public NetworkPeerServerTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
     this.testOutput            = output;
     this.extendedLoggerFactory = ExtendedLoggerFactory.Create();
 public ConsensusManagerBehaviorTestsHelper()
     this.loggerFactory = ExtendedLoggerFactory.Create();
            public async Task InitializeAsync()
                this.blockinfo = new List <Blockinfo>();
                List <long> lst = blockinfoarr.Cast <long>().ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i += 2)
                    this.blockinfo.Add(new Blockinfo {
                        extranonce = (int)lst[i], nonce = (uint)lst[i + 1]

                // Note that by default, these tests run with size accounting enabled.
       = KnownNetworks.RegTest;
                byte[] hex = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f");
                this.scriptPubKey = new Script(new[] { Op.GetPushOp(hex), OpcodeType.OP_CHECKSIG });

                this.entry        = new TestMemPoolEntryHelper();
                this.ChainIndexer = new ChainIndexer(;
       = new ConsensusOptions();

                IDateTimeProvider dateTimeProvider = DateTimeProvider.Default;

                var loggerFactory = ExtendedLoggerFactory.Create();

                var nodeSettings      = new NodeSettings(, args: new string[] { "-checkpoints" });
                var consensusSettings = new ConsensusSettings(nodeSettings);

                var inMemoryCoinView = new InMemoryCoinView(new HashHeightPair(this.ChainIndexer.Tip));
                var nodeStats        = new NodeStats(dateTimeProvider, loggerFactory);

                this.cachedCoinView = new CachedCoinView(, new Checkpoints(), inMemoryCoinView, dateTimeProvider, new LoggerFactory(), nodeStats, consensusSettings);

                var signals       = new Signals.Signals(loggerFactory, null);
                var asyncProvider = new AsyncProvider(loggerFactory, signals, new NodeLifetime());

                var deployments = new NodeDeployments(, this.ChainIndexer);

                var genesis =;

                var chainState = new ChainState()
                    BlockStoreTip = new ChainedHeader(genesis.Header, genesis.GetHash(), 0)

                var consensusRulesContainer = new ConsensusRulesContainer();

                foreach (var ruleType in
                    consensusRulesContainer.HeaderValidationRules.Add(Activator.CreateInstance(ruleType) as HeaderValidationConsensusRule);
                foreach (var ruleType in
                    FullValidationConsensusRule rule = null;
                    if (ruleType == typeof(FlushUtxosetRule))
                        rule = new FlushUtxosetRule(new Mock <IInitialBlockDownloadState>().Object);
                        rule = Activator.CreateInstance(ruleType) as FullValidationConsensusRule;


                this.ConsensusRules = new PowConsensusRuleEngine(, loggerFactory, dateTimeProvider, this.ChainIndexer, deployments, consensusSettings,
                                                                 new Checkpoints(), this.cachedCoinView, chainState, new InvalidBlockHashStore(dateTimeProvider), nodeStats, asyncProvider, consensusRulesContainer).SetupRulesEngineParent();

                this.consensus = ConsensusManagerHelper.CreateConsensusManager(, chainState: chainState, inMemoryCoinView: inMemoryCoinView, chainIndexer: this.ChainIndexer, consensusRules: this.ConsensusRules);

                await this.consensus.InitializeAsync(chainState.BlockStoreTip);


                var dateTimeProviderSet = new DateTimeProviderSet
                    time    = dateTimeProvider.GetTime(),
                    timeutc = dateTimeProvider.GetUtcNow()

                this.DateTimeProvider = dateTimeProviderSet;
                this.mempool          = new TxMempool(dateTimeProvider, new BlockPolicyEstimator(new MempoolSettings(nodeSettings), loggerFactory, nodeSettings), loggerFactory, nodeSettings);
                this.mempoolLock      = new MempoolSchedulerLock();

                // We can't make transactions until we have inputs
                // Therefore, load 100 blocks :)
                this.baseheight = 0;
                var blocks = new List <Block>();

                this.txFirst = new List <Transaction>();

                this.nonce = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < this.blockinfo.Count; ++i)
                    Block block =;
                    block.Header.HashPrevBlock = this.consensus.Tip.HashBlock;
                    block.Header.Version       = 1;
                    block.Header.Time          = Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(this.ChainIndexer.Tip.GetMedianTimePast()) + 1;

                    Transaction txCoinbase =;
                    txCoinbase.Version = 1;
                    txCoinbase.AddInput(new TxIn(new Script(new[] { Op.GetPushOp(this.blockinfo[i].extranonce), Op.GetPushOp(this.ChainIndexer.Height) })));
                    // Ignore the (optional) segwit commitment added by CreateNewBlock (as the hardcoded nonces don't account for this)
                    txCoinbase.AddOutput(new TxOut(Money.Zero, new Script()));

                    if (this.txFirst.Count == 0)
                        this.baseheight = this.ChainIndexer.Height;

                    if (this.txFirst.Count < 4)

                    block.Header.Bits = block.Header.GetWorkRequired(, this.ChainIndexer.Tip);


                    while (!block.CheckProofOfWork())
                        block.Header.Nonce = ++this.nonce;

                    // Serialization sets the BlockSize property.
                    block = Block.Load(block.ToBytes(),;

                    var res = await this.consensus.BlockMinedAsync(block);

                    if (res == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();


