public Information() { InitializeComponent(); FK.Content = "FindersKeepers - " + FindersKeepers.MainWindow.Version; try { FK.AnimateFade <Label>(0, 1, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4)), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), (() => { FK.AnimateFade <Label>(1, 0, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); })); FKLogo.AnimateFade <Image>(0, 1, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4)), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), (() => { FKLogo.AnimateFade <Image>(1, 0, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), (() => { if (GameManager.Instance.GManager.GRef.Attacher != null) { GameManager.Instance.GManager.GRef.Attacher.CloseInformation(); } })); })); } catch { // Closed before exit } }
private static async Task TestAsync() { var cmd = Util.Adapter; MEZUNBOL mezunbol = await cmd.QuerySingleAsync(new FluentSelect<MEZUNBOL>('@').SelectAll().Where().Equals(m => m.MEZUNBOLK, 30).AsSelect()); FK<MEZUNBOL> mezunFK = new FK<MEZUNBOL>(mezunbol, Util.Adapter); mezunFK.Join<SICIL>() .On(m => m.MEZUNBOLK, s => s.MEZUNBOLK) .LoadChildsAsync(m => m.SICILs).Wait(); SICIL sicil = cmd.SelectSingle<SICIL>(); FK<SICIL> sicilFK = new FK<SICIL>(sicil, cmd); sicilFK = await sicilFK.Join<PERSONELTIP>().On(s => s.PERSONELTIPK, p => p.PERSONELTIPK).SetAsync(s => s.PERSONELTIP); sicilFK = await sicilFK.Join<MEZUNBOL>().On(s => s.MEZUNBOLK, m => m.MEZUNBOLK).SetAsync(s => s.MEZUNBOL); var sicilList = await cmd.SelectAsync<SICIL>(); FKs<SICIL> fks = await new FKs<SICIL>(sicilList, cmd) .Join<PERSONELTIP>().On(s => s.PERSONELTIPK, p => p.PERSONELTIPK) .SetAsync(s => s.PERSONELTIP); fks.Join<MEZUNBOL>() .On(s => s.MEZUNBOLK, m => m.MEZUNBOLK) .SetAsync(s => s.MEZUNBOL).Wait(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { fk = target as FK; var bone = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Start Bone", fk.StartBone, typeof(Bone), true) as Bone; if (bone != fk.StartBone) { fk.StartBone = bone; InitBones(); } bone = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("End Bone", fk.EndBone, typeof(Bone), true) as Bone; if (bone != fk.EndBone) { fk.EndBone = bone; InitBones(); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); showBones = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showBones, "Bones"); if (showBones) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.margin.left = 20; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(style); for (var i = 0; i < fk.Bones.Length; i++) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(fk.Bones[i], typeof(Bone), true); fk.Rotations[i].eulerAngles = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("", fk.Rotations[i].eulerAngles); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ValidationResult.Items.Clear(); mm = (MinMaster)Master; string projectName = Page.RouteData.Values["projectName"] as string; int panelId = Int32.Parse(Page.RouteData.Values["panelId"] as string); actPanel = mm.SysDriver.Panels[panelId]; DataColumnCollection cols = mm.Stats.ColumnTypes[actPanel.tableName]; PanelName.Text = actPanel.panelName; _min.Models.Control control = actPanel.controls.Where(x => x is NavTableControl || x is TreeControl).First(); FKs = mm.Stats.FKs[actPanel.tableName]; List<string> colNames = (from DataColumn col in cols select col.ColumnName).ToList<string>(); // a M2NControl to select the columns of the table displayed in the GridView - for a tree we take only the first item DisplayCols.SetOptions(colNames); DisplayCols.SetIncludedOptions(control.displayColumns); // what actions can be triggered from the navigation control List<string> possibleAcitons = new List<string>(new string[] { UserAction.Insert.ToString(), UserAction.View.ToString(), UserAction.Delete.ToString() }); List<UserAction> originalActions = new List<UserAction>(); if (control is NavTableControl) { foreach(UserAction ua in ((NavTableControl)control).actions) originalActions.Add(ua); } else{ foreach (UserAction ua in ((TreeControl)control).actions) { originalActions.Add(ua); } } // if the panel contains a NavTable