bool DecryptAndValidateIndex(ref byte[] IndexData, byte[] aesKey, FSHAHash ExpectedHash, out FSHAHash OutHash) { if (Info.bEncryptedIndex) { IndexData = AESDecryptor.DecryptAES(IndexData, aesKey); } OutHash = ExpectedHash; // too lazy to actually check against the hash // return(true); }
public FPointerTableBase(FArchive Ar) // LoadFromArchive { NumDependencies = Ar.Read <int>(); for (var i = 0; i < NumDependencies; ++i) { var Name = Ar.ReadFName(); var SavedLayoutSize = Ar.Read <uint>(); var SavedLayoutHash = new FSHAHash(Ar); } }
// MemoryImage.cpp private static void FPointerTableBase_LoadFromArchive(FMaterialResourceProxyReader Ar) { var numDependencies = Ar.Read <int>(); for (var i = 0; i < numDependencies; ++i) { var nameHash = Ar.Read <ulong>(); var savedLayoutSize = Ar.Read <uint>(); var savedLayoutHash = new FSHAHash(Ar); } }
public FMaterialShaderMapId(FArchive Ar) { var bIsLegacyPackage = Ar.Ver < EUnrealEngineObjectUE4Version.PURGED_FMATERIAL_COMPILE_OUTPUTS; if (!bIsLegacyPackage) { QualityLevel = (EMaterialQualityLevel)Ar.Read <int>(); FeatureLevel = (ERHIFeatureLevel)Ar.Read <int>(); } else { var LegacyQualityLevel = (EMaterialQualityLevel)Ar.Read <byte>(); // Is it enum? } CookedShaderMapIdHash = new FSHAHash(Ar); if (!bIsLegacyPackage) { LayoutParams = new FPlatformTypeLayoutParameters(Ar); } }
public void Deserialize(FMaterialResourceProxyReader Ar) { var bUseNewFormat = Ar.Versions["ShaderMap.UseNewCookedFormat"]; ImageResult = new FMemoryImageResult(Ar); var bShareCode = Ar.ReadBoolean(); if (bUseNewFormat) { var ShaderPlatform = Ar.Read <EShaderPlatform>(); } if (bShareCode) { ResourceHash = new FSHAHash(Ar); } else { Code = new FShaderMapResourceCode(Ar); } }
public FMaterialShaderMapId(FMaterialResourceProxyReader Ar) { var bIsLegacyPackage = Ar.Ver < (UE4Version)260; if (!bIsLegacyPackage) { QualityLevel = (EMaterialQualityLevel)Ar.Read <int>(); FeatureLevel = (ERHIFeatureLevel)Ar.Read <int>(); } else { var legacyQualityLevel = Ar.Read <byte>(); } // Cooked so can assume this is valid CookedShaderMapIdHash = new FSHAHash(Ar); if (!bIsLegacyPackage) { LayoutParams = Ar.Read <FPlatformTypeLayoutParameters>(); } }
private FPakInfo(FArchive Ar, OffsetsToTry offsetToTry) { // New FPakInfo fields. EncryptionKeyGuid = Ar.Read <FGuid>(); // PakFile_Version_EncryptionKeyGuid EncryptedIndex = Ar.Read <byte>() != 0; // Do not replace by ReadFlag // Old FPakInfo fields Magic = Ar.Read <uint>(); if (Magic != PAK_FILE_MAGIC) { // Stop immediately when magic is wrong return; } Version = Ar.Read <EPakFileVersion>(); IsSubVersion = (Version == EPakFileVersion.PakFile_Version_FNameBasedCompressionMethod && offsetToTry == OffsetsToTry.Size8a); IndexOffset = Ar.Read <long>(); IndexSize = Ar.Read <long>(); IndexHash = new FSHAHash(Ar); if (Version == EPakFileVersion.PakFile_Version_FrozenIndex) { var bIndexIsFrozen = Ar.ReadFlag(); // used just for 4.25, so don't do any support unless it's really needed if (bIndexIsFrozen) { throw new ParserException(Ar, "Pak index is frozen"); } } if (Version < EPakFileVersion.PakFile_Version_FNameBasedCompressionMethod) { CompressionMethods = new List <CompressionMethod> { CompressionMethod.None, CompressionMethod.Zlib, CompressionMethod.Gzip, CompressionMethod.Custom, CompressionMethod.Oodle }; } else { var maxNumCompressionMethods = offsetToTry switch { OffsetsToTry.Size8a => 5, OffsetsToTry.Size8 => 4, OffsetsToTry.Size8_1 => 1, OffsetsToTry.Size8_2 => 2, OffsetsToTry.Size8_3 => 3, _ => 4 }; unsafe { var bufferSize = COMPRESSION_METHOD_NAME_LEN * maxNumCompressionMethods; var buffer = stackalloc byte[bufferSize]; Ar.Serialize(buffer, bufferSize); CompressionMethods = new List <CompressionMethod>(maxNumCompressionMethods + 1) { CompressionMethod.None }; for (var i = 0; i < maxNumCompressionMethods; i++) { var name = new string((sbyte *)buffer + i * COMPRESSION_METHOD_NAME_LEN, 0, COMPRESSION_METHOD_NAME_LEN).TrimEnd('\0'); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { continue; } if (!Enum.TryParse(name, out CompressionMethod method)) { Log.Warning($"Unknown compression method '{name}' in {Ar.Name}"); method = CompressionMethod.Unknown; } CompressionMethods.Add(method); } } } // Reset new fields to their default states when seralizing older pak format. if (Version < EPakFileVersion.PakFile_Version_IndexEncryption) { EncryptedIndex = default; } if (Version < EPakFileVersion.PakFile_Version_EncryptionKeyGuid) { EncryptionKeyGuid = default; } }
