        // Standard ctor - as for BlobReadStream but also specify the offset and number of bytes for the partial read.
        public PartialBlobReadStream(Stream s, FPTag t, long offset, long numBytes)
            // We cannot call the base constructor because we need use the additional offset and numBytes parameters
            // Even if we split out some of the functionality using a virtual init method with no
            // parameters, these paraameters will not be initialized when the virtual function was called
            // by the base constructor. So we just have to duplicate the (small)initialization code.
            holdingArea = s;
            theTag      = t;
            myCallbacks = new Callbacks(holdingArea, 16 * 1024);

            fpStream           = new FPGenericStream(holdingArea, FPStream.StreamDirection.OutputFromCentera, myCallbacks, IntPtr.Zero);
            fpStream.StreamLen = numBytes;

            blobThread      = new Thread(delegate() { theTag.BlobReadPartial(fpStream, offset, numBytes); });
            blobThread.Name = "PartialBlobReadThread";