internal void mergeJECGTT(JI j, JECAKey key, JECGTT jecFrom, JECGTT jecTo, Action <GTTI> enqueuePropagateGTTI, Action <GTTI, GTTI> enqueueMergeGTTI) { Debug.Assert(jecFrom != jecTo); Debug.Assert(jecFrom.jecgtT.SequenceEqual(jecTo.jecgtT)); Debug.Assert(makeJECGTTKey(j, jecTo.jecgtT) == key); if (jecFrom.CompareTo(jecTo) < 0) { FU.swap(ref jecFrom, ref jecTo); } gtts.mergeJECInt(j, jecFrom, jecTo, enqueuePropagateGTTI, enqueueMergeGTTI); #if DEBUG if (jecgtTBreakCondition(j, jecTo.jecgtT)) { Debugger.Break(); } if (jecgtTBreakCondition(j, jecFrom.jecgtT)) { Debugger.Break(); } #endif Debug.Assert(jecTKeyToJECGTT[j][key] == jecFrom || jecTKeyToJECGTT[j][key] == jecTo); if (jecTKeyToJECGTT[j][key] == jecFrom) { removeJECTKeyInt(j, key); setJECTKeyInt(j, key, jecTo); } }
public override bool sourcesCompleteGTTINoLGTTs(int gtti) { var gttd = gtts.getTD(gtti); #region gtis if (gttd.gtiT.Length > 0) { foreach (var pgtA in FU.makeOptions((from gti in gttd.gtiT select pu.depthFilterStrict(gts.getTD(gti).pgts)).ToArray())) { GTT pgtt; if (su.termRepository.tryGetGTT(pgtA, out pgtt)) { if (pu.hasGTT(pgtt)) { Debug.Assert(pu.upToDate(pgtt)); Debug.Assert(gttd.hasPGTT(pgtt) || pu.gttRevision(pgtt) >= su.predecessorLastRevision); } else { Debug.Assert(pu.hasRGTT(pgtt)); } } } } #endregion gtis #region pgtts foreach (var pgtt in gttd.pgtts) { Debug.Assert(pu.upToDate(pgtt)); } #endregion pgtts return(true); }
protected CC(IEnumerable <IL> atoms) { this.ils = atoms.ToList(); //Atoms should be sorted - cannot have explicit SortedSet because T is not an out parameter freeVariables = FU.union(from a in this.ils select a.freeVariables); orderedFreeVariables = new List <LVar>(); foreach (var a in atoms) { foreach (var fv in a.freeVariables) { if (!orderedFreeVariables.Contains(fv)) { orderedFreeVariables.Add(fv); } } } varMap = new Dictionary <LVar, string>(); foreach (var fv in orderedFreeVariables) { varMap[fv] = "v" + varMap.Count().ToString(); } stringNCache = ToStringNInt(); hashCache = stringNCache.GetHashCode(); }
/// <summary> /// 将十六进制数组字符串转换为十六进制数组 /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static byte[] ConvertByteString(string text) { var buffer = new byte[text.Length / 2]; for (var i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) { buffer[i] = (byte)((FU.ConvertHexCharToByte(text[i * 2]) << 4) + FU.ConvertHexCharToByte(text[i * 2 + 1])); } return(buffer); }
protected void enqueueMergeGTI(GTI gti1R, GTI gti2R) { #region consistency var gtd1R = getGTD(gti1R); var gtd2R = getGTD(gti2R); Debug.Assert(gtd1R.type == null || gtd2R.type == null || gtd1R.type.isEquivalent(gtd2R.type)); #endregion consistency var gti1 = gti1R; while (gtiMergeToMap.ContainsKey(gti1)) { gti1 = gtiMergeToMap[gti1]; } var gti2 = gti2R; while (gtiMergeToMap.ContainsKey(gti2)) { gti2 = gtiMergeToMap[gti2]; } if (gti1 == gti2) { return; } if (gti1 > gti2) { FU.swap(ref gti1, ref gti2); } if (gti1 == currentlyMergingFromGTI) { gti1 = currentlyMergingToGTI; } if (gti2 == currentlyMergingFromGTI && gti1 == currentlyMergingToGTI) { return; } Debug.Assert(!gtiMergeMap.ContainsKey(gti1)); Debug.Assert(!gtiMergeMap.ContainsKey(gti2)); Debug.Assert(!gtiMergeToMap.ContainsKey(gti1)); Debug.Assert(!gtiMergeToMap.ContainsKey(gti2)); #if DEBUG // if (getGTD(gti1).lgts.Any(isIt) || getGTD(gti2).lgts.Any(isIt)) // Debugger.Break(); // if (isItGTI(gti1) || isItGTI(gti2)) // Debugger.Break(); #endif gtiMergeToMap[gti2] = gti1; }
