}//end of Page_PreRender()
	protected void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			//turns off the error messages
			lblError.Visible = false;
			//checks if the page is valid if so then prcess the event
			if (Page.IsValid)
				//checks if the user has found an item in search if this is the selection the user has choosen
				//the other ones are just to let it go throw
				if(FHSignUp.checkSearchValue() == true)
					//checks if the Captcha is validated
					if (Captcha.Validate(txtCaptchaCode.Text.Trim().ToUpper()))
						DataTable dtUserDetails = DAL.getRow("","Where = " + Convert.ToInt32(Session[""]));//gets the users details for the email that will be sent out
						//does the sign up for the FH
						FHSignUp.saveFH(Convert.ToInt32(Session[""]), dtUserDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(), dtUserDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString(), dtUserDetails.Rows[0][""].ToString());
						//Turn on the thank you message and removes the sign up
						panThankYou.Visible = true;
						panSignUp.Visible = false;
					}//end of if
						throw new Exception("Incorrect! Captcha");
				}//end of if
					throw new Exception("You must have at least one selected funeral home from our listings");
			}//end of if
			//clear previous user input
			txtCaptchaCode.Text = null;
		}//end of try
		catch (Exception ex)
			//clear previous user input
			txtCaptchaCode.Text = null;
			lblError.Text = ex.Message;
			lblError.Visible = true;
		}//end of catch
	}//end of cmdSave_Click()		
	}//end of txtEmail_TextChanged()
	protected void rblProfileFH_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
		//checks which sign up the user is creating a Funeral Home or a normal profile
		if(rdoProfile.Checked == true)
			//changes the layout for General Users
			panSignUpBody.Visible = true;
			panGeneralFH.Visible = false;
			//disable the FH fourm's validator in order not
		}//end of if
			//changes the layout for Funerial Homes
			panSignUpBody.Visible = true;
			panGeneralFH.Visible = true;
			//enable the FH fourm's validator in order not
		}//end of else
	}//end of rblProfileFH_CheckedChanged()
    }//end of Page_PreRender()
	protected void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			//checks if the page is valid if so then prcess the event
			if (Page.IsValid)
				//turns off the error messages
				lblError.Visible = false;
				lblEmailError.Visible = false;
				//checks if the user's email is in the database 
				//if so then tell them that they have to user another email
				if(General.checkIfEmailExist(txtEmail.Text) == false)
					//checks if the user has found an item in search if this is the selection the user has choosen
					//the other ones are just to let it go throw
					if(rdoProfile.Checked == false && FHSignUp.checkSearchValue() == true || rdoProfile.Checked == true)
						//checks if the Captcha is validated
						if (Captcha.Validate(txtCaptchaCode.Text.Trim().ToUpper()))
							//checks if the user agree Terms of Use
							if(chkAgreeTerms.Checked == true)
								//creates a new user
								int intUserID = General.createNewUser(txtFName.Text, txtLName.Text, txtEmail.Text, chkNewsletter.Checked, rdoProfile.Checked);//holds the new users id just in case they want to create a Funeral Home
								//checks if this user wants to create a Funeral Home
								if(rdoProfile.Checked == false)
									//does the sign up for the FH
									FHSignUp.saveFH(intUserID, txtFName.Text, txtLName.Text, txtEmail.Text);
									//turns on the thank you message for the Funeral Home
									panThankYouFH.Visible = true;
								}//end of if
									//turns on the thank you message for the Individual
									panThankYouIndividual.Visible = true;

								//Turn on the thank you message and removes the sign up
								panThankYou.Visible = true;
								panSignUp.Visible = false;
							}//end of if
								throw new Exception("You must agree to the terms of user before you can sign up");
						}//end of if
							throw new Exception("Incorrect! Captcha");
					}//end of if
						throw new Exception("You must have at least one selected funeral home from our listings");
				}//end of if
					throw new Exception("Email already exists in the database");
			}//end of if
			//clear previous user input
			txtCaptchaCode.Text = null;
		}//end of try
		catch (Exception ex)
			//clear previous user input
			txtCaptchaCode.Text = null;
			lblError.Text = ex.Message;// + " " + ex.StackTrace;
			lblError.Visible = true;
		}//end of catch
	}//end of cmdSave_Click()