public static void Test2(IWebDriver webDriver, Eyes eyes) { try { // V1 URL //webDriver.Url = ""; // Dev URL // webDriver.Url = ""; // V2 URL webDriver.Url = ""; // Call Open on eyes to initialize a test session eyes.Open(webDriver, "AppliFashion", "Test 2", new Size(1200, 800)); webDriver.FindElement(By.XPath("//label[text()='Black ']")).Click(); webDriver.FindElement(By.Id("filterBtn")).Click(); Thread.Sleep(3000); eyes.CheckRegion(By.Id("product_grid"), "filter by color", 3); eyes.CloseAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { eyes.AbortAsync(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Open a Chrome browser. driver = new ChromeDriver(); driver.Manage().Window.Maximize(); // Initialize the eyes SDK and set your private API key. var eyes = new Eyes(); eyes.ApiKey = "TOLqDb0rgpHlNt111OXiJjHSDfZbM109ijaEQEtUWvmxgTY110"; eyes.ForceFullPageScreenshot = true; //eyes.SaveNewTests = true; eyes.BaselineEnvName = "No stiky"; eyes.MatchLevel = Applitools.MatchLevel.Layout; try { // Start the test and set the browser's viewport size to 800x600. eyes.Open(driver, "Hello World!", "No stiky"); // Navigate the browser to the "hello world!" web-site. driver.Url = ""; InjectJavascript(driver, JS_INJ_FREEZE_SEARCH_BAR_OLSB); // Visual checkpoint #1. eyes.CheckRegion(By.CssSelector("[data-selenium='tile-container-left']")); eyes.InRegion(By.CssSelector("[data-selenium='tile-container-right']")); eyes.CheckWindow("RESORT"); // Click the "Click me!" button. driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@data-selenium='homesTab']")).Click(); //// Visual checkpoint #2. //eyes.CheckWindow("RESORT"); // End the test. eyes.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } finally { // Close the browser. driver.Quit(); // If the test was aborted before eyes.Close was called, ends the test as aborted. eyes.AbortIfNotClosed(); } }
public void MiniTest() { var viewMenu = UIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIApplicationMenuBar.UIViewMenuItem; var eyes = new Eyes(); eyes.SetLogHandler(new StdoutLogHandler()); eyes.BranchName = "demo"; try { eyes.Open(UIMap.UICalculatorWindow, "Calculator", "MiniTest"); eyes.CheckWindow("Standard"); Mouse.Click(new System.Drawing.Point(viewMenu.Left + 100, viewMenu.Top + 200)); var menu = UIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIApplicationMenuBar; eyes.CheckRegion(menu, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), "Menu Bar!"); Assert.AreEqual("View Edit Help", eyes.InRegion(menu).GetText()); CollectionAssert.AreEqual( new[] { "View Edit Help", "View Edit Help" }, eyes.InRegion(menu).And(menu).GetText()); Mouse.Click(viewMenu); eyes.CheckWindow("Standard + View"); Mouse.Click(viewMenu); eyes.CheckWindow("Standard"); eyes.Close(); } finally { eyes.AbortIfNotClosed(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { String website = "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\eyes-knowledgebase-source\\FlareProjects\\Content\\example-code\\fluentsnippets\\html\\fluentsnippets.html"; Eyes eyes = new Eyes(); IWebDriver innerDriver = new ChromeDriver(); Size viewportSize = new Size(/*width*/ 1024, /*height*/ 800); String appname = "EKB examples"; String testname = "snippets v1"; IWebDriver driver = eyes.Open(innerDriver, appname, testname, viewportSize); try { driver.Url = website; Rectangle R1 = new Rectangle(10, 15, 20, 10); Rectangle R2 = new Rectangle(40, 20, 30, 15); Rectangle F3 = new Rectangle(80, 25, 40, 20); Rectangle F4 = new Rectangle(130, 30, 50, 25); int up = 10, left = 30, down = 20, right = 40; //%%%% start ex1 eyes.Check("Example 1a", // the name of the checkpoint (and step) Target.Window() // check the entire window .Fully() // use scrolling and stitching .Strict() // use a STRICT match level .Ignore(R1, R2) // ignore the regions defined by R1 and R2 .Floating(F3, up, down, left, right) // handle the region F3 as a floating region .Floating(F4, up, down, left, right) // handle