public FIoStoreTocResource(Stream tocStream, EIoStoreTocReadOptions readOptions = EIoStoreTocReadOptions.Default) { var streamBuffer = new byte[tocStream.Length]; tocStream.Read(streamBuffer, 0, streamBuffer.Length); using var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(streamBuffer)); Header = new FIoStoreTocHeader(reader); reader.BaseStream.Position = Header.TocHeaderSize; var totalTocSize = tocStream.Length - Header.TocHeaderSize; var tocMetaSize = Header.TocEntryCount * FIoStoreTocEntryMeta.SIZE; var defaultTocSize = totalTocSize - Header.DirectoryIndexSize - tocMetaSize; var tocSize = defaultTocSize; if (readOptions.HasAnyFlags(EIoStoreTocReadOptions.ReadTocMeta)) { tocSize = totalTocSize; // Meta data is at the end of the TOC file } if (readOptions.HasAnyFlags(EIoStoreTocReadOptions.ReadDirectoryIndex)) { tocSize = defaultTocSize + Header.DirectoryIndexSize; } // Chunk IDs ChunkIds = new FIoChunkId[Header.TocEntryCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Header.TocEntryCount; i++) { ChunkIds[i] = new FIoChunkId(reader); } // Chunk offsets ChunkOffsetLengths = new FIoOffsetAndLength[Header.TocEntryCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Header.TocEntryCount; i++) { ChunkOffsetLengths[i] = new FIoOffsetAndLength(reader); } // Compression blocks CompressionBlocks = new FIoStoreTocCompressedBlockEntry[Header.TocCompressedBlockEntryCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Header.TocCompressedBlockEntryCount; i++) { CompressionBlocks[i] = new FIoStoreTocCompressedBlockEntry(reader); } // Compression methods CompressionMethods = new string[Header.CompressionMethodNameCount]; // Not doing +1 nor adding CompressionMethod none here since the FPakInfo implementation doesn't as well for (var i = 0; i < Header.CompressionMethodNameCount; i++) { CompressionMethods[i] = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadBytes((int)Header.CompressionMethodNameLength)).TrimEnd('\0'); } // Chunk block signatures if (Header.ContainerFlags.HasAnyFlags(EIoContainerFlags.Signed)) { var hashSize = reader.ReadInt32(); reader.BaseStream.Position += hashSize; // actually: var tocSignature = reader.ReadBytes(hashSize); reader.BaseStream.Position += hashSize; // actually: var blockSignature = reader.ReadBytes(hashSize); ChunkBlockSignatures = new FSHAHash[Header.TocCompressedBlockEntryCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Header.TocCompressedBlockEntryCount; i++) { ChunkBlockSignatures[i] = new FSHAHash(reader); } // You could verify hashes here but nah } // Directory index if (Header.Version >= EIoStoreTocVersion.DirectoryIndex && readOptions.HasAnyFlags(EIoStoreTocReadOptions.ReadDirectoryIndex) && Header.ContainerFlags.HasAnyFlags(EIoContainerFlags.Indexed) && Header.DirectoryIndexSize > 0) { DirectoryIndexBuffer = reader.ReadBytes((int)Header.DirectoryIndexSize); } // Meta if (readOptions.HasAnyFlags(EIoStoreTocReadOptions.ReadTocMeta)) { ChunkMetas = new FIoStoreTocEntryMeta[Header.TocEntryCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Header.TocEntryCount; i++) { ChunkMetas[i] = new FIoStoreTocEntryMeta(reader); } } }
