/// <summary> /// Uses DOM parsing to constitute an Event data object given the xml returned from facebook /// </summary> internal static FacebookEvent ParseEvent(XmlNode node) { FacebookEvent ev = new FacebookEvent(); if (node != null) { ev.EventId = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "eid"); ev.Name = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "name"); ev.TagLine = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "tagline"); ev.NetworkId = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "nid"); ev.Host = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "host"); ev.Description = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "description"); ev.Type = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "event_type"); ev.SubType = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "event_subtype"); ev.Location = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "location"); ev.Creator = XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "creator"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "pic"))) { ev.PictureUrl = new Uri(XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "pic")); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "update_time"))) { ev.UpdateDate = DateHelper.ConvertDoubleToDate(double.Parse(XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "update_time"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "start_time"))) { ev.StartDate = DateHelper.ConvertDoubleToDate(double.Parse(XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "start_time"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "end_time"))) { ev.EndDate = DateHelper.ConvertDoubleToDate(double.Parse(XmlHelper.GetNodeText(node, "end_time"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } ev.Venue = LocationParser.ParseLocation(((XmlElement)node).GetElementsByTagName("venue")[0]); } return ev; }
private void LoadEvent(FacebookEvent facebookEvent) { pbEventPicture.Image = facebookEvent.Picture; lblEvent.Text = facebookEvent.Name; lblHostedBy.Text = facebookEvent.Host; lblType.Text = facebookEvent.Type; lblWhere.Text = facebookEvent.Location; lblWhen.Text = facebookEvent.StartDate.ToString(); }
private ListViewItem createEventItem(FacebookEvent i_Event, ImageList i_EventsImageList) { string imageKey = i_Event.Name; if (!i_EventsImageList.Images.ContainsKey(imageKey)) { i_EventsImageList.Images.Add(imageKey, i_Event.ImageSmall); } ListViewItem eventItem = new ListViewItem { ImageKey = imageKey }; eventItem.SubItems.Add(i_Event.Name); eventItem.Tag = i_Event; return eventItem; }
public DroidFacebookButton() { MainActivity.callbackManager = CallbackManagerFactory.Create(); LoginManager.Instance.RegisterCallback(MainActivity.callbackManager, new FacebookCallback <LoginResult> { HandleSuccess = (result) => { var expires = result.AccessToken.Expires; var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); var expiration = epoch.AddMilliseconds(expires.Time); if (callback != null) { FacebookEvent data = new FacebookEvent() { AccessToken = result.AccessToken.Token, TokenExpiration = expiration, UserId = result.AccessToken.UserId }; callback(data); } else { throw new Exception("Login callback is not defined"); } }, HandleCancel = () => { if (callback != null) { callback(default(FacebookEvent)); } else { throw new Exception("Login callback is not defined"); } }, HandleError = (error) => { if (callback != null) { callback(default(FacebookEvent)); } else { throw new Exception("Login callback is not defined"); } } }); }
public async void MakeRequestForFacebookEvent() { var credentials = TestSettings.GetToken <Facebook, OAuth2Credentials>(); if (credentials.IsTokenExpired) { throw new Exception("Expired credentials!!!"); } var request = new FacebookEvent() { Since = DateTime.Today.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(500)), Until = DateTime.Today, Limit = 3 }; var response = await new OAuthRequester(credentials) .MakeOAuthRequestAsync <FacebookEvent, FacebookEventResponse>(request) .ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.NotNull(response); }
public EventSelectedEventArgs(FacebookEvent facebookEvent) { _facebookEvent = facebookEvent; }
public EventListItem(FacebookEvent facebookEvent) : this() { _facebookEvent = facebookEvent; LoadEvent(facebookEvent); }
public EventItemSelectedEventArgs(FacebookEvent facebookEvent) { _facebookEvent = facebookEvent; }
private void LoadEventBasedControls(FacebookEvent facebookEvent) { inviteeList1.FacebookEvent = facebookEvent; inviteeList1.Invitees = facebookService1.GetEventMembers(facebookEvent.EventId); }
private void displayEventData(FacebookEvent i_EventData) { facebookEventBindingSource.DataSource = i_EventData; }
// TODO: Implement "AsGroup" /// <summary> /// Gets the profile as a Facebook event. /// </summary> /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="FacebookEvent"/>.</returns> public FacebookEvent AsEvent() { return(FacebookEvent.Parse(JObject)); }
public static FacebookEvent Event(long id, JToken json) { FacebookEvent fb; if ((fb = Data.FacebookEvents.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id)) == null) { fb = new FacebookEvent { Id = id, Name = json.TryGetValue<string>("name") }; if (fb.Name == default(string)) return null; Data.FacebookEvents.InsertOnSubmit(fb); } if (!json.Any()) return fb; fb.Name = json.TryGetValue<string>("name"); fb.Description = json.TryGetValue<string>("description"); fb.TimeStart = json.TryGetValue<DateTime>("start_time"); fb.TimeEnd = json.TryGetValue<DateTime>("end_time"); if (fb.TimeEnd == default(DateTime)) fb.TimeEnd = null; fb.TimeUpdated = json.TryGetValue<DateTime>("updated_time"); if (fb.TimeUpdated == default(DateTime)) fb.TimeUpdated = null; fb.Response = json.TryGetValue<string>("rsvp_status"); try { Data.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("There was an error saving the event: {0} {1}", id, fb.Name), ex); return null; } var fromId = json["owner"].TryGetValue<long?>("id"); if (fromId != null) { var contact = Contact(fromId.Value, json["owner"]); if (contact != null) fb.Contact = contact.Id; try { Data.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("There was an error saving the event: {0} {1}", id, fb.Name), ex); } } var locationId = json.TryGetValue<long?>("id"); if (locationId != null) { var location = Place(locationId.Value, json["venue"]); if (location != null) fb.Place = location.Id; try { Data.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("There was an error saving the event: {0} {1}", id, fb.Name), ex); } } var comments = json.TryGetValue<JObject>("comments"); if (comments != null) { Message(id, json); } return fb; }
// See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/events public async Task<string> PublishEvent(IdentityUser user, FacebookEvent ev) { var accessToken = GetAccessToken(user); var client = new FacebookClient(accessToken); var eventdata = new Dictionary<string, object>(); eventdata.AddIfNotNull("name", ev.Name); eventdata.AddIfNotNull("description", ev.Description); eventdata.AddIfNotNull("start_time", "2014-04-30"); // Use DateTimeConverter To.... here eventdata.AddIfNotNull("location", "Lincoln, NE"); eventdata.AddIfNotNull("privacy_type", "OPEN"); var result = await client.PostTaskAsync(string.Format("me/events"), eventdata); var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore, NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }; var id = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FacebookIdentity>(result.ToString(), settings); Log.InfoFormat("Published a Facebook event. UserId={0} CreatedId={1} Name={2}", user.Id, id.Id, ev.Name); return id.Id; }