//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void Initialise() { if (this.ScannedFormId > 0) { Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form(); this.BookingForm = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(this.ScannedFormId); } int scanFormId = -1; // With job POD scanning if (this.OrderId > 0) { Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form(); if (this.BookingForm == null) { this.BookingForm = new Entities.Scan(); } this.BookingForm.ScannedDateTime = DateTime.Today; this.BookingForm.FormTypeId = eFormTypeId.BookingForm; this.BookingForm.ScannedFormPDF = this.FileName; if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("A")) { this.BookingForm.IsAppend = true; } else { this.BookingForm.IsAppend = false; } // if this is not set then we don't know where to save the file locally so it must have been uploaded immediately. if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("U") || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.Configuration.ScannedDocumentPath)) { this.BookingForm.IsUploaded = true; } else { this.BookingForm.IsUploaded = false; } scanFormId = facForm.Create(this.BookingForm, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName); if (scanFormId > 0) { Orchestrator.Facade.IOrder facOrder = new Orchestrator.Facade.Order(); facOrder.UpdateBookingFormScannedFormId(this.OrderId, scanFormId, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName); } } this.Close(this.ScannedFormId.ToString()); }
protected void dgPODSearchResults_ItemCommand(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD(); Facade.IForm facForm = new Facade.Form(); Entities.POD podToView = facPOD.GetForPODId(int.Parse(e.Item.Cells[0].Text)); Entities.Scan scan = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(podToView.ScannedFormId); byte[] scannedFormImage; scannedFormImage = Convert.FromBase64String(scan.ScannedFormImage); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "image/tiff"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "PODTicketNo" + e.Item.Cells[1].Text + ".tif"); Response.OutputStream.Write(scannedFormImage, 0, scannedFormImage.Length); Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Facade.IForm facForm = new Facade.Form(); Entities.Scan scan = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(scannedFormId); for (int i = 0; i < scan.PageCount; i++) { TabStripTab tab = new TabStripTab(); string imgName = "_page" + ((int)(i + 1)).ToString() + ".jpg"; tab.Look.ImageUrl = imgName; tab.SelectedLook.ImageUrl = imgName; tab.ClientSideCommand = "selectPage(" + i.ToString() + ");"; ThumbnailsTabStrip.Tabs.Add(tab); } CurrentImage.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); CurrentImage.Height = Unit.Percentage(100); }
public string ScanHasBeenUploadedToWithId(string URL, int scannedFormId) { var methodStatus = String.Empty; var facScanForm = new Facade.Form(); var scan = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormId(scannedFormId); if (scan == null) { // If scan is null try and use the old method based on file name. ScanHasBeenUploadedTo(URL); return(methodStatus); } scan.IsUploaded = true; scan.ScannedFormPDF = URL; try { // update the IsUploaded flag on the scannedForm facScanForm.Update(scan, scan.CreateUserID); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploadedTo - Update ScanForm failed", ex); } //If the scan is a POD email it if (scan.FormTypeId == eFormTypeId.POD) { //Email the POD to the client Facade.IPOD facPod = new Facade.POD(); //Make the call to send the email async as it will //have to download the attachment MethodCall <string, int> asyncSendClientPod = facPod.SendClientPod; asyncSendClientPod.BeginInvoke(scan.ScannedFormId, r => { try { asyncSendClientPod.EndInvoke(r); } catch (Exception ex) { WebUI.Global.UnhandledException(ex); } }, null); } return(methodStatus); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { userFullName = ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName; if (!IsLocal && Request.QueryString["ScannedFormID"] != null) { txtFileName.Text = ""; Facade.IForm facForm = new Facade.Form(); scannedFormId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ScannedFormId"]); Entities.Scan scan = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(scannedFormId); txtFirstFormPageID.Text = Request.QueryString["PageNumber"]; txtTotalPages.Text = scan.PageCount.ToString(); } else { txtTotalPages.Text = Request.QueryString["TotalPages"]; txtFileName.Text = Request.QueryString["FileName"]; } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void Initialise() { if (this.ScannedFormId > 0) { Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form(); this.Manifest = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(this.ScannedFormId); } int scanFormId = -1; // With job POD scanning if (this.ManifestId > 0) { Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form(); if (this.Manifest == null) { this.Manifest = new Entities.Scan(); } this.Manifest.ScannedDateTime = DateTime.Today; this.Manifest.FormTypeId = eFormTypeId.Manifest; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FileName)) { this.Manifest.ScannedFormPDF = Orchestrator.Globals.Constants.NO_DOCUMENT_AVAILABLE; } else { this.Manifest.ScannedFormPDF = this.FileName; } if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("A")) { this.Manifest.IsAppend = true; } else { this.Manifest.IsAppend = false; } // if this is not set then we don't know where to save the file locally so it must have been uploaded immediately. if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("U") || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.Configuration.ScannedDocumentPath)) { this.Manifest.IsUploaded = true; } else { this.Manifest.IsUploaded = false; } scanFormId = facForm.Create(this.Manifest, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName); if (scanFormId > 0) { this.Manifest.ScannedFormId = scanFormId; // Update manifest record here Orchestrator.Facade.ResourceManifest facResourceManifest = new Orchestrator.Facade.ResourceManifest(); facResourceManifest.UpdateResourceManifestScan(this.ManifestId, scanFormId, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName); } } this.Close(this.ScannedFormId.ToString()); }
void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.ScannedFormId > 0) { Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form(); this.DehireReceipt = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(this.ScannedFormId); } int scanFormId = -1; // With job POD scanning if (this.OrderId > 0) { Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form(); Facade.IDeHireReceipt facDehireReceipt = new Facade.CollectDrop(); string userID = ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName; if (this.DehireReceipt == null) { this.DehireReceipt = new Entities.Scan(); } this.DehireReceipt.ScannedDateTime = DateTime.Today; this.DehireReceipt.FormTypeId = eFormTypeId.DehireReceipt; this.DehireReceipt.ScannedFormPDF = this.FileName; // N = No document available if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("N")) { if (this.DehireReceipt.ScannedFormId == 0) { this.DehireReceipt.ScannedFormPDF = Orchestrator.Globals.Constants.NO_DOCUMENT_AVAILABLE; } } else { this.DehireReceipt.ScannedFormPDF = this.FileName; } if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("A")) { this.DehireReceipt.IsAppend = true; } else { this.DehireReceipt.IsAppend = false; } // if this is not set then we don't know where to save the file locally so it must have been uploaded immediately. if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("U") || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.Configuration.ScannedDocumentPath)) { this.DehireReceipt.IsUploaded = true; } else { this.DehireReceipt.IsUploaded = false; } // Update the receipt number, facDehireReceipt.UpdateReceiptNumber(DehireReceiptId, txtDehireReceiptNumber.Text, userID); // Create the scanned form. scanFormId = facForm.Create(this.DehireReceipt, userID); if (scanFormId > 0) { facDehireReceipt.UpdateScannedForm(DehireReceiptId, scanFormId, userID); } } this.Close(this.ScannedFormId.ToString()); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void Initialise() { Facade.Form facForm = new Facade.Form(); if (this.ScannedFormId > 0) { this.ScannedForm = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(this.ScannedFormId); } else { this.ScannedForm = new Entities.Scan(); } this.ScannedForm.ScannedDateTime = DateTime.Today; this.ScannedForm.FormTypeId = (eFormTypeId)this.ScannedFormTypeId; this.ScannedForm.ScannedFormPDF = this.FileName; if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("A")) { this.ScannedForm.IsAppend = true; } else { this.ScannedForm.IsAppend = false; } // if this is not set then we don't know where to save the file locally so it must have been uploaded immediately. if (this.AppendOrReplace.Contains("U") || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.Configuration.ScannedDocumentPath)) { this.ScannedForm.IsUploaded = true; } else { this.ScannedForm.IsUploaded = false; } //Creates a new scanned form and references the previous scanned form if necessary int scanFormId = facForm.Create(this.ScannedForm, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName); if (scanFormId > 0) { EF.OrganisationDocument orgDoc = null; if (this.OrganisationDocumentId > 0) { orgDoc = DataContext.OrganisationDocuments.First(od => od.OrganisationDocumentId == this.OrganisationDocumentId); } else { orgDoc = new EF.OrganisationDocument(); orgDoc.Description = DataContext.FormTypes.First(ft => ft.FormTypeId == this.ScannedFormTypeId).Description; orgDoc.OrganisationReference.EntityKey = EF.DataContext.CreateKey("OrganisationSet", "IdentityId", this.OrganisationIdentityId); this.DataContext.AddToOrganisationDocuments(orgDoc); } orgDoc.ScannedFormReference.EntityKey = EF.DataContext.CreateKey("ScannedForms", "ScannedFormID", scanFormId); this.DataContext.SaveChanges(); } this.Close(this.ScannedFormId.ToString()); }