        private void GetOrders()
            int resourceId      = 0;
            int subContractorId = 0;

            //pnlMatchedOrders.Visible = false;
            reportViewer.Visible = false;
            DataSet dsManifestData = null;

            Facade.IManifest facManifest = new Facade.Manifest();

            DateTime startDateTime = GetStartDateTime();

            lblOrderCount.Text = string.Empty;
            if (int.TryParse(cboResource.SelectedValue, out resourceId))
                lblOrderCount.Text = "Searching for matches for resource.  ";
                dsManifestData     = facManifest.GetOrdersBasedManifestForResource(resourceId, startDateTime, chkIncludePlannedWork.Checked);
            else if (int.TryParse(cboSubContractor.SelectedValue, out subContractorId))
                lblOrderCount.Text = "Searching for matches for sub-contractor.  ";
                dsManifestData     = facManifest.GetOrdersBasedManifestForSubContractor(subContractorId, startDateTime);

            if (dsManifestData != null)
                if (this.OrderManifest != null)
                    // Remove those orders that are already in the manifest (and not marked as removed).
                    for (int i = dsManifestData.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i > 0; i--)
                        DataRow row     = dsManifestData.Tables[0].Rows[i - 1];
                        int     orderId = Convert.ToInt32(row["OrderId"].ToString());

                        foreach (Entities.OrderManifestOrder omo in this.OrderManifest.OrderManifestOrders)
                            if (omo.OrderId == orderId && omo.Removed == false)
                                // This order is already on the manifest, remove it from the
                                // list of orders to add...
                grdManifestAddOrders.DataSource = dsManifestData;
                grdManifestAddOrders.Visible = true;

                lblOrderCount.Text += dsManifestData.Tables[0].Rows.Count + " Orders matched for inclusion on manifest.";

                pnlSaveAndDisplay.Visible = true;