or TreeControl, it is the only control of a complex type and other controls therefore must be // simple buttons. foreach(_min.Models.Control simpleControl in actPanel.controls){ if(simpleControl == control) continue; originalActions.Add(simpleControl.action); } List<string> originalActionStrings = new List<string>(); foreach (UserAction a in originalActions) originalActionStrings.Add(a.ToString()); actionsControl.SetOptions(possibleAcitons); actionsControl.SetIncludedOptions(originalActionStrings); hierarchy = mm.Stats.SelfRefFKs().Find(x => x.myTable == actPanel.tableName); string[] CTypeOptions = hierarchy == null ? new string[] {"Navigation Table"} : new string[] {"Navigation Table", "Navigation Tree"}; // a radio button list - contains navtable and maybe treeview option NavControlType.DataSource = CTypeOptions; NavControlType.DataBind(); // let the default be the current if (control is TreeControl) NavControlType.SelectedIndex = 1; else NavControlType.SelectedIndex = 0; BackButton.PostBackUrl = BackButton.GetRouteUrl("ArchitectShowRoute", new { projectName = projectName }); }
private static void Test() { var cmd = Util.Adapter; MEZUNBOL mezunbol = cmd.SelectSingle<MEZUNBOL>(); FK<MEZUNBOL> mezunFK = new FK<MEZUNBOL>(mezunbol, Util.Adapter); mezunFK.Join<SICIL>() .On(m => m.MEZUNBOLK, s => s.MEZUNBOLK) .LoadChilds(m => m.SICILs); PERSONELTIP personelTip = cmd.SelectSingle<PERSONELTIP>(); FK<PERSONELTIP> personekTipFK = new FK<PERSONELTIP>(personelTip, Util.Adapter); personekTipFK.Join<SICIL>().On(p => p.PERSONELTIPK, s => s.PERSONELTIPK).LoadChilds(p => p.SICILs); SICIL sicil = cmd.SelectSingle<SICIL>(); cmd.Upsert(sicil, new Expression<Func<SICIL, object>>[] { s => s.ADI, s => s.SOYADI }, null); FK<SICIL> sicilFK = new FK<SICIL>(sicil, cmd); Stopwatch bench = Stopwatch.StartNew(); sicilFK.Join<PERSONELTIP>().On(s => s.PERSONELTIPK, p => p.PERSONELTIPK).Set(s => s.PERSONELTIP) .Join<MEZUNBOL>().On(s => s.MEZUNBOLK, m => m.MEZUNBOLK).Set(s => s.MEZUNBOL); FK<PERSONELTIP> inner = new FK<PERSONELTIP>(sicil.PERSONELTIP, cmd); inner.Join<SICIL>().On(p => p.PERSONELTIPK, s => s.PERSONELTIPK).LoadChilds(p => p.SICILs); bench.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(bench.ElapsedMilliseconds); var sicilList = cmd.Select<SICIL>(); bench = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j) { FKs<SICIL> fks = new FKs<SICIL>(sicilList, cmd) .Join<PERSONELTIP>() .On(s => s.PERSONELTIPK, p => p.PERSONELTIPK) .Set(s => s.PERSONELTIP) .Join<MEZUNBOL>() .On(s => s.MEZUNBOLK, m => m.MEZUNBOLK) .Set(s => s.MEZUNBOL); } bench.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(bench.ElapsedMilliseconds); // fk.Join(m => m.SICILs, s => s.MEZUNBOLK); //fk.Join(mezunbol, m => m.SICILs, s => s.MEZUNBOLK); }
public void OnSceneGUI() { fk = target as FK; fk.StartBone._showAsActive = true; fk.EndBone._showAsActive = true; foreach (var b in fk.Bones) { b._showAsActive = true; } fk = target as FK; }
private void Update() { /*var r = Quaternion.Euler(45, 0, 0); * Quaternion.*/ if (Bones.Length != Weights.Length || Bones.Length != InitialRotation.Length) { var lengthOld = Weights.Length; Array.Resize(ref Weights, Bones.Length); Array.Resize(ref InitialRotation, Bones.Length); for (var i = lengthOld; i < Bones.Length; i++) { Weights[i] = 1; } } if (Enable) { Quaternion[] rotations; if (UseInitial) { rotations = InverseKinematics(Bones, Weights, transform.position, Iteration, InitialRotation); } else { rotations = InverseKinematics(Bones, Weights, transform.position, Iteration); } for (var i = 0; i < this.Bones.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { Bones[i].transform.rotation = rotations[i]; } else { Bones[i].transform.localRotation = rotations[i]; } Bones[i].ApplyAngularLimit(); //Bones[i].ApplyAngularLimit(); } } else { transform.position = FK.ForwardKinematics(this.Bones, Bones.Select(bone => bone.transform.localRotation).ToArray()); } }
