        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a box mesh
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_BBox">The mesh's box in local space</param>
        /// <param name="_Material">The material to use for the box</param>
        public void CreateBox( BoundingBox _BBox, Material _Material )
            m_OverrideMaterial = _Material;

            // Build vertices
            Point[]	Vertices = new Point[8];

            Vertices[0] = new Point( _BBox.m_Min.x + 0 * _BBox.DimX, _BBox.m_Min.y + 0 * _BBox.DimY, _BBox.m_Min.z + 0 * _BBox.DimZ );
            Vertices[1] = new Point( _BBox.m_Min.x + 1 * _BBox.DimX, _BBox.m_Min.y + 0 * _BBox.DimY, _BBox.m_Min.z + 0 * _BBox.DimZ );
            Vertices[2] = new Point( _BBox.m_Min.x + 1 * _BBox.DimX, _BBox.m_Min.y + 1 * _BBox.DimY, _BBox.m_Min.z + 0 * _BBox.DimZ );
            Vertices[3] = new Point( _BBox.m_Min.x + 0 * _BBox.DimX, _BBox.m_Min.y + 1 * _BBox.DimY, _BBox.m_Min.z + 0 * _BBox.DimZ );
            Vertices[4] = new Point( _BBox.m_Min.x + 0 * _BBox.DimX, _BBox.m_Min.y + 0 * _BBox.DimY, _BBox.m_Min.z + 1 * _BBox.DimZ );
            Vertices[5] = new Point( _BBox.m_Min.x + 1 * _BBox.DimX, _BBox.m_Min.y + 0 * _BBox.DimY, _BBox.m_Min.z + 1 * _BBox.DimZ );
            Vertices[6] = new Point( _BBox.m_Min.x + 1 * _BBox.DimX, _BBox.m_Min.y + 1 * _BBox.DimY, _BBox.m_Min.z + 1 * _BBox.DimZ );
            Vertices[7] = new Point( _BBox.m_Min.x + 0 * _BBox.DimX, _BBox.m_Min.y + 1 * _BBox.DimY, _BBox.m_Min.z + 1 * _BBox.DimZ );

            SetVertices( Vertices );

            // Build faces
            FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle[]	Faces = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle[2*6];

            Faces[0] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 7, 4, 5, 0 );		// Front
            Faces[1] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 7, 5, 6, 1 );
            Faces[2] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 6, 5, 1, 2 );		// Right
            Faces[3] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 6, 1, 2, 3 );
            Faces[4] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 3, 7, 6, 4 );		// Top
            Faces[5] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 3, 6, 2, 5 );
            Faces[6] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 3, 0, 4, 6 );		// Left
            Faces[7] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 3, 4, 7, 7 );
            Faces[8] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 2, 1, 0, 8 );		// Back
            Faces[9] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 2, 0, 3, 9 );
            Faces[10] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 4, 0, 1, 10 );	// Bottom
            Faces[11] = new FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle( 4, 1, 5, 11 );

            SetFaces( Faces );

            // Build smoothing groups
            object[]	SmoothingGroups = new object[]	{	1, 1,
                                                            2, 2,
                                                            4, 4,
                                                            8, 8,
                                                            16, 16,
                                                            32, 32,
                                                            64, 64 };

            FBXImporter.LayerElement	Element = new FBXImporter.LayerElement( "Smg", FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.SMOOTHING, FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE, 0 );
                                        Element.SetArrayOfData( SmoothingGroups );

            AddLayerElement( Element );

            // Build UV set (compulsory otherwise TS can't be generated and an exception may occur)
            object[]	UVs = new object[]
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 0.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 0.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 0.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 0.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 0.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 0.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 0.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 0.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 0.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 0.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 0.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ),
                new Vector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ), new Vector2D( 1.0f, 0.0f ),

            Element = new FBXImporter.LayerElement( "UVs", FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.UV, FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE_VERTEX, 0 );
            Element.SetArrayOfData( UVs );

            AddLayerElement( Element );

            // That's all, we don't build anything else as it will be done by the mesh consolidation...
        /// <summary>
        /// This builds the mesh primitives that we'll be able to use at runtime
        /// </summary>
        public void BuildPrimitives()
            // 			if ( m_Owner.GenerateTriangleStrips )
            // 				throw new Exception( "Triangle Strips are not supported yet!" );

