public jsonFile(string file) { try { fileType = FILETYPE.unknown; fileBuffer = file; root = JObject.Parse(fileBuffer); //TODO: finish this schema resolver - currently the code will partial process files as validation not in place. JsonSchema schema = JsonSchema.Parse(fileBuffer); if (root.IsValid(schema)) { if (root["orders"] != null) { fileType = FILETYPE.orders; rows = root["orders"]; } else if (root["order items"] != null) { fileType = FILETYPE.orderitems; rows = root["order items"]; } else if (root["shipments"] != null) { fileType = FILETYPE.shipments; rows = root["shipments"]; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Exception caught: " + ex.Source + " : " + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Return a ContentValues to be inserted or updated to DB /// </summary> protected internal override ContentValues __saveData() { List <object> colsAndValues = new List <object>(2); FILETYPE fType = FILETYPE.fBin; if (this.rawBinData != null) { colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dRawBinData.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(this.rawBinData); colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dTextData.ToString()); // clear text column colsAndValues.Add(""); } else if (this.textData != null) { colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dTextData.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(this.textData); colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dRawBinData.ToString()); // clear rawbin column colsAndValues.Add(null); fType = FILETYPE.fText; } // file type colsAndValues.Add(FILEDATABLOCK.dFileType.ToString()); colsAndValues.Add(fType.ordinal()); return(SqlStr.genContentValues(colsAndValues)); }
public BinaryIO(string FileName = "", FILETYPE type = FILETYPE.BINARY) : base(FileName, type) { if (FileName != "") { fileStream = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns list of certain files in the directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="directory">Full path to folder with files.</param> /// <param name="ft">Type of file to search.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string[] GetFileListByType(string directory, FILETYPE ft) { string[] fileList = null; try { fileList = Directory.GetFiles(directory); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new Exception("One or few directories names are incorrect!"); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { throw new Exception("One or few directories names are incorrect!"); } List <string> tempList = new List <string>(fileList); List <string> bufferList = new List <string>(); foreach (string elem in tempList) { bufferList.Add(elem); } switch (ft) { case FILETYPE.SOUND: { foreach (string elem in tempList) { if (!elem.Contains(".mp3")) { bufferList.Remove(elem); } } break; } case FILETYPE.IMAGE: { foreach (string elem in tempList) { if (!elem.Contains(".jpg") && !elem.Contains(".png") && !elem.Contains(".jpeg")) { bufferList.Remove(elem); } } break; } default: break; } return(bufferList.ToArray()); }
private async void OpenFileSavePicker(FILETYPE fileType) { FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker(); savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary; // Dropdown of file types the user can save the file as switch (fileType) { case FILETYPE.TEXTFILE: savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Plain Text", new List <string>() { ".txt" }); break; case FILETYPE.WORDDOCUMENT: savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Word Document", new List <string>() { ".doc" }); break; } // Default file name if the user does not type one in or select a file to replace savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "New Document"; StorageFile file = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync(); if (file != null) { // Prevent updates to the remote version of the file until we finish making changes and call CompleteUpdatesAsync. CachedFileManager.DeferUpdates(file); // write to file await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, OcrString); // Let Windows know that we're finished changing the file so the other app can update the remote version of the file. // Completing updates may require Windows to ask for user input. FileUpdateStatus status = await CachedFileManager.CompleteUpdatesAsync(file); MessageDialog msgDialog; if (status == FileUpdateStatus.Complete) { msgDialog = new MessageDialog("File " + file.Name + " was saved.", "File Saved."); } else { msgDialog = new MessageDialog("File " + file.Name + " couldn't be saved.", "File Saved."); } await msgDialog.ShowAsync(); } else { //"Operation cancelled."; } }
private int CommFileInit(FILETYPE ftype) { switch (ftype) { case FILETYPE.fileBMP: m_filename = m_filename + ".bmp"; //"imgsnap.bmp" break; case FILETYPE.fileJPEG: m_filename = m_filename + ".jpg"; //"imgsnap.jpg" break; } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Fetch the file tumbnail /// </summary> /// <param name="Filetype">Set it to use ID or file HASH</param> /// <param name="ab"></param> /// <returns>A thumbnail file</returns> public static ResponseFile Get_Files_Thumbnails(FILETYPE Filetype, string HashOrID) { try { var url = _Server_Addr + "/get_files/thumbnail?"; switch (Filetype) { case FILETYPE.File_ID: url += "file_id=" + HashOrID; break; case FILETYPE.File_Hash: url += "hash=" + HashOrID; break; default: break; } //fire off that thumbnail request var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url + "&Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key=" + _API_KEY); request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate; var f = request.GetResponse(); //get filetype from stream data string filetype = DetectImageType(f.GetResponseStream()); var reg = new Regex("\"[^\"]*\""); var match = reg.Matches(f.Headers["Content-Disposition"])[0].Value.Replace("thumbnail", filetype).Trim('"'); ResponseFile response = new ResponseFile { FileByteStream = f.GetResponseStream(), FileName = match }; return(response); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds using block to the closed file's buffer /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">File path</param> /// <param name="nmspc">Imported namespace</param> private void AddUsingBlockTo(string filename, string nmspc) { FILETYPE type = filename.GetFileType(); switch (type) { case FILETYPE.CSHARP: filesCache[filename].Insert(0, string.Format(StringConstants.CSharpUsingBlockFormat, nmspc)); break; case FILETYPE.ASPX: filesCache[filename].Insert(0, string.Format(StringConstants.AspImportDirectiveFormat, nmspc)); break; case FILETYPE.VB: filesCache[filename].Insert(0, string.Format(StringConstants.VBUsingBlockFormat, nmspc)); break; } }
protected static string fileDialog( FILETYPE type, bool bWrite ) { FileDialog dlg = bWrite ? ((FileDialog)(new SaveFileDialog())) : ((FileDialog)(new OpenFileDialog())); int idx = (int)(type); dlg.DefaultExt = FileExt[idx]; dlg.Filter = FileDesc[idx]; dlg.CheckFileExists = false; // Display OpenFileDialog by calling ShowDialog method Nullable<bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog(); // Get the selected file name if (result == true) return dlg.FileName; return ""; }
public void Clear() { td_fieldsset=new uint[libtiff.FIELD_SETLONGS]; td_imagewidth=td_imagelength=td_imagedepth=0; td_tilewidth=td_tilelength=td_tiledepth=0; td_subfiletype=0; td_bitspersample=0; td_sampleformat=0; td_compression=0; td_photometric=0; td_threshholding=0; td_fillorder=0; td_orientation=0; td_samplesperpixel=0; td_rowsperstrip=0; td_minsamplevalue=td_maxsamplevalue=0; td_sminsamplevalue=td_smaxsamplevalue=0; td_xresolution=td_yresolution=0; td_resolutionunit=0; td_planarconfig=0; td_xposition=td_yposition=0; td_pagenumber=new ushort[2]; td_colormap=new ushort[3][]; td_halftonehints=new ushort[2]; td_extrasamples=0; td_sampleinfo=null; td_stripsperimage=0; td_nstrips=0; // size of offset & bytecount arrays td_stripoffset=null; td_stripbytecount=null; td_stripbytecountsorted=0; // is the bytecount array sorted ascending? td_nsubifd=0; td_subifd=null; // YCbCr parameters td_ycbcrsubsampling=new ushort[2]; td_ycbcrpositioning=0; // Colorimetry parameters td_refblackwhite=null; td_transferfunction=new ushort[3][]; // CMYK parameters td_inknameslen=0; td_inknames=null; td_customValueCount=0; td_customValues.Clear(); }
public int SaveImage(string lpSaveName, FILETYPE FileType) { return ArtCam.SaveImage(m_hACam, lpSaveName, FileType); }
public static extern int SaveImage(int hACam, string lpSaveName, FILETYPE FileType);
public FileIO(string FileName, FILETYPE type = FILETYPE.UNKNOWN) { this.FileName = FileName; FileType = type; }
public KMLIO(string FileName = "", FILETYPE type = FILETYPE.KML) : base(FileName, type) { }
public EXCELIO(string FileName = "", FILETYPE type = FILETYPE.XML) : base(FileName, type) { excelApp = new Excel.Application(); }
public CSVIO( string FileName = "", FILETYPE type = FILETYPE.CSV ) : base(FileName, type) { }
public XMLIO(string FileName = "", FILETYPE type = FILETYPE.XML) : base(FileName, type) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings(); xws.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false); xws.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document; xws.Indent = true; Writer = XmlWriter.Create(fs, xws); }
public TextIO( string FileName = "", FILETYPE type = FILETYPE.PLAINTEXT ) : base(FileName, type) { if (FileName != "") { writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite)); reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)); } }
public CacheIdentifier(string p, string n, FILETYPE t) { PID = p; FileName = n; Type = t; }
private async void OpenFileSavePicker(FILETYPE fileType) { FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker(); savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary; // Dropdown of file types the user can save the file as switch (fileType) { case FILETYPE.TEXTFILE: savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Plain Text", new List<string>() { ".txt" }); break; case FILETYPE.WORDDOCUMENT: savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Word Document", new List<string>() { ".doc" }); break; } // Default file name if the user does not type one in or select a file to replace savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "New Document"; StorageFile file = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync(); if (file != null) { // Prevent updates to the remote version of the file until we finish making changes and call CompleteUpdatesAsync. CachedFileManager.DeferUpdates(file); // write to file await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, OcrString); // Let Windows know that we're finished changing the file so the other app can update the remote version of the file. // Completing updates may require Windows to ask for user input. FileUpdateStatus status = await CachedFileManager.CompleteUpdatesAsync(file); MessageDialog msgDialog; if (status == FileUpdateStatus.Complete) { msgDialog = new MessageDialog("File " + file.Name + " was saved.", "File Saved."); } else { msgDialog = new MessageDialog("File " + file.Name + " couldn't be saved.", "File Saved."); } await msgDialog.ShowAsync(); } else { //"Operation cancelled."; } }