public static void FKEquality() { var fk1 = new FK <Simple>(Mapper.CreateIncompleteKey <Simple>()); var fk2 = new FK <Simple>(Mapper.CreateIncompleteKey <Simple>()); var fk3 = new FK <Simple>(fk1.Key); var fk4 = new FK <Simple>(new Simple { Baz = "Baz" }); var fk5 = new FK <Simple>(new Simple { Baz = "Hello" }); var fk6 = new FK <Simple>(fk4.Value); Assert.Equal(fk1, fk3); Assert.NotEqual(fk1, fk2); Assert.NotEqual(fk3, fk2); Assert.NotEqual(fk1, fk4); Assert.NotEqual(fk2, fk4); Assert.NotEqual(fk3, fk4); Assert.NotEqual(fk5, fk4); Assert.NotEqual(fk5, fk6); Assert.Equal(fk4, fk6); }
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // extract the data for fields from the table List <IField> fields = new List <IField>(); int i = 1; Dictionary <DataColumn, Dictionary <string, object> > customs = new Dictionary <DataColumn, Dictionary <string, object> >(); foreach (DataColumn col in mm.Stats.ColumnTypes[actPanel.tableName]) { // standard fields TableRow r = tbl.Rows[i++]; if (!((CheckBox)r.Cells[1].Controls[0]).Checked) { continue; } // label, present, type, valid, caption IColumnFieldFactory factory = factories[Int32.Parse(((DropDownList)r.Cells[2].Controls[0]).SelectedValue)]; // cell 3 is there for FK display column dropList bool required = false; bool unique = false; if (r.Cells[4].Controls.Count == 4) { CheckBox reqChb = (CheckBox)r.Cells[4].Controls[1]; CheckBox uniChb = (CheckBox)r.Cells[4].Controls[3]; required = reqChb.Checked; unique = uniChb.Checked; } string caption = ((TextBox)r.Cells[5].Controls[0]).Text; if (caption == "") { caption = null; } if (factory is ICustomizableColumnFieldFactory) { customs[col] = new Dictionary <string, object>(); customs[col]["factory"] = factory.Clone(); // so that each field gets its factory even if there more custom fields of the same type customs[col]["required"] = required; customs[col]["unique"] = unique; customs[col]["caption"] = caption; continue; } IField newField; //PBPR // react to the changes to the displaycolumn for the FK if (col.ExtendedProperties.Contains("FK")) { FK colFK = (FK)(col.ExtendedProperties["FK"]); colFK.displayColumn = ((DropDownList)(r.Cells[3].Controls[0])).SelectedValue; col.ExtendedProperties["FK"] = colFK; } newField = factory.Create(col); newField.Caption = caption; newField.Required = required; if (newField is IColumnField) { ((IColumnField)newField).Unique = unique; } fields.Add(newField); } i = 1; foreach (M2NMapping mapping in mappings) { // mappings TableRow r = mappingsTbl.Rows[i++]; // label, present, type (mappingType), valid (req?), caption if (!((CheckBox)r.Cells[1].Controls[0]).Checked) { continue; } // must be mappingType... List <ValidationRules> rules = new List <ValidationRules>(); // no validation for a mapping mapping.displayColumn = ((DropDownList)(r.Cells[3].Controls[0])).SelectedValue; string caption = ((TextBox)r.Cells[5].Controls[0]).Text; M2NMappingField m2nf = new M2NMappingField(mapping, caption); fields.Add(m2nf); } // crate a control for each checked action List <_min.Models.Control> controls = new List <_min.Models.Control>(); // controls bool valid = true; List <string> errorMsgs = new List <string>(); if (actions.RetrieveStringData().Count == 0) { valid = false; errorMsgs.Add("Choose at least one action for the panel, please."); } foreach (string actionString in actions.RetrieveStringData()) { _min.Models.Control c = new _min.Models.Control(0, actionString, (UserAction)Enum.Parse(typeof(UserAction), actionString)); c.targetPanel = actPanel.controls[0].targetPanel; c.targetPanelId = actPanel.controls[0].targetPanelId; // a miserable way to find out the target panel...really controls.Add(c); } MPanel resPanel = new MPanel(actPanel.tableName, actPanel.panelId, PanelTypes.Editable, new List <MPanel>(), fields, controls, actPanel.PKColNames, null, actPanel.parent); resPanel.panelName = panelName.Text; valid = valid && mm.Architect.checkPanelProposal(resPanel, out errorMsgs, customs); // validate the Panel using Architect`s validator - don`t edit PKs, unique columns must have the constraint, must contain all collumns except Nullable // and AI and more rules validationResult.Items.Clear(); if (valid) { if (customs.Count == 0) { validationResult.Items.Add(new ListItem("Valid")); actPanel = resPanel; mm.SysDriver.BeginTransaction(); mm.SysDriver.UpdatePanel(actPanel); Session.Clear(); mm.SysDriver.IncreaseVersionNumber(); mm.SysDriver.CommitTransaction(); validationResult.Items.Add(new ListItem("Saved")); Response.Redirect(Page.Request.RawUrl); } else { Session["interPanel"] = resPanel; Session["customs"] = customs; Response.RedirectToRoute("ArchitectEditEditableCustomRoute", new { projectName = CE.project.Name, panelId = actPanel.panelId }); // for the sake of unity (and SysDriver) } } else { foreach (string s in errorMsgs) { validationResult.Items.Add(new ListItem(s)); } } }