            // Setup the comparison flags used for consolidation
            ConsolidatedVertex.ms_CompareSmoothingGroups = m_Owner.ConsolidateSplitBySMG;
            ConsolidatedVertex.VertexInfo.ms_CompareUVs = m_Owner.ConsolidateSplitByUV;
            ConsolidatedVertex.VertexInfo.ms_CompareColors = m_Owner.ConsolidateSplitByColor;

            // Reset X-Form
            if ( m_Pivot != null )
                Point[]	NewVertices = new Point[m_Vertices.Length];
                for ( int VertexIndex=0; VertexIndex < m_Vertices.Length; VertexIndex++ )
                    NewVertices[VertexIndex] = m_Vertices[VertexIndex] * m_Pivot;

                m_Vertices = NewVertices;

            // Build the original list of consolidated faces
            List<ConsolidatedFace>	Faces = new List<ConsolidatedFace>();
            foreach ( FBXImporter.NodeMesh.Triangle T in m_Faces )
                ConsolidatedFace	NewFace = new ConsolidatedFace();
                                    NewFace.Index = Faces.Count;
                                    NewFace.VertexIndex0 = T.Vertex0;
                                    NewFace.VertexIndex1 = T.Vertex1;
                                    NewFace.VertexIndex2 = T.Vertex2;

                Faces.Add( NewFace );

            // Attempt to retrieve smoothing groups & materials data
            foreach ( FBXImporter.LayerElement Element in m_LayerElements )
                if ( Element.ElementType == FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.MATERIAL )
                    if ( m_OverrideMaterial != null )
                        continue;	// Ignore specific material if we have an override...

                    // Retrieve the array of data
                    object[]	Data = Element.ToArray();
                    switch ( Element.MappingType )
                        case FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE:
                            for ( int FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < Faces.Count; FaceIndex++ )
                                Faces[FaceIndex].Material = (FBXImporter.Material) Data[FaceIndex];

                        case FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.ALL_SAME:
                                FBXImporter.Material	Mat = (FBXImporter.Material) Data[0];
                                foreach ( ConsolidatedFace F in Faces )
                                    F.Material = Mat;

                            throw new Exception( "Found a layer element of type \"MATERIAL\" with unsupported \"" + Element.MappingType + "\" mapping type!\r\n(Only BY_POLYGON & ALL_SAME mapping modes are supported!)" );
                else if ( Element.ElementType == FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.SMOOTHING )
                    // Retrieve the array of data
                    object[]	Data = Element.ToArray();
                    switch ( Element.MappingType )
                        case FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE:
                            for ( int FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < Faces.Count; FaceIndex++ )
                                Faces[FaceIndex].SmoothingGroups = (int) Data[FaceIndex];

                        case FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.ALL_SAME:
                                int	SMG = (int) Data[0];
                                foreach ( ConsolidatedFace F in Faces )
                                    F.SmoothingGroups = SMG;

                        case FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_EDGE:

                            throw new Exception( "Found a layer element of type \"SMOOTHING\" with unsupported \"" + Element.MappingType + "\" mapping type!\r\n(Only BY_POLYGON & ALL_SAME mapping modes are supported!)" );

            // Check if we have tangent space information

            foreach ( FBXImporter.LayerElement Element in m_LayerElements )
                switch ( Element.ElementType )
                    case FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.UV:
                        TSAvailability |= TANGENT_SPACE_AVAILABILITY.UVs;

                    case FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.NORMAL:
                        TSAvailability |= TANGENT_SPACE_AVAILABILITY.NORMAL;

                    case FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.TANGENT:
                        TSAvailability |= TANGENT_SPACE_AVAILABILITY.TANGENT;

                    case FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.BINORMAL:
                        TSAvailability |= TANGENT_SPACE_AVAILABILITY.BINORMAL;

            if ( TSAvailability == TANGENT_SPACE_AVAILABILITY.NOTHING )
            {	// Can't generate !
                switch ( m_Owner.NoTangentSpaceAction )
                    case SceneLoader.NO_TANGENT_SPACE_ACTION.THROW:
                        throw new Exception( "Can't generate Tangent Space because there is no texture coordinates!" );

                    case SceneLoader.NO_TANGENT_SPACE_ACTION.SKIP:

