/// <summary>
        /// Gets the two portions of a closed contour corresponding to the part where the u-parameter is monotonic increasing and where it is monotonic decreasing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contourPoints">The set of points belonging to the contour. </param>
        /// <param name="increasingChunk">The <see cref="ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk"/> with increasing u-parameters. </param>
        /// <param name="decreasingChunk">The <see cref="ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk"/> with decreasing u-parameters. </param>
        /// <returns> True if the two monotonic chunks were found; False if the contour points didn't consist of exactly two monotonic (in u-parameter) portions, one increasing and the other decreasing. </returns>
        internal static bool GetExtrudedContourMonotonicChunks(IList <Vector2WithUV> contourPoints, out ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk increasingChunk, out ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk decreasingChunk)
            increasingChunk = null;
            decreasingChunk = null;
            bool gotChunks = false;

            int   minUIndex = -1, maxUIndex = -1;
            float minU = float.PositiveInfinity, maxU = float.NegativeInfinity;

            bool isPeriodic = contourPoints[0].Equals(contourPoints[contourPoints.Count - 1]);
            int  numPoints  = isPeriodic ? contourPoints.Count - 1 : contourPoints.Count;

            if (numPoints > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                    var point = contourPoints[i];
                    var u     = point.UV.x;
                    if (u < minU)
                        minU      = u;
                        minUIndex = i;
                    if (u > maxU)
                        maxU      = u;
                        maxUIndex = i;

                Vector2WithUV        previousPoint    = contourPoints[minUIndex];
                List <Vector2WithUV> increasingPoints = new List <Vector2WithUV>()
                int  maxIndexShifted   = maxUIndex < minUIndex ? maxUIndex + numPoints : maxUIndex;
                bool correctUDirection = true;
                for (int increasingIndex = minUIndex + 1; increasingIndex <= maxIndexShifted; increasingIndex++)
                    var point = contourPoints[increasingIndex % numPoints];
                    if (point.UV.x >= previousPoint.UV.x)
                        correctUDirection = false;
                if (correctUDirection)
                    increasingChunk = new ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk(increasingPoints, minU, maxU, isReversed: false);

                int minIndexShifted = minUIndex < maxUIndex ? minUIndex + numPoints : minUIndex;
                previousPoint = contourPoints[minIndexShifted % numPoints];
                List <Vector2WithUV> decreasingPoints = new List <Vector2WithUV>()
                correctUDirection = true;
                for (int decreasingIndex = minIndexShifted - 1; decreasingIndex >= maxUIndex; decreasingIndex--)
                    var point = contourPoints[decreasingIndex % numPoints];
                    if (point.UV.x >= previousPoint.UV.x)//Since we're going through decreasing points in reverse order
                        correctUDirection = false;
                if (correctUDirection)
                    decreasingChunk = new ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk(decreasingPoints, minU, maxU, isReversed: true);

                gotChunks = increasingChunk != null && decreasingChunk != null && increasingChunk.Points.Count >= 1 && decreasingChunk.Points.Count >= 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// For a contour consisting of one portion monotonically increasing in u-parameter and the other monotonically decreasing, return the <see cref="SingleContourSegmentwiseCoverage"/>
        /// where there are matching points (at the same u-parameter) on both the increasing and decreasing portions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monotonicIncreasingChunk">Portion of contour with monotonically increasing u-parameters</param>
        /// <param name="monotonicDecreasingChunk">Portion of contour with monotonically decreasing u-parameters</param>
        internal static SingleContourSegmentwiseCoverage GetSingleContourSegmentwiseCoverage(ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk monotonicIncreasingChunk, ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk monotonicDecreasingChunk)
            List <UParameterIndexAndMonotonicity> allContourPointUParameters = new List <UParameterIndexAndMonotonicity>();
            List <Vector2WithUV> monotonicIncreasingPoints = monotonicIncreasingChunk.Points;
            List <Vector2WithUV> monotonicDecreasingPoints = monotonicDecreasingChunk.Points;

            //Skip the last point in each chunk so as to not double-count the 'endpoints' of min/max u-parameter
            for (int i = 0; i < monotonicIncreasingPoints.Count - 1; i++)
                allContourPointUParameters.Add(new UParameterIndexAndMonotonicity(monotonicIncreasingPoints[i].UV.x, i, true));
            for (int i = 1; i < monotonicDecreasingPoints.Count; i++)
                allContourPointUParameters.Add(new UParameterIndexAndMonotonicity(monotonicDecreasingPoints[i].UV.x, i, false));

            allContourPointUParameters.RemoveAt(allContourPointUParameters.Count - 1);
            int numInBetweenUParameters = allContourPointUParameters.Count;

            var firstPoint = monotonicIncreasingPoints[0];
            var lastPoint  = monotonicDecreasingPoints[monotonicDecreasingPoints.Count - 1];
            List <Vector2WithUV> increasingChunkPoints = new List <Vector2WithUV>();
            List <Vector2WithUV> decreasingChunkPoints = new List <Vector2WithUV>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numInBetweenUParameters; i++)
                UParameterIndexAndMonotonicity uParameterIndexAndMonotonicity = allContourPointUParameters[i];
                ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk  givenMonotonicChunk            = uParameterIndexAndMonotonicity.IsMonotonicIncreasing ? monotonicIncreasingChunk : monotonicDecreasingChunk;
                ExtrudedContourMonotonicChunk  otherMonotonicChunk            = uParameterIndexAndMonotonicity.IsMonotonicIncreasing ? monotonicDecreasingChunk : monotonicIncreasingChunk;
                Vector2WithUV givenMonotonicChunkPoint = givenMonotonicChunk.Points[uParameterIndexAndMonotonicity.Index];
                Vector2WithUV matchingMonotonicChunkPoint;
                bool          gotMatchingPoint = otherMonotonicChunk.GetClosestPoint(uParameterIndexAndMonotonicity.UParameter, out matchingMonotonicChunkPoint);
                if (gotMatchingPoint)
                    var increasingPoint = uParameterIndexAndMonotonicity.IsMonotonicIncreasing ? givenMonotonicChunkPoint : matchingMonotonicChunkPoint;
                    var decreasingPoint = uParameterIndexAndMonotonicity.IsMonotonicIncreasing ? matchingMonotonicChunkPoint : givenMonotonicChunkPoint;

            //Now remove connected segments pairs that are effectively duplicates of a neighbouring segment
            for (int i = increasingChunkPoints.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                var increasingPoint     = increasingChunkPoints[i];
                var decreasingPoint     = increasingChunkPoints[i];
                var prevIncreasingPoint = increasingChunkPoints[i - 1];
                var prevDecreasingPoint = increasingChunkPoints[i - 1];

                bool increasingAreClose = ConnectedSegmentPointsAreClose(prevIncreasingPoint, increasingPoint);
                bool decreasingAreClose = ConnectedSegmentPointsAreClose(prevDecreasingPoint, decreasingPoint);
                if (increasingAreClose && decreasingAreClose)

            return(new SingleContourSegmentwiseCoverage(firstPoint, lastPoint, increasingChunkPoints, decreasingChunkPoints));