/// <summary> /// Called after page directive <%@ %> /// </summary> public void OnPageDirective(DirectiveContext context) { // add new imported namespace if (context.DirectiveName == "Import" && context.Attributes.Exists((info) => { return(info.Name == "Namespace"); })) { declaredNamespaces.Add(new UsedNamespaceItem(context.Attributes.Find((info) => { return(info.Name == "Namespace"); }).Value, null, true)); } if (context.DirectiveName == "Page" || context.DirectiveName == "Control") { string lang = null; // value of Language attribute string ext = null; // extension of the code-behind file foreach (var info in context.Attributes) { if (info.Name == "Language") { lang = info.Value; // get file language } if (info.Name == "CodeFile") // get code-behind file { int index = info.Value.LastIndexOf('.'); if (index != -1 && index + 1 < info.Value.Length) { ext = info.Value.Substring(index + 1); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext)) // infer file language from the extension { fileLanguage = StringConstants.CsExtensions.Contains(ext.ToLower()) ? FILETYPE.CSHARP : FILETYPE.VB; } } else { fileLanguage = lang == "C#" ? FILETYPE.CSHARP : FILETYPE.VB; } } if (context.DirectiveName == "Register") { string assembly = null, nmspc = null, src = null, tagName = null, tagPrefix = null; foreach (AttributeInfo info in context.Attributes) { if (info.Name == "Assembly") { assembly = info.Value; } if (info.Name == "Namespace") { nmspc = info.Value; } if (info.Name == "Src") { src = info.Value; } if (info.Name == "TagName") { tagName = info.Value; } if (info.Name == "TagPrefix") { tagPrefix = info.Value; } } // add definitions of elements for future type resolution if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagPrefix)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assembly) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nmspc)) { if (webConfig != null) { webConfig.AddTagPrefixDefinition(new TagPrefixAssemblyDefinition(assembly, nmspc, tagPrefix)); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { if (webConfig != null) { webConfig.AddTagPrefixDefinition(new TagPrefixSourceDefinition(projectItem, VisualLocalizerPackage.Instance.DTE.Solution, tagName, src, tagPrefix)); } } } } if (parentCommand is BatchMoveCommand) // no resource references can be directly in the attributes, safe to look only for string literals { foreach (AttributeInfo info in context.Attributes) { if (info.ContainsAspTags) { continue; // attribute's value contains <%= - like tags - localization is not desirable } if (info.Name.ToLower() == "language") { continue; } AspNetStringResultItem item = AddResult(info, null, context.DirectiveName, context.WithinClientSideComment, false, false, true); if (item != null) { item.ComesFromDirective = true; item.AttributeName = info.Name; } } } }
private void OnGUI() { if (!m_WINDOW) { Init(); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); m_Place = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Place", m_Place); m_Version = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Asset Version", m_Version, GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth * 0.8f)); m_AssetbundleFile = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Upload File", m_AssetbundleFile, typeof(object), false, GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth * 0.8f)); m_FileType = (FILETYPE)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("File Type", m_FileType, GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth * 0.8f)); m_Descript = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Descript", m_Descript, EditorStyles.textArea, GUILayout.Height(30)); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Thumbnail", GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth * 0.25f)); m_ThumbnailFile = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("", m_ThumbnailFile, typeof(Texture), false, GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth * 0.15f)) as Texture; EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Upload")) { if (m_ThumbnailFile == null || m_AssetbundleFile == null || m_Place == null) { Debug.LogError("File is empty"); return; } string m_Filetypename = ""; switch (m_FileType) { case FILETYPE.ASSETBUNDLE: m_Filetypename = ".assetbundle"; break; case FILETYPE.IMAGE360: m_Filetypename = ".png"; break; case FILETYPE.VIDEO360: m_Filetypename = ".mp4"; break; } UploadObject.UploadFile(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_AssetbundleFile), m_Buckname, + m_Filetypename); UploadObject.UploadFile(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_ThumbnailFile), m_Buckname, + ".png"); string tmp_Myurl = string.Format(m_Gateway + "?place={0}&type={1}&descript={2}&version={3}&assetName={4}&thumbnailName={5}", m_Place, m_FileType.ToString(), m_Descript, m_Version, + m_Filetypename, + ".png"); Debug.Log(tmp_Myurl); MyThread tmp_Mythrea = new MyThread(tmp_Myurl); Thread tmp_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tmp_Mythrea.CreateGetHttpResponse)); tmp_thread.Start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Clean")) { m_Descript = null; m_ThumbnailFile = null; m_AssetbundleFile = null; m_Version = 1; m_Place = null; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("WindowBackground"); m_ShowInfo = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_ShowInfo, "Upload info"); if (m_ShowInfo) { GUILayout.Label(string.Format("AB Name:{0}", m_AssetbundleFile == null ? "Empty" :; GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Thumbnail Name:{0}", m_ThumbnailFile == null ? "Empty" :; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); m_WINDOW.Repaint(); }