public void TableFKs( out FK[] fks_out, out System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, FK> fks_dic_out ) { System.Collections.Generic.List<FK> _output = new System.Collections.Generic.List<FK>(); System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, FK> _output2 = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, FK>(); XS_objectType _table_a; string _tableName_a; string _tableFieldName_a; XS_objectType _table_b; string _tableName_b; string _tableFieldName_b; string _direction; XS_objectTypeCollection _objecttypecollection = (XS_objectTypeCollection)this.parent_ref; XS_layerType _layertype = (XS_layerType)_objecttypecollection.parent_ref; XS_layerTypeCollection _layertypecollection = (XS_layerTypeCollection)_layertype.parent_ref; XS__diagram _root_ref = (XS__diagram)_layertypecollection.parent_ref; FK _aux; for (int l = 0; l < _root_ref.LayerCollection.Count; l++) { for (int o = 0; o < _root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection.Count; o++) { switch (_root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection[o].Type) { case "UML - Association": if (_root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection[o].Connections.ConnectionCollection.Count != 2) break; _table_a = null; _tableName_a = ""; _tableFieldName_a = ""; _table_b = null; _tableName_b = ""; _tableFieldName_b = ""; _direction = ""; for (int a = 0; a < _root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection[o].AttributeCollection.Count; a++) { switch (_root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection[o].AttributeCollection[a].Name) { case "direction": _direction = _root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection[o].AttributeCollection[a].Enum.Val; break; case "role_a": _table_a = _root_ref.Table_search( _root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection[o].Connections.ConnectionCollection[0].To ); _tableName_a = _table_a.TableName; _tableFieldName_a = _root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection[o].AttributeCollection[a].String.Replace("#", ""); break; case "role_b": _table_b = _root_ref.Table_search( _root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection[o].Connections.ConnectionCollection[1].To ); _tableName_b = _table_b.TableName; _tableFieldName_b = _root_ref.LayerCollection[l].ObjectCollection[o].AttributeCollection[a].String.Replace("#", ""); break; } } if ( (_table_a == this) && (_direction == "1") ) { _output2.Add( _tableFieldName_a, _aux = new FK( _tableFieldName_a, _tableName_b, _tableFieldName_b ) ); _output.Add(_aux); } if ( (_table_b == this) && (_direction == "2") ) { _output2.Add( _tableFieldName_b, _aux = new FK( _tableFieldName_b, _tableName_a, _tableFieldName_a ) ); _output.Add(_aux); } break; } } } fks_dic_out = _output2; fks_out = _output.ToArray(); //return _output.ToArray(); }
private SortedDictionary<int, string> FetchFKOptions(FK fk) { DataTable tbl = driver.fetchAll("SELECT ", dbe.Cols(new string[] {fk.refColumn, fk.displayColumn}), " FROM ", dbe.Table(fk.refTable)); SortedDictionary<int, string> res = new SortedDictionary<int, string>(); foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows) { if (r[0] == DBNull.Value || r[0].ToString() == "") continue; res.Add(Int32.Parse(r[0].ToString()), r[1].ToString()); // awful... obj to int through int - find a better way } return res; }
public FKField(string columnName, string caption, FK FK) : base(columnName, caption) { this.FK = FK; }
public static float FKDistance(Bone[] bones, Quaternion[] rotations, Vector3 target) { return((FK.ForwardKinematics(bones, rotations) - target).magnitude); }
public InnerJoin(FK fk) { = fk; }
/// <summary> /// loads the whole project from database (in 3 queries) /// </summary> public void FullProjectLoad() { Panels = new Dictionary<int, Panel>(); driver.BeginTransaction(); FK control_panel = new FK("controls", "id_panel", "panels", "id_panel", null); FK field_panel = new FK("fields", "id_panel", "panels", "id_panel", null); DataTable panels = driver.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM ", dbe.Table("panels"), "WHERE id_project =", CE.project.Id); DataTable controls = driver.fetchAll("SELECT controls.* FROM ", dbe.Table("controls"), dbe.Join(control_panel), "WHERE id_project =", CE.project.Id); DataTable fields = driver.fetchAll("SELECT fields.* FROM ", dbe.Table("fields"), dbe.Join(field_panel), "WHERE id_project =", CE.project.Id); driver.CommitTransaction(); panels.TableName = "panels"; controls.TableName = "controls"; fields.TableName = "fields"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); /* panels.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { panels.Columns["id_panel"] }; controls.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { panels.Columns["id_control"] }; fields.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { panels.Columns["id_field"] }; */ if(panels.DataSet is DataSet) panels.DataSet.Tables.Clear(); if(controls.DataSet is DataSet) controls.DataSet.Tables.Clear(); if(fields.DataSet is DataSet) fields.DataSet.Tables.Clear(); ds.Tables.Add(panels); ds.Tables.Add(controls); ds.Tables.Add(fields); ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation(CC.SYSDRIVER_FK_CONTROL_PANEL, ds.Tables["panels"].Columns["id_panel"], ds.Tables["controls"].Columns["id_panel"], true)); ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation(CC.SYSDRIVER_FK_FIELD_PANEL, ds.Tables["panels"].Columns["id_panel"], ds.Tables["fields"].Columns["id_panel"], true)); ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation(CC.SYSDRIVER_FK_PANEL_PARENT, ds.Tables["panels"].Columns["id_panel"], ds.Tables["panels"].Columns["id_parent"], true)); DataSet2Architecture(ds); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ValidationResult.Items.Clear(); mm = (MinMaster)Master; string projectName = Page.RouteData.Values["projectName"] as string; int panelId = Int32.Parse(Page.RouteData.Values["panelId"] as string); actPanel = mm.SysDriver.Panels[panelId]; DataColumnCollection cols = mm.Stats.ColumnTypes[actPanel.tableName]; PanelName.Text = actPanel.panelName; _min.Models.Control control = actPanel.controls.Where(x => x is NavTableControl || x is TreeControl).First(); FKs = mm.Stats.FKs[actPanel.tableName]; List <string> colNames = (from DataColumn col in cols select col.ColumnName).ToList <string>(); // a M2NControl to select the columns of the table displayed in the GridView - for a tree we take only the first item DisplayCols.SetOptions(colNames); DisplayCols.SetIncludedOptions(control.displayColumns); // what actions can be triggered from the navigation control List <string> possibleAcitons = new List <string>(new string[] { UserAction.Insert.ToString(), UserAction.View.ToString(), UserAction.Delete.ToString() }); List <UserAction> originalActions = new List <UserAction>(); if (control is NavTableControl) { foreach (UserAction ua in ((NavTableControl)control).actions) { originalActions.Add(ua); } } else { foreach (UserAction ua in ((TreeControl)control).actions) { originalActions.Add(ua); } } // if the panel contains a NavTable or TreeControl, it is the only control of a complex type and other controls therefore must be // simple buttons. foreach (_min.Models.Control simpleControl in actPanel.controls) { if (simpleControl == control) { continue; } originalActions.Add(simpleControl.action); } List <string> originalActionStrings = new List <string>(); foreach (UserAction a in originalActions) { originalActionStrings.Add(a.ToString()); } actionsControl.SetOptions(possibleAcitons); actionsControl.SetIncludedOptions(originalActionStrings); hierarchy = mm.Stats.SelfRefFKs().Find(x => x.myTable == actPanel.tableName); string[] CTypeOptions = hierarchy == null ? new string[] { "Navigation Table" } : new string[] { "Navigation Table", "Navigation Tree" }; // a radio button list - contains navtable and maybe treeview option NavControlType.DataSource = CTypeOptions; NavControlType.DataBind(); // let the default be the current if (control is TreeControl) { NavControlType.