static void MountDrive() { res = Ff.Current.f_mount(ref fs, "", 1); /* Give a work area to the default drive */ res.ThrowIfError(); Debug.WriteLine("Drive successfully mounted"); }
static void DeleteFileExample() { res = Ff.Current.f_unlink("/sub1/File2.txt"); /* Give a work area to the default drive */ res.ThrowIfError(); Debug.WriteLine("File successfully deleted"); }
static void RenameFileExample() { /* Rename an object in the default drive */ res = Ff.Current.f_rename("/sub1/File1.txt", "/sub1/File2.txt"); res.ThrowIfError(); Debug.WriteLine("File successfully renamed"); }
static void ListDirectoryExample() { res = Ff.Current.f_mount(ref fs, "", 1); res.ThrowIfError(); res = Scan_Files("/"); res.ThrowIfError(); Debug.WriteLine("Directories successfully listed"); }
static void ReadFileExample() { if (Ff.Current.f_open(ref Fil, "/sub1/File1.txt", FA_READ) == Ff.FRESULT.FR_OK) { /* Create a file */ var newPayload = new byte[5000]; res = Ff.Current.f_read(ref Fil, ref newPayload, 5000, ref bw); /* Read data from file */ res.ThrowIfError(); var msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(newPayload, 0, (int)bw); Debug.WriteLine($"{msg}"); res = Ff.Current.f_close(ref Fil); /* Close the file */ res.ThrowIfError(); } Debug.WriteLine("File successfully read"); }
static void CreateFileExample() { if ((res = Ff.Current.f_open(ref Fil, "/sub1/File1.txt", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS)) == Ff.FRESULT.FR_OK) { /* Create a file */ Random rnd = new Random(); var payload = $"File contents is: It works ({rnd.Next()})!".ToByteArray(); res = Ff.Current.f_write(ref Fil, payload, (uint)payload.Length, ref bw); /* Write data to the file */ res.ThrowIfError(); res = Ff.Current.f_close(ref Fil); /* Close the file */ res.ThrowIfError(); } else { res.ThrowIfError(); } Debug.WriteLine("File successfully created"); }
static void CreateDirectoriesExample() { res = Ff.Current.f_mkdir("sub1"); if (res != FRESULT.FR_EXIST) { res.ThrowIfError(); } res = Ff.Current.f_mkdir("sub1/sub2"); if (res != FRESULT.FR_EXIST) { res.ThrowIfError(); } res = Ff.Current.f_mkdir("sub1/sub2/sub3"); if (res != FRESULT.FR_EXIST) { res.ThrowIfError(); } Debug.WriteLine("Directories successfully created"); }