// Token: 0x060000B3 RID: 179 RVA: 0x000119C4 File Offset: 0x0000FBC4 protected List <ExamQuestion> GetQuestionList(ExamResultTopic resultinfo) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, resultinfo.questionlist); List <ExamQuestion> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamQuestion>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(resultinfo.questionlist); string[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.answerlist, "§", array.Length); string[] array3 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.scorelist, "|", array.Length); string[] array4 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.optionlist, "|", array.Length); List <ExamQuestion> list2 = new List <ExamQuestion>(); int num = 0; foreach (int num2 in array) { foreach (ExamQuestion examQuestion in list) { if (examQuestion.id == num2) { examQuestion.useranswer = array2[num]; examQuestion.userscore = (double)FPUtils.StrToFloat(array3[num]); examQuestion.optionlist = array4[num]; if (examQuestion.type == 1 || examQuestion.type == 2) { examQuestion.answer = this.OptionAnswer(examQuestion.optionlist, examQuestion.answer); } list2.Add(examQuestion); } } num++; } return(list2); }
// Token: 0x06000096 RID: 150 RVA: 0x0000E908 File Offset: 0x0000CB08 protected List <ExamQuestion> GetQuestionList(ExamResultTopic resultinfo) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, resultinfo.questionlist); List <ExamQuestion> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamQuestion>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(resultinfo.questionlist); string[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.answerlist, "§", array.Length); string[] array3 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.scorelist, "|", array.Length); string[] array4 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.optionlist, "|", array.Length); List <ExamQuestion> list2 = new List <ExamQuestion>(); SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("qid", WhereType.In, resultinfo.questionlist), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("uid", this.userid) }; List <ExamNote> list3 = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamNote>(sqlparams); int num = 0; foreach (int num2 in array) { foreach (ExamQuestion examQuestion in list) { if (examQuestion.id == num2) { examQuestion.useranswer = array2[num]; examQuestion.userscore = (double)FPUtils.StrToFloat(array3[num]); examQuestion.optionlist = array4[num]; if (examQuestion.type == 1 || examQuestion.type == 2) { examQuestion.answer = this.OptionAnswer(examQuestion.optionlist, examQuestion.answer); } foreach (ExamNote examNote in list3) { if (examNote.qid == examQuestion.id) { examQuestion.note = examNote.note; } } if (this.examloglist.ContainsKey(examQuestion.sortid)) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo = this.examloglist[examQuestion.sortid]; if (FPUtils.InArray(examQuestion.id, examLogInfo.favlist)) { examQuestion.isfav = 1; } } list2.Add(examQuestion); } } num++; } return(list2); }
// Token: 0x060000C2 RID: 194 RVA: 0x000130BC File Offset: 0x000112BC protected override void View() { this.examresult = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamResult>(this.resultid); if (this.examresult.id == 0) { this.ShowErr("该考生的试卷不存在或已被删除。"); } else if (this.examresult.status == 0) { this.ShowErr("对不起,该考试尚未完成。"); } else { this.examresult.passmark = this.examresult.passmark * this.examresult.total / 100.0; string commandText = string.Format("SELECT MAX([score]) AS [maxscore] FROM [{0}Exam_ExamResult] WHERE [examid]={1} AND [status]>0", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.examid); this.maxscore = Math.Round((double)FPUtils.StrToFloat(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText).ToString(), 0f), 1); commandText = string.Format("SELECT AVG([score]) AS [avgscore] FROM [{0}Exam_ExamResult] WHERE [examid]={1} AND [status]>0", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.examid); this.avgscore = Math.Round((double)FPUtils.StrToFloat(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText).ToString(), 0f)); SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("examid", this.examresult.examid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("status", WhereType.GreaterThan, 0) }; this.testers = DbHelper.ExecuteCount <ExamResult>(sqlparams); commandText = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [{0}Exam_ExamResult] WHERE [examid]={1} AND [score]>{2} AND [status]>0", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.examid, this.examresult.score); if (this.examresult.score > 0.0) { this.display = FPUtils.StrToInt(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText).ToString(), 0) + 1; } SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("resultid", this.resultid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.examtopiclist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamResultTopic>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); int num = Convert.ToInt32(this.examresult.total) / 5; int num2 = num / 2; if (num % 2 != 0) { num2++; } for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { this.bcklist.Add(i / 2 * num); } else { this.bcklist.Add(i * num2); } } } }
// Token: 0x060000B2 RID: 178 RVA: 0x000117F4 File Offset: 0x0000F9F4 protected override void View() { if (!this.isperm) { this.ShowErr("对不起,您没有权限阅卷。"); } else { this.examresult = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamResult>(this.resultid); if (this.examresult.id == 0) { this.ShowErr("该考生的试卷不存在或已被删除。"); } else { this.examloglist = ExamBll.GetExamLogList(this.examresult.channelid, this.userid); string commandText = string.Format("SELECT MAX([score]) AS [maxscore] FROM [{0}Exam_ExamResult] WHERE [id]={1}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.resultid); this.maxscore = Math.Round((double)FPUtils.StrToFloat(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText).ToString(), 0f), 1); if (this.maxscore > this.examresult.total) { this.maxscore = this.examresult.total; } commandText = string.Format("SELECT AVG([score]) AS [avgscore] FROM [{0}Exam_ExamResult] WHERE [id]={1}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.resultid); this.avgscore = Math.Round((double)FPUtils.StrToFloat(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText).ToString(), 0f), 1); SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("examid", this.examresult.examid); this.testers = DbHelper.ExecuteCount <ExamResult>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); commandText = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [{0}Exam_ExamResult] WHERE [examid]={1} AND [score]>{2}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.examid, this.examresult.score); if (this.examresult.score > 0.0) { this.display = FPUtils.StrToInt(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText).ToString(), 0) + 1; } this.examtopicresultlist = ExamBll.GetExamResultTopicList(this.resultid); } } }