        public bool GetFirstYearFactor(DateTime dtDate, out double pVal)
            short         iTolWeight;
            short         iAnuWeight;
            DateTime      dtTmpEndDate;
            DateTime      dtTmpStartDate;
            IBAFiscalYear FY;
            bool          hr;

            pVal = 0.0;

            if (m_pObjCalendar == null)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");
            if (dtDate <= DateTime.MinValue)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");

            if (!(hr = m_pObjCalendar.GetFiscalYear(dtDate, out FY)))
            dtTmpStartDate = FY.YRStartDate;
            dtTmpEndDate   = FY.YREndDate;
            FY.GetTotalFiscalYearPeriodWeights(out iTolWeight);
            FY.GetTotalAnnualPeriodWeights(out iAnuWeight);

            pVal = 0.5 * iTolWeight / iAnuWeight;

        public bool GetFirstYearFactor(DateTime dtDate, out double pVal)
            short         iPeriods;
            short         iCurWeight;
            short         iAnuWeight;
            DateTime      dtTmpEndDate;
            DateTime      dtTmpStartDate;
            IBAFiscalYear FY;
            bool          hr;

            pVal = 0.0;

            if (m_pObjCalendar == null)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");
            if (dtDate <= DateTime.MinValue)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");

            if (!(hr = m_pObjCalendar.GetFiscalYear(dtDate, out FY)) ||
                !(hr = FY.GetRemainingPeriodWeights(dtDate, out iPeriods)) ||
                !(hr = FY.GetCurrentPeriodWeight(dtDate, out iCurWeight)) ||
                !(hr = FY.GetTotalAnnualPeriodWeights(out iAnuWeight)))
            dtTmpStartDate = FY.YRStartDate;
            dtTmpEndDate   = FY.YREndDate;

            pVal = ((double)(iPeriods) + (double)(iCurWeight)) / iAnuWeight;

        public bool GetFirstYearFactor(DateTime dtDate, out double pVal)
            IBAFiscalYear FY;
            int           iDays;
            int           iTotalDays;
            short         iPeriods;
            short         iCurWeight;
            short         iAnuWeight;
            IBACalcPeriod pObjPeriod;
            DateTime      dtTmpEndDate;
            DateTime      dtTmpStartDate;
            DateTime      dtTmpEDate;
            DateTime      dtTmpSDate;
            bool          hr;

            pVal = 0.0;

            if (m_pObjCalendar == null)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");
            if (dtDate <= DateTime.MinValue)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");

            if (!(hr = m_pObjCalendar.GetFiscalYear(dtDate, out FY)))
            dtTmpStartDate = FY.YRStartDate;
            dtTmpEndDate   = FY.YREndDate;

            if (!(hr = FY.GetPeriod(dtDate, out pObjPeriod)))
            dtTmpEDate = pObjPeriod.PeriodEnd;
            dtTmpSDate = pObjPeriod.PeriodStart;

            if (!(hr = FY.GetRemainingPeriodWeights(dtDate, out iPeriods)) ||
                !(hr = FY.GetCurrentPeriodWeight(dtDate, out iCurWeight)) ||
                !(hr = FY.GetTotalAnnualPeriodWeights(out iAnuWeight)))

            iDays      = ((int)((dtTmpEDate - dtDate).TotalDays + 1));
            iTotalDays = ((int)((dtTmpEDate - dtTmpSDate).TotalDays + 1));

            pVal = ((double)(iPeriods) + iCurWeight * (iDays) /
                    (double)(iTotalDays)) / (double)(iAnuWeight);

        public bool GetFirstYearFactor(DateTime dtDate, out double pVal)
            short         iTolWeight;
            short         iAnuWeight;
            DateTime      dtTmpEndDate;
            DateTime      dtTmpStartDate;
            DateTime      dtMidDate;
            IBAFiscalYear FY;
            bool          hr;

            pVal = 0.0;

            if (m_pObjCalendar == null)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");
            if (dtDate <= DateTime.MinValue)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");

            if (!(hr = m_pObjCalendar.GetFiscalYear(dtDate, out FY)))
            dtTmpStartDate = FY.YRStartDate;
            dtTmpEndDate   = FY.YREndDate;
            FY.GetTotalFiscalYearPeriodWeights(out iTolWeight);
            FY.GetTotalAnnualPeriodWeights(out iAnuWeight);
            FY.GetMidYearDate(out dtMidDate);

            if (dtDate < dtMidDate)
                //if the PIS is in the first half of the year, then 100%
                pVal = (double)(iTolWeight) / iAnuWeight;
                //if( the PIS is in the second half of the year, then no disposed
                pVal = 0;

        public bool GetFirstYearFactor(DateTime dtDate, out double pVal)
            short         iPeriods;
            short         iRemPeriods = 0;
            short         iCurWeight;
            short         iAnuWeight;
            bool          bFirstHalf = false;
            DateTime      dtTmpEndDate;
            DateTime      dtTmpStartDate;
            DateTime      dtMidDate;
            IBAFiscalYear FY;
            bool          hr;

            pVal = 0.0;

            if (m_pObjCalendar == null)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");
            if (dtDate <= DateTime.MinValue)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");

            if (!(hr = m_pObjCalendar.GetFiscalYear(dtDate, out FY)))
            dtTmpStartDate = FY.YRStartDate;
            dtTmpEndDate   = FY.YREndDate;

