams); if ( > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= - 1; i++) { // 제외문자 검사 if (!CheckExceptKeywords([i].message, exceptKeyword)) { // 검색 결과 저장 FacebookPost f = new FacebookPost(); f.post_id =[i].id; f.post_created_time = Convert.ToDateTime([i].created_time).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); f.post_message =[i].message; f.from_id =[i]; f.from_name =[i]; this.enQueueResult(f); enQueuePost++; } } log.Info("Enqueue [" + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(keyword, Encoding.UTF8) + "] - " + enQueuePost.ToString()); // 검색결과 다음 페이지 조회 Url if (isFirstCall) { // API 최초 호출시에는 Next 사용 LastPagingNext =; // API 재 호출시 사용할 이전 페이지 조회 Url 저장 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prevPagingNext)) prevPagingNext = searchResult.paging.previous; } else { // API 재 호출시에는 Previous 사용 LastPagingNext = searchResult.paging.previous; prevPagingNext = searchResult.paging.previous; } // 다음 페이지 조회 Url 존재할 경우 Looping if (LastPagingNext.Length > 0) { continue; } else { // 검색결과가 없을 경우 종료 break; } } else { // 검색결과가 없을 경우 종료 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prevPagingNext)) prevPagingNext = LastPagingNext; break; } } log.Info("keyword is " + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(keyword, Encoding.UTF8) + " > Number of Search Result is " + this.searchResultPost.Count.ToString()); // 조회 결과 관심글(Post) 저장 this.deQueueResult(keywordId, prevPagingNext); log.Info("keyword is " + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(keyword, Encoding.UTF8) + " > Complete Search"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("keyword is " + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(keyword, Encoding.UTF8) + " > " + ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// 조회된 Post 건 별 Queue에 저장 /// </summary> /// <param name="t">조회된 Post</param> public void enQueueResult(FacebookPost t) { searchResultPost.Enqueue(t); }
/*========================================================================================================================== | METHOD: GET GROUP VIEW (HELPER) \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /// <summary> /// Centralized validation, model lookup, and view binding. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// Provides a view model containing basic metadata necessary for the rendering of the server-side view (which, namely, /// includes metadata for search engines and Facebook's Open Graph schema. /// </para> /// <para> /// Note: If the associated JSON file cannot be found, the view will redirect to the corresponding URL on Facebook. /// This may happen because the thread hasn't yet been indexed. It may also occur, however, if the IDs provided /// are invalid. In the latter case, Facebook will notify the user that this is the case by displaying an error. /// </para> /// </remarks> /// <returns>A view containing all details of the requested current thread.</returns> private async Task<ActionResult> GetGroupView(long groupId, long postId = 0) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | If the post doesn't exist in the archive, redirect to Facebook \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!await ArchiveManager.StorageProvider.PostExistsAsync(groupId, postId)) { return Redirect("" + groupId + "/permalink/" + postId); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Retreive post \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dynamic json = await ArchiveManager.StorageProvider.GetPostAsync(groupId, postId); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Provide preprocessing of variables required by the view \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FacebookPost post = new FacebookPost(json); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Return data to view \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return View(post); }