protected void btnDeleteLastConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var cc = new CategoryController(); var fc = new FAQController(); foreach (var c in cc.GetCategories(ModuleId)) { if (c.CategoryName == ddCategory.SelectedValue) { categoryId.Text = c.CategoryId.ToString(); } } cc.DeleteCategory(Convert.ToInt32(categoryId.Text.Trim()), ModuleId); foreach (var f in fc.GetFAQs(ModuleId)) { if (f.FaqCategory == ddCategory.SelectedValue) { fc.DeleteFAQ(f); } } lblSubTitle.Text = "Category Deleted! FAQ Entries Deleted!"; pnlPopUp.Visible = false; CategoryDropdownFill(cc); LoadNew(); }
protected void btnDeleteConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var cc = new CategoryController(); var fc = new FAQController(); bool emptyCategory = true; foreach (var c in cc.GetCategories(ModuleId)) { if (c.CategoryName == ddCategory.SelectedValue) { categoryId.Text = c.CategoryId.ToString(); } } foreach (var f in fc.GetFAQs(ModuleId)) { if (f.FaqCategory == ddCategory.SelectedValue) { emptyCategory = false; } } if (emptyCategory) { cc.DeleteCategory(Convert.ToInt32(categoryId.Text.Trim()), ModuleId); CategoryDropdownFill(cc); LoadNew(); pnlPopUp.Visible = false; lblSubTitle.Text = "Category Deleted!"; HeaderMenuStatus("success"); } else { lblPopUpMsg.Text = "Category Contains FAQ Entries! <br>What to Do With Them?"; btnMoveToEmpty.Visible = btnDeleteAllEntries.Visible = true; btnDeleteConfirm.Visible = false; } }
protected void Save() { var cc = new CategoryController(); var fc = new FAQController(); string status; if (FaqId > 0) { switch (rblCategoryOption.SelectedValue) { case "new": var c = new Category() { CategoryName = txtCategoryName.Text.Trim(), CategoryDescription = txtCategoryDescription.Text.Trim(), ShowCategory = true, ModuleId = ModuleId }; cc.CreateCategory(c); var f = fc.GetFAQ(FaqId, ModuleId); f.FaqCategory = txtCategoryName.Text.Trim(); f.FaqQuestion = txtQuestion.Text.Trim(); f.FaqAnswer = txtAnswer.Text.Trim(); f.ShowFaq = !cbHideFAQ.Checked; f.Categorized = true; f.ModuleId = ModuleId; fc.UpdateFAQ(f); break; case "list": var lf = fc.GetFAQ(FaqId, ModuleId); lf.FaqCategory = ddCategory.SelectedValue; lf.FaqQuestion = txtQuestion.Text.Trim(); lf.FaqAnswer = txtAnswer.Text.Trim(); lf.ShowFaq = !cbHideFAQ.Checked; lf.Categorized = true; lf.ModuleId = ModuleId; fc.UpdateFAQ(lf); break; case "empty": var ef = fc.GetFAQ(FaqId, ModuleId); ef.FaqCategory = "NotCategorized"; ef.FaqQuestion = txtQuestion.Text.Trim(); ef.FaqAnswer = txtAnswer.Text.Trim(); ef.ShowFaq = !cbHideFAQ.Checked; ef.Categorized = false; ef.ModuleId = ModuleId; fc.UpdateFAQ(ef); break; default: break; } lblSubTitle.Text = "FAQ Entry Updated!"; status = "success"; } else { bool faqExists = false; foreach (var faq in fc.GetFAQs(ModuleId)) { if (faq.FaqQuestion == txtQuestion.Text.Trim()) { faqExists = true; } } if (!faqExists) { switch (rblCategoryOption.SelectedValue) { case "new": var c = new Category() { CategoryName = txtCategoryName.Text.Trim(), CategoryDescription = txtCategoryDescription.Text.Trim(), ShowCategory = true, ModuleId = ModuleId }; cc.CreateCategory(c); var f = new FAQ() { FaqCategory = txtCategoryName.Text.Trim(), FaqQuestion = txtQuestion.Text.Trim(), FaqAnswer = txtAnswer.Text.Trim(), ShowFaq = !cbHideFAQ.Checked, Categorized = true, ModuleId = ModuleId }; fc.CreateFAQ(f); break; case "list": var lf = new FAQ() { FaqCategory = ddCategory.SelectedValue, FaqQuestion = txtQuestion.Text.Trim(), FaqAnswer = txtAnswer.Text.Trim(), ShowFaq = !cbHideFAQ.Checked, Categorized = true, ModuleId = ModuleId }; fc.CreateFAQ(lf); break; case "empty": var ef = new FAQ() { FaqCategory = "NotCategorized", FaqQuestion = txtQuestion.Text.Trim(), FaqAnswer = txtAnswer.Text.Trim(), ShowFaq = !cbHideFAQ.Checked, Categorized = false, ModuleId = ModuleId }; fc.CreateFAQ(ef); break; default: break; } lblSubTitle.Text = "FAQ Entry Added!"; status = "success"; } else { lblSubTitle.Text = "FAQ with that Question already Exists!!"; status = "error"; } } headerMenu.CssClass = "dnnFormMessage two-controls dnnFormTitle no-spacing " + status; lnkManage.CssClass = "btn btn-primary link-manage no-txt " + status; lnkSettings.CssClass = "btn btn-primary link-settings no-txt " + status; }