protected void BtnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //decimal costo = txtCosto.Text != "" && txtCosto != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(txtCosto.Text) : 0; try { if (FU.HasFile) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FU.FileName); ext = ext.ToLower(); FU.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/img/" + FU.FileName)); Response.Write("Se subió el archivo"); } Proyecto proye = new Proyecto() { //id_proyecto = Convert.ToInt32(txtId.Value), nombre_proyecto = txtNombre.Text, desc_proyecto = txtDescripcion.Text, img_proyecto = FU.FileName, fecha_proyecto = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text), costo_proyecto = Convert.ToInt32(txtCosto.Text) }; if (txtId.Value == "" || txtId.Value == null) { new BusGlobal().CreateProyecto(proye); Response.Redirect("Proyectos.aspx", false); } else { proye.id_proyecto = Convert.ToInt32(txtId.Value); new BusGlobal().UpdateProyecto(proye); Response.Redirect("Proyectos.aspx", false); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message); } }
protected void butUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int c = 0; if (FU.HasFile) { string s = FU.FileName; int i = s.Length; string sa = s.Substring((i - 4), 4); cmd.CommandText = "select count(T_code) from Course_Material where T_code='" + txtcode.Text + "'"; con.Open(); if (cmd.ExecuteScalar() == null) { c = 1; } else { c = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) + 1; } string s1 = txtcode.Text + Convert.ToString(c) + sa; FU.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/") + "/Materials/" + s1); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = "Insert into Course_Material values('" + txtcode.Text + "','" + s1 + "')"; if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); txtcode.Text = ""; txtcrs.Text = ""; txtSub.Text = ""; txtYSem.Text = ""; con.Close(); } }
public override bool sourcesCompleteGTTINoLGTTs(int gtti) { base.sourcesCompleteGTTINoLGTTs(gtti); var gttd = gtts.getTD(gtti); #region gtiT if (gttd.gtiT.Length > 0) { #region gtis foreach (var j in js) { var pu = pus[j]; foreach (var pgtA in FU.makeOptions((from gti in gttd.gtiT select pu.depthFilterStrict(from pgt in gts.getTD(gti).jgts(j) select pgt)).ToArray())) { GTT pgtt; if (ju.termRepository.tryGetGTT(pgtA, out pgtt)) { if (pu.hasGTT(pgtt)) { Debug.Assert(pu.upToDate(pgtt)); Debug.Assert(gttd.hasJGTT(j, pgtt) || pu.gttRevision(pgtt) >= ju.predecessorLastRevisions[j]); } else { Debug.Assert(pu.hasRGTT(pgtt)); } } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } } #endregion gtis } #endregion gtiT #region jgtts foreach (var j in js) { foreach (var jgtt in gttd.jgtts(j)) { Debug.Assert(pus[j].upToDate(jgtt)); } } #endregion jgtts var jgttsA = (from j in js select new HashSet <GTT>(gtts.getJTs(j, gtti))).ToArray(); #region empty gtt if (getGTTIGTIs(gtti).Count == 0) { foreach (var j in js) { Debug.Assert(jgttsA[j].Count == 1 && jgttsA[j].Contains(ju.emptyGTT)); } } #endregion empty gtt #region sources if (ju.jn == 2) { foreach (var j in js) { var ju = this.ju.pus[j]; if (getGTTIGTIs(gtti).Count > 0) { var jgtsA = ju.depthFilterStrict(from gt in getGTTIGTIs(gtti) select gts.getJTs(j, gt)); var pjgtts = from jgtA in FU.makeOptions(jgtsA) select ju.getGTT(jgtA); foreach (var pjgtt in pjgtts) { if (!ju.hasGTT(pjgtt)) { Debug.Assert(ju.hasRGTT(pjgtt)); } else if (this.ju.predecessorLastRevisions[j] > ju.gttRevision(pjgtt)) { Debug.Assert(jgttsA[j].Contains(pjgtt)); } } } } } #endregion sources return(true); }
public override bool sourcesCompleteGTINoLGTs(int gti) { base.sourcesCompleteGTINoLGTs(gti); var gtd = gts.getTD(gti); #region gfas foreach (var gfa in gtd.gfas) { foreach (var j in js) { var pu = pus[j]; if (pu.inScope(gfa.Item1)) { var f = gfa.Item1; var gtti = gfa.Item2; var gttd = gtts.getTD(gtti); foreach (var pgtt in gttd.jgtts(j)) { if (pu.inDepthBoundStrict(pgtt)) { GFA pgfa; if (pu.tryGetGFA(f, pgtt, out pgfa)) { Debug.Assert(gtd.hasJGT(j, || pu.gtRevision( >= ju.predecessorLastRevisions[j]); } else { Debug.Assert(pu.hasRGFA(f, pgtt)); } } } } } } #endregion gfas #region pgts foreach (var j in js) { foreach (var jgt in gtd.jgts(j)) { Debug.Assert(pus[j].upToDate(jgt)); } } if (gtd.depth > minDepth) { var gfaMap = new Dictionary <Function, ISet <GTT>[]>(); foreach (var j in js) { foreach (var pgt in gtd.jgts(j)) { foreach (var pgfa in pgt.gfas) { if (ju.inScope(pgfa.function)) { gfaMap.insert(jn, pgfa.function, j, pgfa.gtt); } } } } foreach (var kv in gfaMap) { foreach (var jgttA in FU.makeOptions((from j in js select kv.Value[j]).ToArray())) { Debug.Assert(gtd.hasGFA(kv.Key, getJGTTAGTTI(jgttA))); } } } #endregion pgts return(true); }