the region F4 as a floating region ); //%%%% stop ex1 //%%%% start ex2 SeleniumCheckSettings t = Target.Window(); t.Fully(); t.Strict(); t.Ignore(R1, R2); t.Floating(F3, up, down, left, right); t.Floating(F4, up, down, left, right); eyes.Check("Example 1b", t); //%%%% stop ex2 //%%%% start ex3 eyes.Check( Target.Region(By.Id("mixed-area")) .Layout() .WithName("Example 2a") ); /*TBD Should be a single target call*/ eyes.Check( Target.Region(By.CssSelector("body table")) // 2nd target .Strict() .WithName("Example 2b") ); //%%%% stop ex3 //%%%% start ex3a eyes.Check("Example 3a", Target.Window()); // this is equivalent to eyes.CheckWindow("Example 3a - non Fluent"); //%%%% stop ex3a //%%%% start ex4a eyes.Check("Example 3b", Target.Region(By.Id("mixed-area"))); // this is equivalent to eyes.CheckRegion(By.Id("mixed-area"), "Example 3b - non fluent"); IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(By.Id("mixed-area")); eyes.Check("Example 3c", Target.Region(element)); eyes.Check("Example 3d", Target.Region(new Rectangle(30, 50, 300, 620))); //%%%% stop ex4a //%%%% start ex4b eyes.Check("Example 3e", Target.Frame("frame-outer")); eyes.Check("Example 3f", Target.Frame("frame-outer") .Frame("frame-inner") ); eyes.Check("Example 3g", Target.Frame("frame-outer") .Frame("frame-inner") .Region(By.Id("inner-text")) ); //%%%% stop ex4b //%%%% start ex5 eyes.Check("Example 5a", Target.Window().Fully(true)); eyes.Check("Example 5b", Target.Region(By.Id("mixed-area")).Fully()); // this is equivalent to eyes.CheckRegion(By.Id("mixed-area"), "Example 5b - non Fluent", true); eyes.Check("Example 5c", Target.Frame("frame-outer") .Frame("frame-inner") .Region(By.Id("inner-text")) .Fully() ); //%%%% stop ex5 //%%%% start ex6 // pass a match level value eyes.Check("Example6a", Target.Region(By.Id("mixed-area")).MatchLevel(Applitools.MatchLevel.Layout)); // or use one of the shortcut match level methods eyes.Check("Example6b", Target.Region(By.Id("mixed-area")).Layout()); // matchLevel(MatchLevel.LAYOUT)) eyes.Check("Example6c", Target.Region(By.Id("mixed-area")).Strict()); // matchLevel(MatchLevel.STRICT)) eyes.Check("Example6d", Target.Region(By.Id("mixed-area")).Content()); // matchLevel(MatchLevel.CONTENT)) //%%%% stop ex6 //%%%% start ex7 eyes.Check("Example 7", Target.Window().Timeout(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10))); //%%%% stop ex7 //%%%% start ex8 Boolean doIgnore = true; eyes.Check("Example 8", Target.Window() .IgnoreCaret(doIgnore)); //%%%% stop ex8 //%%%% start ex9 eyes.Check("Example 9a", Target.Window()); eyes.Check( Target.Window().WithName("Example 9b")); eyes.Check( Target.Region(By.Id("greeting")) .Layout() .WithName("Example 9c") ); /*tbd remove when multiple targbet allowed*/ eyes.Check( Target.Frame(By.Id("frame-outer")) .Fully() .WithName("Example 9d") ); //%%%% stop ex9 //%%%% start ex10 Rectangle ignoreArea = new Rectangle(10, 10, 50, 25); eyes.Check("Example 10a", Target.Region(By.Id("greeting")) .Ignore(By.Id("user-name"), By.Id("last-login"), By.Id("current-date"), By.Id("current-time")) .Ignore(ignoreArea) ); By[] bylist = { By.Id("user-name"), By.Id("last-login"), By.Id("current-date"), By.Id("current-time") }; eyes.Check("Example 10b", Target.Region(By.Id("greeting")) .Ignore(bylist) .Ignore(ignoreArea) ); eyes.Check("Example 10c", Target.Region(By.Id("greeting")) .Ignore(By.CssSelector("[volatile]")) .Ignore(ignoreArea) ); //%%%% stop ex10 //%%%% start ex11 int offset = 10; int upwards = 5, downwards = 12, toTheLeft = 20, toTheRight = 20; Rectangle region1 = new Rectangle(10, 20, 50, 15); Rectangle region2 = new Rectangle(10, 50, 100, 200); Rectangle region3 = new Rectangle(upwards, 50, 100, 200); Rectangle[] regionList = { region1, region2, region3 }; eyes.Check("Example 11a", Target.Window() .Floating(region1, upwards, downwards, toTheLeft, toTheRight) .Floating(region2, upwards, downwards, toTheLeft, toTheRight) .Floating(region3, upwards, downwards, toTheLeft, toTheRight) ); eyes.Check("Example 