            FY.GetMidPeriodDate(dtDate, out dtMidDate);
            FY.GetRemainingPeriodWeights(dtDate, out iPeriods);
            FY.GetCurrentPeriodWeight(dtDate, out iCurWeight);
            FY.GetTotalAnnualPeriodWeights(out iAnuWeight);

            if (dtDate < dtMidDate)
                bFirstHalf = true;

            //if deemed start date and deemed end date fall in the same year
            //(which happens only when life < 1year)
            //we need to fix first year factor by subtracting period weights
            //after deemed end period

            if (m_dtStartDate >= dtTmpStartDate && m_dtEndDate < dtTmpEndDate)
                if (!(hr = FY.GetRemainingPeriodWeights(m_dtEndDate, out iRemPeriods)))

            if (bFirstHalf)
                pVal = ((double)(iPeriods) + (double)(iCurWeight) - (double)(iRemPeriods)) / iAnuWeight;
                pVal = ((double)(iPeriods) - (double)(iRemPeriods)) / iAnuWeight;
        public bool GetDisposalYearFactor(double RemainingLife, DateTime dtDate, out double pVal)
            IBAFiscalYear FY;
            IBACalcPeriod pObjIPd1;
            IBACalcPeriod pObjIPd2;
            DateTime      dtTmpEndDate;
            DateTime      dtTmpStartDate;
            DateTime      dtMidDate;
            DateTime      dtMidDate2;
            double        dFYFactor1;
            double        dFYFactor2;
            short         iPeriodNum1;
            short         iPeriodNum2;
            short         iPeriods1;
            short         iCurWeight1;
            short         iPeriods2;
            short         iCurWeight2;
            short         iAnuWeight;
            bool          hr;

            //	if ( RemainingLife > 0.99 && RemainingLife < 0.01 )
            //		return GetLastYearFactor(RemainingLife, dtDate, pVal);
            pVal = 0;

            if (m_pObjCalendar == null)
                throw new Exception("Avg Convention not initialized.");

            if (dtDate <= DateTime.MinValue)
                dtDate = m_dtEndDate;

            if (dtDate < m_dtStartDate)
                dtDate = m_dtStartDate;

            if (!(hr = m_pObjCalendar.GetFiscalYear(dtDate, out FY)))
            dtTmpStartDate = FY.YRStartDate;
            dtTmpEndDate   = FY.YREndDate;

            if (dtDate >= dtTmpStartDate && dtDate <= dtTmpEndDate &&
                m_dtStartDate >= dtTmpStartDate && m_dtStartDate <= dtTmpEndDate)
                // We are in the first year
                if (!(hr = FY.GetPeriod(dtDate, out pObjIPd2)) ||
                    !(hr = FY.GetPeriod(m_dtStartDate, out pObjIPd1)) ||
                    !(hr = FY.GetMidPeriodDate(m_dtStartDate, out dtMidDate2)) ||
                    !(hr = FY.GetMidPeriodDate(dtDate, out dtMidDate)))
                iPeriodNum1 = pObjIPd1.PeriodNum;
                iPeriodNum2 = pObjIPd2.PeriodNum;
                if (!(hr = FY.GetRemainingPeriodWeights(dtDate, out iPeriods1)) ||
                    !(hr = FY.GetCurrentPeriodWeight(dtDate, out iCurWeight1)) ||
                    !(hr = FY.GetRemainingPeriodWeights(m_dtStartDate, out iPeriods2)) ||
                    !(hr = FY.GetCurrentPeriodWeight(m_dtStartDate, out iCurWeight2)) ||
                    !(hr = FY.GetTotalAnnualPeriodWeights(out iAnuWeight)))

                if (iPeriodNum1 == iPeriodNum2 ||
                    (iPeriodNum1 + 1 == iPeriodNum2 && m_dtStartDate >= dtMidDate))
                    if (dtDate < dtMidDate)
                        pVal = 0;
                        pVal = ((double)(iCurWeight1)) / iAnuWeight;
                    if (dtDate >= dtMidDate)
                        pVal = (double)(iCurWeight2 + iPeriods2 - iPeriods1) / iAnuWeight;
                        pVal = (double)(iCurWeight2 + iPeriods2 - iPeriods1 - iCurWeight1) / iAnuWeight;
                if (!(hr = FY.GetFiscalYearFraction(out dFYFactor1)) ||
                    !(hr = GetFirstYearFactor(dtDate, out dFYFactor2)))
                pVal = dFYFactor1 - dFYFactor2;