            // Build dummy layer elements for position, normal, tangent & binormal streams of data
            m_LayerElementPosition = new FBXImporter.LayerElement( "Position", FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.POSITION, FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_CONTROL_POINT, 0 );
            m_LayerElementPosition.SetArrayOfData( m_Vertices );
            m_LayerElements.Insert( 0, m_LayerElementPosition );	// Make it first layer!

            m_LayerElementNormal = null;
            m_LayerElementTangent = null;
            m_LayerElementBiNormal = null;
            foreach ( FBXImporter.LayerElement LE in m_LayerElements )
                if ( m_LayerElementNormal == null && LE.ElementType == FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.NORMAL )
                {	// Re-use the normals element
                    m_LayerElementNormal = LE;
                    m_LayerElementNormal.MappingType = LE.MappingType;// FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE_VERTEX;
                    m_LayerElementNormal.ReferenceType = LE.ReferenceType;// FBXImporter.LayerElement.REFERENCE_TYPE.DIRECT;
                else if ( m_LayerElementTangent == null && LE.ElementType == FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.TANGENT )
                {	// Re-use the tangents element
                    m_LayerElementTangent = LE;
                    m_LayerElementTangent.MappingType = LE.MappingType;// FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE_VERTEX;
                    m_LayerElementTangent.ReferenceType = LE.ReferenceType;//FBXImporter.LayerElement.REFERENCE_TYPE.DIRECT;
                else if ( m_LayerElementBiNormal == null && LE.ElementType == FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.BINORMAL )
                {	// Re-use the binormals element
                    m_LayerElementBiNormal = LE;
                    m_LayerElementBiNormal.MappingType = LE.MappingType;// FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE_VERTEX;
                    m_LayerElementBiNormal.ReferenceType = LE.ReferenceType;//FBXImporter.LayerElement.REFERENCE_TYPE.DIRECT;

            if ( m_LayerElementNormal == null )
            {	// Create a new normals element that we'll need to generate
                m_LayerElementNormal = new FBXImporter.LayerElement( "Normal", FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.NORMAL, FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE_VERTEX, 0 );
                m_LayerElements.Add( m_LayerElementNormal );
            if ( m_Owner.GenerateTangentSpace && m_LayerElementTangent == null )
            {	// Create a new tangents element that we'll need to generate
                m_LayerElementTangent = new FBXImporter.LayerElement( "Tangent", FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.TANGENT, FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE_VERTEX, 0 );
                m_LayerElements.Add( m_LayerElementTangent );
            if ( m_Owner.GenerateTangentSpace && m_LayerElementBiNormal == null )
            {	// Create a new binormals element that we'll need to generate
                m_LayerElementBiNormal = new FBXImporter.LayerElement( "BiNormal", FBXImporter.LayerElement.ELEMENT_TYPE.BINORMAL, FBXImporter.LayerElement.MAPPING_TYPE.BY_TRIANGLE_VERTEX, 0 );
                m_LayerElements.Add( m_LayerElementBiNormal );

            // Generate missing data
            BuildTangentSpace( Faces, TSAvailability, m_Owner.GenerateTangentSpace );

            // Build primitives based on referenced materials

            Dictionary<FBXImporter.Material,Primitive>	Material2Primitive = new Dictionary<FBXImporter.Material,Primitive>();
            Primitive	DefaultPrimitive = null;

            for ( int FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < Faces.Count; FaceIndex++ )
                ConsolidatedFace	F = Faces[FaceIndex];
                Primitive			P = null;
                if ( F.Material == null )
                {	// Default material
                    if ( DefaultPrimitive == null )
                    {	// Create the default primitive
                        DefaultPrimitive = new Primitive( this, m_Owner, this.m_Name + "_Primitive" + m_Primitives.Count, null );
                        DefaultPrimitive.OverrideMaterial = m_OverrideMaterial;	// Setup the optional override material
                        m_Primitives.Add( DefaultPrimitive );

                    P = DefaultPrimitive;
                else if ( !Material2Primitive.ContainsKey( F.Material ) )
                {	// New primitive!
                    P = new Primitive( this, m_Owner, this.m_Name + "_Primitive" + m_Primitives.Count, F.Material );
                    m_Primitives.Add( P );
                    Material2Primitive[F.Material] = P;
                    P = Material2Primitive[F.Material];

                P.AddFace( F );