11b", Target.Window() .Floating(offset, regionList) ); eyes.Check("Example 11c", Target.Window() .Floating(offset, region1, region2, region3) ); //%%%% stop ex11 //%%%% start ex12 IWebElement username = driver.FindElement(By.Id("userid")); username.SendKeys("JDoe"); IWebElement password = driver.FindElement(By.Id("password")); password.SendKeys("myPassword!"); eyes.Check("Example 12a", Target.Region(By.Id("loginform")) .Layout(username, password) .Strict(By.Id("instructions")) .MatchLevel(Applitools.MatchLevel.Content) /* define a strict match level for the entire target */ ); //%%%% stop ex12 eyes.Close(false); } finally { eyes.AbortIfNotClosed(); innerDriver.Quit(); } }
public void TestJustEat() { VisualGridRunner runner = new VisualGridRunner(10); IWebDriver driver = SeleniumUtils.CreateChromeDriver(); Eyes eyes = InitEyesWithLogger(runner, verbose: true, writeResources: true); //ConfigureSingleBrowser(eyes); ConfigureMultipleBrowsers(eyes); OpenEyes(driver, "", eyes, 1000, 700); try { //Close the cookie notification footer driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@data-test-id='cookieBanner-close-button']")).Click(); IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver; //Driver for Uber ad shows randomly. Remove this element so it doesn't affect our tests //IWebElement uberContainer = _driver.FindElementByClassName("ex1140 l-container"); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); //IWebElement element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementExists(By.CssSelector("div.ex1140.l-container"))); js.ExecuteScript("var e = document.querySelector('div.ex1140.l-container'); if (e) e.hidden = true;"); eyes.CheckWindow("Homepage"); eyes.CheckWindow("another test"); //Search by Postal Code driver.FindElement(By.Name("postcode")).SendKeys("EC4M7RA"); driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//button[@data-test-id='find-restaurants-button']")).Click(); //Deal with time of day issues -- Sometimes it asks if you want take away driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("closeButton")).Click(); //Narrow the search to just first in the list (helps when running before the restaurant is open wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable(By.CssSelector("div.c-searchFilterSection-filterList span:nth-child(1)"))).Click(); wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable(By.CssSelector("div[data-test-id=searchresults] section:nth-child(1)"))).Click(); //Open the Show More link IList <IWebElement> showMoreLink = driver.FindElements(By.Id("showMoreText")); if (showMoreLink.Count > 0) { Actions actions = new Actions(driver); actions.MoveToElement(showMoreLink[0]).Click().Perform(); } eyes.CheckWindow(); eyes.CheckRegion(By.ClassName("menuDescription"), "Menu Description"); //eyes.ForceFullPageScreenshot = false; //Check the top Food Allergy link driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[@id='basket']//button[contains(text(), 'If you or someone')]")).Click(); eyes.CheckWindow("last"); eyes.CheckRegion(By.XPath("//div[@data-ft='allergenModalDefault']"), "Food Allergy - Top", false); driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//button[text()='Close']")).Click(); //Scroll to the bottom of the page to check the second Food Allergy link js.ExecuteScript("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)"); //retryingFindClick(By.XPath("//div[@id='menu']//button[contains(text(), 'If you or someone')]")); //eyes.CheckElement(By.XPath("//div[@data-ft='allergenModalDefault']"), "Food Allergy - Bottom"); //eyes.CheckRegion(By.XPath("//div[@data-ft='allergenModalDefault']"), "Food Allergy - Bottom", false); //eyes.CheckWindow("Food Allergy - Bottom"); //driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//button[text()='Close']")).Click();/**/ eyes.CloseAsync(); runner.GetAllTestResults(); } finally { eyes.Abort(); driver.Quit(); } }