protected override sealed void propagateUsed(JGTSD gtd, ISet <JGTSD> todoGTDs, ISet <JGTSD> usedGTDs, ISet <JGTTSD> todoGTTDs, ISet <JGTTSD> usedGTTDs) { if (gtd.depth != topDepth && gtd.depth > minDepth) { if (jn == 1) { foreach (var pgt in gtd.jgts(0)) { foreach (var pgfa in pgt.gfas) { if (ju.inScope(pgfa.function)) { var gttds = from gtti in gtts.getJTJEC(0, pgfa.gtt).tis select gtts.getTD(gtti); foreach (var gttd in gttds) { if (usedGTTDs.Add(gttd)) { todoGTTDs.Add(gttd); } } } } } } else { Debug.Assert(jn == 2); #region jgtxjgt var jgtA = (from j in js select gtd.jgts(j)).ToArray(); var jfA = (from j in js select new HashSet <Function>(from jgt in jgtA[j] from f in jgt.gfasByFunction.Keys select f)).ToArray(); foreach (var f in FU.intersection(jfA)) { foreach (var jecgttT in FU.makeOptions( (from j in js select new HashSet <JECGTT>( from jgt in jgtA[j] from jgfa in jgt.getGFAsByFunction(f) select gtts.getJTJEC(j, jgfa.gtt))).ToArray())) { var gttd = gtts.getJECATD(jecgttT); if (usedGTTDs.Add(gttd)) { todoGTTDs.Add(gttd); } } } #endregion jgtxjgt #region jgtxgfa + gfaxjgt foreach (var j in js) { foreach (var f in jfA[j]) { if (gtd.hasGFAFunction(f)) { foreach (var jecgttT in FU.makeOptions( (from j2 in js select j == j2 ? new HashSet <JECGTT>(from jgt in jgtA[j2] from jgfa in jgt.getGFAsByFunction(f) select gtts.getJTJEC(j2, jgfa.gtt)) : new HashSet <JECGTT>(from gtti in gtd.getGFAs(f) select gtts.getTD(gtti).jecA[j2]) ).ToArray())) { var gttd = gtts.getJECATD(jecgttT); if (usedGTTDs.Add(gttd)) { todoGTTDs.Add(gttd); } } } } } #endregion jgtxgfa + gfaxjgt } } base.propagateUsed(gtd, todoGTDs, usedGTDs, todoGTTDs, usedGTTDs); }
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Product product; Labeloldprod.Text = ""; try { string productName = productNameTB.Text; double productPrice = Convert.ToDouble(productPriceTB.Text); string CategoryName = productCategoryDDL.SelectedValue; int productInventory = Convert.ToInt32(productInventoryTB.Text); string name = FU.FileName; string ProductFilePath = ""; string SavedFileName = ""; if ((name == "" && Session["oldProduct"] != null)) { ProductFilePath = productImg.ImageUrl; } else { SavedFileName = Server.MapPath(".") + "/images/" + name; ProductFilePath = "images/" + name; FU.SaveAs(SavedFileName); } bool productStatus; if (statusCB.Checked == true) { productStatus = true; } else { productStatus = false; } if (Session["oldProduct"] != null) { product = new Product(productName, productPrice, CategoryName, productInventory, ProductFilePath, productStatus, (int)Session["product_id"]); } else { product = new Product(productName, productPrice, CategoryName, productInventory, ProductFilePath, productStatus); } } catch (Exception ex) { messageLBL.Text = "invalid argoments inserted " + ex.Message; return; } try { if (Session["oldProduct"] != null) { product.updateTable(); try { product.updateDatabase(); Session["oldProduct"] = null; messageLBL.Text = "you changed " + productNameTB.Text + " product successfully"; } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Error updating the products database " + ex.Message); } } else { int numEffected = product.insertProduct(); messageLBL.Text = "you added " + numEffected.ToString() + " new product"; } } catch (Exception ex) { messageLBL.Text = "An error accured " + ex.Message; } productNameTB.Text = ""; productPriceTB.Text = ""; productInventoryTB.Text = ""; statusCB.Checked = false; productImg.Visible = false; RequiredFileUploadValidator.Enabled = true; }
protected void butSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtAdd.Text != "" && txtAmt.Text != "" && txtCD.Text != "" && txtCno.Text != "" && txtEadd.Text != "" && txtFname.Text != "" && txtLsp.Text != "" && txtQlf.Text != "" && txtSname.Text != "") { string Course_ID = ""; if (rbBCA.Checked == true) { Course_ID = "BCS001"; } if (rbBtech.Checked == true) { Course_ID = "BT002"; } if (rbMCA.Checked == true) { Course_ID = "MCS003"; } if (rbMtech.Checked == true) { Course_ID = "MT004"; } String sex = ""; if (rbMle.Checked == true) { sex = "Male"; } if (rbFml.Checked == true) { sex = "Male"; } String Status = ""; if (rbMd.Checked == true) { Status = "Married"; } if (rbUm.Checked == true) { Status = "Unmarried"; } string mode = ""; if (rbCash.Checked == true) { mode = "Cash"; } if (rbChk.Checked == true) { mode = "Check"; } if (rbdd.Checked == true) { mode = "DD"; } int RegNo; cmd.CommandText = "select max (Reg_No) from Student_Registration"; con.Open(); if (cmd.ExecuteScalar() == DBNull.Value) { RegNo = 1456; } else { RegNo = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) + 1; } int c = 0; if (FU.HasFile) { string s = FU.FileName; int i = s.Length; string sa = s.Substring((i - 4), 4); cmd.CommandText = "select count(Sname) from Student_Registration where Sname='" + txtSname.Text + "'"; if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } if (cmd.ExecuteScalar() == null) { c = 1; } else { c = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) + 1; } string s1 = txtSname.Text + Convert.ToString(c) + sa; FU.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/") + "/Students Photo/" + s1); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = "Insert into Student_Registration values(" + RegNo + ",'" + Course_ID + "','" + txtSname.Text + "','" + (mm1.SelectedIndex + 1) + "/" + dd1.Text + "/" + yy1.Text + "','" + sex + "','" + Status + "'," + txtCno.Text + ",'" + txtQlf.Text + "','" + txtLsp.Text + "','" + txtFname.Text + "','" + (mm3.SelectedIndex + 1) + "/" + dd3.Text + "/" + yy3.Text + "','" + txtAdd.Text + "','" + txtEadd.Text + "','" + mode + "','" + txtCD.Text + "'," + txtAmt.Text + ",'" + (mm2.SelectedIndex + 1) + "/" + dd2.Text + "/" + yy2.Text + "','" + s1 + "')"; if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); clear(); Response.Redirect("StudentApp.aspx?Snm=" + txtSname.Text); txtSname.Text = ""; } } else { lblmsg.Text = "Any Field Cannot be Blank!"; } }
public override bool sourcesCompleteGTINoLGTs(int gti) { var gtd = gts.getTD(gti); #region gfas foreach (var gfa in gtd.gfas) { if (pu.inScope(gfa.Item1)) { var f = gfa.Item1; var gtti = gfa.Item2; var gttd = gtts.getTD(gtti); foreach (var pgtt in gttd.pgtts) { if (pu.inDepthBoundStrict(pgtt)) { GFA pgfa; if (pu.tryGetGFA(f, pgtt, out pgfa)) { Debug.Assert(gtd.hasPGT( || pu.gtRevision( >= su.predecessorLastRevision); } else { Debug.Assert(pu.hasRGFA(f, pgtt)); } } } } } #endregion gfas #region pgts foreach (var pgt in gtd.pgts) { Debug.Assert(pu.upToDate(pgt)); } if (gtd.depth > minDepth) { foreach (var pgt in gtd.pgts) { Debug.Assert(pu.upToDate(pgt)); foreach (var pgfa in pgt.gfas) { if (su.inScope(pgfa.function) && pu.gttRevision(pgfa.gtt) < su.predecessorLastRevision) { Debug.Assert(gtd.hasGFA(pgfa.function, gtts.getPTTI(pgfa.gtt))); } } } } #endregion pgts #region rgtts foreach (var lgt in gtd.lgts) { foreach (var rgtt in su.getGTRGTTs(lgt)) { var pgtsT = (from gt in rgtt.gtT select pu.depthFilterStrict(gts.getLTTD(gt).pgts)).ToArray(); var pgtTs = FU.makeOptions(pgtsT); var pgtts = (from pgtT in pgtTs select pu.getGTT(pgtT)); foreach (var pgtt in pgtts) { Debug.Assert(pu.hasGTT(pgtt) || pu.hasRGTT(pgtt)); } } } #endregion rgtts return(true); }