protected void LoadPage() { try { //Code should be improved lblContentHolder.Text = "<strong class='link-key'>Installed Key: </strong>jDEnn#$%rfdDGessd&$^Iskh"; lblContentHolder.CssClass = "content-holder warning"; lblContentHolderActivate.Text = "<strong class='link-unlock'>Activated</strong>"; lblContentHolderActivate.CssClass = "content-holder success"; lnkCheckLicenseKey.Text = "Activate"; lnkCheckLicenseKey.ToolTip = "Activate Module"; lnkCheckLicenseKey.CssClass = "btn btn-danger link-lock"; lnkGetOwnerInfo.ToolTip = "Owner Info"; lnkGetOwnerInfo.CssClass = "btn btn-success link-info no-txt"; lblInfoInstalledKey.Text = "<strong class='link-key'>Installed Key: </strong>47334jLJND#@fsssdg#dvjjbb343#$$"; lblInfoConfirmKey.Text = "<strong class='link-key'>Confirm Key: </strong>fsjjdv34347bbs33D#@#$s4jLJNdg#$"; lblInfoCompany.Text = "<strong class='link-company'>Company: </strong>JoopSOFT Ltd."; lblInfoEmail.Text = "<strong class='link-mail'>Email: </strong><a href='mailto:[email protected]' title='Send mail to [email protected]'>[email protected]</a>"; lblInfoCellPhone.Text = "<strong class='link-phone'>Phone: </strong>+359878/209292"; lblInfoDomain.Text = "<strong class='link-globe'>Installed on: </strong><a href='' title='Installed on' target='_blank'></a>"; //End of this lnkFirstButton.NavigateUrl = lnkAdd.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("AddFAQ"); lnkManage.NavigateUrl = EditUrl("ManageCategories"); string PageName = TabController.CurrentPage.TabPath.Remove(0, 1); lnkSettings.NavigateUrl = "'http://" + Request.Url.Host + PageName + "/ctl/Module/ModuleId/" + ModuleId + "?ReturnURL=" + PageName + "&popUp=true#msSpecificSettings',/*showReturn*/false,550,950,true,'')"; bool faqPresent = false; bool emptyCategory = true; var cc = new CategoryController(); var fc = new FAQController(); var af = fc.GetFAQs(ModuleId); var ac = cc.GetCategories(ModuleId); foreach (var f in af) { if (f.FaqId > 0) { faqPresent = true; } } List <Category> categorySource = new List <Category>(); foreach (var c in ac) { foreach (var f in af) { if (c.CategoryName == f.FaqCategory) { emptyCategory = false; } } if (c.ShowCategory && !emptyCategory) { categorySource.Add(c); } } if (IsEditable) { pnlFirstButton.Visible = !faqPresent; } else { pnlFirstButton.Visible = pnlAdmin.Visible = false; } rptCategory.DataSource = categorySource; rptCategory.DataBind(); foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rptCategory.Items) { var rptFaqEntries = ri.FindControl("rptFaqEntries") as Repeater; var categoryName = ri.FindControl("CategoryName") as Label; List <FAQ> faqSource = new List <FAQ>(); foreach (FAQ f in af) { if (f.FaqCategory == categoryName.Text && (f.ShowFaq || btnHiddenFaq.ToolTip == "Hide Hidden FAQs")) { faqSource.Add(f); } } rptFaqEntries.DataSource = faqSource; rptFaqEntries.DataBind(); foreach (RepeaterItem fi in rptFaqEntries.Items) { var lnkEdit = fi.FindControl("lnkEdit") as HyperLink; var faqId = fi.FindControl("faqId") as Label; var pnlAdmin = fi.FindControl("pnlControlButtonsAdmin") as Panel; var pnlFaqItem = fi.FindControl("pnlFaqItem") as Panel; pnlAdmin.Visible = IsEditable; if (IsEditable) { pnlFaqItem.CssClass = "faq-item four-controls"; } else { pnlFaqItem.CssClass = "faq-item no-controls"; } lnkEdit.NavigateUrl = EditUrl(string.Empty, string.Empty, "AddFAQ", "fid=" + Convert.ToInt32(faqId.Text)); } } List <FAQ> notCategorizedSource = new List <FAQ>(); rptNotCategorized.Visible = false; foreach (var f in af) { if (f.FaqCategory == "NotCategorized" && (f.ShowFaq || btnHiddenFaq.ToolTip == "Hide Hidden FAQs")) { notCategorizedSource.Add(f); rptNotCategorized.Visible = true; } } rptNotCategorized.DataSource = notCategorizedSource; rptNotCategorized.DataBind(); foreach (RepeaterItem nci in rptNotCategorized.Items) { var lnkEdit = nci.FindControl("lnkEdit") as HyperLink; var faqId = nci.FindControl("faqId") as Label; var pnlAdmin = nci.FindControl("pnlControlButtonsAdmin") as Panel; var pnlFaqItem = nci.FindControl("pnlFaqItem") as Panel; pnlAdmin.Visible = IsEditable; if (IsEditable) { pnlFaqItem.CssClass = "faq-item four-controls"; } else { pnlFaqItem.CssClass = "faq-item no-controls"; } lnkEdit.NavigateUrl = EditUrl(string.Empty, string.Empty, "AddFAQ", "fid=" + Convert.ToInt32(faqId.Text)); } } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }