private void EncodeThreadInit(int _camNumber, string _encodePipeName, string _sessionPath, int _count, ConcurrentQueue <byte[]> _encodeQueue) { int camNumber = _camNumber; string pipeName = _encodePipeName; string sessionPath = _sessionPath; int count = _count; int nFramesWritten = 0; ConcurrentQueue <byte[]> encodeQueue = _encodeQueue; NamedPipeServerStream pipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(pipeName: pipeName, direction: PipeDirection.Out, maxNumberOfServerInstances: 1, transmissionMode: PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, options: PipeOptions.Asynchronous, inBufferSize: 7057600, outBufferSize: 7057600); string videoFileName = sessionPath + @"\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss") + ".mp4"; FFProcess ffProcess = new FFProcess(pipeName: pipeName, videoFileName: videoFileName); ffProcess.OpenWithStartInfo(); pipe.WaitForConnection(); Console.WriteLine("Pipe connected to ffProcess for camera {0} on thread {1}", camNumber.ToString(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); bool goEncode = true; bool isDequeueSuccess; while (goEncode) { isDequeueSuccess = encodeQueue.TryDequeue(out byte[] result); if (isDequeueSuccess) { pipe.Write(buffer: result, offset: 0, count: count); nFramesWritten++; if (nFramesWritten % 1000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("nFramesWritten for cam number {0}: {1}", camNumber.ToString(), nFramesWritten.ToString()); } } else { Thread.Sleep(10); if (encodeQueue.Count == 0) { goEncode = false; } } } pipe.FlushAsync(); pipe.WaitForPipeDrain(); pipe.Close(); ffProcess.process.WaitForExit(); ffProcess.process.Close(); Console.WriteLine("EncodeThread for camera {0}: Pipe flushed, drained, and closed. FFProcess exited and closed.", camNumber.ToString()); if (camNumber == 0) { GC.Collect(); Console.WriteLine("Garbage collected on camera 1 EncodeThread. Now exiting."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { FFProcess process = new FFProcess(FFProcess.DX11_DEFAULT_NAME, true); DiscordPresence presence = new DiscordPresence(DISCORD_CLIENT_ID); bool shutdown = false; new Thread(x => { while (!shutdown) { if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { shutdown = true; Console.WriteLine("Stopping application..."); } } }).Start(); Console.WriteLine("Press ESC to stop"); do { while (Scanner.Instance.IsScanning) { Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Scanning..."); } CurrentPlayer currentPlayer = Reader.GetCurrentPlayer().CurrentPlayer; ActorItem player = null /*ActorItem.CurrentUser*/; if (player == null) { ActorResult aResult = Reader.GetActors(); KeyValuePair <uint, ActorItem> playerKeyValue = aResult.CurrentPCs.ToList().Find(x => x.Value.Name == currentPlayer.Name); ActorItem playerItem = playerKeyValue.Value; player = playerItem; } if (player != null) { presence.playerName = player.Name; presence.lvl = player.Level.ToString(); presence.job = player.Job.ToString(); uint mapID = player.MapTerritory; MapItem zone = ZoneLookup.GetZoneInfo(mapID); = zone.Name.English; presence.UpdatePresence(); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } while (!shutdown); presence.Deinitialize(); }
private void BtnTimeSync_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isCaptureFlag) { net._shouldStop = true; isCaptureFlag = false; (sender as Button).Text = "网络同步"; (sender as Button).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 110, 128); } else { TimeSync(); net = new NetworkClass(); net.Play += Net_Play; try { List <Process> ffxivProcess = FFProcess.FindFFXIVProcess(); if (ffxivProcess.Count == 1) { Task.Run((Action)(() => <Process>().Id))); this.isCaptureFlag = true; (sender as Button).Text = "停止同步"; (sender as Button).BackColor = Color.Aquamarine; } else if (ffxivProcess.Count >= 2) { uint id = 0; PidSelect pidSelect = new PidSelect(); pidSelect.GetPid += (PidSelect.PidSelector)(x => id = (uint)x); int num = (int)pidSelect.ShowDialog(); Task.Run((Action)(() =>; this.isCaptureFlag = true; (sender as Button).Text = "停止同步"; (sender as Button).BackColor = Color.Aquamarine; } else { MessageBox.Show(new Form() { TopMost = true }, "你开游戏了吗?", "喵喵喵?", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question); } } catch (Exception exception) { } } }