        static public object UpdateGroupAttributes(Thea2.Server.Group targetGroup, GameInstance gameInstance)
            //targetGroup.mp                  = FInt.ZERO;
            targetGroup.maxMp                      = FInt.ZERO;
            targetGroup.viewRadius                 = new FInt(-20);
            targetGroup.detectDangerRadius         = FInt.ZERO;
            targetGroup.detectability              = FInt.ZERO;
            targetGroup.seaMaxMP                   = FInt.ZERO;
            targetGroup.seaCarryLimit              = FInt.ZERO;
            targetGroup.gatheringRange             = FInt.ONE;
            targetGroup.maxCraftingWorkersPerTask  = new FInt(targetGroup.settlement ? 3 : 2);
            targetGroup.maxGatheringWorkersPerTask = new FInt(targetGroup.settlement ? 3 : 2);
            targetGroup.maxResearchWorkersPerTask  = new FInt(targetGroup.settlement ? 3 : 2);
            targetGroup.maxRitualsWorkersPerTask   = new FInt(targetGroup.settlement ? 3 : 2);
            targetGroup.viewRangeBonus             = FInt.ZERO;

            Tag  tDay = DBHelpers.GetDBInstance <Tag>(TAG.DAY);
            bool day  = gameInstance.sharedAttributes.Contains(tDay, FInt.ONE);

            foreach (var v in targetGroup.items)
                if (v.GetItem() != null && v.GetItem().skill != null)
                    SkillInstance si = v.GetItem().skill;
                    foreach (var k in si.source.Get().skillSubskills)
                        if (k.trigger.triggerGroup == ETriggerGroupType.GroupPassive)
                            for (int i = 0; i < v.count; i++)
                                Globals.CallFunction(k.activation.scriptName, v, si.GetCurrentSkillAttributes()[k], targetGroup);
            foreach (var v in targetGroup.characters)
                var c = v.Get();
                if (c != null)
                    if (c.learnedSkills != null)
                        foreach (var si in c.learnedSkills)
                            foreach (var k in si.source.Get().skillSubskills)
                                if (k.trigger.triggerGroup == ETriggerGroupType.GroupPassive)
                                    Globals.CallFunction(k.activation.scriptName, null, si.GetCurrentSkillAttributes()[k], targetGroup);
                    if (c.effects != null)
                        foreach (var si in c.effects)
                            foreach (var k in si.source.Get().skillSubskills)
                                if (k.trigger.triggerGroup == ETriggerGroupType.GroupPassive)
                                    Globals.CallFunction(k.activation.scriptName, null, si.GetCurrentSkillAttributes()[k], targetGroup);
                    if (c.equipmentEffects != null)
                        foreach (var si in c.equipmentEffects)
                            foreach (var k in si.source.Get().skillSubskills)
                                if (k.trigger.triggerGroup == ETriggerGroupType.GroupPassive)
                                    Globals.CallFunction(k.activation.scriptName, null, si.GetCurrentSkillAttributes()[k], targetGroup);
            if (targetGroup.seaMaxMP < FInt.ONE)
                targetGroup.seaMaxMP = FInt.ONE;
            else if (targetGroup.ownerID > 0)
                SPlayer player = GameInstance.Get().GetPlayer(targetGroup.ownerID);
                FInt    v      = player.attributes.GetBase(TAG.SEA_MOVEMENT_RANGE);

                targetGroup.seaMaxMP += v;

            if (targetGroup.characters != null &&
                targetGroup.seaCarryLimit < targetGroup.characters.Count * 40)
                targetGroup.seaCarryLimit = new FInt(targetGroup.characters.Count * 40);

            bool isLand = World.IsLand(targetGroup.Position);

            if (targetGroup.characters != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < targetGroup.characters.Count; i++)
                    Character c = targetGroup.characters[i];
                    if (i == 0)
                        if (!targetGroup.settlement && isLand)
                            targetGroup.mp    = c.GetCurentMP();
                            targetGroup.maxMp = c.GetMaxMP();

                        if (day)
                            targetGroup.viewRadius = c.attributes.GetFinal(TAG.RANGE_OF_SIGHT_DAY) + targetGroup.viewRangeBonus;
                            targetGroup.viewRadius = c.attributes.GetFinal(TAG.RANGE_OF_SIGHT_NIGHT) + targetGroup.viewRangeBonus;
                        if (!targetGroup.settlement && isLand)
                            targetGroup.mp    = FInt.Min(targetGroup.mp, c.GetCurentMP());
                            targetGroup.maxMp = FInt.Min(targetGroup.maxMp, c.GetMaxMP());

                        if (day)
                            FInt f = c.attributes.GetFinal(TAG.RANGE_OF_SIGHT_DAY) + targetGroup.viewRangeBonus;
                            targetGroup.viewRadius = FInt.Max(targetGroup.viewRadius, f);
                            FInt f = c.attributes.GetFinal(TAG.RANGE_OF_SIGHT_NIGHT) + targetGroup.viewRangeBonus;
                            targetGroup.viewRadius = FInt.Max(targetGroup.viewRadius, f);
                //zero MP only if this is group with no characters.
                //only land mp are updated from characters,
                //sea mp will not be updated leaving narrow margin for exploits,
                //but making it way cleaner for regular players
                targetGroup.mp = FInt.ZERO;
            targetGroup.attributesDirty = false;