void ReadIndexUpdated(BinaryReader reader, byte[] aesKey, out Dictionary <string, FPakEntry> dict, PakFilter filter) { MountPoint = reader.ReadFString(); if (MountPoint.StartsWith("../../..")) { MountPoint = MountPoint.Substring(8); } else { // Weird mount point location... MountPoint = "/"; } if (!CaseSensitive) { MountPoint = MountPoint.ToLowerInvariant(); } var NumEntries = reader.ReadInt32(); var PathHashSeed = reader.ReadUInt64(); if (reader.ReadInt32() == 0) { throw new FileLoadException("No path hash index"); } /* * long PathHashIndexOffset = reader.ReadInt64(); * long PathHashIndexSize = reader.ReadInt64(); * FSHAHash PathHashIndexHash = new FSHAHash(reader); */ reader.BaseStream.Position += 8L + 8L + 20L; if (reader.ReadInt32() == 0) { throw new FileLoadException("No directory index"); } long FullDirectoryIndexOffset = reader.ReadInt64(); long FullDirectoryIndexSize = reader.ReadInt64(); FSHAHash FullDirectoryIndexHash = new FSHAHash(reader); byte[] EncodedPakEntries = reader.ReadTArray(() => reader.ReadByte()); int FilesNum = reader.ReadInt32(); if (FilesNum < 0) { // Should not be possible for any values in the PrimaryIndex to be invalid, since we verified the index hash throw new FileLoadException("Corrupt pak PrimaryIndex detected!"); } Reader.BaseStream.Position = FullDirectoryIndexOffset; byte[] PathHashIndexData = Reader.ReadBytes((int)FullDirectoryIndexSize); if (!DecryptAndValidateIndex(ref PathHashIndexData, aesKey, FullDirectoryIndexHash, out var ComputedHash)) { throw new FileLoadException("Corrupt pak PrimaryIndex detected!"); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Filename: %s"), *PakFilename); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Encrypted: %d"), Info.bEncryptedIndex); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Total Size: %d"), Reader->TotalSize()); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Index Offset: %d"), FullDirectoryIndexOffset); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Index Size: %d"), FullDirectoryIndexSize); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Stored Index Hash: %s"), *PathHashIndexHash.ToString()); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Computed Index Hash: %s"), *ComputedHash.ToString()); } BinaryReader PathHashIndexReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(PathHashIndexData)); FPakDirectoryEntry[] PathHashIndex = PathHashIndexReader.ReadTArray(() => new FPakDirectoryEntry(PathHashIndexReader)); dict = new Dictionary <string, FPakEntry>(NumEntries); foreach (FPakDirectoryEntry directoryEntry in PathHashIndex) { foreach (FPathHashIndexEntry hashIndexEntry in directoryEntry.Entries) { var path = directoryEntry.Directory + hashIndexEntry.Filename; if (path.StartsWith("/")) { path = path.Substring(1); } if (!CaseSensitive) { path = path.ToLowerInvariant(); } // if there is no filter OR the filter passes if (filter == null || filter.CheckFilter(MountPoint + hashIndexEntry.Filename, CaseSensitive)) { // Filename is without the MountPoint concatenated to save memory dict[path] = GetEntry(path, hashIndexEntry.Location, EncodedPakEntries); } } } }
void ReadIndexUpdated(BinaryReader reader, byte[] aesKey, long totalSize, PakFilter filter) { MountPoint = reader.ReadFString(); if (MountPoint.StartsWith("../../..")) { MountPoint = MountPoint.Substring(8); } else { // Weird mount point location... MountPoint = "/"; } if (!CaseSensitive) { MountPoint = MountPoint.ToLowerInvariant(); } var NumEntries = reader.ReadInt32(); var PathHashSeed = reader.ReadUInt64(); bool bReaderHasPathHashIndex = false; long PathHashIndexOffset = -1; // INDEX_NONE long PathHashIndexSize = 0; FSHAHash PathHashIndexHash = default; bReaderHasPathHashIndex = reader.ReadInt32() != 0; if (bReaderHasPathHashIndex) { PathHashIndexOffset = reader.ReadInt64(); PathHashIndexSize = reader.ReadInt64(); PathHashIndexHash = new FSHAHash(reader); bReaderHasPathHashIndex = bReaderHasPathHashIndex && PathHashIndexOffset != -1; } bool bReaderHasFullDirectoryIndex = false; long FullDirectoryIndexOffset = -1; // INDEX_NONE long FullDirectoryIndexSize = 0; FSHAHash FullDirectoryIndexHash = default; bReaderHasFullDirectoryIndex = reader.ReadInt32() != 0; if (bReaderHasFullDirectoryIndex) { FullDirectoryIndexOffset = reader.ReadInt64(); FullDirectoryIndexSize = reader.ReadInt64(); FullDirectoryIndexHash = new FSHAHash(reader); bReaderHasFullDirectoryIndex = bReaderHasFullDirectoryIndex && FullDirectoryIndexOffset != -1; } byte[] EncodedPakEntries = reader.ReadTArray(() => reader.ReadByte()); File.WriteAllBytes("pakentryencoded", EncodedPakEntries); int FilesNum = reader.ReadInt32(); if (FilesNum < 0) { // Should not be possible for any values in the PrimaryIndex to be invalid, since we verified the index hash throw new FileLoadException("Corrupt pak PrimaryIndex detected!"); } FPakEntry[] Files = new FPakEntry[FilesNum]; // from what i can see, there aren't any??? if (FilesNum > 0) { for (int FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FilesNum; ++FileIndex) { Files[FileIndex] = new FPakEntry(reader, Info.Version); } } // Decide which SecondaryIndex(es) to load bool bWillUseFullDirectoryIndex; bool bWillUsePathHashIndex; bool bReadFullDirectoryIndex; if (bReaderHasPathHashIndex && bReaderHasFullDirectoryIndex) { bWillUseFullDirectoryIndex = false; // bWillUsePathHashIndex = !bWillUseFullDirectoryIndex; bool bWantToReadFullDirectoryIndex = false; bReadFullDirectoryIndex = bReaderHasFullDirectoryIndex && bWantToReadFullDirectoryIndex; } else if (bReaderHasPathHashIndex) { bWillUsePathHashIndex = true; bWillUseFullDirectoryIndex = false; bReadFullDirectoryIndex = false; } else if (bReaderHasFullDirectoryIndex) { // We don't support creating the PathHash Index at runtime; we want to move to having only the PathHashIndex, so supporting not having it at all is not useful enough to write bWillUsePathHashIndex = false; bWillUseFullDirectoryIndex = true; bReadFullDirectoryIndex = true; } else { // It should not be possible for PrimaryIndexes to be built without a PathHashIndex AND without a FullDirectoryIndex; CreatePakFile in UnrealPak.exe has a check statement for it. throw new FileLoadException("Corrupt pak PrimaryIndex detected!"); } // Load the Secondary Index(es) byte[] PathHashIndexData; Dictionary <ulong, int> PathHashIndex; BinaryReader PathHashIndexReader = default; bool bHasPathHashIndex; if (bWillUsePathHashIndex) { if (PathHashIndexOffset < 0 || totalSize < (PathHashIndexOffset + PathHashIndexSize)) { // Should not be possible for these values (which came from the PrimaryIndex) to be invalid, since we verified the index hash of the PrimaryIndex throw new FileLoadException("Corrupt pak PrimaryIndex detected!"); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Filename: %s"), *PakFilename); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Total Size: %d"), Reader->TotalSize()); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" PathHashIndexOffset : %d"), PathHashIndexOffset); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" PathHashIndexSize: %d"), PathHashIndexSize); } Reader.BaseStream.Position = PathHashIndexOffset; PathHashIndexData = Reader.ReadBytes((int)PathHashIndexSize); File.WriteAllBytes("indexdata.daa", PathHashIndexData); { if (!DecryptAndValidateIndex(Reader, ref PathHashIndexData, aesKey, PathHashIndexHash, out var ComputedHash)) { throw new FileLoadException("Corrupt pak PrimaryIndex detected!"); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Filename: %s"), *PakFilename); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Encrypted: %d"), Info.bEncryptedIndex); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Total Size: %d"), Reader->TotalSize()); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Index Offset: %d"), FullDirectoryIndexOffset); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Index Size: %d"), FullDirectoryIndexSize); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Stored Index Hash: %s"), *PathHashIndexHash.ToString()); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Computed Index Hash: %s"), *ComputedHash.ToString()); } } PathHashIndexReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(PathHashIndexData)); PathHashIndex = ReadPathHashIndex(PathHashIndexReader); bHasPathHashIndex = true; } var DirectoryIndex = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> >(); bool bHasFullDirectoryIndex; if (!bReadFullDirectoryIndex) { DirectoryIndex = ReadDirectoryIndex(PathHashIndexReader); bHasFullDirectoryIndex = false; } if (DirectoryIndex.Count == 0) { if (totalSize < (FullDirectoryIndexOffset + FullDirectoryIndexSize) || FullDirectoryIndexOffset < 0) { // Should