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { NavControlType.SelectedIndex = 0; } BackButton.PostBackUrl = BackButton.GetRouteUrl("ArchitectShowRoute", new { projectName = projectName }); }
public InnerJoin(FK fk, string alias) { = fk; this.alias = alias; }
public IDbJoin Join(FK fk, string alias) { return new InnerJoin(fk, alias); }
public IDbJoin Join(FK fk) { return new InnerJoin(fk); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { mm = (MinMaster)Master; factories = (List <IColumnFieldFactory>)Application["ColumnFieldFactories"]; int panelId = Int32.Parse(Page.RouteData.Values["panelId"] as string); actPanel = mm.SysDriver.Panels[panelId]; DataColumnCollection cols = mm.Stats.ColumnTypes[actPanel.tableName]; // the field types - default and special subsets allowed for special data types - i.e. a foereign key cannot be edited via nothing but // a FKFiels string[] fieldTypes = new string[] { FieldTypes.ShortText.ToString(), FieldTypes.Bool.ToString(), FieldTypes.Date.ToString(), FieldTypes.DateTime.ToString(), FieldTypes.Text.ToString() }; string[] EnumType = new string[] { FieldTypes.Enum.ToString() }; string[] FKtype = new string[] { FieldTypes.FK.ToString() }; string[] mappingType = new string[] { FieldTypes.M2NMapping.ToString() }; string[] validationRules = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ValidationRules)); //possible bugpoing (see repo) // a FKField can be only required - let referential integrity take care of the rest string[] requiredRule = new string[] { Enum.GetName(typeof(ValidationRules), ValidationRules.Required) }; FKs = mm.Stats.FKs[actPanel.tableName]; mappings = new List <M2NMapping>(); mappings = mm.Stats.Mappings[actPanel.tableName]; panelName.Text = actPanel.panelName; // create a datarow for each column, specifiing... foreach (DataColumn col in cols) // std. fields (incl. FKs) { IColumnField cf = (IColumnField)actPanel.fields.Find(x => x is IColumnField && ((IColumnField)x).ColumnName == col.ColumnName); TableRow r = new TableRow(); r.ID = col.ColumnName; //...the name,... TableCell nameCell = new TableCell(); Label nameLabel = new Label(); nameLabel.Text = col.ColumnName; nameCell.Controls.Add(nameLabel); r.Cells.Add(nameCell); //...whether the column will be accessible to editation at all,... TableCell presentCell = new TableCell(); CheckBox present = new CheckBox(); present.Checked = cf != null; presentCell.Controls.Add(present); r.Cells.Add(presentCell); FK fk = FKs.Find(x => x.myColumn == col.ColumnName); if (cf != null && cf is FKField) { fk = ((FKField)cf).FK; } //...the FieldType,... TableCell typeCell = new TableCell(); DropDownList dl = new DropDownList(); Dictionary <int, string> typeOptions = new Dictionary <int, string>(); int current = -1; for (int i = 0; i < factories.Count; i++) { if (factories[i].CanHandle(col)) { typeOptions.Add(i, factories[i].UIName); } if (cf != null && cf.GetType() == (factories[i].ProductionType)) { current = typeOptions.Count - 1; } } dl.DataSource = typeOptions; dl.DataValueField = "Key"; dl.DataTextField = "Value"; dl.DataBind(); dl.SelectedIndex = current; typeCell.Controls.Add(dl); r.Cells.Add(typeCell); //...what column of the referred table to display in the dropdown TableCell FKDisplayCell = new TableCell(); // set default value if the field was originally present in the editation form if (fk != null) { DropDownList fkddl = new DropDownList(); fkddl.DataSource = mm.Stats.ColumnsToDisplay[fk.refTable]; fkddl.DataBind(); if (cf != null) { fkddl.SelectedIndex = fkddl.Items.IndexOf(fkddl.Items.FindByValue(((FKField)cf).FK.displayColumn)); } FKDisplayCell.Controls.Add(fkddl); } r.Cells.Add(FKDisplayCell); //PBPR //...the validation rules... TableCell validCell = new TableCell(); CheckBox requiredCb = new CheckBox(); Label requiredlabel = new Label(); requiredlabel.Text = "required "; CheckBox uniCheck = new CheckBox(); Label uniLabel = new Label(); uniLabel.Text = "unique"; if (cf != null) { requiredCb.Checked = cf.Required; uniCheck.Checked = cf.Unique; } if (!(cf is CheckBoxField)) { validCell.Controls.Add(requiredlabel); validCell.Controls.Add(requiredCb); validCell.Controls.Add(uniLabel); validCell.Controls.Add(uniCheck); } r.Cells.Add(validCell); //...and the caption TableCell captionCell = new TableCell(); TextBox caption = new TextBox(); captionCell.Controls.Add(caption); r.Cells.Add(captionCell); if (cf != null) { caption.Text = cf.Caption; } // index 6 tbl.Rows.Add(r); } // mappings will get a similiar table, but some collumns (like validation) will just be left empty foreach (M2NMapping mapping in mappings) { M2NMappingField f = actPanel.fields.Find( x => x is M2NMappingField && ((M2NMappingField)x).Mapping.myColumn == mapping.myColumn) as M2NMappingField; TableRow r = new TableRow(); TableCell nameCell = new TableCell(); Label nameLabel = new Label(); nameLabel.Text = mapping.myTable + " to " + mapping.refTable + " via " + mapping.mapTable; nameCell.Controls.Add(nameLabel); r.Cells.Add(nameCell); TableCell presentCell = new TableCell(); CheckBox present = new CheckBox(); present.Checked = f != null; presentCell.Controls.Add(present); r.Cells.Add(presentCell); TableCell typeCell = new TableCell(); DropDownList dl = new DropDownList(); dl.DataSource = mappingType; dl.DataBind(); typeCell.Controls.Add(dl); r.Cells.Add(typeCell); TableCell displayCell = new TableCell(); DropDownList displayDrop = new DropDownList(); displayDrop.DataSource = mm.Stats.ColumnsToDisplay[mapping.refTable]; displayDrop.DataBind(); if (f != null) { displayDrop.SelectedIndex = displayDrop.Items.IndexOf(displayDrop.Items.FindByValue(f.Mapping.displayColumn)); } displayCell.Controls.Add(displayDrop); r.Cells.Add(displayCell); TableCell validCell = new TableCell(); // leave it empty r.Cells.Add(validCell); TableCell captionCell = new TableCell(); TextBox caption = new TextBox(); captionCell.Controls.Add(caption); r.Cells.Add(captionCell); if (f != null) { caption.Text = f.Caption; } mappingsTbl.Rows.Add(r); } // what can be done with the panel string[] actionTypes = new string[] { UserAction.Insert.ToString(), UserAction.Update.ToString(), UserAction.Delete.ToString() }; // controls List <string> activeActions = (from _min.Models.Control control in actPanel.controls select Enum.GetName(typeof(UserAction), control.action)).ToList <string>(); actions.SetOptions(new List <string>(actionTypes)); actions.SetIncludedOptions(activeActions); backButton.PostBackUrl = backButton.GetRouteUrl("ArchitectShowRoute", new { projectName = mm.ProjectName }); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the names of project that the user is administrator / architect of, IGNORING the /// global rights /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="adminOf"></param> /// <param name="architectOf"></param> public void UserMenuOptions(object userId, out List<string> adminOf, out List<string> architectOf) { FK access_project = new FK("access_rights", "id_project", "projects", "id_project", null); DataTable admin = driver.fetchAll("SELECT", dbe.Col("projects", "name", null), "FROM", dbe.Table("access_rights"), dbe.Join(access_project), "WHERE", dbe.Col("id_user"), " = ", dbe.InObj(userId.ToString()), " AND " , dbe.Col("access_rights", "access", null), " % 100 >= 10"); adminOf = (from DataRow r in admin.Rows select r[0] as string).ToList<string>(); DataTable architect = driver.fetchAll("SELECT", dbe.Col("projects", "name", null), "FROM ", dbe.Table("access_rights"), dbe.Join(access_project), "WHERE", dbe.Col("id_user"), " = ", dbe.InObj(userId.ToString()), " AND ", dbe.Col("access_rights", "access", null), " % 1000 >= 100"); architectOf = (from DataRow r in architect.Rows select r[0] as string).ToList<string>(); }