                // Just to make sure we can still make simple blocks
                this.newBlock = AssemblerForTest(this).Build(this.ChainIndexer.Tip, this.scriptPubKey);
 public PeerSelectorTests()
     this.extendedLoggerFactory     = ExtendedLoggerFactory.Create();
     this.connectionManagerSettings = new ConnectionManagerSettings(NodeSettings.Default(new StratisRegTest()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network">The network the node runs on - regtest/testnet/mainnet.</param>
        /// <param name="protocolVersion">Supported protocol version for which to create the configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="agent">The nodes user agent that will be shared with peers.</param>
        /// <param name="args">The command-line arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="networksSelector">A selector class that delayed load a network for either - regtest/testnet/mainnet.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ConfigurationException">Thrown in case of any problems with the configuration file or command line arguments.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Processing depends on whether a configuration file is passed via the command line.
        /// There are two main scenarios here:
        /// - The configuration file is passed via the command line. In this case we need
        ///   to read it earlier so that it can provide defaults for "testnet" and "regtest".
        /// - Alternatively, if the file name is not supplied then a network-specific file
        ///   name would be determined. In this case we first need to determine the network.
        /// </remarks>
        public NodeSettings(Network network = null, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion = SupportedProtocolVersion,
                            string agent    = "Blockcore", string[] args = null, NetworksSelector networksSelector = null)
            // Create the default logger factory and logger.
            var loggerFactory = ExtendedLoggerFactory.Create();

            this.Logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(typeof(NodeSettings).FullName);

            // Record arguments.
            this.Network         = network;
            this.ProtocolVersion = protocolVersion;
            this.Agent           = agent;
            this.ConfigReader    = new TextFileConfiguration(args ?? new string[] { });

            // Log arguments.
            this.Logger.LogDebug("Arguments: network='{0}', protocolVersion='{1}', agent='{2}', args='{3}'.",
                                 this.Network == null ? "(None)" : this.Network.Name,
                                 args == null ? "(None)" : string.Join(" ", args));

            // By default, we look for a file named '<network>.conf' in the network's data directory,
            // but both the data directory and the configuration file path may be changed using the -datadir and -conf command-line arguments.
            this.ConfigurationFile = this.ConfigReader.GetOrDefault <string>("conf", null, this.Logger)?.NormalizeDirectorySeparator();
            this.DataDir           = this.ConfigReader.GetOrDefault <string>("datadir", null, this.Logger)?.NormalizeDirectorySeparator();
            this.DataDirRoot       = this.ConfigReader.GetOrDefault <string>("datadirroot", "Blockcore", this.Logger);

            // If the configuration file is relative then assume it is relative to the data folder and combine the paths.
            if (this.DataDir != null && this.ConfigurationFile != null)
                bool isRelativePath = Path.GetFullPath(this.ConfigurationFile).Length > this.ConfigurationFile.Length;
                if (isRelativePath)
                    this.ConfigurationFile = Path.Combine(this.DataDir, this.ConfigurationFile);

            // If the configuration file has been specified on the command line then read it now
            // so that it can provide the defaults for testnet and regtest.
            if (this.ConfigurationFile != null)
                // If the configuration file was specified on the command line then it must exist.
                if (!File.Exists(this.ConfigurationFile))
                    throw new ConfigurationException($"Configuration file does not exist at {this.ConfigurationFile}.");

                // Sets the ConfigReader based on the arguments and the configuration file if it exists.

            // If the network is not known then derive it from the command line arguments.
            if (this.Network == null)
                if (networksSelector == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Network or NetworkSelector not provided.");

                // Find out if we need to run on testnet or regtest from the config file.
                bool testNet = this.ConfigReader.GetOrDefault <bool>("testnet", false, this.Logger);
                bool regTest = this.ConfigReader.GetOrDefault <bool>("regtest", false, this.Logger);

                if (testNet && regTest)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid combination of regtest and testnet.");

                this.Network = testNet ? networksSelector.Testnet() : regTest?networksSelector.Regtest() : networksSelector.Mainnet();

                this.Logger.LogDebug("Network set to '{0}'.", this.Network.Name);

            // Ensure the network being used is registered and we have the correct Network object reference.
            this.Network = NetworkRegistration.Register(this.Network);

            // Set the full data directory path.
            if (this.DataDir == null)
                // Create the data directories if they don't exist.
                this.DataDir = this.CreateDefaultDataDirectories(Path.Combine(this.DataDirRoot, this.Network.RootFolderName), this.Network);
                // Combine the data directory with the network's root folder and name.
                string directoryPath = Path.Combine(this.DataDir, this.Network.RootFolderName, this.Network.Name);
                this.DataDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath).FullName;
                this.Logger.LogDebug("Data directory initialized with path {0}.", this.DataDir);

            // Set the data folder.
            this.DataFolder = new DataFolder(this.DataDir);

            // Attempt to load NLog configuration from the DataFolder.
            this.Log = new LogSettings();
            this.LoggerFactory = ExtendedLoggerFactory.Create(this.Log);
            this.Logger = this.LoggerFactory.CreateLogger(typeof(NodeSettings).FullName);

            // Get the configuration file name for the network if it was not specified on the command line.
            if (this.ConfigurationFile == null)
                this.ConfigurationFile = Path.Combine(this.DataDir, this.Network.DefaultConfigFilename);
                this.Logger.LogDebug("Configuration file set to '{0}'.", this.ConfigurationFile);

                if (File.Exists(this.ConfigurationFile))

            this.EnableSignalR = this.ConfigReader.GetOrDefault <bool>("enableSignalR", false, this.Logger);

            // Create the custom logger factory.
            this.LoggerFactory.AddFilters(this.Log, this.DataFolder);

            // Load the configuration.
 public ContractTransferProcessorTests()
     this.loggerFactory     = ExtendedLoggerFactory.Create();           = new SmartContractsRegTest();
     this.transferProcessor = new ContractTransferProcessor(this.loggerFactory,;