not be possible for these values (which came from the PrimaryIndex) to be invalid, since we verified the index hash of the PrimaryIndex throw new FileLoadException("Corrupt pak PrimaryIndex detected!"); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Filename: %s"), *PakFilename); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Total Size: %d"), Reader->TotalSize()); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" FullDirectoryIndexOffset : %d"), FullDirectoryIndexOffset); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" FullDirectoryIndexSize: %d"), FullDirectoryIndexSize); } Reader.BaseStream.Position = FullDirectoryIndexOffset; byte[] FullDirectoryIndexData = Reader.ReadBytes((int)FullDirectoryIndexSize); { if (!DecryptAndValidateIndex(Reader, ref FullDirectoryIndexData, aesKey, FullDirectoryIndexHash, out var ComputedHash)) { throw new FileLoadException("Corrupt pak PrimaryIndex detected!"); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Filename: %s"), *PakFilename); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Encrypted: %d"), Info.bEncryptedIndex); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Total Size: %d"), Reader->TotalSize()); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Index Offset: %d"), FullDirectoryIndexOffset); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Index Size: %d"), FullDirectoryIndexSize); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Stored Index Hash: %s"), *FullDirectoryIndexHash.ToString()); //UE_LOG(LogPakFile, Log, TEXT(" Computed Index Hash: %s"), *ComputedHash.ToString()); } } var SecondaryIndexReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(FullDirectoryIndexData)); DirectoryIndex = ReadDirectoryIndex(SecondaryIndexReader); bHasFullDirectoryIndex = true; } Entries = new Dictionary <string, FPakEntry>(NumEntries); foreach (var(dirname, dir) in DirectoryIndex) { foreach (var(filename, pakLocation) in dir) { var path = dirname + filename; if (!CaseSensitive) { path = path.ToLowerInvariant(); } // if there is no filter OR the filter passes if (filter == null || filter.CheckFilter(MountPoint + filename, CaseSensitive)) { // Filename is without the MountPoint concatenated to save memory Entries[path] = GetEntry(pakLocation, EncodedPakEntries); } } } }
public FShaderMapResourceCode(FArchive Ar) { ResourceHash = new FSHAHash(Ar); ShaderHashes = Ar.ReadArray(() => new FSHAHash(Ar)); ShaderEntries = Ar.ReadArray(() => new FShaderEntry(Ar)); }
public void Deserialize(FMaterialResourceProxyReader Ar) { #region FMemoryImageResult::LoadFromArchive, MemoryImage.cpp if (GIsHybridUE5) { var layoutParameters = Ar.Read <FPlatformTypeLayoutParameters>(); } var frozenSize = Ar.Read <int>(); var frozenObject = Ar.ReadBytes(frozenSize); if (GIsHybridUE5) { //var bFrozenObjectIsValid = pointerTable.LoadFromArchive(Ar, layoutParameters, frozenObject); FShaderMapPointerTable_LoadFromArchive(Ar); } var numVTables = Ar.Read <uint>(); var numScriptNames = Ar.Read <uint>(); var numMinimalNames = Ar.Read <uint>(); for (var i = 0; i < numVTables; i++) { var typeNameHash = Ar.Read <ulong>(); var numPatches = Ar.Read <uint>(); for (var patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < numPatches; ++patchIndex) { var vTableOffset = Ar.Read <uint>(); var offset = Ar.Read <uint>(); } } for (var i = 0; i < numScriptNames; i++) { var name = Ar.ReadFName(); var numPatches = Ar.Read <uint>(); for (var patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < numPatches; ++patchIndex) { var offset = Ar.Read <uint>(); } } for (var i = 0; i < numMinimalNames; i++) { var name = Ar.ReadFName(); var numPatches = Ar.Read <uint>(); for (var patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < numPatches; ++patchIndex) { var offset = Ar.Read <uint>(); } } #endregion if (!GIsHybridUE5) { FShaderMapPointerTable_LoadFromArchive(Ar); } var bShareCode = Ar.ReadBoolean(); if (GIsHybridUE5) { var shaderPlatform = Ar.Read <byte>(); } if (bShareCode) { var resourceHash = new FSHAHash(Ar); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }