private void CheckInDicoAuteurs(string current_name) { db.Query(string.Format("select * from auteursunique where trim( nomauteur )='{0}'", current_name.ToUpper().Replace("'", "''"))); string exist = string.Empty; foreach (var row in db.FetchAll()) { exist = "OUI"; } if (exist == "") { exist = "NON"; } TB_exist.Text = exist; if (exist == "NON") { listBox2.Enabled = true; TB_Correction.Enabled = true; char[] delim = new[] { ' ', '-', ',', '.' }; //ajout de la virgule pour dissocier nom/prenom string compl = ""; string startcompl = "( "; foreach (string s in current_name.ToUpper().Split(delim)) { if (s != string.Empty) { compl += " nomauteur containing '" + s.Replace("'", "''").Trim() + "' and"; startcompl += " nomauteur starts with '" + s.Substring(0, 1) + "' or"; } } if (compl != string.Empty) { //compl = compl.Substring(0, compl.Length - 4); startcompl = startcompl.Substring(0, startcompl.Length - 3) + " )"; db.Query("select * from auteursunique where " + compl + startcompl + " order by nomauteur"); foreach (var row in db.FetchAll()) { listBox2.Items.Add(row["nomauteur"].ToString()); } } } }
private void BT_CreateTrad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { db.Query(string.Format("SELECT * from TRADUCTEURS " + "where STRCRUNCH( nom, 1 )= STRCRUNCH( '{0}', 1 ) and " + "STRCRUNCH( prenom, 1 )= STRCRUNCH( '{1}', 1 )", TB_Nom.Text.Replace("'", "''"), TB_Prenom.Text.Replace("'", "''"))); string Found = ""; foreach (var row in db.FetchAll()) { Found = row["nom"].ToString() + ", " + row["prenom"].ToString(); } if (Found != "") { CB_SelTraducteur.Text = Found; MessageBox.Show("traducteur déjà existant !"); } else { db.Query("select max(id) as a1 from traducteurs"); int x = 0; foreach (var row in db.FetchAll()) { x = Convert.ToInt32(row["a1"]); } if (x > 0) { x++; db.Query(string.Format("insert into TRADUCTEURS ( ID, NOM, PRENOM ) values ( {0}, '{1}', '{2}' )", x.ToString(), TB_Nom.Text.Replace("'", "''"), TB_Prenom.Text.Replace("'", "''"))); CB_SelTraducteur.Text = TB_Nom.Text + ", " + TB_Prenom.Text; DTrad.Add(CB_SelTraducteur.Text, x.ToString()); } } TB_Prenom.Text = ""; TB_Nom.Text = ""; BT_Select_Click(this, e); }
public DicoAuteurForm(bool Create, string Auteur, FDB fdb, Dictionary <string, string> DL, Dictionary <string, string> DP, string CreateNom, string CreatePrenom) { InitializeComponent(); db = fdb; AuteurParam = Auteur; DLangue = DL; DPays = DP; Creation = Create; string Origine = Environment.UserName; idOrigine = GetIdOrigine(Origine); if (idOrigine == 0) { db.Query("INSERT INTO SESSIONS ( session ) values ( '" + Origine + "' )"); idOrigine = GetIdOrigine(Origine); } pictureBox1.Image = null; foreach (var pair in DLangue) { CB_langue.Items.Add(pair.Key); } foreach (var pair in DPays) { CB_pays.Items.Add(pair.Key); } if (!Create) { LoadDico(Auteur); } else { TB_Nom.Text = CreateNom; TB_Prenom.Text = CreatePrenom; } }
public void LoadDico(string Auteur) { db.Query(string.Format("SELECT * From AUTEURSUNIQUE where NOMAUTEUR='{0}'", Auteur.Replace("'", "''"))); foreach (var row in db.FetchAll()) { id_auteur = Convert.ToInt32(row["id_auteur"]); foreach (var pair in row) { foreach (Control c in this.Controls["groupBox3"].Controls) { if (c.Tag != null) { if (c.Tag.ToString() == pair.Key) { c.Text = pair.Value.ToString(); } } } } if (TB_Nom.Text == "") { string[] splitAuteur = Auteur.Split(','); if (splitAuteur.Length > 1) { TB_Nom.Text = splitAuteur[0].Trim().ToLower(); TB_Prenom.Text = splitAuteur[1].Trim().ToLower(); } else { TB_Nom.Text = Auteur; } } TB_Biographie.Text = row["biographie"].ToString(); if (row["certification"].ToString() == "1") { pictureBox1.Image = SaisieLivre.Properties.Resources.certified_1; } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; string param = string.Empty; if (checkBox1.Checked && comboBox1.Text != "") { param += " editeur='" + comboBox1.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "' AND"; } if (checkBox4.Checked && comboBox2.Text != "") { param += " distributeur='" + comboBox2.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "' AND"; } if (checkBox2.Checked) { string field = string.Empty; if (radioButton1.Checked) { field = " datemaj"; } else { field = " dateparution"; } param += field + " between '" + dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and '" + dateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' AND"; } if (checkBox3.Checked) { string Not = ""; if (RB_exclure.Checked) { Not = "NOT"; } string codes = string.Empty; foreach (string s in textBox1.Text.Split(';')) { if (s.Trim() != "") { codes += "'" + s.Trim() + "',"; } } param += " codesupport " + Not + " in ( " + codes.Substring(0, codes.Length - 1) + " ) AND"; } if (CBX_aparaitre.Checked && CBX_dispo.Checked) { param += " dispo in ( 1, 2 ) AND"; } else if (CBX_aparaitre.Checked) { param += " dispo in ( 2 ) AND"; } else if (CBX_dispo.Checked) { param += " dispo in ( 1 ) AND"; } /*if (checkBox4.Checked) * { * param+= " dispo in ( 1,2 ) AND"; * }*/ //vire le " AND" final param = param.Substring(0, param.Length - 4); string QGenListe = string.Format(Properties.Resources.QueryGenListe, param); db.Query(QGenListe); foreach (var Row in db.FetchAll()) { listBox.Items.Add(Row["gencod"].ToString()); } Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; this.Close(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Query; string Hauteur = "null", NBPages = "null", Largeur = "null"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TB_Hauteur.Text)) { Hauteur = TB_Hauteur.Text; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TB_Largeur.Text)) { Largeur = TB_Largeur.Text; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TB_NBPages.Text)) { NBPages = TB_NBPages.Text; } string Present_titre = "0"; if (CBX_PresentTitre.Checked) { Present_titre = "1"; } string Newgenre = ""; if (TB_Genre_0.Text != "") { Newgenre += TB_Genre_0.Text; if (TB_Genre_1.Text == "") { TB_Genre_1.Text = "0"; } string G1 = set2chars(TB_Genre_1.Text); Newgenre += G1; if (TB_Genre_2.Text == "") { TB_Genre_2.Text = "0"; } string G2 = set2chars(TB_Genre_2.Text); Newgenre += G2; if (TB_Genre_3.Text == "") { TB_Genre_3.Text = "0"; } string G3 = set2chars(TB_Genre_3.Text); Newgenre += G3; } //on attend un entier... if (Newgenre == "") { Newgenre = "null"; } if ((StrCollection != TB_CollName.Text) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StrCollection))) { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Modifier la collection " + StrCollection + " en " + TB_CollName.Text + " ?\r\n\r\nOui: modification du libellé et mise à jour de toutes les références rattachées à l'ancienne collection.\r\n\r\nNon: création d'une nouvelle collection.", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); switch (dr) { case DialogResult.Yes: Creation = false; break; case DialogResult.No: Creation = true; break; default: return; } } string CN = StrCollection; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CN) || Creation) { CN = TB_CollName.Text; } string Qry = string.Format("select * from collections where trim(editeur)='{1}' and trim(collection)='{0}'", CN.Replace("'", "''"), TB_Editeur.Text.Replace("'", "''")); try { db.Query(Qry); foreach (Row row in db.FetchAll()) { IDColl = row["id"].ToString(); Creation = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } //lectorat string IDLectorat = "null"; if (DLectorat.ContainsKey(CB_Lectorat.Text) && CB_Lectorat.Text != "") { IDLectorat = "'" + DLectorat[CB_Lectorat.Text] + "'"; } if (Creation) { //on n'ajoute pas le champ ID, il est généré par trigger. Query = "INSERT INTO COLLECTIONS " + "( COLLECTION, EDITEUR, CODESUPPORT, " + " NEWGENRE, HAUTEUR, LARGEUR, AUTEURS, " + " PRESENTATION, NBRPAGE, WEBSITE, OBCODE, " + " PRESENT_TITRE, ID_LECTORAT, DATUM, " + " CODECOLLECTION ) " + "VALUES ( " + " '{10}', '{11}', '{0}', " + " {1}, {2}, {3}, '{4}', " + //param 1 : pas de guillemets, c'est volontaire " '{5}', {6}, '{7}', '{8}', " + " '{9}', {12}, 'now', " + //param 12 : pas de guillemets, c'est volontaire " Gen_Id(collection_num,1) ) -- {13}"; //param 13 en commentaire } else { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Query = "UPDATE COLLECTIONS " + "SET " + " Datum='now', " + " CODESUPPORT='{0}', " + " NEWGENRE={1}, " + " HAUTEUR={2}, " + " LARGEUR={3}, " + " AUTEURS='{4}', " + " PRESENTATION='{5}', " + " NBRPAGE={6}, " + " WEBSITE='{7}', " + " OBCODE='{8}', " + " PRESENT_TITRE='{9}', " + " ID_LECTORAT= {12}, " + //param 12 : pas de guillemets, c'est volontaire " COLLECTION='{10}' " + "WHERE " + " cast(trim(collection) as varchar(160)) = '{13}' AND " + " EDITEUR = '{11}'"; } db.Query(string.Format(Query, CB_CodeSupport.Text, Newgenre, Hauteur, Largeur, TB_Auteurs.Text.Replace("'", "''"), TB_Presentation.Text.Replace("'", "''"), NBPages, TB_Web.Text, TB_OBCode.Text, Present_titre, TB_CollName.Text.Replace("'", "''"), TB_Editeur.Text.Replace("'", "''"), IDLectorat, StrCollection.Replace("'", "''"))); if (Creation) { try { db.Query(Qry); foreach (Row row in db.FetchAll()) { IDColl = row["id"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else { //maj des réfs liées à la collection uniquement si le libellé collection change. if (StrCollection != TB_CollName.Text) { UpdateRefs(); //mise à jour du combobox int oldidx = mf.CB_Collection.Items.IndexOf(CollDefaut); mf.CB_Collection.Items.RemoveAt(oldidx); mf.CB_Collection.Items.Insert(oldidx, TB_CollName.Text); mf.TB_IDCollection.Text = IDColl; } } Cursor = Cursors.Default; }